Chapter Thirteen: Reunion

A Maknae's Love (ON HIATUS)


Chapter Thirteen: Reunion
"Hyung." Sungjong was about to chase Myungsoo but my right hand reached out to stop him. 
"Don't even think about it." A questioning look emerged on his face, "Don't get me wrong Sungjong, I know you are worried but if Myungsoo really do loves you he'll welcome you when you return to Korea." Sungjong's question was answered and his gaze averted from the piercing look of my eyes. 
He knows that I got a point, after Myungsoo is finished settling things between him and his fiance then he will come back, he will return back to his embrace. And then it hit him, 
"What crap am I talking about? Myungsoo hyung is not even mine, to make it worse he is hers to begin with. Whether he will welcome me with a smile on his face or not is entirely in his hands now, it will be his decision." 
A pained expression emerged on his face and that expression did not escape from my sharp vision. Upon seeing that expression I finally let go of Sungjong. After all that expression guaranteed me that Sungjong already understood what I was trying to say between the lines.
Knowing Sungjong already got the message I have wanted him to realize, I swiftly turned his back from Sungjong and walked away, heading to the hotel room I share with Sunggyu, for I too need to pack his bags and take some rest.
Sungyeol's right hand reached out and tapped Sungjong's right shoulder. Sungjong turned around to see Sungyeol's smiling face again, he tried, with all his might, to return Sungyeol's smile but he couldn't find strength to do so. The happiness Myungsoo made him feel vanished in an instant, and the clouds of doubt instantly crowded his thoughts.
"Sungjongie let's talk about this in our shared suite and then we'll take a rest okay?" Sungyeol did not wait for the maknae's response, his right hand hurriedly held Sungjong's left and both of them get inside the elevator and walked towards their shared suite. (Dongwoo's, Sungyeol's, and Sungjong's)
(Later at Seven in the Morning)
"Sungjong, I'll be waiting for you in Korea." Myungsoo promised him as he pulled Sungjong in a tight embrace. "I know you are extremely worried, but trust me. Trust me." These assuring words washed the cloud of doubts away from Sungjong's mind. And for the first time after their concert, he was able to genuinely flash a smile.
"Myungsoo hurry up!" I impatiently called him, enough of their sweetness, if they don't stop now we will be late for our flight.
Myungsoo bade goodbye to Sungjong and walked towards me. He placed his luggages inside the trunk of the taxi, he was about to hop inside when he suddenly stopped moving.
A frown ensued on my face when I found out the reason why, he turned around and  looked back at Sungjong, flashed a smile and mouthed "Saranghae Sungjong." How cheesy, if it was the Myungsoo I've known back then he won't  even utter this mushy lines ever. Not even to _________.
This is all my fault, if only I did not act that way, if only I did not do that to her this would not happen. Myungsoo wouldn't fall for Sungjong. Sungjong would have had loved Sungyeol. 
They wouldn't have had experienced pain, her heart wouldn't be broken.
Damn! All of these are happening now, all because of my stupidity.
"Too excited to see her that you can't even speak?" Myungsoo said to me once we sat on out plane seats. 
If only he knows the reason why I barely even speak, he wouldn't bother to talk to me any longer. "I'm just, Myungsoo, what would you do once you see her?" I asked him, changing the topic of our "blossoming" conversation.
"I don't know maybe I'll ask her  how she is, I'll tell her how I'm doing, I'll tell her about Sungjong, I'll ask her if she could break up with me, I'll tell her I want to break free from our engagement." 
"You wouldn't even ask her the reason behind her attempted suicide?" I asked in bewilderment, seriously if I am the one in his shoes that is what I'll ask first before anything else.
"Why bother asking her that when I already know what the answer is." Myungsoo said in a monotone voice. This stupid boy, is he still thinking that he is the reason why she tried to kill herself? PABO
"Then what is the reason behind her action?" I asked him, I want to find out whether he is still blaming himself.
"She has a problem, a very big problem." Bingo! 
"Then why don't you ask her what that problem is?" 
"Because she doesn't want to tell it to me hence she committed suicide." He nonchalantly answered me. Well I'd admit he has a point. After all you do have a big problem, I you even though you begged, you pleaded, you cried, I did not stop nor falter. And that is the problem you can't tell Myungsoo. 
"If she really do love me she wouldn't hesitate to consult me about her problem, I am her fiance. The fact that she did not care means she doesn't really have feelings for me." 
"But what if the reason why she did not tell you is because she's afraid to lose you." 
"Then she shouldn't have had doubted my feelings for her!  Anyways I've decided that no matter what her reason is, I will break up with her. My heart belongs to Sungjong now." Are you sure Myugnsoo? Will you be able to stay true to your words after you find out that I defiled her? Huh, I doubt that.
"Let's not talk about it anymore, I'm tired." I stated, I've had enough of this debate. I really need to get some sleep, I need to gather enough strength to be able to face her again.
I wonder what her reaction will be when she sees me? Will she throw a tantrum? Will she be afraid of me? Will she finally have the courage to confess everything that happened between us to Myungsoo? 
