Bad YoonHyun!

My Amajjing In-Laws

“YOONA”, Seohyun hissed in panic, just loud enough to be heard pass the blaring sound of heavy rain banging against the windows when the doorknob started to twist open. Pumped by adrenaline, she successfully pushed her girlfriend away with a forearm using all her strength before ducking in the blanket’s safe coverage.

“We’re changing!”, Seohyun squealed louder than she intended although the door was already ajar with Yonghwa’s head peeking in the small opening.

“Oh I’m sor---!”, he began until he stopped midway at the sight of the two in bed quite contrary to what Seohyun had just announced.

He froze. With a brow slightly raised, he reflexively stared at the two questioningly.

“W-we were changing, I mean”, Seohyun stuttered, pulling the blanket closer to her and Yoona’s snuggled bodies. Fortunately, the blanket covered everything but their heads so it wasn’t such a farfetched idea that the two lovebirds were merely sleeping innocently…

…with barely any clothes on.

But that last part, he didn’t need to know.

Unfortunately, it was the worse lie she ever told and she knew for a fact that Yonghwa saw through it all. Just as Yoona could read her, Yonghwa could do it just as well—if not better; that had always been her favorite trait of his, after all having spent more than 5 years with the man.

Seohyun was never good at lying and the fact that she was practically underneath the covers glued to another woman just as bare didn’t do much to calm her nerves.

“I see…well your parents just wanted me to tell you guys to get ready”, Yonghwa started hesitantly as he detected the panic in Seohyun’s voice, his suspicions slowly seeping through.

“O-oh yeah?”, Seohyun piped, trying hard to keep her voice steady and calm as usual.

“Umm, yeah…we still have the wedding rehearsal to attend in the afternoon, remember? By the way, is she sleeping?”, Yonghwa asked as he eyed a bulging form stir under the blanket right beside Seohyun.

Seohyun was about to falsely confirm this for easy riddance until the woman in question interrupted her, Yoona finally freeing her head from underneath the confines of the blanket, her hair just as tousled as Seohyun’s.

“I’m awake”, Yoona feigned a yawn and to Seohyun’s horror, stretched her arms up, revealing her bare shoulders and arms, declaring to the world that she had no shirt on.

Taken aback by the sight and finally piecing two and two together, Yonghwa could only his head back in surprise and attempt to futilely blink his shock away.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Yoona hugged her body closer and nuzzled her face on the crook of Seohyun’s neck as the latter’s face became visibly redder when the sudden skin-on-skin contact made her realize just how they were lying in bed.

Seohyun tried to keep her hormonal girlfriend at bay with subtle hand swatting whenever she felt a hand slide lower than appropriate under the blanket.

Although pissed beyond belief with Yoona’s sudden PDA, Seohyun chose to stay calm and put up with the act especially in the presence of an audience although she was powerless to stop the deathly glares she involuntarily shot Yoona which the latter continued to ignore.

Noting the intimate moment, Yonghwa was about to leave until Yoona spoke up. “So how’s your nose?”, Yoona said with nonchalance, as if there was nothing to hide nor be apologetic about. And to her, that was exactly the case.

“It’s better, thank you. It’s just bruised; nothing to worry about…and how about you?”, he recovered and replied out of politeness although a hint of hesitance was still present.

“I’m better now that Seohyun is here for me”, Yoona said, emphasizing the last bits to Yonghwa as if to mark her territory.

“I see…”

The atmosphere in the room grew thick. Anybody could cut it with a knife if they wanted to. For a couple of seconds, silence fills the room, the whistling of the wind and the raging rain serving as a backdrop noise as the two Yongs locked glares. Even a 9-year-old could tell the two were engaged in a heated staring battle although their exchange of words remained somewhat normal and civil.

“Hyun, you two should get ready soon”, he said with a straight face, not a hint of his usual smile to be found as he exclusively directed the commanding suggestion to Seohyun.

Yonghwa had always been a patient and gentle man although he momentarily lost it against the antics of this incredibly immature woman. It wasn’t the minor but constant stabs of jealousy that Yoona deliberately inflicted on him that got under his skin but rather Yoona’s objectifying of Seohyun; she was dangling Seohyun in front of him like she was nothing more than a prop to be showcased.

How did Seohyun come to love---no, infatuate---such a callow child?

