
Pirate Of The Galaxy.
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Fear rose in Hyunjin almost taking him to the ground. The fear wasn’t his. It belonged to one of his mates. Searching deep, Hyunjin deciphered it was Felix. Felix was sending a distress signal through their bond, he was in real trouble. The problem was, he was far from him, had been separated when Hyunjin went to aid Baekhyun. However he would be damned to let something happen to his mate. Whatever it was, was something beyond Felix. He was a tough soldier and now that needed help, Hyunjin was going to make sure he got it. Roaring, Hyunjin turned around. Scaring away spirits as he ran in the direction he felt his mate. He rounded the corner just as the Frikg lunged. The world froze, Felix mid-turn, the beast air born. Light, sound, it all stopped. Taking half form, Hyunjin closed his hand around the Frikg's neck and life returned. The creature twisted in Hyunjin's grip, and he rammed his fist down its throat. Teeth punched through his bones, but didn't register the pain, didn't let himself to. The desire for destruction boiled through him. He smashed the creature into a ground. The entire ground shifted as though Hyunjin had the power to manipulate nature. The impact collapsed the left side of the Frikg's skull, crushing its eye socket. Jelly and ichor dripped down its cheek. The remaining eye dimmed, stared horrified at Hyunjin. Something he didn't know the Frikgs were capable of. But It had tried to take what was his, so it didn’t matter. Another made for Felix and Hyunjin seized the creature by its muzzle and yanked, separating the bottom jaw from the skull. Many had surrounded them as though drawn by something. With calculation, Hyunjin pushed Felix behind a tree just as a much larger Frikg came at them. It slammed into Hyunjin, taking him to the ground, the sudden impact forcing his body to shift form. Rocks grated the flesh on his human arms and back. He didn’t fight the momentum, rolling with the beast. Hyunjin cursed as razor claws sank into his ribs, severing bone. There was a good reason he avoided fighting the Frikg, despite his rapid regeneration. They were vicious. He was better off fighting the spirits, they were weaker and less violent than the Frikgs, however now he had to fight them to save his mate. The nerves along Hyunjin's spine screamed, and he jerked back. The Frikg's grip slid from Hyunjin's stomach, taking a string of entrails with it. New cells spiraled out from Hyunjin's skin, stitching his damaged flesh, filling his insides with fresh tissue, away the pain as he came to a stop, landing on his feet. They gazed at one another, snarling and growling. Hyunjin leaped at the same moment as the Frikg, meeting it half way, their bodies colliding in an explosion of strength. The deep boom rolled across the battlefield. I have to change back. Being in human shape would only give the Frikg an advantage. Hyunjin's limbs popped, his skull elongated, skin giving way to fur. As quick as the creature hacked at Hyunjin's body, the wolf inside him countered the attack as he took his full form, bigger and stronger than his opponent. They broke apart. Hyunjin rolled up his mouth, flashing teeth, the creature did the same while taking a step back. Hyunjin stalked forward. The Frikg spun away in the direction of the trees. Hyunjin sprang after it, only to be knocked out of the air by another. Claws sank into Hyunjin's side, and he shoved his own clawed paw up under the other monster’s rib cage. Black and red blood flared over the ground, following them as they spun through the air, bodies entwined. They hit the trees, Hyunjin taking most of the impact across his shoulder but didn't dare to shift form. The jolt shoved the creature’s body farther down his grip. Ridges of spine brushed the tips of Hyunjin's claws. The Frikg let go and attempted to tear away from Hyunjin. Like hell Hyunjin would let it go. Hyunjin slid his claws through the bone without resistance. The Frikg screamed in agony, and the lower half of its body separated from the torso before disintegrating. A burst of pain shot down Hyunjin's back, and he was pushed to the ground by the weight of another Frikg. Hyunjin rolled, using his canines to hurl the creature into a tree, leaving behind wads of flesh in his mouth. The Frikg widened its eyes, and its shock gave Hyunjin the millisecond he needed. He swung his claws, catching it across the side of the head. Bone parted in a gentle swish, and the beast hit the ground twitching once, before turning to ash. He looked to see Felix was alright, had stayed where Hyunjin had left him. A shadow flashed overhead, and Hyunjin had just enough time to turn before body mass shoved him back. !  