"HER" In Myungsoo's Life

A Maknae's Love (ON HIATUS)

Chapter five: “Her” in Myungsoo’s Life.


“Where are you going?” Woohyun asked Kim Myungsoo one Thursday morning when he noticed that Myungsoo was getting all prepped up.

“I’m gonna visit her.” Kim Myungsoo replied as he applied wax to style his hair.

“Hmm, can I tag along? It’s been a month since I last saw her; I want to see her too.” Woohyun asked. A smile appeared on his handsome face when he learned that Myungsoo will be visiting her.

“I’m sorry but you can’t. I need to have a quality time with her today; I need to talk to her.” Myungsoo declined as he spewed a watermelon flavoured perfume on his body.

“Well, at least buy her a bouquet of her favoriteflower.” Woohyun suggested.

“Don’t worry I will, I’d buy a white chrysanthemum on my way.” Myungsoo said flashing a faint smile on his face as he glanced at Woohyun. “Well then I’m off.” Myungsoo said, tapping Woohyun’s left shoulder as he leave the room they’re occupying together.

“Anni, it’s red carnation you ought to buy.” Woohyun whispered to no one but himself, saddened by the fact that Kim Myungsoo did not know her favorite flower.



                 Meanwhile on the living room of their dorm Lee Sungjong and Lee Sungyeol were both sitting on the couch. Lee Sungjong was eating one of the ten gallons Dongwoo bought for him.

                 “That’s no fair Sungjong, why are you the only one eating a gallon of chocolate ice cream?” Sungyeol complained his cute eyes were glued on the chocolate ice cream Sungjong was eating.

                 “It’s chocolate Ice cream we’re talking about, there’s no way I’d share this with you hyung.” Sungjong said, showing his pink tongue slightly at Sungyeol as his spoon scooped a large portion of ice cream for him to devour.

                 “Ya Sungjong have you forgotten that if it wasn’t for my good teaching skills you wouldn’t have had mastered our dance steps in paradise? Come on show me some gratitude” Sungyeol said, appealing to Sungjong’s conscience.

                 “Fine but just one spoonful of ice cream okay?” Sungjong said giving in to Sungyeol’s appeal. He looked at the gallon of ice cream he is eating and slowly pushed it towards Sungyeol’s.

                 Sungyeol on the other hand pushed it back to Sungjong and said, “Feed me.”

                 Sungjong on the other hand was taken a back, surprised by his hyung’s sudden request. “B-but...”

                 “My hands are tired plus it is just one spoonful of ice cream. Feed me Sungjong-ah.” Sungyeol pleaded once again with a cute pout on his face.

                 Sungjong sighed before giving in. He scooped a spoonful of chocolate ice cream and was about to feed his hyung. Sungyeol on the other hand happily opened his mouth.

                 The spoonful of ice cream Sungjong was holding was about to enter Sungyeol’s mouth when suddenly a different mouth appeared from no where and ate the spoonful of ice cream Sungjong was holding.

                 Apparently, when Myungsoo went out from the room he is sharing with Woohyun, the figure of Sungyeol begging for Sungjong to feed him an ice cream welcomed his sight. When Sungjong gave in and was about to feed Sungyeol with the same spoon Sungjong used to eat his ice cream, Myungsoo hurriedly walked towards the couch Sungjong and Sungyeol were sitting, knelt down so his face would block Sungyeol’s ajar mouth, and opened his mouth so that he would be the one Sungjong would feed.

                He did so because there’s no way in hell he would let Sungjong and Sungyeol have an indirect kiss. Never.

                 Myungsoo’s mouth did not let go of the spoon Sungjong was holding, savouring the delicious taste of the chocolate ice cream.

                 His mouth only let go when an annoyed Sungyeol pushed his head away from the now empty spoon.

                “Ya Myungsoo that ice cream is supposed to be mine, why the heck did you eat it?” Sungyeol complained.

                 Sungjong on the other hand bit his lower lip, suppressing himself from smiling at the though that he just fed his beloved hyung. Then suddenly he realized what just had happened. A weird sensation spurred on his stomach when he realized that he did not merely feed Myungsoo but also shared a kiss with him. An indirect one, through the spoon he recently used to eat his chocolate ice cream.

                 “The ice cream Sungjong was holding looks delicious, it’s like it’s begging me to eat it so I did.” Myungsoo answered with his usual expressionless face. “Ja, thanks for the ice cream I’ll be going now.” Myungsoo said paying heed to Sungjong.

                 “Where will you go hyung?” Sungjong asked.

                 “To the girl where his heart belongs to.” Woohyun butted in, apparently he went out of their room to follow Myungsoo but was annoyed by the scenario that welcomed him.

