
My Amajjing In-Laws

With mother and daughter attached by the hands, Yuri watched the two Jungs breeze through the stampeding herds of traveling businessmen and women as she struggled to catch up.

“Appa, hurry! You’re walking like grandma!”, Krystal briefly looks back to yell over the crowd.

Picking up the pace, Yuri maneuvers herself through the airport, trying to follow the same path as the two as they slowly disappeared amongst the mass.

Who would’ve thought the lethargic blonde could run so fast?! Yuri didn’t even think it was possible that her wife could walk at a pace faster than her usual Sunday stroll.

But here she is, speeding like a bullet, running faster than Yuri ever could.

Though Jessica certainly seems to have the innate ability to be fashionably late for every single event, the woman makes it a point never to rush as she liked taking her sweet time in everything she does. It’s almost as if she’s on cruise control, breezing through life at a steady pace simply enjoying the ride while Yuri waited promptly albeit patiently for her wife.

But for Yoona, Jessica had suddenly gone overdrive though not entirely catching her wife by surprise.
It was a rare occurrence, however, it has happened in the past before and it almost always pertained to their first born child.

Like that one time the elementary school called to tell them that Yoona had fallen off the swings and broken an arm or that time in high school where Yoona got in trouble for putting tacks on her teacher’s chair, Jessica had dropped everything on the spot to rescue her daughter.

Even before Yoona had been given a name, Jessica had always looked out for her, diving in head first without a thought just to protect her young.

Reminiscing back to when Yuri laid on a hospital bed in labor, paralyzed by the excruciating pain of child birth of which was incomparable even to this day, she remembered trying to stay strong for the sake of their unborn child as well as her own sanity amidst the anxiety and panic slowly swallowing her whole. But it seemed like a losing battle, especially as agony and dread alike grew worse as time passed.

Suddenly, almost as if sensing her fears, Jessica bursts through the doors, hair strewn about and utterly barefoot, having shed the heels she never liked to part with just so she can bolt full speed to the hospital.

She immediately ran to Yuri’s side; instantly providing comfort with her mere touch though Jessica knew there was little she could do besides support Yuri with her presence. But the gesture meant everything to the emotionally-induced wife. Yuri let go of everything then. She cried with an intensity she never thought herself capable of as every feeling she’s ever bottled up broke out with sudden vigor, finally unrestrained. But her tears were not shed out of pain as Jessica had always assumed since she only tightened her hold, but rather, out of relief and joy.

She wasn’t alone; and most importantly, Jessica had been there to witness for herself the birth of Kwon-Jung Yoona, Yuri’s first child---their firstborn.

And judging by the late delivery, they both joked that the stubborn baby would grow up to be quite the troublemaker in the future.

They were right.

Huffing and puffing, Yuri finally caught up to the two as they were ushered through the security lines.

“You two left me! You know I hate the airport!”

Outraged, Yuri begins setting her bags through the conveyor belt right behind her wife and daughter before following them through the metal detector.

To her dismay, the thing set off an annoyingly loud beep as soon as she went through.

Security signals her to step back out. Again, she tries though she still noisily alarmed.

“Oh, c’mon”, Yuri exasperatedly sighs, walking back out to pat her pockets for anything that may have caused the sound.

“It’s the studs in your leather jacket. Take it off”, the rather tall security man rudely commanded.

“I’m only wearing a tank top under this!”

As if she actually had the time to put on a decent airport outfit when Sica ran out the house.

But he only shook his head, noncomplying, “Take it off”

“You want me to strip here?!”

Noticing the hold up, Jessica comes back only to impatiently snatch her wife, but not without shooting a nasty look at the officer before proceeding to drag her to the other side in a rush much to the guard’s surprise while other security men panicked, whispering into their radios none too subtly, “Code red! Code red! Security breach!”

“Hey, you can’t just—!“, the tall man begins before another quick look from Jessica silences him.

“What did you say…?”, she inquires calmly though in that same dangerous tone she uses when Yuri’s eyes wander unconsciously to another woman—or worse, a man.

