Chapter Eight: The Aftermath

A Maknae's Love (ON HIATUS)

Chapter 08: The Aftermath.

                Both of Myungsoo’s hands held Sungjong’s face as his lips pressed harder on Sungjong’s lips, deepening the sweet kiss they were sharing. Sungjong closed his eyes, savouring the kiss when the words that Woohyun had said to him flashbacked on his mind.

Myungsoo is already engaged with someone else.

                Sungjong instinctively pushed Myungsoo away from him, his left hand touching his quivering lips.

                “I, Sungjong I, I’m” Myungsoo, stammering, called out.

                “W-why hyung?” Sungjong asked, confused by the reason behind Myungsoo’s unexpected action.

                Myungsoo remained silent, not bothering to answer Sungjong for even he, himself, doesn’t know the answer why. It’s like his body moved on its own. It seems like kissing Sungjong was the right thing to do.

                Sungjong moved his head side ways, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say. Sungjong turned his back to Myungsoo and was about to leave him alone on the rooftop but Myungsoo did not let him do so. Myungsoo’s right hand grabbed his left arm and pulled him in his embrace.

                Now Sungjong is caught in Myungsoo’s tight embrace. His face is now leaning on Myungsoo’s shoulder.

                “H-hyung.” Sungjong protested and tried to get away from Myungsoo’s tight hug. Myungsoo on the other hand did not let him go, instead he held Sungjong closer to him, tighter, and it’s as if his arms were afraid to lose Sungjong.

“Myungsoo-ah promise me one thing, don’t leave her, don’t abandon her. Promise me you’ll only look at her, promise me she’ll always be in your heart.”

           He felt a painful pang in his mind and heart when Myungsoo suddenly reminisced the vow he uttered a while ago.

          “I, I” No, please don’t, don’t say that word please, please say anything but that word. Sungjong uttered in his mind, bracing himself from the word or words that is or are about to be uttered by Myungsoo.

          “I’m sorry.” As if on cue, Sungjong’s tears began to fall from his eyes after Myungsoo apologized for that kiss, as Myungsoo’s arms slowly let go from embracing Sungjong.

          Myungsoo closed his eyes he was anticipating Sungjong’s powerful slap but a minute passed and Sungjong haven’t reacted to what he had said yet.

          “T-then *hic* that’s it?” Sungjong uttered. “Myungsoo hyung can I have a *hic* piece of my mind with you?” Myungsoo nodded his head giving permission to Sungjong.

          Sungjong gulped before he continued.

          “I didn’t know that meeting you will let me experience a lot of things. The day I fell in love with you was the day I realized that loving someone is not easy.” Sungjong stated looking straight at Myungsoo’s eyes with tears streaming down his face. “I cried, I was hurt.”

         “I’m-” Myungsoo was about to apologized but Sungjong raised his two hands, stopping him from talking, probably sensing that Myungsoo would just say another sorry again.

          “The day I can not help my emotions and feelings for you, I consulted Dongwoo hyung about what I should do. He said that I should go and confess my feelings for you so I did. That day I tried real hard to bake a heart shaped chocolate just for you. I called you to be here that night so I could give you the chocolate and confess my feelings at the same time.” Myungsoo gulped and Sungjong continued. “I braced myself for the outcome of my confession, I called you that night expecting to be rejected but still hoping to be accepted. What I didn’t expect was you, you *hic* wouldn’t even hear me out.” Sungjong’s tears began to flow again. “D-do you know how much it hurts for your feelings to be ignored like that huh?” Sungjong bitterly asked.

          “That night I cried myself to sleep, hoping that the next day I would forget my feelings for you and act as if nothing happened. Hyung I decided that I would give up to you that day but I can’t, I just can’t no matter how much I want to. It’s like loving you is the right thing to do. Everyday I find myself loving you more and more. I can’t bring myself to stop loving you not even when I learned that you are already engage with someone else.” Sungjong narrated his feelings to Myungsoo with a bittersweet smile on his face.

          “I thought that it is okay, and that I could bear with this painful feeling in my heart because of the sole reason that I love you. But hyung the last straw was today, when you said you’re sorry about the kiss that we’ve just shared. The kiss that you, yourself initiated!” Myungsoo was taken a back by Sungjong’s sudden outburst of emotion. This is the first time he had heard him shout.

          “Hyung, how much huh? How much tears do I have to cry? How much pain do my heart has to bear just for you to be satisfied? Just for my heart to stop loving you?!” Sungjong screamed at Myungsoo, still with tears in his eyes. Tears were also starting to fall from Myungsoo’s eyes.

          “But do you know what’s the most painful thing above that all hyung? It is that ‘till now my heart is still beating for you. Hyung I, I love you.” Sungjong finally had the chance to confess to Myungsoo.

          Myungsoo’s right hand reached out to Sungjong but Sungjong dodged and headed towards the door of the rooftop.