                 Sungjong’s left hand lost grip on the spoon he was holding, his eyes averted the gaze of his three hyung, looking down. Sungyeol swiftly placed his right hand at Sungjong’s left hand, gripping it tightly as if he was giving him some sort of strength.

                 Myungsoo’s mouth on the other hand was slightly agape, but quickly closed it. He was planning to protest but why would he? How would he? When the words that Woohyun’s mouth uttered were all nothing but the truth.

                 “T-then t-take care on your way hyung.” Sungjong said, finally raising his head to meet Myungsoo’s gaze, plastering an  assuring smile on his beautiful face.

                 A guilty smile ensued on Myungsoo’s face before finally heading off on his way towards her. The girl, like what Woohyun just said, where his heart belongs to.


                 “Ya Nam Woohyun what was that for?” Sungyeol annoyingly asked Woohyun right after Myungsoo went out of the door.

                 “Sungyeol please leave Sungjong and I alone.” Woohyun commanded, not bothering to answer Sungyeol’s inquiry.


                 “Sungjong needs to know the reason why Myungsoo can’t be with him. That reason is confidential Sungyeol, that’s why please do leave us alone, we need to talk.” Woohyun explained.

                 “Sungjongie are you fine with that?” Sungyeol asked. Sungjong on the other hand nodded. Sungyeol abruptly stood up and left the two of them.


                 “Sungjong-ah I think you ought to know an explanation why Myungsoo can not accept your feelings.” Woohyun started.

                 “Hyun, y-you knew what happened?” Sungjong asked, gulping.

                 “Yeah, I did. But rest assured Myungsoo did not tell me anything.”

                 “Th-then how?”

                 “I can see it, on the way your eyes look at Myungsoo. I can tell without you saying anything. Sungjong-ah I’m not against you being with Myungsoo or anything but I can not allow you to be with him, not when he is already committed to someone else.” Woohyun explained.

                 “Myungsoo-hyung is already with someone else?” Sungjong’s eyes looked down, “I- I didn’t know, he did not tell me anything he just-.”

                 “That’s why I’m telling you this, I know Myungsoo won’t tell you anything. Sungjong-ah there is already a girl inside his heart.” Woohyun started. “That girl is someone who loves him very much, that girl can not afford to lose Myungsoo, not on her current state.”

                 Curiosity rose from Sungjong’s heart, “museun ddeushiya? “ he asked.

                 And so Woohyun told him the story behind the girl in Myungsoo’s heart.






            In a perfectly white coated room there stood Kim Myungsoo. Gazing, staring with sadness, guilt, and pain in his eyes at the girl he vowed to love with all of his heart.

            He slowly walked towards the sleeping figure of a girl with a long curly crimson hair. His footsteps were heavy and so do is his heart. He gently sat on the chair next to the hospital bed; his right soft hand was touching the contour of the angelic face of the sleeping girl. His thumb the small red lips of the girl as his left hand moved to touch the girl’s right hand.

            “Mianhe, mianhe.” He whispered on her ears, though he knew she couldn’t hear her. “Ne, ______________, what should I do? How could I keep my promise to you, if my heart is beating for someone else?” Kim Myungsoo asked, guilt can be felt on his deep voice.

            His left hands tightened his grasp on the right hand of the sleeping girl, as tears slowly fall from his tantalizing eyes. Memories came rushing on his mind. Reminding him of the memories he would rather burry deep within his thoughts.

Maybe all of you are wondering who this girl is.

Well, this seemingly lifeless girl is the one Myungsoo used to treat as his world,

The one he used to cherish the most, the one his heart used to beat for.

 The reason why he can not accept the feelings of his beloved maknae.

 This girl is no other than...




















Yes, you.




 You came from a broken family, and your mother hates you very much. This is because you were a reminder of the unfulfilled promises and sins of your father. Everyday your mother beats you into a pulp, everyday you’re begging for her mercy, pleading for your life.

Kim Myungsoo’s mother was the only one who empathized with you back then, she reported the deeds of your mother to the law enforcers and took you in her custody. That was the time when Kim Myungsoo met you. He treated not only your physical wounds but also your wounded heart.

He showed you how it’s like to finally have someone whom you can call as your family. He showed you how it’s like to be look after, to be taken care of, to be loved.

Kim Myungsoo brought you to life.

It was during your middle school year when you finally realized your blossoming feelings for Myungsoo, at first you chose to ignore your feelings. But you failed to seize it, a month before the two of you would graduate, you confessed to Kim Myungsoo. He, on the other hand, accepted your feelings.

Kim Myungsoo treated you like a fragile glass never did anything that would break your heart.

