Is that...YulTi?!

My Amajjing In-Laws

TaeNy Residence: Basement

“Hyunnie! How can you not tell me something this big?!”

“I wanted to, Yoong, but it was strictly on the need-to-know-basis…”

“Let me get this straight: Your mother was in the C.I.A? She was a spy? She is a spy?”

“Well…she was more like a psychological profiler. They used her to interrogate suspected double agents within the organization. But don’t worry; she doesn’t work for them anymore”, Seohyun added, hoping the latter fact will put her girlfriend at ease.

It didn’t.

“Oh. Well that’s great. Really, this is awesome...

You know…I was already scared of her back when I thought she was just a florist. It’s wonderful to know I actually have a spy-hunter on my . Not just the typical highly trained spy agent---an elite SPY-HUNTER. That’s like an assassin for an assassin! You know my life may be dangling over what I say over tomorrow’s breakfasts?!”

“Would you stop? You’re doing great…”

“Great? I’m doing great?! I don’t think you were there when I broke your parent’s treasured teacup! And-and when your appa ALMOST walked in on us! OMG if I hadn’t started to tickle you, I don’t think I would be alive right now!”

A moment of deep silence.

“So…you want to go home? Is that what you want to do?”, Seohyun says slowly and sincerely, a hint of sadness in her eyes as it wasn’t the first time it’s happened. The few friends that she’s brought home have all run away in fear of Taeyeon after all. This wouldn’t be any different although she hoped it would be with Yoona.

Yoona immediately dropped her offensive streak at the sight of her disheartened girlfriend. She didn’t even think about what Seohyun might have gone through having such a crazy mother around. What was a weekend of Taeyeon versus a lifetime of her? Nothing.

“No. I’m sorry. It’s just…this is a lot to take in”, Yoona reassured her with a gentle tone as she ran a hand through her hair in frustration.

Yoona was determined to stay by Seohyun no matter what. She treated this as a test run for their possible union; how can she marry a girl whose family she can barely stand? She had to make it work if she wanted to be with Seohyun. If that meant dealing with her psychotic ex-government agent mother, then so be it.

Seohyun’s face brightened at Yoona’s willingness to stay. She couldn’t help but giddily latch herself on the other’s arm and offer more words of encouragement. Truly, this was the first time someone has endured Taeyeon for this long.

“You’re doing really good!”

But what surprised her was Yoona’s uncomfortable reaction to her touch: Yoona gently but awkwardly removed herself from Seohyun’s grip.

“You really should go back to your own room”

“Are you…mad at me?”

“I’m not”

“Then what’s wrong?” Yoona was never one to deny any displays of affection especially from Seohyun as she rarely initiates.

“I want to respect your appa’s rules. I have a feeling she doesn’t want me touching you at all”, Yoona said just a level above a whisper as if the walls had ears…and they probably did judging by the surveillance technologies she saw in Taeyeon’s little “boyfriend torture chamber”. She shivered and hugged herself at the thought.

Two more days Yoona, two more days. You can do this!

“You know we’re not going to do anything…”, Seohyun says, attempting to close the distance between them again, only to have Yoona back away nervously.

If Seohyun becomes too adamant, she will cave. She had to get away from her.

“Yeah but still, I don’t want another misunderstanding. I really can’t afford any more bad impressions”

Needless to say, Seohyun was taken by how much effort and thought Yoona was putting into this whole ordeal. Although seemingly mundane to most people, she knew Yoona was sacrificing a lot by refusing PDA; it was comparable to a flower refusing to be watered.

“How about I stay here until you fall asleep?”, Seohyun offers, effectively finding the loophole; if she initiates, surely it doesn’t count right? 

Almost as if reading her mind, Yoona shamelessly accepts the offer….but in moderation.

“Alright…but you have to leave before you get drowsy. The last thing I want is your appa finding us sleeping on the same bed first thing in the morning. And if you start getting sleepy, I’m going to kick you out”

Yoona fluffed a pillow and soon after Seohyun joined her. Although the two started out on their respective edge, almost like two polar magnets, they mindlessly latched themselves around each other as they have done so many nights in their own apartment.