Hyunjin slashed his claws through its neck. Teeth snapped next to his face, and hot breath that carried the stench of sulfur. Hyunjin squeezed, crushing cartilage and bone. Black blood rushed over his paws, and he twisted his grip, tearing away flesh and bone, as he threw the thing off him. It landed thrashing on its side before it died.  Felix's whimpers had him jerking. When he turned, Bang Chan was there beside the omega, that was yet again about to get mauled. There wasn’t even a blur of movement, Chan held the Frikg by its neck. It twisted in Chan's grip, and he wrapped his arm around its neck, slamming it into a tree. The tree buckled, and bits of splinters rained down, pelting Chan's arms. Chan let go of the neck and seized its muzzle. He flexed his shoulders, the seams of his T-shirt split, and the hard lines of his muscles threatened to come through his skin. The Frikg thrashed, and Chan yanked his hands wide. A hard crack gave way to the wet sound of tearing flesh. When another came to attack Chan from behind, Hyunjin jumped it with his teeth and claws, ending it almost immediately. They were better working as a team. The three of them watching each other's backs. Wolves and vampires were known for their physical strength. And it showed in the way they fought. The both panted, turning simultaneously to make sure Felix was alright. "Fight the ghost on the side, next to the alpha." Chan told Felix and the omega shifted to human form before nodded." Avoid the Frikgs. I don't understand why they want you, but I think I have a theory" He said, pulling Felix for a quick kiss, that had Hyunjin jealous for not being able to share the kiss with them too.  Chan placed a hand on Felix's belly as though feeling the new life growing in him. "They're attracted to the pure life force in here."  Hyunjin's pup. Oh now it made sense why the Frikg wanted their Omega. Both Hyunjin and Chan had been against the omega joining the war. However Felix had been pissed, and downright disagree with them. In the end they had no choice but to let him. He still couldn't believe Felix had allowed Bang Chan to claim him too, considering the omega didn't like the vampire, and thought him a rival instead of a potential love interest. Hyunjin's bond to Felix had been a two way thing, and was only completed when Chan added his bite to the omega. Meaning they had to be mates as three or live with a partial bond. Pulling back, Felix dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's wolf to kiss his head. "Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to kiss us when this over." The Omega said and Hyunjin snorted. "I will be safe I promise." "Hyunjin see that he's near King Namjoon safe. I need to be close to my people." Chan ruffled Hyunjin's fur, before taking off. Hyunjin watched Felix shift to his wolf and they both jumped out of the trees simultaneously, Hyunjin roaring, a vow to end anything that dared cross their path.
**** Dae glanced at the sword in his hand, running a finger down the runes carved, that glowed anywhere his finger traced. He gazed at it in awe for a moment, then lifted his head, he nodded at keeper and the being inclined his head. The keeper was something between a male a female, that had Dae confused. But he remembered his Aunt Irene mentioning something about gender neutral people and she had addressed the person as they or ask them what they wanted to be addressed as. When he did, the keeper had chuckle and told Dae he was a male. "I hope you find it to your liking, little keeper." The keeper said and Dae groaned. The keeper had been calling him 'Little keeper' the moment they had met. Dae didn't know how he would become a keeper when he was no God or high entity. However If that was what had made the keeper listen to his request then he wouldn't say otherwise. The keeper had insisted Dae was his successor, that he had waited eons for, and had gave up on the idea that one would ever be born.  He had also pointed out it was the reason the dark elf resented Dae, because Dae scare him– the way the keeper scare the dark soul– being the only being that could cast him to where he had avoided since the moment he died. However Dae didn't have intensions of doing that. He had other plans for the dark elf. Though he pitied the elf for how tragic his story had been, but the dark elf had to perish for his Hayrik to be free. He wouldn't give up otherwise. "You sure it won't hurt my Hayrik?" The keeper shook his head, smiling a like an uncle would to a favorite nephew. "I would not dare lie to you. Especially when the dark lord had brought you into existence." Dark lord, meaning his Hayrik. "And the Souls?" "They shall be at your command as long you give them a vessel with your blood." Dae glanced at the Styx, and the silverly beings swimming in it. Unlike the ones the dark soul had called to do his bidding, according to the keeper these were the souls that had yet to be reincarnated, but had been purified. The ones the dark elf was using were spirits– ghosts that lingered, thirsty and greedy for life even though they were dead, many of them had been dead for long.  