“I’m not feeling well. I’ll pass”, Yoona suddenly interjected, less than pleased with his ignoring her and the way he was talking to her girlfriend.

Sensing the uncharacteristic change in demeanor of both, Seohyun opened to interject but was cut off before she could even begin damage control.

“Alright then, Hyun, get ready; we have to go soon”, Yonghwa ordered.

Yoona furrowed her eyebrows.

Nobody spoke to Seohyun like that, not even her. Or maybe that was his way of marking his territory?

“She’ll get ready when she feels like getting ready”, Yoona fired back, just as commanding.

“Yoona…”, Seohyun stared at her in disbelief. Seldom did her usually friendly lover lash out so rudely.

And to make it worse, the normally passive Yonghwa wasn't backing down either.

“This is her sister’s wedding rehearsal. You might not know this about the Kim-Hwangs but family always comes first”

The insinuation was the physical equivalent to a slap on the face: Yoona wasn’t part of the family. How could she know?

That did it.

He could see the hurt on Yoona’s face along with the anger welling inside exponentially increase by the second.

“Yong, stop it”

Strong and firm--- so unlike her and that’s how Seohyun managed to direct the attention to herself, Yonghwa and Yoona now looking at her as she momentarily stopped the scene from turning into a Jerry Springer show title: My girlfriend doesn’t like my ex-boyfriend.

“But she---“

“But he---“

Both Yongs said it at the same time, stopping midway to briefly look at each other questioningly before finally turning back to Seohyun.

Which ‘Yong’ was she talking to?


And Yoona’s heart dropped when Seohyun uttered his name.

Just then, Yoona hated how much her feelings depended on Seohyun’s actions.

“Could you give me and Yoona a minute?”, Seohyun continued.

Yonghwa just stared back, unsure. Finally, he relented with a sigh, “It’s fine. I have to go back anyway. Just get ready and meet us downstairs”

“I’m not going. You guys go ahead”


“Tell them Yoona is sick and I’m staying to take care of her”

Yoona would’ve celebrated with a smug grin had it not been for Seohyun’s serious, almost angry expression.

Calm rage.

She’s in trouble.

“Your parents and your sister---“, Yonghwa began.

“Will understand”, Seohyun cut him off.


“Unbelievable”, Yonghwa muttered under his breath, shaking his head before walking away.

When the door closed, Seohyun turned to Yoona with a serious glare.

“What?”, Yoona shrugged defensively.

“What the hell has gotten into you?”

Surprised at Seohyun’s uncharacteristic cursing, Yoona stayed silent.

Hell. Yes, that’s where she’s headed.

Rarely did Seohyun curse but when she did it, you know it’s the end of life as you may know it; it may even be the first sign of the apocalypse.

Her words we’re like venom, seeping beneath the skin and corroding her from the inside.

“I didn’t like how he was talking to you”, Yoona flatly stated.

With that, Seohyun turns away and sits up, picking up her clothes from the floor and began redressing in aggravation.

“Well I’m sorry for wanting to defend my girlfriend”, Yoona spat sarcastically when Seohyun ignored her.

Seohyun briefly looks back to give her another quick glare before resuming her redressing in cold silence.

If there was anything she hated, it was being fought over and objectified; not to mention her girlfriend was the instigator---the cause---while Yonghwa was merely the effect. She knew it wasn’t about coming to her defense but rather the Yongs showing each other off at her expense.

Now fully clothe, Seohyun stood up.

“I seriously expected better of you”, Seohyun said, her tone full of disappointment. Being human, her patience and understanding can only take her so far and it didn’t help that Yoona acted like an immature child at the worse times.

But all the same, the guilt and shame hit Yoona akin to a sudden dousing of ice-cold water.

Seohyun began to walk away but Yoona immediately halted her with a firm grip on the wrist.

Seohyun glared down at Yoona, prying her hand away from her clutch. “What…”

Yoona looked away as she wasn’t used to this Seohyun; so intense, strong and so…angry.

Surely her senses were just weakened by her illness? Or perhaps it was amplified as she now noted the tiny details about her girlfriend that she never noticed before.

“I’m sorry alright?”, Yoona said with a forced sigh, downplaying her genuine apology in which Seohyun crossed her arms to.

As if Yoona had the leisure to act tough now…

The audacity.

