Sneaky, sneaky...

My Amajjing In-Laws


Taeyeon waited for her contact as she silently sat on a bench outside the store. She looked at her watch: 1300; he’s late. Taeyeon impatiently tapped her foot in annoyance; she hated lack of punctuality.

She settled to pass time by watching a young mother and her daughter playing on a nearby playground. Taeyeon instantly lost track of time as she took a brief trip back in time at the familiar scene.



“Seohyun, don’t you want to play?”, Taeyeon asked the little girl that was sitting on her lap. The little girl only shook her head ‘no’.

Taeyeon peeled her eyes away from Seohyun to check on Victoria; her other daughter was happily screaming her head off as Tiffany chased her around.

Sometimes her quiet daughter worried Taeyeon. She can’t help but worry that something might be wrong with her youngest. She learned to talk quite late and her social skills weren’t as great as her sister’s. Seohyun always preferred to play by herself and rarely mingled with other kids.

“c’mon Seobaby, let’s go play with your unnie”, Taeyeon said as she led her daughter by the hand towards the middle of the playground.

Out of nowhere, Victoria suddenly jumps on Seohyun and tackles her to the ground.

“TAG! YOU’RE IT!”, the hyper active Victoria screamed as she smiled down at her little sister although the latter’s eyes could be seen watering. 

“ have to be more gentle”, Tiffany said as she caught and picked up Victoria from the now-tearing Seohyun.

Likewise, Taeyeon picked up Seohyun before the little girl could burst into tears.

“It’s okay baby, let’s go play on the monkey bars instead”, she said as she carried her away from Victoria and Tiffany.

When they got there, the little girl immediately pointed up at the bars, wanting to be taken up. Taeyeon looked at the height; too high. If Seohyun fell, it would hurt her. She didn’t want to risk it.

“Eh…it’s too high. Let’s go to the slides instead” But the girl kept pointing up.

Taeyeon was about to say no again but was stopped by Seohyun’s unintentional pouty face.

Aigoo, how could she say no to that?

Hesitantly, she picked up the little girl and brought her up, staying particularly close and refusing to let go.

“Hold on tight”

Inch by inch, bar by bar, little Seohyun got closer and closer towards the other side however; she slipped on the last one.

She fell. But Taeyeon was there to catch her. She was always there to catch her.

“Good Job!”, she cheered Seohyun, although the child looked disappointed at failing to reach the very end.

A small cry diverted Taeyeon’s attention as she saw Victoria crying on the ground, just right underneath the monkey bars. The girl had fallen off after attempting to go by herself.

Taeyeon frantically went to Victoria, inspecting the bleeding scratch on her knee.

“Tiffany! Why didn’t you help her?!”, Taeyeon looked up at her wife accusingly.

“She wanted to play by herself”, Tiffany said in a calm yet worried tone after running over to Victoria.

“And you let her?!”

Taeyeon never did like Tiffany’s parenting style…it was too lax.

“Why not?”, Tiffany defended. Likewise, Tiffany didn’t agree with her wife’s over bearing parenting.

“You need to look after her clos---“, Taeyeon started before she was interrupted by Victoria.

“Mommy! Appa! LOOK! I’m doing it by myself!”, Victoria yelled as she jumped off the monkey bars, smiling broadly as if she had just climbed mount Everest.

Seohyun looks at her sister in admiration; she’s never done that before…

“Can I do it by myself too?”, Seohyun turned to her parents.

Tiffany nodded yes but was interrupted by Taeyeon:
“…no, sweety. It’s too high for you…How about I help you instead?”

Tiffany looks at her incredulously.

“How is she supposed to overcome it if you’re always there to catch her?”


She understood the figurative underlying message hidden in her wife’s literal message.

But she can’t help being overprotective. It just comes naturally.

Taeyeon sighs and looks up at the cloudy skies. No doubt a storm was coming soon.

Now that she was in his shoes, she can understand why he didn’t let her anywhere near his daughter.

It confused her at first.

Why couldn’t they see it?, she would ask herself.

Was their love not obvious enough? 

