The Ex Factor

My Amajjing In-Laws


TaeNy Residence: 2nd floor: Seohyun’s Room

Yoona was never the jealous type…at least she didn’t think she was until now. Seohyun never really flirted with anyone for her to have to feel jealousy. And it was a good thing since Yoona felt like crap right about now.

Although Seohyun already hid the pictures from Yoona, the image of Seohyun with another man still burned brightly in her memory. Suddenly, Yoona felt over possessive, jealous and slightly upset.

Many people have pursued Seohyun, however she never showed their mutual interest so Yoona never worried (she doesn’t think Seohyun could even discern their blatant advances from regular friendliness…cmon, it’s Seohyun; she couldn’t even pick up her girlfriend’s own obvious advances.)

As far as she could tell, Seo wasn’t interested even in Yoona when they first met as well. She knew it took a LOT of work to become her friend, and even more to become her significant other. Seohyun preferred a handful of friends over many; it explained why she didn’t have a lot of friends as most were not willing to put in the extra mile knowing just how stubborn Seohyun can be.

So how did he persuade her to go out with him? How long did they go out? Just how close were (or are) they? Where is he now? Why did they break up? Was he good to her? Or perhaps he was the reason why Seohyun didn’t care much about love?

She wanted to ask Seohyun all of these questions but Yoona kept quiet, not trusting her possible reactions. The very thought of Seohyun not being her first relationship riled her up more than she wanted it too but Yoona kept her composure (or tried at least) despite having a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought.


Yoona had a blank expression on her face. It made Seohyun very uneasy. She knew Yoona was feeling a mixture of emotions, jealousy probably being the most dominant. She would be jealous too if she found out Yoona had an ex. But this was Yoona---her choding Yoong; seldom did this girl get seriously upset over matters, both trivial and complex. Although she knew of Yoona’s childish possessiveness, Seohyun couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable since her feelings were now justified.

Seohyun nervously watched her girlfriend in her peripherals, too afraid to look her in the eye.

She dreaded this moment…when she had to tell her about him.

To her surprise, Yoona suddenly turned her back away from Seohyun and attempted to walk away but not before the latter halted her with a tug on her arm.


“Yah Seohyun, let go”, Yoona said in an icy tone not much different from Jessica’s as she shrugged Seohyun’s grip loose.

Seohyun let go, slightly surprised by her cold tone.

It seemed her girlfriend’s easy surrender further added oil to the growing fire and instead of walking away, Yoona briskly turned to Seohyun.

“You never even told me about this guy”

“It was a long time ago”, Seohyun timidly defended while she unconsciously twiddled with her fingers nervously, the heels she was supposed to pack now forgotten in her hands.

“How long ago exactly?”

Seohyun squirmed in place. Yoona’s attitude seemed haughty at the moment…it wouldn’t have helped assuage the situation if she had told her the truth.

“It’s all in the past…”

“Yeah, whatever”

Yoona walked away from Seohyun a second time, leaving the latter in a confused state; Seo had never seen her act quite like that. Was she being too insensitive? Still, she couldn’t help but feel a little retaliatory towards the childish move.

She decided to let Yoona cool off; Seohyun needed it too. She shook her head then resumed her packing, wondering where to put the heels in her hands until she heard soft but audible choking noises coming from the other side of the room.

Seohyun gave a quick side glance over to Yoona, whose back was turned to her as she sat on the edge of her bed. From where she stood, Seohyun could see Yoona’s shoulder shaking.

OMG is Yoona…crying??? 

What irritation Seohyun felt just a couple minutes ago dissipated, only to be replaced by overwhelming guilt at the sight of a possible sobbing girlfriend.
She hesitantly walked over to Yoona whose face was hidden by her bright orangey hair and stood there beside her awkwardly as she didn’t know how to react or console her girlfriend. Seohyun gulped.

Should she put her arm around her…or should she just hug her…maybe even kiss her? ANYTHING!

Seohyun attempted numerous advances only to retract the last moments, afraid of rejection. In the end, Seohyun chose to give Yoona more distance.

She hesitantly poked her with a finger as if Yoona was some drying, washed-up fish on the shores of beaches.


Yoona just turned her face away and waved her hand carelessly, as if to shoo Seohyun away.

Seohyun tried to get Yoona to face her but the latter kept turning around, small sneezing-like noises escaping her lips while she did so; the girl was choking in her cries.

At the sight, Seohyun took the aggressive approach; she forced Yoona’s face to face hers.