And having experienced it before, possibly from his own wife, the man immediately zips his lips wishing he could eat his previous words, well aware that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Wisely following his lead, the rest of the security team disperses like cockroaches at the sudden spark of fire.

“Cancel that code red…”, one man coughs nervously as he lets the three bypass the checkpoint without another word.

Even Yuri allowed herself to be dragged in silence, bowing apologetically while mouthing out a couple ‘I’m sorry’s’ to some security men as she knows first-hand how intimidating Jessica can be, especially at first-glance.

Hell, even after being married to her for a couple of decades, Yuri still found her intimidating especially when she transforms into HellSica over Yoona--the blonde mother’s equivalent of a Super Saiyan mode.

Jessica merely resumes her fast pace through the terminal like a boss, dragging a rolling bag on one hand while the other leads a whipped but secretly proud Seobang as a cheer loudly hoots in the background,

“Mom, you are so cool!”


Seohyun struggled to see past the excess waterfall that obstructed her view as the wipers frantically swiped back and forth across her windshield.

Occasionally swerving off the road at the lack of proper visual, she feels herself hydroplane when she slams the acceleration a little too hard of which can only be accredited to both lack of experience and impatience.

Turning on the tire traction control, she sighs heavier when she suddenly remembers that it was Yoona who had taught her how to drive in the rain.

…along with how never to drive with only one hand on the steering wheel nor talk on the phone while driving; basically everything Seohyun was doing at that very moment.

Pressing the phone to her ear, she anxiously waits for Yoona to pick up on the other end.

After a long string of rings, she finally hears Yoona answer, “Hello?”

“Yoona!”, Seohyun let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Where are you?!”

A pause…

Just long enough to let the feeling of guilt and the realization that Yoona could still be mad at her for the instinctive slap sink in.

“Listen, Yoona…I…I’m sorry—“, she almost whispered a shy apology which Yoona apparently didn’t hear.

“What did you say?”

“I-I’m sorry. The slap…I didn’t mean to—“, she repeated, a little louder now and with more confidence only to be cut off again.

“I still can’t hear you”

“I said I’m sorry!”, Seohyun bawled in desperation. If Yoona wanted to rub it in, Seohyun allowed the stinging of dry salt on her wounds to sink in. She deserves it.

”I’m sorry. About everything. The slap, my parents, Victoria, Nichkhun, Mr. Horvejkul and Sulli. Especially Yonghwa...”, Seohyun continued to spill when Yoona refused to answer.

“I know my whole family isn’t the easiest to get along with but I originally intended for this trip to make us closer, not drive us apart...And if you want, we can go home right now. We’ll be on the first plane out of here if you’d just tell me where you are. I just want to fix everything …if you’d let me…”


“Yoona…?”, Seohyun questioned hesitantly when Yoona stayed mum.

“Yoona, please talk to me…”

It took a couple of seconds before Yoona’s voice finally graced her ears, though seemingly careless.

“Okay”, Yoona said in a monotonic tone while Seohyun could only grimace.

For once, Seohyun was saddened by Yoona’s lack of response and emotions, especially at her heartfelt reply. Rarely did Seohyun spill her heart out and all Yoona could say was a one half-hearted word?

“Okay? That’s it? Are you okay? Are we okay?”, Seohyun inquired, utterly confused.

With Yoona still refusing to answer, Seohyun runs a hand through her hair in frustration, taking the time to add what might perhaps resolve this whole argument if not catalyze it.

“I love you, Yoona”

It wasn’t until the end that Yoona finally decided to end the torture, Seohyun's confession ultimately unreturned.

“I’m sorry…”, Yoona’s voice began.

Seohyun’s heart instantly fell at Yoona’s tone. Rather than sounding apologetic or conclusive, she sounded forbidding as if her following words would no doubt displease her; almost as if…Yoona was going to break up with her…

“Yoona…don’t you dare—“

“I’m sorry"

“You’re going to have to repeat everything you just said since I’m not here right now. Leave a message! LATER!”, Yoona’s suddenly cheerful voice rang out followed by a beep.