They probably couldn’t see pass her wrinkled shirt.

They couldn’t see pass her dorky personality.

They especially couldn’t see pass the fact that she had no significant rank or social standing in the world despite loving their daughter unconditionally. Although she worked hard, she had nothing to offer their daughter aside from her love. Fleeting things, love, they would tell her. It wasn’t enough.

Perhaps that’s what hurt the most; putting yourself in a vulnerable state, presenting yourself as you are just to be judged and critically critiqued.

And how could she let someone else go through that?

Taeyeon knew what the bright haired girl was about to ask back in the car; She wanted to ask for Seohyun’s hand. 

She could sense it.

How she looked nervously from side to side; she did that too, that night she asked for her hand.

Luckily (or perhaps unfortunately?), a distraction presented itself right before she could reject the girl. 

After all, she wasn’t good enough for Seohyun.

Like him, she couldn’t look pass her peculiar personality. 

Like him, She couldn’t look pass her wrinkled jacket.

She especially couldn’t look pass her low-salary job despite loving her daughter unconditionally. Or is it? This girl might just leave her daughter in pieces one day. Love is fleeting after all.

But maybe fany is right. She needed to let Seohyun fall…

Just this once, she’ll let her go…She’ll try not to catch her.

Perhaps she just needs a little bit more time. She might just find this Yoona to be a decent woman despite first impressions.

She’s peculiar sure, but so was she…

She’s a bit of a dork, but I guess that’s alright. I was once like that.

The girl seemed caring, okay…a good quality. The girl is a nurse after all; not bad.

Taeyeon looks at the scratch on her arm. 

Yoona couldn’t take care of Seohyun the way she imagined but she can still take care of her. She’ll look after her.

And the girl seemed like a sweet….




Taeyeon violently stood up from the bench to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her.

Sure enough, she spots Yoona inside the store leaning on the register counter (too closely might I add), batting her eyes at the cashier boy, a smirk across her face.

Before Taeyeon could react, a voice interrupted her. “Mrs. Kim-Hwang?”

Taeyeon turns around to face the person who called out to her. 

It was her contact.

“Sorry to keep you waiting; Shall we get on with this rendezvous?”


Yoona stepped outside with a champagne bottle tucked under one arm, a huge grin on her face. 


She’s still a great flirt.

Although she promised herself never to flirt like that again, she was reminded how exhilarating and exciting the ‘chase’ part of the catch was. She missed it.

Well, that’s all in the past. She has Seohyun now.

Yoona looked at the time.1350; she still had time to kill. She decided to browse the plants displayed outside the store then moved on to the magazine stand when she got bored. After all, she didn’t know squat about flowers unlike her appa Yuri.

As she was browsing around, she caught sight of Taeyeon in the corner of her eye….talking with a tall man similarly dressed in a black overcoat.

They were talking rather covertly; they were close…the way they leaned forward like that…

Interested, she scooted closer to the two, hiding behind a thick bush, hoping to hear what they were talking about. Yoona’s ears perked up as she desperately tried to hear their conversation although she only managed to catch a few words. 

“…operation... blah blah blah…payment…blah blah...secret…blah blah...documents...blah

Yoona spots the man handing a sealed folder to Taeyeon before bowing to her and leaving.

Hmm…what could those be?

As if sensing the sudden invasion of privacy, Taeyeon briskly turns her head towards Yoona’s direction.

Oh Sh*t!

Yoona frantically grabbed the closest magazine within radius hoping to God Taeyeon was just staring at someone behind her.

She tried to hide her face behind the magazine but was forced to look up when Taeyeon’s voice interjected.

“What are you doing?”, Taeyeon said in the intimidating tone.

“Just brushing up on my literature“, she said as she held up the magazine in her hands for Taeyeon to see.

Yoona was mortified when she caught sight of the magazine she was supposedly reading: Playboy.

“I-i ---this wasn’t the one I was reading!”, Yoona stuttered sheepishly as her face turned the shade the ripest tomato, panicking to quickly put the lewd magazine away only to have it drop on the floor, the page opening up at a rather erted image. 