“Yoongie, I---“

Seohyun couldn’t help but widen her eyes at the unexpected sight before her. Instead of crying, the girl was stifling a laugh…it was most likely the cause of the little noises she heard and the shoulder shaking from earlier.

“Y-yah, I’m mad here. Leave me alone”, Yoona tried to look serious and sound angry although Seohyun knew at that moment that her girlfriend had just fooled her again with one of her pranks.

Knowing she was uncovered, Yoona decided to drop the act.

“HAHAH, Just kidding. I’m not jealous! You should’ve seen your face!~” She put on an overly serious expression and blew air out of her nose in mock impersonation of an angry Seohyun before exploding into her alligator laugh.

Seohyun’s face darkened, causing Yoona to retreat a little as the former crossed her arms.

Seohyun was about as gullible as her bubbly mother, Tiffany. However, she also possessed Taeyeon’s serious and threatening demeanor.

Yoona’s laugh faded when she noticed Seohyun’s murderous glare. “Seo, it was only a joke”, Yoona laughed nervously as Seohyun advanced threateningly.

“Yah! P-put those heels away…”, Yoona stuttered as she eyed Seohyun holding the same cursed shoes that had assaulted her before. 

“I HATE YOU!” Seohyun released her fury on Yoona in a series hits, using the heels in her hands as her main choice of weapon—Seohyun’s heel assault round 2.

“OW~ stop hitting me~! I’ll cheat on you if you don’t stop!” Yoona exclaimed as she felt the familiar dull thumps to the head, hoping the threats her appa uses on her mom would work on her girlfriend as well.

Seohyun ceased her murder much to Yoona’s relief, thinking her threat was a success. However, it was counterproductive and only infuriated Seohyun.

“Go ahead! Then I wouldn’t have to deal with you or your stupid pranks!”. With a final hit on Yoona’s arm, Seohyun stomped away, blowing air out of her nose to release the pent up frustration…both of her own guilt and Yoona’s immaturity.

“I’m sorry Hyunnie. You’re just too funny to mess with.”

Seohyun just stayed silent.

It was then Yoona realized that it might not be her prank that has Seohyun upset; it was revelation of her ex. Was she too insensitive?

“Hyunnie. Seriously, it’s not a big deal...You’re not the only with an ex. I have exes too”, Yoona said, hoping to ease her girlfriend’s guilt.

Seohyun suddenly looks at her in a fierce, questioning manner.


Seohyun paused to make sure she heard it right: not only did Yoona have an ex, she had more than one. 

“…Exes? What exes…?”

“Huh? Oh...”

Yoona bit her lip. 

Did I really just say that to her?

After mentally face palming herself, Yoona laughed nervously. 

"Oh my…WELL, I smell horrible. I’m gonna shower!"

Before Seohyun can protest, Yoona dashed into the bathroom so fast, she almost tripped over the rugs.

She laughed awkwardly before closing the bathroom door in an unnaturally swift manner.

It was a good save, Yoona thought as she pressed her back against the door. Her actions up until the "crying" part was her real reactions; she was very much jealous. Yoona decided to cover it up as a prank after she saw Seohyun's guilt and realized just how immature she was acting. She'd prefer her girlfriend getting mad at her rather than have something eat away at her from the inside. But what Yoona feared most was suffocating Seohyun with her jealousy.

However, she had no right to be overprotective and jealous seeing that her dating history isn’t any better.



TaeNy Residence: 1st floor: Living Room

“YAH! I’m going cheat on you if you don’t stop hitting me”
“Go ahead! Then I wouldn’t have to deal with you and your stupid pranks!”

Both Tiffany and Taeyeon looked up at the stairs.

“Yah…are they fighting already?”

Taeyeon made a dash for the second floor only to be halted by Tiffany when she grabbed the back of her wife’s collar, slightly choking her.

“Taeyeon, get back in here!”

“Fany, let go! No one yells at my daughter like that!”, Taeyeon struggled free from her grip but to no avail.

“You need to mind your own business!”

“What!? Are you seriously letting this go? Your daughter is being verbally harassed in our own house!”

Tiffany could only shake her head at her overprotective wife. 

“I’m telling you…this girl will be unfaithful. I’m getting the ert vibe from her.”, Taeyeon said after giving up on escaping her wife’s strong grip.

“I guess people can tell their own kind apart”

“Yah, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“My point is: don’t judge people. First impressions are not always true…had that been the case, I wouldn’t be with you today…byuntae”, Tiffany whispered the last part of her sentence which Taeyeon failed to hear.