With body and limbs intertwined, time and space seemed nonexistent as the two straddled the ever fine line between reality and the planes of reverie. 

It lulled Seohyun to sleep; Yoona’s heartbeat was her melody. Her deep and slow breathing was her lullaby. And Yoona’s serene face was something she wanted---no needed---to see last thing at night and the very first thing in the morning.

Seohyun had always been skeptical about the existence of heaven contrary to her omma’s religious beliefs. This was true even now. But there was one thing about her mother’s beliefs that she was starting to accept as true…and it was sleeping right next to her curled up in a little ball. Do all angels look this serene when they sleep? She doubts it.

Before Seohyun could crossover to the planes of her dreams, a light nudge brought her back to earth.

“You’re getting drowsy. Go upstairs and go to sleep. I’m okay now”, she heard Yoona mumble beside her.

“I’m not sleepy yet”, Seohyun mumbled back with eyes still closed, fighting to suppress the yawn that slowly made its way out of her lips.

“Hyun…we had a deal. Go back to your room…”

To prove her point, Seohyun sits up and rests her back on the wooden bedpost, stretching her arms a little to ward off drowsiness. She wasn’t ready to part with Yoona just yet.

“I’m not sleepy”, she repeated.

The bright haired girlfriend said no more when Seohyun started her hair as she laid her head on the latter’s lap. 

“Yoona…you’re really hot. Are you getting sick?”

“No, it’s just a little cold in here”, she lied. Regardless, Seohyun pulls the blankets closer to her and wraps the little ball Yoona in the warm cozy sheets.

In no time, Yoona was slowly lulled into sleep by her touch. Soon after, she was joined by Seohyun, glad that her entire world could fit inside her arms.


TaeNy Residence: TaeNy’s Bedroom

“OW oW~!!! Let go Fany~”, Taeyeon begged as Tiffany dragged her upstairs by the ear.

“Taeyeon, I can’t believe you did that!”, Tiffany hissed as she slammed their bedroom door closed to avoid waking up Victoria and Seohyun upstairs along with Yoona in the basement with her loud voice.

“What? I had to make sure she wasn’t--- Ow~!--- hiding anything!”

“That’s her business; stop prying! And if she did have something to hide, weren’t you just telling me how some secrets were meant never to be told?!”

“Yeah, but this is our daughter’s future we’re talking about!”

Taeyeon immediately clamped shut as she had just mindlessly blurted out her acknowledgement of the possibility of another addition to the Kim-Hwang clan, proving Tiffany’s suspicions right all along.

Tiffany lets go of her ear, softening her features at the realization.

“I’m glad you’re finally realizing it…”

“Yah…this doesn’t mean I approve. I’m still running some tests”, Taeyeon hissed as she rubbed a very red ear.

Tiffany rolled her eyes at Taeyeon’s usual geeky and overprotective antics.

“Do you know what Seohyun told me about Yoona?”

“That Yoona is a liar, a ert, a player and possibly even a cheater?”

“…I’m not even going to bother asking you where you got such ridiculous assumptions… No, Seohyun told me she might be the one”

“What? She said that? Those exact words? But Seohyun never says anything unless she means it…”

“Exactly. I didn’t tape record her, Tae, but yeah, she said something along those lines”

“Will you just relax, Taengoo? Both of our daughters are in love. We should be happy for them”

“That’s what I’m worried about...”

“Taeyeon…You seriously need to get laid”

Taeyeon's calm demeanor instantly shattered as she blushed mad at the sudden mindless insult.


…But seriously?”, Taeyeon hesitantly tested the waters.

“T-that’s not what I meant!

…why? Do you want to?”, Tiffany tested back.

But alas, Taeyeon's unwillingness to admit it first won over; the Kim pride. 

“N-no! I wasn’t going to do it with the kids running around in the house!”

“Well, glad you agree!”

“I thought as much”

“Alright. Stop talking about it then”

“I did!”

“No you didn't”

"Yes I did!"

"Okay then"



“Haven’t we always taught her to be formal?”

Tiffany shifted in bed to face her wife who seemed to be unable to sleep as she was still drowning in her deep thoughts.