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows at Yoona.

“Clearly you weren’t reading as this ‘literature’ is meant for ogling rather than the former…”

A flirt AND a ert eh?

I’m not letting go just yet…

Yoona: -199



YulSic Residence

Jessica stepped out of her car after a tiring day at work. It was an unexpectedly short day for her as there weren’t as many patients at the clinic today. She noted Siwon’s empty garden, glad at the fact that she wouldn’t be greeted by any lame pick-up lines first thing after coming home.

As she was making her way towards the door, a black cat suddenly popped out from nowhere, spooking Jessica to the point of almost releasing her ultra-sonic dolphin screams.

She shivered…eww..disgusting…Oh God, and it’s black too…

Bad luck.

She opened the door with her keys after shoo’ing the disgusting creature away with her feet. Jessica didn’t bother yelling her presence as usual due to exhaustion but instead, mindlessly went into the kitchen in search of her wife. She was hungry and was in desperate need of a back rub.


It was odd Yuri wasn’t in the garden if not the kitchen; it was her favorite places after all. She wasn’t in the living room either. 

Hmm She must’ve went out…but she would’ve called and told her that.

As she went upstairs towards her and Yuri’s bedroom, she heard laughter.

Jessica paused. That sounded a lot like Yuri.

Curious, she leaned in and pressed an ear on the door.

Yuri could be heard mumbling to herself.

Jessica smiled. Yuri is talking to herself again. What a dork.

“You stained Sica’s favorite sheets…”, Jessica heard Yuri say through the thick door. She sounded quite breathless. 

“Stop ~ Sica’s going to come home soon”

Jessica narrowed her eyes. Yuri’s monologue is sounding more and more like a dialogue…

Is there another person in there?!

I should punish you…

But you’re too cute~”, Yuri said in the tone she only uses on Jessica. Full of aegyo. Yuri never showed her aegyo to anybody; it’s part of her tough girl façade…but only Jessica knew that...

Jessica stared at the door in disbelief.

And Yuri also talks nonstop...even while making love!

Jessica’s mouth gaped open at the realization: YURI IS CHEATING ON ME! Yuri is actually cheating on me!!!!

“I’m not going to hit you though”

“Sica, hits me a lot. You know what? this is my revenge. She won’t ever know about you…ahehehhe”

With every sentence, it pushed Jessica over the edge, but that erted sinister laugh of hers did it.

“KWON!!!!!!!!!!!”, Jessica barged in the locked door. To her fury, she managed to break the lock. She heard Yuri frantically shove someone in their closet before hastily slamming the door as fast as possible albeit noisily.

“S-sica! Y-you’re h-home early”, Yuri appeared, wearing nothing but her white tank-top and pajama shorts with her hair all over her face.

Yuri briskly fixed her hair, Jessica immediately noticing the missing wedding band on her left hand; Yuri had taken it off.

What the hell!? Before Jessica could freak out, she spotted her favorite sheets on the bedroom floor…wet.

OH MY GOD. They were doing it on my floor!

“DAMN right I am. Now, open that damn door!”, Jessica said, venom in her words as she stomped to the closet.

“W-wait! Why?!”

“I know you’re hiding someone in there!”

“N-No, I’m not! I swear!”

Yuri pressed her back on the closet door in a protective manner, almost as if she’d defend whoever was in there to the death against the Ice Queen’s wrath. It angered Jessica even more.

“Get out of my way Yuri, or I’ll make you!”

Yuri was usually the stronger one, but in her rage, she managed to overpower her Seobang.

She flung the closet door open but before she could scan the room for any signs of Yuri's mistresses, Yuri jumped on Jessica's back and frantically covered her eyes, sending Jessica stumbling blindly all over the place with Yuri on top of her.

"YAH KWON, GET OFF ME!", she yelled as she tried push her cheating wife off her.

"RUN MINHO-BABY!", she heard Yuri yell from her back.

Jessica's mouth gaped open.

"HIM?! MINHO?? BABY!?!?!?" 