“Then what about my sister? My guess was right on the spot”

“True...well, just have faith ok?”

“And this girl is a bad influence on her! For one, they’re too different. Our Seo is going to be corrupted!” 

'Just being your daughter, Seohyun would have been long corrupted by you' 

A smile crept itself on Tiffany’s face.

“Opposites attract”

And she also noticed how Seohyun dropped her formalities around Yoona despite what they had always taught her. For years of learned behavior to be taken down in just a little over a year…it was truly something

“I don’t think you hear that argument upstairs. That's not attraction; that's repelling”, Taeyeon retorted.

Fighting was completely normal in a healthy relationship. But Tiffany understands what Taeyeon felt; even Tiffany was not used to hearing her daughter get angry so easily. Even being her mother, she hasn’t seen anyone with this much effect on her Seobaby’s normally calm demeanor. She knew it took a lot to get a rise out of her daughter.

Is it possible her daughter has finally fallen in love?

“What are you smiling at?! I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation”, Taeyeon interjected when she noticed her wife’s daydreaming smile.

“I don’t think you do either”, Tiffany said, her eyes still retaining their half-crescent moon shape; the same eyes she realized she loved many years ago. They were still the same. And it looked only at her.

Tiffany places a reassuring hand on her cheek, while Taeyeon fought the urge to smile back. Her pride wouldn’t let her. No, her wife was wrong…she had to protect Seohyun.

So Taeyeon squirmed under her touch, trying as hard as she could not to reciprocate…especially with other people around the house.

After years of marriage, Tiffany was already used to Taeyeon’s lack of PDA although it killed her when they began dating. Taeyeon always had a wall around her and with Tiffany being the touchy type, it tortured her, not being able to show her affection until they were alone.

But that was expected…

“And you know how I feel about cheating and players…”, Taeyeon trailed off.

Tiffany withdrew and could only sip her tea in silent approval.



YulSic Residence: Kitchen

“Sica, do we have anymore left overs?”, Yuri called out to Sica from the kitchen.

“I don’t know. Do we?~” Jessica slipped her hands around Yuri’s waist who was busy washing dishes in the sink.

“Sica, stop. The dishes are slipping~”

“Then let them slip”, she continued to pull on her, causing the plate Yuri was holding to drop, instantly shattering it upon impact.

“Yah, Sica! That was my favorite one! Stop screwing around”

“But I want to screw around…”

Yuri sighed and looked up at the ceiling in frustration.

“Just ignore her Yuri, it’s not her fault. She’s just really in the morning”, Yuri muttered as she tried to calm herself down before walking way at the insinuation, leaving Jessica slightly dumbfounded. 

Did Yuri just do that? Yuri rejected her? The audacity! Since when did Yuri do that!? She usually jumped at opportunities like this. The only period of time she always rejected Jessica was when she was pregnant with Yoona and was a total emotional basket case.


Is she pregnant?! No…Yuri would’ve told her.

Even if that were the case, the symptoms don’t show that fast…

Yuri had been acting weird ever since the Siwon incidence.

“Yes, there’s some steak left”, she heard Yuri say.

“Where are you going, Seobang?”, Jessica asked when she noticed Yuri putting on a light coat while she covertly shoved something in her pockets.


“Out? As in…? Out to the store, out of the closet, or out for some fresh air?” Sica said, irritated at her wife’s vague answer.

Yuri sighed again.

“I understand I’m the housewife here but that doesn’t mean you control my life. Can’t I go where I please without you checking up on me?”

Jessica winced at Yuri’s icytone. Seriously, what’s wrong with her? 

She was never this icy nor moody…

Was she still angry because she refused to have the child? Or perhaps because she paid more attention to Siwon than her…?

Yuri was definitely hiding something…

She could always tell.

“Fine. Do what you want then”, Jessica replied just as coldly before heading to the living room.

Once Jessica was out of earshot, Yuri breath a sigh of relief.

‘Whew that was close… D:’


Earlier that week…


Yuri picked up the broken flowers in her garden. She sighed. Someone's been stomping on her precious plants. She would’ve asked her wife to help her but she was currently upstairs, sleeping.

She always needed a little time to recover after their tiring sessions----especially after a personal demonstration proving just how godly Yuri’s abs were….ahehehehe

I want a baby boy~ Yuri whined. She wouldn’t be out here tending to a dirty garden if that were the case.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spots Siwon watering in his backyard, now out of the tacky speedo and into an opened shirt.

