Chapter Eighteen: Kiss Under The Moonlight

A Maknae's Love (ON HIATUS)


Chapter Eighteen: Kiss Under The Moonlight.




This is Wooohyun’s point of view.


“Hyung.” The soft angelic voice of our maknae Sungjong halted the train of my thoughts from speeding. The sun has already set, and yet I was still here, sitting on the swing in the park near our area. I didn’t bulge from my seat upon hearing Sungjong’s call. I just stopped thinking, and held my breath.

“Everybody’s looking for yo-“

“You mean everybody’s wants to know the whole story.” Sungjong did not illicit any response, instead he sat at the non-occupied swing seat and swung it with gentleness.

“I was always wondering hyung, why you seem to dislike the idea of me being with Myungsoo hyung. I thought it’s because you hated such kind of love, now I know it’s something deeper than that.”  My head turned and looked at him, watching him as he looked up at the starry night with a far away look on his eyes.

“You hated me for stealing the affection of the man, the man who stole the girl of your dreams from your arms. Which means you really do love her hyung.” 

“Don’t forget the fact that that love did more harm than good. Don’t overlook the fact that my love for her almost got her killed.”

“You her hyung. But  that doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. You were just, just running out of options.”

“You mean to say desperate.”

“Desperate for her affection, desperate for her love. You sacrificed a lot of things for her hyung, swallowed your pride, helped her change for the better, helped her win Myungsoo hyung’s attention and feelings. You were helping the one you love be with the one she loves. Of course hyung you can’t expect your sanity to stay with you after going through that .”

I heaved out a sigh once, twice, thrice. And then I looked up at the sky, savoring the silence that embraces the two of us. Closing my eyes I cherished the soft breeze that kissed my skin, and tousled my hair. I never knew this kind of peace existed. Heck I don’t even remember the last time serenity visited me.

“I didn’t her.” I blurted out.

“You didn’t what?” Sungjong asked in disbelief. “Then why did you have to provoke Myungsoo hyung?”

“I really did intend to her that night, I gave in to temptation, I undressed her, v-violated her ignored her protests!” Without me knowing, I began to tell the tragic story that night to Sungjong, the maknae I love to hate. Wishing, hoping that doing so would take away the heaviness in my heart.

“I was halfway done when I came back to my senses. I almost tainted her with my love; I almost tarnished her virtue with my selfish feelings. I almost did real damage that night because of my unrequited one-sided love. But tomorrow came, she did not remember anything. She woke up with our and assumed something happened. I thought of it as an opportunity. Opportunity to be with her not as a friend but as a lover. I grabbed the opportunity, seized it. But tomorrow came once more and- and look at what happened.” I told the story without taking a break, I poured out the contents in my heart I kept bottled in for how many years. The frustrations, the desperations, the anger, the sadness, everything. All of the emotions overflowed.

Sungjong stared at me for a brief moment, then stood up from his swing seat and stood in front of me. Closing the gap, he slightly leaned down and did the unexpected. . .










He embraced me.




He did not utter any comforting words, but his embrace did not fail to soothe me.






And as if on cue the tears I was trying to suppress flowed from my eyes.





And like a defenseless baby, I cried. 


“I threatened her, she called me, and she ing apologized to me for what happened. Look at how nice she is? She didn’t deserve to be hit by a truck. She didn’t deserve to be in a coma. She didn’t deserve to be abandoned by the man she loves. She deserved none of this, none!” I continued venting out the nightmare that has been hunting me for so long. Sungjong on the other hand hushed me with gentleness, and hugged me even tighter. As if hugging me tighter would take away the pain I am damned with.

“I’m a monster. I’m worse than a monster.”

“No you’re not.”

“Yes I am, I almost killed the one I love. I endangered her life because of my selfish desires I-“ The tantrums I was about to throw were stopped when Sungjong’s lips collided with mine.


Yes, you read it right.


Sungjong’s lips collided with mine.



We shared a platonic kiss under the moonlight.



Sungjong’s kiss was the gentlest kiss I’ve ever had. It wasn’t filled with passion, it wasn’t filled with lust. It was filled with sympathy, empathy.


“You’re not a monster so don’t consider yourself as one. Maybe what happened is God’s way of stopping two unmeant to be together hearts from being united in the union of marriage. If you didn’t lie, Myungsoo hyung may not be an idol, you may not be an idol. Do you know how many fans would miss the opportunity of loving a narcissistic idol like you? If you didn’t lie, fans wouldn’t be receiving any heart aegyo’s would they?” I didn’t respond I just listen and processed everything he was saying.