“TaeTae, she’ll drop her guard to somebody eventually…”

“But they’ve only been together for 10 months. I hardly think that’s enough time…”

“We were like that once, you know. Ours was quite shorter if you can recall”, Tiffany pulled Taeyeon closer to ease her mind.

“Yeah but we’re different.” Taeyeon replied bitterly, recalling Yoona’s player-like inclinations.

“Love is subjective. We can’t see exactly how they’re feeling…similar to how my father never understood an ounce of our relationship.” And with that, Tiffany chose to snuggle closer to her wife but the latter still seemed distracted.

“Did you know the two live together?”

“Yes, Seohyun told me”, Fany lied. It was only a matter of time ‘til Taeyeon figured it out.

“I chose to withhold the information seeing that I knew you’d react this way. But I gave them my blessing just in case you’re wondering”

“And why would you do that? You know that’s like the equivalent to granting them approval for premarital relations”

“You said it yourself, Seohyun has self-control”

“I know she does. It’s that Yoona I can’t trust! You know I practically saw them on top of each other like bunnies!?"

“Did they have clothes on?"

"What? Well...yeah can still do things with clothes on..."

"Honestly, I don't mind. It’s going to happen sooner or later. I will not have my daughter grow up to be some 40-year-old ”

But Taeyeon was determined to be the best damn contraceptive ever invented. She has successfully and single-handedly ed Nichkhun and Victoria since they started dating and YoonHyun won’t be any different.

“On a lighter note, your sisters are all coming down to visit tomorrow. That’s something to look forward to, right?”, Tiffany told Taeyeon.

“True…Oh I forgot to mention that Sunny can’t make it. She said she had to meet with her girlfriend”

“That’s a shame…I miss the little bunny. How is she doing by the way?”, Tiffany asks, genuinely worried about her sister in law.

“Better now that she has someone…”

“Good. I was starting to worry about her... But anyway, Hyoyeon can still make it right?”

“Yeah although it’ll just be her. Her husband and daughter can’t make it either”

“hmm..I see...

So what else is on your mind that’s keeping you awake?”

Taeyeon has always been an insomniac. A lot of things were always bothering her. Being the person that she was, she worried a lot and tried to think things through, desperate to find a solution to a problem that doesn't yet exist. And her wife would always keep her company---even til dawn if necessary. Somehow, their nightly talk sessions were therapeutic to both women and significantly kept them close after years of marriage despite their lack of PDA.

“A lot of things”

Indeed Victoria's wedding day was in two days. That would make any parent stress and in Taeyeon's case, restless.

“Anything in specific? YoonHyun again? Khuntoria?”

“No. You”

“Sounds like a boring topic. Let’s go to sleep”

“Fany, who was she?”

“Who was who?”

“Your ex-fiance”

Tiffany groaned. 

“It doesn’t matter. They’re probably halfway around the world with their own kids, minding their own business---Something we should be doing”

“Did you love her?”

“You tell me. I don’t see a third person on this bed, do you?”

Had Byuntaeng not been tamed, she would've ertedly laughed maniacally at the innuendo, but instead, the now rarely seen dork Taengoo takes over.

“I don’t know…there might be someone under the bed…”

“YAH! Stop trying to scare me!”, Tiffany screamed as she hit Taeyeon on the shoulders.

“Seriously…I want to know”

Despite her professional training, Tiffany was always hard to read for Taeyeon. She was like a puzzle---a rubiks cube---only with infinite sides. Taeyeon has mostly solved this walking puzzle but she was still very mysterious although she seemed 2D at first with her straight forward and bubbly personality. There was definitely more to her than meets the eye. Taeyeon would love to know more although she'd never have the guts to subject her wife through one of her "test"...nor did she have it in her to treat her like she does her other subjects.

“In the beginning...probably”

Taeyeon felt a tinge of jealousy. And why should she? This happened decades ago...

Realizing this, Tiffany decided to further.

"Hmm yeah…let me try to remember: tall, dark and handsome…really hot body"

Taeyeon's silence told her it had just backfired.

"I’m just joking, Tae~"

"HA. HA.", Taeyeon laughed bitterly.