Yuri narrowed her eyes at the muscular man who seemed to show off his assets at every opportunity. It’s a good thing Jessica wasn’t here to see this.

Not being able to take it any longer, Yuri jumped the fence separating their backyards. 

“Siwon!”, Yuri yelled.

Siwon turned around, “Eh, what are you doing in here?”

“I need to talk to you”

“Alright. How may I help you then, Yuri?”, he said as he turned off the hose.

“I don’t like your public indecent exposures. My God, there are children and elderly people in the neighborhood! I mean, I’m not trying to show off but if I wanted to parade my amazing body around, I could always wear a two-piece every time I tended to my garden!”, Yuri babbled.

“So let me get this straight…you want me to stop showing off what I worked so hard to get?” Siwon raised an eyebrow.

“What’s the point of working out if we can’t show it? You work hard to attain that body too. You of all the people should know how I feel”, he asked rhetorically.

Indeed, didn’t she just show Sica her great body was? 

“But that’ll be some sight. You should do it”, Siwon added.

“Excuse me?”

“Wearing a two-piece while gardening”

Yuri was taken aback. 


“You know, I just noticed how toned your abs are. As a fellow person who likes to take care of myself, I must praise you for a job well done. It’s quite rare to see a female looking as toned as you”

“OH! You work out too?”, Yuri exclaimed excitedly, suddenly finding common ground with their neighbor.

“Well of course, look at these guns?”, he said as he rolled up his sleeves and flexed his arms. “ It’s not as if one can be born with such a hot bod although people assume it all the time” he winked.

“Very nice…”

Well…SIwon’s abs did look pretty good…so did his biceps. Yuri could only imagine how much effort and time goes into it.

“Wait…I came here to talk about my wife!”, Yuri said when she realized she was getting side tracked.

“What about her?”

“Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable with you around her especially when you’re half all the time” 

“Hmm. Fine, I’ll lay off her. I’ve had my eye on someone else, anyway” 

'THANK GOD', Yuri thought. 'Well that was easy…why didn’t I just do this in the first place?'

“So you don’t want me around your wife, correct?”

“Well, not necessarily…”, Yuri said, suddenly feeling as if she had just hurt her neighbor’s feelings. He wasn’t that bad after all. She never really took the time to get to know him.

I think I came a little too strong, Yuri thought. She didn’t want to be known as the neighbor’s overbearing, jealous wife.

“That’s okay. I can lay off your wife. I can’t say the same about you though”, Siwon said coyly as he advanced towards Yuri.

Suddenly getting what he meant, Yuri frantically retreated.

“Y-yah! Get away from me!”

Siwon just shrugs.

“You have a wandering eye too, Kwon Yuri. And don’t deny the fact that you have been ogling people since you married your wife…I see your eyes wandering a little too long on Mr. Lee during our homeowner’s association meetings.”

“Yah! That’s not true~!”

“I’d gamble to guess you haven’t been with a man for quite a while either. Being with a man is so unlike being with a woman…and I’m sure you already know that. After all, we’re the same, you and I. The only difference is, you chose to be chained down while I kept myself free.”

“H-how dare you! What do you take me for?! I-i love my wife!”, Yuri stuttered in disbelief.

Siwon just rolled his eyes.

“Ok so you love your wife; I’m not challenging that. I’m looking for something more…physical”

He continuously raised his eyebrows in insinuation, looking like a total creep. Noticing her reaction, Siwon added: “Or if not me, I’ve got a friend who might be interested. Just think about it, alright?”, he winked again before making his entry into his house and disappearing, leaving Yuri speechless.

Seconds later, Yuri’s capricious nature kicked in; her eyes glazed over at the sudden unexpected sight.

‘OMO! What a cutie~!’


Yuri went to the back yard and looked back to make sure Jessica wasn’t looking.


I’m sorry Sica. You can’t find out about him, she thought before jumping the fence separating the Yulsic backyard from Siwon’s backyard.

It was time to claim him.



TaeNy Residence: Seohyun’s room

Yoona stepped outside the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel aside from the undergarments she wore underneath. She was in such a rush to get away from Seohyun that she forgot to grab Taeyeon’s clothes.

“Seo, where did you put your appa’s clothes?”

Seohyun was still upset with Yoona.

“Yoong…are you blind? They’re righ---“ , she pointed at the clothes in front of her but trailed off when her eyes landed on Yoona.

She frantically peeled her eyes away from the barely clothe girl. Seohyun was trying really hard to focus on her business but the sudden fresh scent Yoona’s hair was exuding was overpowering.