I have fallen to a deep slumber with that thoughts in my head. Really I can't wait, I can't wait to see her angelic face once again. 
Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong, Dingdong. 
I heard my doorbell rung a couple of times, darn the kids played with my doorbell again. Really kids this day are hard to handle.
Pissed off, I did not bother to peek whoever it is who played with my precious doorbell. I instantly opened the door of my apartment to give that kid a piece of my mind.
I was surprised when I saw that "kid" who turned out to be just you. 
"What do you want?" I staightforwardly asked you, since you welcomed my sight with that stupid, cute grin on your beautiful face.
"Mou Woohyun sshi, don't make it sound like I only come to your place whenever I need something from you." You complained with a cute pout on your face. I wonder why my heart skips a beat whenever I see your angelic face.
"Come inside." I said as I opened my door wide enough for you to enter. 
"I knew it! You can't resist my charm oppa." You happily stated  as you removed your shoes and wore our home slippers. "Then I'll make myself at home." Without batting an eyelash you hurriedly went to my room.
"Spill the beans." I bluntly commanded. I know you didn't just come to my place just to kill time, it's either you need something or you're  feeling down. 
"Oppa, am I pretty?" You asked with sadness in your voice. I knew it, there's something wrong with you. Ever since we've been friends you always come to my place to seek comfort especially when Myungsoo and you had an arguement.
"Yes you're pretty." I bet you're asking me this because you had another fight with Myungsoo.
"Really?" Your sad face suddenly brightened up as if my answer to your stupid question enlightened your mind.
"Yeah, pretty ugly." I cracked as soon as I saw your "bright" face turned sour. You flashed a glare at me, which made you even more err attractive in my eyes.
"Stop being a meanie to me oppa!" You complained as you threw my blue pillow towards me, though I managed to dodge, the pilow still grazed my right elbow.
"Who's being a meanie now?" I uttered as I grabbed the pillow you had thrown at me, I walked to your direction (which is in my blue bed) and started to playfully hit you.
"Now you look awfully ugly." I stated upon seeing your dishelved straight hair. A frown ensued on your face upon hearing the words I just uttered.
"Oppa, do you think Myungsoo oppa will ever love me?" NO. At least that is what I am not hoping for. I don't want him to fall for you, I don't want him to feel the same feelings I am feeling for you. 'Cause if that were to happen, then what will hapen to my love for you?
"How about me? Do you think you will be able to love me?" Your frowning face turned serious, your natural brown orbs were looking straight to mine.
"Oppa you really are no good in making jokes, nice try though." I wondered if you noticed the sadness I tried to mask with my smiling face? *sigh* who said I was kidding? tsk tsk tsk, I wonder if there will be a day when you will no longer take my "confession" lightly.
"Oppa, please help me. Help me win his love please?" I really wanted to turn you down. To shout a deafening NO! And to just suggest that it will be a lot better if you would just date me. But I couldn't for I don't have enough strength to resist your puppy eyes.
"Alright, but with one condition." I wonder if you heard the sound of the shattering pieces of my heart when I agreed to help you help his love. 
"What?" I tried to mask the wincing expression my face was making when I saw how happy you are when you heard that I will help you win his heart. 
Aigoo, I think your happy expression hurt my heart more than when I said 'alright' Seeing you beam with happiness when your a step closer of being with him through my help broke my heart one more time. 
"You have to make me a lunch box from now on." Your super happy face turned serious. You looked at me with eyes of disbelief.
"But, Oppa, I don't know how to cook." O.O 
"Wae? How come? Aish, you don't know hot to cook and yet you came here, begging me to help you have a boyfriend?! A girl who don't know hot to cook is hardly a girl at all." Seriously? What will become of me once I marry you? 
"Woohyun, Woohyun, wake up we've already arrived." I blinked twice before I realized that we really did just arrive at the airport. And that all the other passengers were busy getting their baggages. 
I stood up and grabbed my two baggages before we walked out of the airplane. 
So it was just a dream huh? A dream which showed me the day I regret the most. 
The day I decided to help you be with him. 
I can't help but to recall the things that happened after that.
I can't believe I gathered a lot of data regarding Myungsoo's ideal girl. Carried the shopping bags containing the clothes that suits Myungsoo's taste. Cooked a lunch box for him everyday pretending that it was you who prepared it. Lent you a big sum of money which you used to buy make ups and skin care products. Tutored you on Math, English, and even Home economics for you to pass them because you were on the verge of failing. I can even remember the way you knelt on the floor and begged me to tutor you. That face of yours back then was simply priceless. HAHA
Kidding aside, I can't believe I managed to do all of those just for you, hoping that through my assistance you would see, you would notice that I have my good qualities too, which are by far much better than what you saw in Myungsoo. Hoping that my "martyrdom" would make you turn your gaze towards me. 
I dreamed, I hoped, I prayed. 
That one day you'll come in my door and confess your feeling to me. Say that you've fallen for me during the days that I've assisted you.
But I woke up from that dream when you appeared on my doorstep beaming with joy your heart can not contain. I can not forget how happy you seemed to be when you said to me that you confessed to Myungsoo and he accepted you feelings, and that for the first time you have a date with him.