"Cmon. It’s not like we’ll ever see my ex-fiance again. There's no need to be jealous"

"I'm not jealous. And it's a small world out there. Without you knowing it, you're probably still connected to her in some way. The past has a funny tendency of coming back to bite us in the rear"

"Let's just hope that never happens. I’m sure they’d be happy to be reunited with the woman that left them"

"You left them?"

"No Taeyeon, I’m secretly married to two Seobangs"

"Baby, you're on a roll today with the sarcasm and jokes"

"I know right?" Tiffany gave her those eye smiles that never failed to get old.

"So you just left…just like that?"

"Without a word"

"That’s pretty harsh...and that's me saying it"

"In my youth, I’ve done a lot of things I’m not entirely proud of. But leaving my ex-fiance isn’t one of them. Yeah, maybe I could’ve departed on better terms but I didn’t care at the moment. It was an arranged marriage, after all. You know how my father liked setting me up with little people he can puppet. He thought he could control me through them"

"You’re sounding more and more like our rebellious daughter…I now see who Victoria takes after. Although if I can recall, you were ten times worse"

"Whatever do you mean, my dear wife~?"

“Right...So what’s her name again?”

Realizing Taeyeon was trying to coax her ex-fiance name out of her, she declined.

“I’m not telling. I know you’ll look the name up. God knows what you'll do when you find your current wife's ex fiance”

“Okay, give me a last name then?”

“Good night, Taeyeon”, Tiffany said in finality.

Taeyeon only wrapped her arms tighter around her waist, hoping her wife was telling her the truth. Somehow, she senses something was amiss.

If there was one thing she’s learned about Fany, it was that she was the best at burying undesirable secrets and keeping them buried.


Not quite halfway around the world…

YulSic Residence: YulSic’s Bedroom

Jessica woke up to the sun’s bright and pesky penetrating rays being reflected to her tired eyes by the diamond on her wedding ring.

The blonde tried to go back to sleep but found that her grasp to the blissful dreamland was long gone. Giving up, she tried to get up but found her wife's embrace prevented her from moving let alone getting up.

It was a rare day when she woke up before her wife did.

She slightly turns her head to look at her wife and was greeted by a familiar sight.

Hmm peaceful. Beautiful. Cute.

Jessica shifted slightly once again to face her wife and she noticed how Yuri furrowed her eyebrows every time she tried to move, tightening her grip on Jessica as she did so.

Yuri had always been clingy...more so when she slept as her inhibition weren't yet present. The way she held Jessica tightly almost made it seem as if she was scared Jessica would leave her in the middle of the night.

Although Jessica had told Yuri she did that every morning when Jessica had to go to work, she denied it and was even skeptical about it.

'Me? Clingy? I'm the Seobang!', she would playfully boast.

But after she revealed the fact to Yuri, she started getting up before Jessica, no doubt scared that her clingyness will annoy her. 

Contrary to her wife's beliefs, Jessica enjoyed it; how Yuri takes a couple of minutes before getting up to stay in bed and enjoy the comfortable silence of waking up to the woman she loves.

All the signs point to one thing: abandonment issues.

Jessica didn't like asking about the past as it was irrelevant to her present and future with Yuri however, she can't help but feel curious at Yuri's history and what brought about this clingy personality of hers.

If Jessica were to gamble on a guess, it either happened often or the person that left her was someone very dear to Yuri.

But who would leave such a wonderful girl behind? 

Yuri was accepting, open-minded and smart although she didn't quite act like it most times. She was quite easily the iest and handsomest being Jessica has ever been with---man or woman. 

Surely, whoever left her would be wallowing deep in regret. Oh well...Yuri was hers now.



“Where’s Tippany?”, Yuri asks her co-workers. It was always their unofficial tradition to meet at her firm every lunch, yet she found the usual place Tippany-less.

“You haven’t heard?”, the co-worker Yuri was talking to answers.

Just then, a murmur of whispers filled her ears, all of which she didn’t want to hear at the moment.

“Omg aren’t they supposedly ‘close’”

“I don’t think so. She left her without saying anything!”

“Poor Yuri…after everything she’s done for her…you know how attached Yuri gets…”

“That’s kind of her fault”

“Heard what?”, Yuri asks, trying hard to ignore the whispers.