“The past may be a bad one.” I snorted upon hearing what he said. “Okay the past is a bad one, and it definitely has a say on the present, on whatever is happening right now. But that doesn’t mean you cannot change the future hyung.” I could tell a smile made its way on his lips upon feeling my head nodding in agreement.

“Whatever will happen tomorrow is in your hands now hyung. It’s up to you on how you can correct your mistakes, on how you will repent on your sins.” He finally let go of his tight embrace and looked straight into my eyes. “She’s leaving hyung.”

“She’s what? Leaving? But she just recovered? She just got discharged from the hospital she cannot leave!”

“Then stop her, chase after her. The future begins now. Your clock is ticking, today is slowly making its way to become tomorrow. Do what you think you need to do, so your heart would make no room for regrets.”

It took me half a second for Sungjong’s words of wisdom to take a toll on me. His hands wiped away the tears from my face and helped me stood up.

“Thanks.” I said, and for the first time since Myungsoo fell in love with him, I flashed a genuine smile at our maknae.

“No problem.” I started to walk away from him, but I remembered something so I walked back towards him.

“By the way Sungjong, I forgot.”

“Forgot what?” he asked with a cute baffled expression plastered on his face.

Since he’s a li’l bit taller than me (okay quite a lot) I tiptoed and brushed my lips against his.



Yes, again, you read it right.


My lips touched Sungjong’s for the 2nd time under the romantic moonlight.


“Gotta take back the kiss you stole from me!” I shouted after I distanced myself from him, leaving him all alone, dumbfounded at the park.




“Ya! Woohyu-hyung!!!” He shouted back upon regaining composure.


I looked back at him and he waved at me before uttering the encouraging words


F I G H T I N G ! ! !


Now I fully understand why Myungsoo and Sungyeol fell in love, hardly on our maknae.

And I thank God for making me realize that I already love you, for if not, I’m not sure if I won’t fall for his charms just like how Myungsoo and Sungyeol fell for his.


Oh God, thanks for sending Sungjong,

My new found angel,

My new found brother,

My new platonic love,

Our maknae. . .

Lee Sungjong.



To Be Continued l l >



Bluementrit’s note:

I know I know it’s been super long since I’ve last updated this and I am sorry for that. Aside from major writer’s block I am also a 2nd year college student taking up Bachelor in Secondary Education major in English. So of course just like any other college student out there, and an aspiring teacher on top of that I have a lot of responsibilities and duties I need to prioritize. So I hope all of you would understand. Anyways this chapter is made with love and passion for you, my dear readers to find pleasure with.

I hope you will never get tired of me and never abandon this story.

Again thank jou my dear readers!


P.S. please do leave a comment, I so miss reading what’s going on your mind upon reading my story. So please do, do and do leave a comment.

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 K A M S A H  A M N I D A




Chapter Nineteen coming up on 4/19/2013 Philippine time

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Incase you are all wondering I merged three chapters altogether so the present chapter now is 15. Please do wait for my latest update chapter 16 july 17


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Chapter 21: Wait, was that the end?! No, anni! I wanna know what happens between the reader and Woohyun and also Sungjong and Myungsoo! >_< Please, I don't care how old this is. Me being a silent reader is not me anymore, I made an account because I wanted to comment on this story! It took me a while, obviously, to find this story again. -_- Please continue writing this. ;~;
yunjae_maniac #2
Chapter 21: Sungyeol, FIGHTING!!! But sorry oppa, I am MYUNGJONG shipper, hihi......
from the story, I felt that Dongwoo has a sad love story in the past.....
Chapter 3: I'm a so Godly person, but I found this story so good... I love it indeed ^_^ the plot's so good, and it's perfect ^_^
jimeulk #5
Chapter 20: asdfghjkl Yeol ;; ugh I can't wait to see what he does! <3 update soon author-nim, I'll be supporting you! ouo
Thank you for making a fiction that is Sungjong is your main character. well my bias is sunjong and i'll be supporting this. FIGHTING~~~!
Chapter 17: Update soon, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 17: The chapter is wonderful. I love it! This bond that formed between Sungjong and Woohyun it's cute and heart warming. It made me happy to read it and I totally enjoyed the platonic kiss between them. It was hot in the non-hot way. Just platonic. I really think you made a perfect job with this chapter. Woohyun will stop her! He has to stop her because they are meant to be together. I can't wait for more. Update soon! <3
Wow! It's been so long. It was time for you to come back. I can't wait to read more. What can I say. I am even more open minded right now. I love it! Please update soon! :)
Chapter 17: sungjong is just too sweet! even woohyun who hate him end up spilling all his secret to him and grow some affection for hi.. the power of sungjong!

woohyun-ah! go for it! make sure this time u made it, and whatever the outcome is, be strong! fighting !