“You’ve really done it this time, KWON!”

"I can’t believe you! How could you?!"

The two continued to struggled until Jessica heard "him" growl at her.

Yes, he growled at Jessica.


Jessica looked down at "Minho"...a little brown furball chewing at her shoes, desperately trying to help free Yuri from her grasp. Short, brown and slightly wavy fur coating his entire body.

Jessica stopped struggling.

“…you...bought a puppy?”

Noticing Jessica calming down, Yuri got off slowly, still wary of her wife, well aware of her bipolar tendencies.

“eh...Technically no; he wandered in Siwon’s garden last week…and I just took him in." 


"Don’t make me get rid of him, Sica~"

"It was just a stupid dog...", Jessica whispered to herself.

“Please let me keep him Sica baby? Pretty pleaseee~?”

They both did the puppy dog face, simultaneously snapping and melting Jessica right on the spot.

Recovering from her shock, Jessica reverted back to Ice Queen mode: “N-no! I hate animals.”

“Take him to the pound first thing in the morning", Jessica pointed at the little furball who was now growling at her.

"You know they’re going to put it to sleep if nobody claims him right?", Yuri pouted as she gathered the little monster in her hands protectively.

"Yeah, so?"

“What? First you deny me a child and now a dog? You’re such a heartless wife…”

"Has the thought of that dog possibly belonging to Siwon ever crossed your mind?"

"It's not his. I asked him yesterday if he had a dog. By the way, I love this puppy. He poops all over Siwon’s back yard. I sometimes leave him there just for the hell of it."

"Yes, you’ll poop in the ert’s backyard again, right~? Yesh you will, you’re shoo cyuuute, Yesh you are ~<3” Yuri kissed its nose, as it stuck its tongue out, panting in amusement.

"Sica, I think he's a stray. He was a big mess when I found him. I just finished giving him a bat---O $hit!, wheres my ring?!", Yuri looked around frantically in search of her wedding ring only to halt when she remembered where she put it.

"Oh, that's right. I took it off when I gave you a bath~", she smiled at Minho, temporarily unaware of Jessica and her emotional state.

“I thought you cheated on me…”, Jessica whispered, her eyes almost close to tears.

“Why would I do that?”, Yuri grimaced and put the puppy down. She looked at Jessica in disbelief as if she had just confessed that she secretly liked cucumbers.

Yuri stood up and walked over to Jessica to rub her back.

“Yah…are you okay?”



Suddenly, Jessica tackles Yuri to the floor. Bipolar Sica strikes again...

"Ow~! My head! Why are you so rough!? I didn't even cheat on you!"

"Good. Because You know what’s going to happen to you if you cheat on me?"

"You're going to...divorce me...?" Yuri answered hesitantly, unsure.

"No. Something worse....Why don't I give you a little preview?"

"I don't think I wan---YAH, WHAT'RE YOU DOING?", Yuri violently shifted under Jessica when she felt the girl snake her hands inside her shirt.

"I’m going to punish you for making me even think you were cheating"

"...So is this your idea of "punishment"? Tackling me on the floor and "taking advantage" of me? That's kind of a turn on, I'm not gonna lie". Yuri said eagerly, after overcoming her initial shock.

"Trust me, it’s not as pleasurable as you think"

"Ha! Yeah right. Bring it on. But seriously, you'll do this every time I "cheat" on you?"

Yuri then props herself on one elbow and whips out her phone, confusing Jessica.

"Hello? Yes, is this Yuri’s massive directory of secret y lovers?", Yuri said into the phone, obviously faking the whole call.

"Oh it is?! Well…could you connect me to my hot ex, T-", Yuri continued with her imaginary phone call until she was cut off by her wife.

"Shut up Yuri, I don’t want you to talk about your exes", Jessica said seriously, making it a point to snatch her phone away and chucking it out the open window.

"My phone!~YAH, I was joking!"

"So was I"

"But you threw my phone out the window! That’s not a joke! Now who’s goin--"

Jessica shut her up with a passionate kiss. No doubt the woman was going to continue babbling incessantly for the next 15 minutes had she not done so. Well...she was going to talk regardless.