She looked down with observing eyes as Yoona’s met hers. It reminded her of a sick and lost puppy who found the home that didn’t want it. Scared and dejected, it barks to masks the fear it feels in order to—

Yoona looked away.

She didn’t like that feeling…how Seohyun just looks into her eyes like that.

It made her feel vulnerable and —figuratively and literally.

Seohyun wanted to walk away but instead, she just stood there, rooted on the spot. She can feel her stance wavering at the mere sight of a solemn Yoona.

It was genuine apology despite the many layers of insincerity Yoona buried over it.

Seohyun sighs, patience returning.

Staying mad just seems too difficult. Was it possible to hate and love the things this woman makes her feel and do?

Yoona had acted out of love after all; misplaced and overbearing but it was love nonetheless. It was human. It was imperfection.

Akin to that of a shy little girl, Yoona tugged her down to sit on the edge of the bed, hugging her back warmly to seal the deal. Although she could feel Yoona’s scorching warmth through the blanket, she stayed.

“I’m sorry”, Yoona repeated, softer this time, in that tone Seohyun can never brush-off. And even though Seohyun’s back was turned, she could tell Yoona meant every word.

“Can we just forget about it?”

It was typical Yoona seeking escape from her problems.

Both unfortunately and fortunately, Seohyun was her polar opposite.

“Why didn’t you listen when I told you to stop?”

Seohyun needed to solve this problem now.

Yoona answers by sweeping Seohyun’s long hair to the front, kissing the back of her now exposed neck.

‘I just want you to love me’

“Yoona…that’s enough”, Seohyun tries to squirm out of her kisses and Yoona stops for a second to unwillingly obey.

To Yoona, it was a move of abandonment, after all; she was losing her.

Why was Seohyun rejecting her now? She was fine before Yonghwa came in…


As if tied to the name, possessive jealousy crept back like an unexpected tidal wave.

Like hell she’ll lose Seohyun to the guy.

Before she knew it, she had Seohyun pinned beneath, a look of shock apparent all over her girlfriend’s features.

“Yoona, what’re y--”

But she was silenced before she could voice her protest in full with a stolen kiss.

Contrary to the previous kiss, this one was rougher, needier and much more forceful.

It briefly took Seohyun back to the night before flying out to her parents’; when she was the one sick and Yoona was taking care of her.

Unknown to her, it was also the night of Yoona’s first proposal.


That night, Yoona had stolen a kiss from her too although this one didn’t take her breath away as much as that one.

Now, their breathing was erratic, never synchronizing as one in unity.

Their hands weren’t intertwined like pieces of a perfect puzzle; they were possessive as they held her head in place.

Her heart quickened in pace, not out of adoration but rather, anxiety.

Doubts piled up as the woman she loved continued her intrusive ministrations, her acts of rejection seemingly fueling Yoona to further continue.

This isn’t love.

More importantly, this isn’t Yoona.

With a rough shove, Seohyun pulled away a second time.

Seohyun stood up to glare at her girlfriend until she was greeted by a heart wrenching sight.

It wasn’t until she saw the hurt in Yoona’s eyes that she finally realized what she had done.

With delicate fingers, Yoona carefully traced the red mark in the form of a hand print on her cheek.

It stung but not nearly as much as her heart did.

Seohyun had just slapped her.



Yuri looked up at varying brands of cooling systems. After checking Sica’s beloved AC and deeming it broken-beyond-repair, Yuri came to the conclusion that buying her a new one would be for the better.

Not only will she come home to a happy wife, she’ll also come home to a happy daughter as she was well aware of the two’s weird fondness for Air Conditioners. By now, she was more than sure it was a Jung thing to hate hot and humid conditions, much to her obvious distaste since Yuri had always been the outdoor and active type.

It’s already hard enough to deal with a Jung let alone two. Yeah, where the hell is the other Kwon when she needs her? At least Yoona kept Krystal busy with her lame pranks.

Oh she can just hear her eldest retaliate; ‘Your pranks are outdated, old hag’ which translated in YoonYul language meant something along the lines of ‘I love you, appa’.

Yuri sighs. She misses Yoona.

Ever since Jessica’s maternal report concerning Yoona, there’s been a nagging feeling of uneasiness in the back of her mind…
Has Yoona proposed yet? Did she succeed with attaining her girlfriend’s parents’ permission? Or perhaps her girlfriend turned her down? There’s always that chance that she isn’t ready for commitment yet…

More importantly, is Yoona ready for such a big step in life?