Seohyun blinked once…twice then looked down at the phone in her hands before realizing she had once again fallen into one of Yoona’s many choding spring traps.

An automated phone message? When did Yoona change it?

Either way, she got trolled. Hard.

“Damn it, Yoona!”, Seohyun cursed uncharacteristically out of frustration as she flipped her phone shut.
Despite being in a fight and despite her high quality education, Yoona still managed to prank her, making her feel utterly stupid.

Only Yoona.

Yoona was the only one who can make her feel so stupid; for falling for a juvenile trick and for doing something she should never have done.

So stupid, Seohyun, she berated herself. She should’ve known it was a prank. So so stupid. She should’ve known better than to slap her own girlfriend. Very stupid indeed.

Only Yoona can make her feel so frustrated, irresponsible, irritated, remorseful, and anxious all at the same time…

Only Yoona can make her feel like this.

Only Yoona.


“Sica, I’m worried…”, Yuri sighed beside her wife on the airplane as she gazed down at her phone in hand.

“My poor baby!”, Yuri dramatically cried.

“Don’t worry, we’re almost there. We’ll get to Yoona soon”, Jessica said.

“Yoona? I was talking about Minho. We just left him there!”, Yuri exclaimed worriedly; so worried in fact that she failed to see the millisecond glare from Jessica as she was too busy basking in her thoughts.

I should call Siwon and ask him to look after Minho…, Yuri thought. NO, I don’t trust that stripper. Then maybe Sooyoung? AH NO, she’s probably still mad at me for pretending to be her mistress in front of her girlfriend. Damn it, Yuri! Why did you have to do that at such a crucial time?! But either way, she’ll have to call one of them if she wants Minho taken care of. Alright, she’s willing to swallow her pride just this once for Minho.

So Siwon or Sooyoung?

Which is the lesser Choi of evil?

Before she could make up her mind, Jessica chooses the answer for her.

“Call Sooyoung. She should still be around the area”

“You call her; she’s your best friend”

“And it’s your ‘baby’”

Sighing, Yuri opted for just a text.

‘HEY BUDDY…’, Yuri began to type.

‘Listen, I need a quick favor. Mind looking after Minho and the house while we’re gone? The whole family went down to visit Yoona for an emergency. Don’t worry, she’s fine. But feel free to stay at the house : ) You’re the best!', Yuri sends it but not without adding the last line to up to the egotistical Shikshin.

Seconds later, Yuri received a text that caused even more distress.

“This is why you should’ve called her!”, Yuri freaked out at Jessica.

Jessica took the phone from her hands, curious as to what Sooyoung could’ve said that would cause her wife’s sudden anxiety attack.

“'Sure thing. BABE ; )'

--Shikshin Sooyoung”

“You see that? She called me BABE. She’s up to something! I’m nervous now. What if she cooks Minho for dinner?”

“Babe? My best friend and my wife are sending each other flirty text messages behind my back. Shouldn’t I be the one worried?”, Jessica deadpanned.


“It’s over! Everything is ruined!”

“Oh stop being so overdramatic. The storm will pass soon”, Hyoyeon put a stop to the cries of her niece, Victoria, with a dismissive wave as her would-be husband attempted to calm her down.

“Doesn’t look like it’s going to get better anytime soon”, Tiffany worriedly said, drawing the curtains back to inspect the dreary weather through a rain-splattered window.

“So will the wedding be canceled tomorrow?”, Sulli asked as she lay on the couch, repeatedly playing with Jinxy by throwing him up in the air while he flailed and hissed at the teenager’s playful affection.

“No, we’ll just have to do it indoors. But I’m hoping for a quick turnaround”, Tiffany optimistically replied.

“From this? Not likely”, Mr. Horvejkul said.