Jessica continued to "punish" her Seobang until Yuri broke away.

"Umm….I wouldn’t use those sheets if I were you", Yuri interrupted when she felt Jessica slowly cover herself with the blanket on the floor.


"Because Minho peed on them"

"Ew~!" Jessica screeched, immediately throwing the sheets on the side in disgust.

"OMG You’re fixing this mess…after I’m done with you"

"Please, can I take a shower first? I've just given a dog a bath and that's right after I slaved over the garden all day long. And...we're on the floor..I feel dirty..."

"You should. After going around hiding something like this from me"

"Well, I'm going to shower. I don't care what you say", Yuri said as she attempted to get up, only to feel her hand restricted by something...

"What the hell! Did you really just cuff me?! OMG you lunatic! You crazy woman! Why did I marry such a psycho!"

As if to further scare her, the woman leans down and whispers in her ear: 

"Scream all you want. The kids aren't home"


Siwon looked up from his backyard when he heard screams coming from the YulSic household...specifically from an open window on the 2nd floor.

Eh? Is someone dying in there?

Siwon just shrugs and continued to pick up dog poop from his backyard.

"That's one hell of a big squirell poop", he shook his head as he poked the brown thing on the ground with a stick.


Author's note: Another speedy update for you lovely evil readers. I discovered a mob of crazy YulSic shippers waiting in front of my house with pitchforks and torches after returning from my vacation.
*Sobs* I had to update before they burned my house down…
Another cookie for whoever got the monkey bar metaphor ;D

Well this was supposed to be a double update but I can't get myself to finish the other part.

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The amount of times i have come back to read this :')
Chapter 38: it hurts more than the story itself when you see that there's no next chapter button ugh.

but it's kind of a way to an ending anyways, at least they got back in the end. thank you.
alam1612 #3

Gimme your account number so I can get you to fix your hard drive!!! Nuuuuuuu
Chapter 38: I reread this story over and over again. I just take the last updated one as the FINAL chapter and I leave the rest to imagination. This is still the best YoonHyun story I've ever read and it definitely a loss that u wasn't able to finish. If somehow one magical day u manage to salvage the contents of ur hard disk, please update even if it's in rough draft cos I would love the closure. Thank u again for this magnificent story, author!
alam1612 #5
Would really appreciate your update... would even send money to you to get your harddisk fix!
Sorry faithful readers T-T i’m truly humbled by your kind words and loyalty. It’s only appropriate I feel overwhelming embarrassment that I never finished this; especially after discovering that readers are still waiting for an update.
The descent began when I took a long break from soshified due to school. I basically already wrote the ending but wanted to make the final chapter “perfect” that I just kept putting it off. The little time I had left didn’t help. Then my hard drive broke which contained all the files I had, including MAIL season 2, Burying the Hatchet, Etenal Promise, and more. The thought of starting over was too much so I waited and hoped Iid find the time and motivation to do it. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years.
I had a spark of inspiration a year ago so I attempted to log in soshified to see if people still remembered this story. Unfortunately, I lost access to that account. It wasn’t until a month ago that I realized I had this account as well. I’m so shocked and grateful to discover people are still interested. I’d hate to break your heart one more time, but a final chapter isn’t likely. I’ve forgotten most of the plot. Even if I reread my old chapters for clues, the way I write has changed. It would not be true to the tone of MAIL and I rather leave it unfinished than give you an unfit ending. Perhaps I’ll eventually have my hard drive fixed when I find the parts and have the funds $$$. But that isn’t likely. I moved on to other projects.
The good news is I still write, but I’m in a completely different fandom.

If any of you are interested in Overwatch or Korrasami, I post my works at

There might be hope salvaging my SSF account. I’ll post any update on my Twitter @YurisMAJuice

Thank you again for your support and despite its lack of closur, I hope my writing has brought you some joy and entertainment.

Until next time,
alam1612 #8
Chapter 38: Update....pls....
yulsic26 #9
Chapter 38: Where are you author??