Years passed but your relationship remained unwavering. The day after both of you graduated senior high, Kim Myungsoo asked your hand for marriage.

“Ya, ____________ do you know who you are to me?” Kim Myungsoo asked you while you were both sitting on the floor eating a jelly ice cream while watching a gag television show.

You did not answer his question instead you just stared at his tantalizing eyes, surprised by his sudden question.

Kim Myungsoo flashed a sweet smile on his face before he said, “You are not my life but you are the one I want to spend it with. You’re not my world but you’re the best thing in it. That’s why _________, be my wife. Allow me to spend my every single day with you. Allow me to live in this world with you by my side. Marry me ________, and let me take care of you for the rest of your life.” Myungsoo pulled out a small box from the pocket of his black pants. He opened it before your eyes and a red ruby ring welcomed your sight.

Tears began to fall from your perfectly almond shaped brown eyes. You embraced Kim Myungsoo tight and whispered “Yes, I’ll be your wife” on his left ear.

“I swear you won’t regret this. I promise to you that I will treat you with more than enough love and care. I promise that I will make you happy. I won’t make you sad nor leave you for anybody else. Always remember my vow, __________ I promise I will love you forever.”


Everything seemed to be perfectly fine. But two days after the proposal arrived.


Kim Myungsoo just attended an audition when a nearby hospital called on his cell phone. Apparently something happened to you that’s why you were sent on a hospital. Myungsoo hurriedly went to the hospital, anxious and concern about what happened to you. Hoping that it is not something serious.

This morning as you were walking down the streets a speeding truck had hit you. Good thing it did not end your life. The bad thing is it harmed you well enough to send you in a coma.




Not at all



It was a suicide gone wrong.



Yes, you attempted to end your life two days after Kim Myungsoo proposed to you.

And the real reason behind that is something only you can answer, a reason unknown even to Kim Myungsoo.

A reason which will remain a mystery to everyone until the day that you’d wake up and reveal it yourself.


End of Flash back


            “Ne __________ wake up already please, I’m finding myself slowly falling for Sungjong’s charm. I, I don’t want to be unfaithful to you, that’s why please wake up already, wake up already and pull be back to your arms. Stop me from falling for Sungjong _________, stop my heart from beating for someone else.” Myungsoo pleaded, his right hand was grasping the right hand of you tightly as if that would wake you up from your deep slumber.

            “Ne, ___________ Eoddeokajyo?” Myungsoo asked once again, tears were already streaming down from his eyes. As you lie down on the hospital bed seemingly lifeless, oblivious of the painful pang inside Myungsoo’s heart.



A/N: There chappie five is done! I hope you’d appreciate this chapter. I hope you’d enjoy reading this fanfic =) Thank you for spending time reading this and please do feel free to drop a comment and click the subscribe button. Once again THANK YOU!




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Incase you are all wondering I merged three chapters altogether so the present chapter now is 15. Please do wait for my latest update chapter 16 july 17


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Chapter 21: Wait, was that the end?! No, anni! I wanna know what happens between the reader and Woohyun and also Sungjong and Myungsoo! >_< Please, I don't care how old this is. Me being a silent reader is not me anymore, I made an account because I wanted to comment on this story! It took me a while, obviously, to find this story again. -_- Please continue writing this. ;~;
yunjae_maniac #2
Chapter 21: Sungyeol, FIGHTING!!! But sorry oppa, I am MYUNGJONG shipper, hihi......
from the story, I felt that Dongwoo has a sad love story in the past.....
Chapter 3: I'm a so Godly person, but I found this story so good... I love it indeed ^_^ the plot's so good, and it's perfect ^_^
jimeulk #5
Chapter 20: asdfghjkl Yeol ;; ugh I can't wait to see what he does! <3 update soon author-nim, I'll be supporting you! ouo
Thank you for making a fiction that is Sungjong is your main character. well my bias is sunjong and i'll be supporting this. FIGHTING~~~!
Chapter 17: Update soon, author-nim. ^_^
Chapter 17: The chapter is wonderful. I love it! This bond that formed between Sungjong and Woohyun it's cute and heart warming. It made me happy to read it and I totally enjoyed the platonic kiss between them. It was hot in the non-hot way. Just platonic. I really think you made a perfect job with this chapter. Woohyun will stop her! He has to stop her because they are meant to be together. I can't wait for more. Update soon! <3
Wow! It's been so long. It was time for you to come back. I can't wait to read more. What can I say. I am even more open minded right now. I love it! Please update soon! :)
Chapter 17: sungjong is just too sweet! even woohyun who hate him end up spilling all his secret to him and grow some affection for hi.. the power of sungjong!

woohyun-ah! go for it! make sure this time u made it, and whatever the outcome is, be strong! fighting !