My heart shattered into zillion of pieces when I watched you walk away from my house, for I know that with Myungsoo in your arms, you will no longer visit me. 
I sighed. Why am I remembering stupid memories. The past is the past, I can no longer change that. What matters is the present, and of course the future. I promise I will, with my outmost capability, correct my mistakes.
I won't let you lose Myungsoo because of me, I'll do everything to bring back your happiness that I had stolen. 
*Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug DugDug Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug DugDug Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug DugDug Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug DugDug Dug Dug Dug Dug Dug DugDug Dug Dug Dug *
I heard my own heartbeat when I realized that we are about to reach your private hospital room. We turned right and was ten steps away from your room when a commotion welcomed our sight.
"Get this off me, No!! Whoever said I want to live huh? Stop meddling with my affairs! I'd rather die!! You heard me? I'd rather die!!!!" Myungsoo and I rushed to see what's happening, Myungsoo stopped on his track when we arrived at your room.
You were trying to remove the dextrose connected through your wrist. The nurses were trying to held you down but, surprisingly, your strength which you saved up from your deep slumber seemed to surpassed theirs. 
"YA!" You stopped from stuggling when you heard Myungsoo's shout. Your left hand which is trying to pull out your dextrose slowly loosened up. You felt a chill run down your spine, your gaze were fixated on Myungsoo's eyes.
"O-Oppa?" You uttered towards Myungsoo. 
"You pabo! Did you know how tired I am huh? I had a concert just last night, the doctor called and so Woohyun and I haven't taken a rest yet. We dashed here so we could find out how do you do. I flew from Japan to Korea without a good sleep! You know that? and yet we've seen you here shouting, screaming at the top of your lungs that you'd rather die?!" I didn't know whether I'll laugh at the long speech Myungsoo have spoken towards you or I'll give you a piece of mind too.
"K-keundae Oppa-" You tried to protest and state your side but Myungsoo didn't let you do so.
"Ya, have you ever thanked these people?" You shook your head. "Aish! These people tried their best to save your life and then these is the kind of gratitude you would show them. Ya _______ what do you think my mother who raised you will say once she found out how bad your attitude have become?" 
"M-mianhe oppa." 
"Come on Myungsoo, she has just recovered, don't give her a hard time." Your eyes enlarged in astonishment when you finally realized that I am with Myungsoo. 
"Woohyunsshi." Your quivering voice managed to say my name. I'm glad, at least you still know me, at least you still have some courage to call me.
"It seems that you're perfectly fine, then I'll be leaving you in Myungsoo's company. You guys have a lot of things you need to catch up on." I bade goodbye, I didn't even bother to go inside your room. I know you need time to talk to Myungsoo, I know you need to make him realize that he still have, even a little bit of, lingering feelings for you.
But then I also know that these will be the last moment in my life I'd got the chance to see you, 'cause I know the moment I step out of this hospital you'd confess to Myungsoo everything. Everything that he deserves to know, and after that he won't let even a single strand of my hair be seen on this hospital anymore.
"Goodbye Myungsoo." I murmured though I don't know if Myungsoo heard me.
I guess this really is goodbye.
To be continued l l >
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Incase you are all wondering I merged three chapters altogether so the present chapter now is 15. Please do wait for my latest update chapter 16 july 17


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Chapter 21: Wait, was that the end?! No, anni! I wanna know what happens between the reader and Woohyun and also Sungjong and Myungsoo! >_< Please, I don't care how old this is. Me being a silent reader is not me anymore, I made an account because I wanted to comment on this story! It took me a while, obviously, to find this story again. -_- Please continue writing this. ;~;
yunjae_maniac #2
Chapter 21: Sungyeol, FIGHTING!!! But sorry oppa, I am MYUNGJONG shipper, hihi......
from the story, I felt that Dongwoo has a sad love story in the past.....
Chapter 3: I'm a so Godly person, but I found this story so good... I love it indeed ^_^ the plot's so good, and it's perfect ^_^
jimeulk #5
Chapter 20: asdfghjkl Yeol ;; ugh I can't wait to see what he does! <3 update soon author-nim, I'll be supporting you! ouo
Thank you for making a fiction that is Sungjong is your main character. well my bias is sunjong and i'll be supporting this. FIGHTING~~~!
Chapter 17: Update soon, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 17: The chapter is wonderful. I love it! This bond that formed between Sungjong and Woohyun it's cute and heart warming. It made me happy to read it and I totally enjoyed the platonic kiss between them. It was hot in the non-hot way. Just platonic. I really think you made a perfect job with this chapter. Woohyun will stop her! He has to stop her because they are meant to be together. I can't wait for more. Update soon! <3
Wow! It's been so long. It was time for you to come back. I can't wait to read more. What can I say. I am even more open minded right now. I love it! Please update soon! :)
Chapter 17: sungjong is just too sweet! even woohyun who hate him end up spilling all his secret to him and grow some affection for hi.. the power of sungjong!

woohyun-ah! go for it! make sure this time u made it, and whatever the outcome is, be strong! fighting !