The keeper had also mentioned Frikgs, that the dark elf was able to control because he was wearing Hayrik's body. The creatures were drawn to any living dark elf– like some sort of dark army to do his bidding in exchange for sharing life essence. The bad dark elf couldn't control them because he was already dead and was using Hayrik's life force to control them. Meaning Hayrik was now even weaker than the time Dae had seen him.  The Frikgs were originally soldiers of the keeper forged by his own hands, before the keeper put a curse on them for a crime they had committed, that the keeper didn't elaborate when Dae had asked. "This place would be crawling with them if he hadn't called them to the surface." The keeper made a gesture around the dark forest. "Hence I do not like coming here, only when I could not help it." Dae hummed. "Do you have kids?" The keeper seem taken aback by the sudden question. "Why do you ask." A lazy shrug was Dae's response. "You're getting late little keeper." Clearly he didn't want to talk about that and Dae didn't press. Dae flinched when cold fingers met his skin. Unlike any spirit walker, Dae learned that he had the ability to take a solid shape, something once again he didn't understand why or how he was able to. He didn't arrive as a spirit but a person. Allowing him to feel and touch things freely. Just like the keeper. The keeper had placed a finger on top of Dae's head muttering something under his breath. "I have unlocked a portion of your powers. Use it wisely little keeper." Dae didn't feel any different, nevertheless he thanked the keeper.  "Honor reigns in your heart, and it will guide you. Listen to your heart. It will never steer you wrong.Go little keeper and return a victor. I shall wait for your return" "Uhm you're not going to ask me to stay here after– he made a gesture above. "Taking care of things up there, are you?" Another laugh escaped the keeper."No I will not. Do not worry about returning the sword, it will find its way back to me after it's purpose is served. Generally speaking, you have millennials to live and explore life before you ease my burden. However being the keeper of souls is a lonely life, you get to send your loved ones through reincarnations while you remain here." "You mean I won't be my parents child in the next life?" Dae frowned, he didn't like that. "I am afraid not, not until you find a replacement to ease you and you get to reincarnate at least decades after your parents did." "What If I choose not to be a keeper?" "You're free to do that. Being a keeper is by choice. I shall continue to be the keeper for as long as it would take to have a successor." His tone held a sad edge that had Dae heart aching for the being. "Okay." He nodded, not wanting to bother with that at the moment. The keeper had said Dae had time to decide on what he wanted. "The favor I asked for is still valid right?" The keeper hummed. "Of course that is why I lent you the sword. I shall not fail you even though it would be difficult. The Gods are not happy with him and it will be hard to persuade them." He pursed his lips. Dae grinned "Make sure to mention I am Sadok's descendant." The keeper roll his eyes. "Sadok is no God." "Well he's more known as a deity than his God mate." Dae shrugged. Once again the keeper shook his head fondly. "I shall do as you ask." He made a shooing gesture at Dae'in. With another smile, Dae walked to the river. He sensed the souls with him, growing anxious as they clustered, hungry for his blood.  He needed to give them a vessel and soon. Using the sword, he cut himself and trailed his hand in the river. The waves lapped his blood. He glanced back at the keeper and he nodded. Taking off his shoes, Dae stood with his feet in the sand and foam. “You have taken my blood,” he said to the souls, “and now I will have a favor.” Dae thought of everything he’d learned from the keeper and what he wanted from the souls. He focused the magic that was burning through him like fire, and he created something magnificent.  He raised the Styx and the Souls in it. Something he was certain hadn't been done before.  He heard the keeper's gasp of shock beside him, but Dae was too drunk on power to look his way. "I give you passage through the sea of Lyfe. Rise and serve me." ***  
It was raining hard, had been for the past hour or so, after it had snowed for that long, effect of an oriental dragon's emotions. Beomgyu was a seasonal dragon and his rage had manifested to snowfall and heavy rainfall, that had surprisingly gave the living fighters the upper hand. The spirits had become more visible and the Frikgs were having difficulty taking flight, they didn't seem to like water. Which meant they could only remain on the ground, easily disposable. Though it didn't stop them from wreaking havoc, it did helped.  