Whatever the case may be, she needs to call Yoona to make sure she’s okay and for Yuri’s own peace of mind.

But for now, she had to deal with her other two girls at home.

So here she was with a cart, pushing the latest state-of-the-art Air Conditioner out of the store, complete with an automated cooling fan (yeah, Jessica would love that), a built-in strawberry-scented air freshener (Krystal would love that) and other hi-tech crap that made it too heavy for her or anyone else for that matter to be pushing around in an oversized cart with busted wheels.

After an exasperated sigh, Yuri tried to kick the wheels back into place only to feel the full impact of the stubborn metal on her big toe.

“!”, she yelped in pain, clutching a possibly broken toe.

Why didn’t she get this sh*t shipped?

Ah right…She wanted to surprise Sica herself.

…She better get one hell of a good cowboy hat time for all this trouble…

Hearing her anguished yell, an employee approached her.

“Let me help you with that”, he said as he immediately picked up the AC with ease, making his way to another cart, ones with wheels that actually spun.

“Ah thank you”, Yuri said through gritted teeth, still recovering from the sensations on her toe.

As the man put down the box, a familiar face greeted her.


Yuri ceased her one-legged hopping to get a better look at the young man: he had spiked jet black hair, and stood taller than average with a lean and slightly muscular build.

“Excuse me, do I know you?”

That face…

“It’s me, Taecyeon!”


“Who are you again?”

"Taecyeon? Yuri, you don't remember me?"

Now she was offended. Who is this guy to be calling her by her first name? How the hell does he even know that anyway?

"Do you mind not addressing me so informally; we're not close"

"We can work on that again"

Again? She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. That smug grin.

Then she sees him as he was when she last saw him.

Oh. Him.

If that unbearable ego wasn’t a sure give away, that smug grin definitely was.

“…You’ve changed a lot since I last saw you”, Yuri began, noting his new hairstyle, height and bulging muscles.

Really, it was a shame his manners didn't also go through a little polishing.

“Thanks, I’ve been working out. You know, carrying AC’s here and there for beautiful women. It got me laid one time”

Yuri nearly gagged with his last statement.

Oh dear God.

“A-alright. Well I’m out. It was great seeing you”, Yuri said in a rush as she power-walked to the front driver side of her car, fumbling through her keys.

“Oh wait!”, he called out.


“How’s Jessica?”

Yuri briefly turned around and replied out of politeness but settled for one worded answers as she continued trying to open the car door. Ignoring his first name referal to her wife, she answers.

“She’s fine”

"Oh good, you guys are still together!"

Offended, she stopped in her tracks, “Of course we’re still together!”

He merely smiled back as he successfully kept her from leaving.

"So how's Krystal?"


“And Yoona?”

“Even better”

“Okay, well, I’ll make sure to stop by from time to time. I’ve missed coming over to your house”

“Awesome”, Yuri deadpanned, itching to get home.

"By the way, I ran into Jessica at Starbucks just the other day and she said she wants to invite me over to dinner one of these days. I mean, I want to make sure that it's okay with you too"

"It's fine with me"

“Great! It’s been like what? One—no, two years?”

"Yeah, it seems. But hey, listen, it was nice running into you and all but I have to head home now. My wife's waiting for me"

"Ooohhh, I know what that means~ CHT!"

"Excuse me? CHT?"

"Cowboy hat time"

Yuri gasped.

"How do you know about that?!"

Taecyeon just winks and waves goodbye as he spots a particularly attractive woman having trouble loading a washing machine into her car.

"Let me help you with that!"


Yuri waved off the peculiar encounter with Taecyeon as she pulled up in her driveway. Covering the newly bought product with some random drapes she found in the garage, she hurriedly hid the bulk as she intended to surprise Jessica in the morning with a functioning AC.

But not yet.

CHT first aheheheh

Again, she's reminded about how Taecyeon would know such an intimate part of their life. But of course, she has an idea of how he knows.

'I can't believe she would share that kind of information with him'

Opening the front door to her house, Yuri pocketed the car keys before hanging her jacket on the nearby coat hanger. After taking off her boots, she immediately headed for Jessica's office, poking her head in a corner in hopes of catching a glimpse of her cranky wife.