“Victoria honey, call your sister and tell her the rehearsal’s been canceled. She probably already feels bad for staying behind with Yonghwa and Yoona”, Tiffany pulled away from the window to tell her eldest daughter.

Tiffany mentally cued for Taeyeon to follow up with the usual cynical Yoona-related remark…but it never came, much to Tiffany’s surprise. What? Not even a snort of disapproval?

“Where’s Taeyeon?”, Tiffany questioned when she failed to see her wife around the living room with everyone.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her since the mailman dropped off a package”, Hyoyeon said.


“I thought I told you to refrain from calling my house? What if my wife answers it?! Or worse, my daughter? It’s too risky”, Taeyeon hissed in a whisper into the phone, looking around her personal white room in the basement, half expecting someone to walk in even though the chances of that were slim to none as the steel doors were bolted shut and nobody knew the secret pin.

“Then I’ll just meet up with you. Listen, if you want to see me so bad, I’ll drive out. Yes, I’ll head out even in this weather. Just stop; stop trying to get us caught. My wife will literally kill me if she finds out now”, she added.

“Alright I gotta go. They might hear me. If the weather permits it, we’ll meet at the same place tonight”, Taeyeon hangs up.

The ex-CIA agent now turns her attention to the black luggage laying on her desk right beside a polygraph machine.

Ignoring the tag that said ‘Property of Kwon-Jung Yoona’, Taeyeon easily picks the lock to open the bag.

Wary of the impulsive liar that Yoona seemed to be, Taeyeon decided there was no better way to find out the truth by rummaging through the young woman’s lost bag.

They always did say you can tell a lot about a woman judging by her purse; in this case, suitcase.

Hmm now to look for clues. Just what kind of person are you Yoona?

Taeyeon immediately spots a personalized mug and she almost let out an ugly snort at the cheesiness.

“'A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "Where mother is."' ~Keith L. Brooks

You’ll always be my home. Happy birthday omma. I love you.


Mama’s girl.

Rummaging through the bag like a well-trained ninja, Taeyeon extracted other items of interest with ease.

But what caught her attention was a box of housing a pair of handcuffs, courtesy of the visual label.

Huh. That’s random. What would a nurse be doing with police gear?

Now using her detective skills, Taeyeon spots a paper crumbled into a small ball nearby.

Reading it to herself, she struggles to keep up with the scatterbrained and insipid letter.

I don’t appreciate you not returning my calls. You know, I had to hear from omma and appa about your plans. Is this how you treat your little sister? Is it?! Is this how you’re going to be treating your children too?! Speaking of children: HERE! Just in case you want a little CHT action before the wedding day. Seeing that I am going to be your best man/maid of honor/whatever the hell you want me to be, I have plenty of ideas for your bachelorette party.

PS. You’re welcome. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to use it on your girlfriend behind her parents’ back. Doesn’t that make it more exciting?! BOM CHIKA WOMP WOMP!

And Taeyeon’s eye bulged at the last few sentences.

ersion runs in their family! And they collaborated to corrupt hers!

But Taeyeon soon discovered something a lot more scandalous than .

She fell silent the moment she saw it; tucked cleverly beneath Yoona’s clothes was a small box.

Taeyeon picked it up and even without opening it, she instantly knew what it was.



After the family dispersed and got lost in their own activities, the doorbell rang suddenly, with Hyoyeon immediately lowering the phone which had her husband on the other line.

With both Kim-Hwangs nowhere in sight, she immediately focuses her sights at the bored teenager playing with the hissing cat, Jinxy.

“Hey Sul, get the door will ya? That might be the mailman dropping off another package for your Aunt Tae”

The teenager groaned, then proceeded to use her best weapon.

Pouting in an awfully cute manner, Sulli whined.

“Aunt Hyo~ You’re closer~”

But Hyoyeon only shot a look of disgust and disapproval.

“Stop acting like your mother”

“Please aunt Hyo~”

“ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. JUST STOP IT WITH THE AEGYO. I don’t need it from you too!”, Hyoyeon surrenders, walking to the door to open it.