Eh? What’s wrong with her? 

Disregarding it, Yoona reached over Seohyun to grab the clothes. She froze midway when she noticed something.

“Seohyun…I think something bit your ear” 


“It’s turning red”, she blew into Seo’s ears.

“Y-yah! Just go around me! You’re getting me wet! I-i meant, your hair! T-the water’s getting on my clothes!”

“Why? It’s easier if I just reach over”

“J-just hurry up then! I have things to do”

Okay…what a weirdo...

Yoona watched as Seohyun frantically fumbled through her clothes, not really organizing anything.

Finally realizing why Seohyun was acting the way she was, a smile crept itself across her face.

‘Ahehehehe’, Yoona laughed maniacally in her head.

“I’m not bothering you, am I?”, Yoona said with a hint of coy in her tone.

“I’m NOT bothered”, Seohyun half-yelled in frustration. Although it wasn’t obvious, Yoona knew Seohyun had a lot of pride.

Is that so? Let’s see how long she could hold onto that pride of hers…

“Say, Seo…I think I gained weight. Did I?! “, Yoona said, feigning worry. She removed her towel to show her her tummy but her girlfriend frantically turned away once again.

“Look seo! I think I’m growing flab!”

“It’s..I…A-ask me l-later!” Seohyun squealed.

Yoona internally snickered all the more at the thought of what Seohyun’s flustered face looked like right about now. Being a lawyer, she was well-versed in the techniques of perfect speech. Seohyun rarely stuttered although she now spoke with an unconquerable speech impediment as if she was a kindergartener trying to spellSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious during a spelling bee.

“ got bigger; and so did my brea-- umf!”

Seohyun threw the clothes in her face, muffling the last part of Yoona’s little remark.

“Just get changed and stop playing around! My parents are waiting downstairs”, she yelled and nagged, hoping it would get Yoona in something a little less revealing.

Yoona pouted but proceed to change into Taeyeon’s clothes while Seohyun surreptitiously fanned herself to cool her face down.

Seohyun is such a kill joy. At least she isn't mad at me anymore. And I can always play with her later...aheheheheh

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The amount of times i have come back to read this :')
Chapter 38: it hurts more than the story itself when you see that there's no next chapter button ugh.

but it's kind of a way to an ending anyways, at least they got back in the end. thank you.
alam1612 #3

Gimme your account number so I can get you to fix your hard drive!!! Nuuuuuuu
Chapter 38: I reread this story over and over again. I just take the last updated one as the FINAL chapter and I leave the rest to imagination. This is still the best YoonHyun story I've ever read and it definitely a loss that u wasn't able to finish. If somehow one magical day u manage to salvage the contents of ur hard disk, please update even if it's in rough draft cos I would love the closure. Thank u again for this magnificent story, author!
alam1612 #5
Would really appreciate your update... would even send money to you to get your harddisk fix!
Sorry faithful readers T-T i’m truly humbled by your kind words and loyalty. It’s only appropriate I feel overwhelming embarrassment that I never finished this; especially after discovering that readers are still waiting for an update.
The descent began when I took a long break from soshified due to school. I basically already wrote the ending but wanted to make the final chapter “perfect” that I just kept putting it off. The little time I had left didn’t help. Then my hard drive broke which contained all the files I had, including MAIL season 2, Burying the Hatchet, Etenal Promise, and more. The thought of starting over was too much so I waited and hoped Iid find the time and motivation to do it. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years.
I had a spark of inspiration a year ago so I attempted to log in soshified to see if people still remembered this story. Unfortunately, I lost access to that account. It wasn’t until a month ago that I realized I had this account as well. I’m so shocked and grateful to discover people are still interested. I’d hate to break your heart one more time, but a final chapter isn’t likely. I’ve forgotten most of the plot. Even if I reread my old chapters for clues, the way I write has changed. It would not be true to the tone of MAIL and I rather leave it unfinished than give you an unfit ending. Perhaps I’ll eventually have my hard drive fixed when I find the parts and have the funds $$$. But that isn’t likely. I moved on to other projects.
The good news is I still write, but I’m in a completely different fandom.

If any of you are interested in Overwatch or Korrasami, I post my works at

There might be hope salvaging my SSF account. I’ll post any update on my Twitter @YurisMAJuice

Thank you again for your support and despite its lack of closur, I hope my writing has brought you some joy and entertainment.

Until next time,
alam1612 #8
Chapter 38: Update....pls....
yulsic26 #9
Chapter 38: Where are you author??