Empty. Aside from some scattered papers from when Sica was busy looking for Yoona's MCAT scores.

"God, it's so hot in there!", Yuri hears Sica complain and she couldn't help but smile to herself.

Following Jessica's voice, Yuri makes her way outside towards the garden where she sees a silhouette.

Hiding behind a tussled bush, Yuri is rewarded with an ambiguous view of her feet. From here, she can see that she's hunched over the AC system, no doubt trying to fix it herself.


With speed and grace akin to that of a stealthy cat, Yuri jumps out of her hiding spot and throws herself at Jessica's back, hugging her warmly with open arms while her eyes reflexively shut in appreciation of ethreal moments like this.

And throughout the hug, she feels her sweaty back.


Wait a minute....

Did she not have a top on?

Oh good. She's getting ready for CHT.

But she smelled like...

"You smell like a dirty man; you should shower with me~", Yuri whispers in that husky tone she knows Jessica could never resist. She began nuzzling her face on her back, expecting to feel her face brush against Jessica's soft silky hair. To her disappointment, she feels no such thing.

Must be tied up, she thought. Not that she minds; Jessica looks ier dressed down anyway.

But her back feels harder than usual...

Hmm whatever.

Yuri's hands s up from her waist to her stomach. Wait...since when did Jessica have a 6-pack?

"Am I interrupting something?"

Yuri's eyes snapped open.

In front of her stood Jessica with arms crossed in all her silent fury.

Confused, she looked up at the body she had been clinging onto, mistaking it for her wife.

An all-too-familiar erted mug greeted her, smiling down suggestively all the while.

"Siwon!", Yuri growled, immediately jumping away as she viciously tried to wipe his perspiration from her skin. Oh God, and her lips.

And it took all the fibre of her being to stop herself from crying out in disgust as Tiffany would normally react at the sight of a small spider.

Except Yuri was dealing with a much bigger, muscular and erted pest...

Just then she really wished she was locked down and quarantined in decontamination facility.

"What the hell! What're are you doing in my house? And shirtless?!", Yuri demanded to know, not quite fully recovered at her mistaken but more-than-welcomed molestation of her lewd neighbor.

"It was hot so I took my shirt off"

"What?! What kind of bull crap excuse is--"

"Alright that's enough", Jessica interjected, fully aware of Yuri's escalating temper.

"Thanks for helping out Siwon", Jessica thanked with a wave; a friendly and polite gesture for him to leave.

"Wait, I'm not finished with him!"

"Of course you are. Especailly after that amazing remake of Titanic hug scene"

"Ladies, ladies, no need to fight over me. There's plenty of Siwon to go around~", Siwon said, rubbing his hands together.

And the married couple could only look back with a quick glare.

It wasn't until Yuri threateningly rolled a praticularly thick fashion magazine resting on a nearby table that Siwon got hint.

"Yeah, okay, I'm going", he said as his shoulders slumped down.

They watched as the single bachelor dragged his feet back to his own place, tail between his legs.

"Okay, what was that about?", Yuri began, hands on her waist; Boss Kwon.

"Yeah, what exactly was that about?", Jessica calmly mirrored with crossed arms; Ice Queen.

“There’s a shirtless guy flirting with MY wife in MY house…fixing MY AC! I’m sorry; Am I the only crazy one who thinks something isn’t right with this picture?”

"Will you calm down? He just came to fix the ac…seeing that you haven't done anything to fix the problem. And checking me out? Where did you come up with that assumption?”

“C'mon, it's Siwon. And you’re pretty clueless. I’m checking you out right now and you don’t even know it. Baby, it’s called peripheral vision. You think I’m looking at your eyes but you damn well know it’s focused 6 inches south of that. Nice bra by the way”

"Yuri, what the hell?! What's gotten into you?!”

“I’ll tell you what, JEALOUSY. So stop making me jealous on purpose! You know it drives me crazy!”

"...I usually find your jealousy cute. Don't push it"

“And to think I was going to wait until after we had CHT before I fixed your stupid AC. You want this fixed? FINE! I’ll fix your damn AC”

Before Jessica can ask what the hell CHT was, Yuri takes a 2 by 4 piece of wood lying on the grass and began attacking the innocent cooling system.