“I swear I’ll get charged for child abuse for accidently punching that kid”, Hyoyeon breathes out a complaint at her niece’s antics.

But her irritation quickly faded when she opened the door, the pouring rain almost masking the familiar face.

“Holy--what are you doing here? And the hell happened to you?!”


On the other side of the city…

Three figures step out of a newly landed plane in a hurry, shocking fellow passengers as they harshly albeit unintentionally bumped shoulders.

“Wait up, you two!”, a darker haired woman yelled after a scrambling blonde along with a younger girl attached closely beside her.

“OMG Yuri, hurry up!”, the blonde impatiently stopped to wait for her to rejoin the Jungs.
Once the last Kwon-Jung caught up, the youngest self-righteously raised a fist in the air, declaring,

“Alright, sis, the Kwon-Jungs are here to the rescue!”



God that was cheesy. So yes, that means we’re back in business. Bring on the cheese! I’m tired of all the angst!
So I was actually supposed to release this on Jessica’s bday bahah *LATE
YULSIC needs to shine! Especially before YulTi comes barging in :]

Officially off hiatus. We’re approaching our 1 year anniversary :D We’ve been together for that long ;A;?
I hope you’ve got something planned for me…because I definitely have something planned for you!
BRACE THYSELF. It’s about time we wrap this up >:]
Preparing to tie loose ends now :D
It’s been pretty consistent at how YULSIC time goes faster than TAENY time in terms of setting though it’s more aware now since we’re in a race to find Yoong. Where is she?!
This is quite the informative update though not a lot is really happening D: are your eyes wide open D:?

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The amount of times i have come back to read this :')
Chapter 38: it hurts more than the story itself when you see that there's no next chapter button ugh.

but it's kind of a way to an ending anyways, at least they got back in the end. thank you.
alam1612 #3

Gimme your account number so I can get you to fix your hard drive!!! Nuuuuuuu
Chapter 38: I reread this story over and over again. I just take the last updated one as the FINAL chapter and I leave the rest to imagination. This is still the best YoonHyun story I've ever read and it definitely a loss that u wasn't able to finish. If somehow one magical day u manage to salvage the contents of ur hard disk, please update even if it's in rough draft cos I would love the closure. Thank u again for this magnificent story, author!
alam1612 #5
Would really appreciate your update... would even send money to you to get your harddisk fix!
Sorry faithful readers T-T i’m truly humbled by your kind words and loyalty. It’s only appropriate I feel overwhelming embarrassment that I never finished this; especially after discovering that readers are still waiting for an update.
The descent began when I took a long break from soshified due to school. I basically already wrote the ending but wanted to make the final chapter “perfect” that I just kept putting it off. The little time I had left didn’t help. Then my hard drive broke which contained all the files I had, including MAIL season 2, Burying the Hatchet, Etenal Promise, and more. The thought of starting over was too much so I waited and hoped Iid find the time and motivation to do it. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years.
I had a spark of inspiration a year ago so I attempted to log in soshified to see if people still remembered this story. Unfortunately, I lost access to that account. It wasn’t until a month ago that I realized I had this account as well. I’m so shocked and grateful to discover people are still interested. I’d hate to break your heart one more time, but a final chapter isn’t likely. I’ve forgotten most of the plot. Even if I reread my old chapters for clues, the way I write has changed. It would not be true to the tone of MAIL and I rather leave it unfinished than give you an unfit ending. Perhaps I’ll eventually have my hard drive fixed when I find the parts and have the funds $$$. But that isn’t likely. I moved on to other projects.
The good news is I still write, but I’m in a completely different fandom.

If any of you are interested in Overwatch or Korrasami, I post my works at

There might be hope salvaging my SSF account. I’ll post any update on my Twitter @YurisMAJuice

Thank you again for your support and despite its lack of closur, I hope my writing has brought you some joy and entertainment.

Until next time,
alam1612 #8
Chapter 38: Update....pls....
yulsic26 #9
Chapter 38: Where are you author??