          “Thank you hyung, for finally hearing my confession out.” Sungjong bowed at Myungsoo before leaving him alone on the rooftop.



          “How long are you planning to stand there dumbfounded huh?” Myungsoo turned around to see who it was, only to be surprised by the sight of Dongwoo.

          “Hyung how long have you been there?”Myungsoo asked, flabbergasted.

          “Long enough to witness the whole incident. Actually I was here, Sungjong asked me to watch him practice and, if I could, coach him do the Trouble Maker part. But obviously he forgot that fact when you came here too.” Dongwoo explained with a smile on his face.

          “Then why did you hide yourself from me?” Myungsoo accusingly asked his hyung.

          “Hid myself from you? *snickers* Don’t make me laugh Myungsoo, I didn’t hide myself from you or anything, you were oblivious to my presence because you were completely smitten by Sungjong.” Dongwoo teased his fellow member.

          Myungsoo on the other hand averted Dongwoo’s gaze and blushed due to embarrassment of being caught.

          “So back to my question, how long do you plan to just stand there and do nothing?” Dongwoo cleverly asked Myungsoo.

          “I can’t chase after him hyung, I’m bounded by my principles. You see I’m a man who stays true to what I’ve said. I promised her that I would love her for the rest of my life the day that I asked her hand for marriage. I promised to Woohyun that I would love her and would only look at her.” Myungsoo explained to Dongwoo with sadness in his voice and his eyes.

          “Myungsoo ah, I admire your uprightness but I hate your foolishness. Don’t you know that a man should only stay committed in a relationship because and only because he loves the person he is in a relationship with and not just because of some stupid promises he vowed.” Dongwoo lectured Myungsoo. “And as for that girl you do know that she committed suicide right? If that girl really did love you she wouldn’t attempt to end her life, not when she’d already promised to spend it with you.”


          “Myungsoo would you still choose your uprightness rather than your happiness?” Dongwoo’s question hit Myungsoo hard. “Go and be with the one you love, grab this opportunity to be with him Myungsoo cause if you don’t you might regret this for the rest of your life.” Dongwoo warned.

          Myungsoo, at last had made up his mind, flashed a grateful smile at Dongwoo and thanked him before dashing out of the rooftop.


          Myungsoo immediately went towards his and Woohyun’s room.

          “Woohyun, I’m sorry but I’m breaking the promise I’ve made with you a while ago. I don’t care whether you’d be mad at me or what but I just can’t stand there and watch myself from losing the man I love.”

          “What do you mean Myungsoo?” Woohyun asked though he already knew what Myungsoo meant.

“I’m going to confess to Sungjong.”

A/N: There there chappie 8 is done. Haha thank you so much for those who are enjoying reading this fanfic. Thank you so much you don’t know how much happy you’re making me. Please do leave a comment and hit the subscribe button (for those who haven’t subscribed yet) those never fails to motivate me.

          Again thank you

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Incase you are all wondering I merged three chapters altogether so the present chapter now is 15. Please do wait for my latest update chapter 16 july 17


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Chapter 21: Wait, was that the end?! No, anni! I wanna know what happens between the reader and Woohyun and also Sungjong and Myungsoo! >_< Please, I don't care how old this is. Me being a silent reader is not me anymore, I made an account because I wanted to comment on this story! It took me a while, obviously, to find this story again. -_- Please continue writing this. ;~;
yunjae_maniac #2
Chapter 21: Sungyeol, FIGHTING!!! But sorry oppa, I am MYUNGJONG shipper, hihi......
from the story, I felt that Dongwoo has a sad love story in the past.....
Chapter 3: I'm a so Godly person, but I found this story so good... I love it indeed ^_^ the plot's so good, and it's perfect ^_^
jimeulk #5
Chapter 20: asdfghjkl Yeol ;; ugh I can't wait to see what he does! <3 update soon author-nim, I'll be supporting you! ouo
Thank you for making a fiction that is Sungjong is your main character. well my bias is sunjong and i'll be supporting this. FIGHTING~~~!
Chapter 17: Update soon, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 17: The chapter is wonderful. I love it! This bond that formed between Sungjong and Woohyun it's cute and heart warming. It made me happy to read it and I totally enjoyed the platonic kiss between them. It was hot in the non-hot way. Just platonic. I really think you made a perfect job with this chapter. Woohyun will stop her! He has to stop her because they are meant to be together. I can't wait for more. Update soon! <3
Wow! It's been so long. It was time for you to come back. I can't wait to read more. What can I say. I am even more open minded right now. I love it! Please update soon! :)
Chapter 17: sungjong is just too sweet! even woohyun who hate him end up spilling all his secret to him and grow some affection for hi.. the power of sungjong!

woohyun-ah! go for it! make sure this time u made it, and whatever the outcome is, be strong! fighting !