The co-worker looked at Yuri hesitantly before answering, “She’s gone.”

“Wow, she actually ran away”

“I knew it was only a matter of time. It was an arranged marriage after all”

“She’s out of the country now, I suppose…”

“I heard she went back to Korea with a secret lover, is that true?”

Yuri stayed quiet at the revelation.

“She didn’t tell you? Not even a proper goodbye?”

Her silence screamed the answer.

“…but she told me...”

“I’m sorry Yuri…”


It might not be important to Yuri anymore but said event(s) shaped her to the person she is now. Jessica didn't know whether to thank this unknown woman---or man--- that left Yuri or not as she secretly enjoyed Yuri's clingyness. None the less, she hoped she never meets her as she was determined to at least pay her back sevenfold for causing her wife so much pain in the past.


"God bless you", Taeyeon excuses her sneezing wife.

"Hmm someone must be thinking about me", Tiffany said as she blew her nose on a nearby tissue paper, a chill creeping up her spine.

"You actually believe that? You'd be sneezing every minute of the day if that were true"

"Such a sweet-talker~ You really think about me that often?~"

"Huh? I was just referring to the fact that at least ten people think about you on a daily basis..."



Author’s notes: AWWW cuddling scenes make me so mushy :3~~~

Somebody better tell TaeNy to step it up D:
It seems as if Yuri got played…BIGTIME.
Sica's wrath @_@ *shivers*
Tiffany isn't innocent at all...

So you think the Seobangs were secretive? Well...the wifeys are worse D:

YAY more characters!

as someone has already pointed out: the seobangs should actually be Seohyun, Jessica and Tiffany xD
I'm checking my metal blueprint of soosun and it seems as if it'll be the same thing with them xD

well...the wifey's wear the pants in this fic xDDDD

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The amount of times i have come back to read this :')
Chapter 38: it hurts more than the story itself when you see that there's no next chapter button ugh.

but it's kind of a way to an ending anyways, at least they got back in the end. thank you.
alam1612 #3

Gimme your account number so I can get you to fix your hard drive!!! Nuuuuuuu
Chapter 38: I reread this story over and over again. I just take the last updated one as the FINAL chapter and I leave the rest to imagination. This is still the best YoonHyun story I've ever read and it definitely a loss that u wasn't able to finish. If somehow one magical day u manage to salvage the contents of ur hard disk, please update even if it's in rough draft cos I would love the closure. Thank u again for this magnificent story, author!
alam1612 #5
Would really appreciate your update... would even send money to you to get your harddisk fix!
Sorry faithful readers T-T i’m truly humbled by your kind words and loyalty. It’s only appropriate I feel overwhelming embarrassment that I never finished this; especially after discovering that readers are still waiting for an update.
The descent began when I took a long break from soshified due to school. I basically already wrote the ending but wanted to make the final chapter “perfect” that I just kept putting it off. The little time I had left didn’t help. Then my hard drive broke which contained all the files I had, including MAIL season 2, Burying the Hatchet, Etenal Promise, and more. The thought of starting over was too much so I waited and hoped Iid find the time and motivation to do it. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years.
I had a spark of inspiration a year ago so I attempted to log in soshified to see if people still remembered this story. Unfortunately, I lost access to that account. It wasn’t until a month ago that I realized I had this account as well. I’m so shocked and grateful to discover people are still interested. I’d hate to break your heart one more time, but a final chapter isn’t likely. I’ve forgotten most of the plot. Even if I reread my old chapters for clues, the way I write has changed. It would not be true to the tone of MAIL and I rather leave it unfinished than give you an unfit ending. Perhaps I’ll eventually have my hard drive fixed when I find the parts and have the funds $$$. But that isn’t likely. I moved on to other projects.
The good news is I still write, but I’m in a completely different fandom.

If any of you are interested in Overwatch or Korrasami, I post my works at

There might be hope salvaging my SSF account. I’ll post any update on my Twitter @YurisMAJuice

Thank you again for your support and despite its lack of closur, I hope my writing has brought you some joy and entertainment.

Until next time,
alam1612 #8
Chapter 38: Update....pls....
yulsic26 #9
Chapter 38: Where are you author??