"Yah! MY AC!"

Jessica watched as her usually choding wife vented her jealousy and frustration, slowly reducing her beloved AC into a pile of smoking rubbish.

'Patience Jessica Jung...', she reminded herself although it was hard when all she could hear was Yuri assaulting her AC. Being married to her for years, she had already dealt with all of Yuri's side; this wasn't anything new.

Recollecting herself, Jessica crosses her arms to calmy hiss, "Are you done with your temper tantrum?", making sure to add the follow-up ice glare that she knowsby now that Yuri was already immune to.

With a last kick, Yuri ceases, "Yes baby, I’m done now", wiping her forehead of perspiration from a hard day of venting.

The life of Jessica Jung: wife of that jealous beast.

Jessica massaged her aching temple but when that failed to calm her, it was soon followed by her anguished roar:



Wow that’s one hell of a divide. So are you team Yoona or team Seohyun?
YoonHyun is turning into one rollercoaster ride in contrast to the cute and calm Ferris wheel they started off as. Bear with it for a couple more chapters. Don’t worry, we’ll go back to the crazy fluff after everything’s been solved <3
Lol Actually, what I wanted to portray was the usual miscommunication/misinterpretation in a relationship (it explains the constant switching of POVs throughout YoonHyun’s segment of the story; I hope it wasn’t that confusing). Especially with their contrasting personalities, you’re bound to run into a wall. Let’s just hope YoonHyun gets over it.
It wasn’t Yoona’s fault. It wasn’t Seohyun’s fault. But both could’ve done something to avoid the fight. Hey, fights are a good thing---in moderation of course.
But still, tell me which team you’re on and your reasons for it. It’ll help me develop their relationship better. Was either Seohyun or Yoona not understanding enough? Was Seohyun wrong to slap Yoona? Was Yoona being too emotional (keep in mind that she was sick)?

*GASP* TAECYEON. Who da fuh…Discuss!

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The amount of times i have come back to read this :')
Chapter 38: it hurts more than the story itself when you see that there's no next chapter button ugh.

but it's kind of a way to an ending anyways, at least they got back in the end. thank you.
alam1612 #3

Gimme your account number so I can get you to fix your hard drive!!! Nuuuuuuu
Chapter 38: I reread this story over and over again. I just take the last updated one as the FINAL chapter and I leave the rest to imagination. This is still the best YoonHyun story I've ever read and it definitely a loss that u wasn't able to finish. If somehow one magical day u manage to salvage the contents of ur hard disk, please update even if it's in rough draft cos I would love the closure. Thank u again for this magnificent story, author!
alam1612 #5
Would really appreciate your update... would even send money to you to get your harddisk fix!
Sorry faithful readers T-T i’m truly humbled by your kind words and loyalty. It’s only appropriate I feel overwhelming embarrassment that I never finished this; especially after discovering that readers are still waiting for an update.
The descent began when I took a long break from soshified due to school. I basically already wrote the ending but wanted to make the final chapter “perfect” that I just kept putting it off. The little time I had left didn’t help. Then my hard drive broke which contained all the files I had, including MAIL season 2, Burying the Hatchet, Etenal Promise, and more. The thought of starting over was too much so I waited and hoped Iid find the time and motivation to do it. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years.
I had a spark of inspiration a year ago so I attempted to log in soshified to see if people still remembered this story. Unfortunately, I lost access to that account. It wasn’t until a month ago that I realized I had this account as well. I’m so shocked and grateful to discover people are still interested. I’d hate to break your heart one more time, but a final chapter isn’t likely. I’ve forgotten most of the plot. Even if I reread my old chapters for clues, the way I write has changed. It would not be true to the tone of MAIL and I rather leave it unfinished than give you an unfit ending. Perhaps I’ll eventually have my hard drive fixed when I find the parts and have the funds $$$. But that isn’t likely. I moved on to other projects.
The good news is I still write, but I’m in a completely different fandom.

If any of you are interested in Overwatch or Korrasami, I post my works at

There might be hope salvaging my SSF account. I’ll post any update on my Twitter @YurisMAJuice

Thank you again for your support and despite its lack of closur, I hope my writing has brought you some joy and entertainment.

Until next time,
alam1612 #8
Chapter 38: Update....pls....
yulsic26 #9
Chapter 38: Where are you author??