Kai was exhausted god-damned it. He truly was. Still unable to pin the dark elf after gods knew how long. He was sure it had been hours of fighting endlessly. At some point he had stopped chasing the dark elf to help with the battle happening around him. Those that made attempt to reach his side and help, hadn't been able to. Sadness washed over him at the sight of death everywhere he looked. The dark elf had taken half the armies. No race was left untouched, they all had faced devastation. Even the silver dragons that usually rush in and out from time to time to heal the Injured, had face the dark elf's cruel touch. He seemed to especially like to take their souls. The last Kai had sighted the dark elf was almost an hour ago. He had opted to float and watch with satisfaction as his minions kill for him, making him exceptionally stronger. This had to end. Sooner rather than later, or else every other soul here wouldn't make it out alive – expect for Kai that had the protections of his whelps and probably a few that would happen to be close enough to him to survive. The dark soul had tried several times to take his soul, and the results had been the same. Kai's soul was untouchable. If only he could extend that protection all around the field. But now Kai would have to consider sacrificing a few to save the rest, something he should have done from the moment the idea came to him. "Kai!" His mom called, landing beside him, tucking her wings behind her. She had been in half form since the moment the battle began and for some reason had remained that way "You have plan on how to end this?"  Kai nodded, whipping droplets from his muzzle.  I need volunteers. Kai sent to the dragons, and his mom frowned. "What are you doing?"Hyoyeon asked, yet he didn't respond. She would find out soon enough. My king.  Kyungsoo was the first to answer his call. Being a bronze made it easy to communicate with Kai telepathically as if they were bonded in some way. Name what you need and you shall get. Another sent. Probably the green clan leader. The one dragon that like to still use the ancient language. Even If it means you will lose your life? Yes. A chorus of response echoed in his mind. It will be an honor to die for you Kai wanted to say no he didn't want that, however he couldn't. Because that was exactly what he was asking them to
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Chapter 42: Omg, i read this in maraton for 2 days. And i like it so much. Thank you for sharing authornimm.. i will be spamming subscribe to all your stories, please bear with me 🥺🥰
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 41: Ahhhh this is the part where they met concubine Sehun
Chapter 40: Perfection! That's the word to describe this story. I love it so much. It was a pleasant journey. Kudos to you author.
Ghadino94 #4
Chapter 8: I loveee thissss
Chapter 42: Really good one. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Perfect.
Chapter 42: Wow! Just wow. I've read a lot of stories but not many had be hooked, yours are exceptional. I hope you receive more recognition for you work. You're truly amazing.
That was hell of a Ride. I truly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Wow wow wow WOW!
I just binge read this and there's just a lot to say.

First of all, I apologize for not being able to read this as you update, work is taking all my time and can only binge this in between projects xD

Ngl, at first I was a bit sceptical on how you would up Hooligans Paradise since that one was one heck of an epic story but you did it!

I love how the character setting in this one is different from your previous ones, since Kai is leading most of the action, proofs just how strong he is next to Sehun. It's a nice change of dynamics.

Oh, and don't get me start on the creatures in this story! I always thought Blink would be my ultimate favourite non human character from your stories but the Horas and Athena? They won my heart immediately! I just love reading the interactions between non human characters and the humans. It warms my heart~

Oh and not to forget, the 3 super baby dragons!! The most adorable little bunch of epic children they are, love that you gave them the spotlight too with the plot twist ~

Also, it's really cool that you had the plots planned out since all the way before~

It's so nice that everyone gets their happy ending too, even Taegun~

Btw, I was kinda somewhat half expecting the next story would be the dinosaur dimension one *cough* haha
But ofc, I am already looking forward to the next one!

I truly enjoyed reading this one~ Thank you so much for writing yet another great piece, Jasmine~
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 42: And once again, thank you for dedicating your time to write and finish the story. It has been a pleasant journey