
Pirate Of The Galaxy.
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After returning to his ship, Kai had spent quite some time sulking and missing Sehun even more. He didn't realize how attached he had become until he was back on storm. It proved how difficult it was going to be if Sehun decided to end things before they even began.  He had thought his mate was finally opening up his heart for him. Had hoped they would get their happy ending this time and nothing would come in their way. However that had been Kai's wishful thinking. Hearing Sehun's words had shattered his heart to say the least. Kai understood where Sehun was coming from, even though he didn't like the way Sehun chose to execute things. Having a dragon on the ship after everything they put him through was hard, even if said dragon was his mate. He only hope Sehun wouldn't take long to call him back, because Kai didn't know how he would fare without his mate, now that he had claimed Sehun.  "Majesty?" A call had Kai snapping back to the present."You must break him out quickly." Right they were here for an important business. Looking at the man inside the pod, Kai couldn't help but rub his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things. What the hell was this?  He had received a call from the Blue clan leader about Donghae's location a few hours earlier. Saying it had left him baffled was an understatement. However he still decided– had to come take a look. As far he was concerned the man was on Black Pearl. And presently, Kai was looking at the said man unconscious in a pod, clearly in cryo sleep. Kai didn't know what to think anymore. What was real or what was an illusion? They were in a cave, hidden inside Lyfe palace. Kai thought he knew all about the castle, however never knew of the existence of such place. The place was sealed and b with strong magic, it was no wonder why it was concealed to people. Runes were drawn on the floor, winding up to the pod that half buried in the ground. If Donghae was here then who was the one on Sehun's ship? Kai had never met the man other than today, but without a doubt this one was the real Donghae. No one would go to such length to hide a fake. Should he warn Sehun? Was he in danger?  Sehun is strong, he could take care of himself. He might not need my help. A painful and real reminder. What if he did need my help? "Hurry before we get caught." The blue clan leader urged. Kai snapped his eyes to look at the blue dragon. He was holding a huge sword, sharp eyes looking around for any hidden danger. Beside him were two other clan leaders, each with a weapon at ready. The other two were watching guard outside the cave. For the clan leaders to personally be in charge of this mission showed how much they respected Kai and their willingness to follow him. Nodding, Kai turned his attention to the man in the pod. With little effort, he let his dragon to surface, in a way he could still retain his human form while golden scales marred his body. The three leaders couldn't help but gasp simultaneously. They seem to be a minute away from dropping on the wet ground and kowtowed before Kai. Though they believed he was what the rumors claimed, however they've never actually seen for themselves until now. Not wanting to waste more time, he opened his mouth and bright golden fire engulfed the floor, up to the pod. In a instant, the magical runes were rendered useless. His golden fire was like anti-magic. When the fire went out, a green mist evaporated in the air. "Take him out, but careful not wake him unprepared." Kai ordered.  The green clan leader, crouched next to the pod, hand flat on the ground, as he called out his magic that was similar to an elf's(ability to manipulate nature) the ground shook a little before it split, pushing out the part of the pod buried underground. Using a high tech device the green clan leader, proceeded to drain the fluid and open the pod, before gently taking the unconscious Donghae into his arms.  The blue dragon instantly took off his cloak to cover the human. "What a beautiful species." He commented. "He's taken." Kai said to the general, that quickly shook his head. "Majesty, I wouldn't dare have such thoughts." The dragon said, "I was merely fascinated. You might not believe me but this is the first time I am seeing a full human." "I believe you." Kai hummed. "Let's move out." It would take a while for Donghae to wake from the cryo sleep and doing it hastily might result to memory loss or worst he could die. With their job done, they all stealthy made for the exit, Kai's mind still in in confusion about the other Donghae on Sehun's ship. **** Somewhere in the palace, Eunhyuk that was in the middle of meditation jerked upright. A sensation he had almost forgotten how it felt coursed through his body. Donghae. He could finally feel him after twenty six years. With a sudden leap, he made for the door and yanked it open. His mind blank except for the thought of getting to his mate. It was so intense that it was hard for him to think rationally. Hastily, he made toward the direction the bond was coming from. It was like a mental pull, that only a mated pair could understand. That part of palace seemed almost empty as he carried on, until he rounded a corner, just before the exit. That was when he came face to face with eight dragon soldiers, guarding the exit. It seemed he wasn't as free he thought to be. It made sense for Heechul have guards stationed here.  "Now, now. Where do you think you're going?" One of them snarled, that didn't hide the look of surprise on his face. "A rare sight, for years he had never attempted an escape to the point I thought the king was probably just paranoid." Another said to his companion, that nodded in agreement. "What do we do with him?" A red dragon said, a hand on his chin. "Report to the king or take care of him by ourselves?" Eunhyuk cursed under his breath for being impulsive. He didn't have a weapon to fight them, however he did have magic. Beside he was a king for a reason, no weakling could rule Lyfe for hundreds of years. And this was the castle, his turf. He knew every corner like the back of his hand. But he couldn't tell how many guards were stationed in every place, and getting nature's help would take time. He needed to go to his mate fast before he lose this chance. Resolutely, he took a fighting stance, waiting for them to come at him. A fight was inevitable. They shared glances with one another, before one of them rushed forward with electric baton raised. Adrenaline coursing through him, Eunhyuk knocked the dragon out before he could land the intended hit. Two more came at him at same time, he docked and grabbed their legs simultaneously, causing them to crash on the floor, then used both hands to hit them precisely on the head fusing his strength into the punch. They didn't move after that hit. "You're really no joke." The bulkiest of them snarled, he was a black dragon, and Eunhyuk hated black dragons the most. "And really determine to leave all of a sudden?" He stepped forward, flexing his bulky arms. His companion made a move to join him, but he shook his head. "Leave him to me. I can handle pointed ears." He didn't come with a baton like the others, his confidence was obvious. They circled around each other, Eunhyuk taking in his opponent until he found what he was looking for. When the dragon decided it was time to attack, Eunhyuk had been ready. He took advantage of the person's size that minimized his movements, to land a swift kick at his left leg. Yeah that was the dragon's weakness. He had an old injury on that exact spot. Eunhyuk wanted to get this over with quickly and reach his mate. Thinking of Donghae gave him more strength. With a savage cry, he rained punches on the bulky dragon. When the male was no barely breathing , Eunhyuk stood up. He called to his magic, and two sizzling whips appeared in each hand. Turning his attention to the others, he let a smile graced his face upon seeing the fear evident in their eyes. They were too shocked to react on time, which gave him the chance to finish them off, with a twin flings of his whips. With no time to waste, he pushed back his whips and made for the door. There were dragons there too. But before he could be spotted a hand came to grab him from behind, covering his mouth and dragging behind a pillar. Started, Eunhyuk managed to turn around and was surprised to see a pale skinned female dragon with red hair. She placed a finger on her lips making a shushing gesture. When he raised his brows, she jerked her to side. Peeping, Eunhyuk saw several armed soldiers rushing in different directions. "They're looking for you. One of the guards set off the alarm." She told him in a whisper. "Who are you?" He whispered back, feeling like he was supposed to know her. "I am Kai's mother. And I am here to help you. But you have to cooperate." She said, peeking out for a brief moment, before she pressed her body close to his, as though to shield him. This was Heechul's wife? The one the vile creature abused all the time. It happened that her room was just bellow where he was kept. Eunhyuk had heard her cries several times and it wouldn't take a genius to guess what was happening. The things Heechul did to her were unspeakable, the mere thought, had him shuddering in disgust. He didn't know how she endured all that, living with a man that obviously had no love for her. "I need to get to my mate." He said, looking at the direction he felt the pull. "You cannot. I am certain your mate is safe if you could feel his presence." She said, with a thoughtful expression. "It must be Kai. According to my brother, he's the only one with the power to repel magic, which means he's trying to get your mate out of Lyfe. To safety." "Kai?" "Yes, my middle child, he's your friend is he not?" When Eunhyuk nodded, she went on. "And I am sure he'll come back for you too, but probably not now–Do you trust me Mr. elf?"  Despite just meeting this woman for the first time, Eunhyuk did trust her and not because she was Kai's mother. Something in him told him she was a good dragon. "Yes."  Satisfied with his response, she unclasped a pendant from her neck, raising it to his veiw. "This will make you invisible. It is made from an ancient white dragon's bone. Unfortunately its only strong for one person." and then she wrapped it around his neck. "If you press the pendant it will be activated." Eunhyuk clasped the necklace and nodded. He activated it when she told him to. "Hold my hand so I won't miss you." He did as told and allowed her to lead him into the palace, grateful she couldn't see his face when he couldn't control his emotions at sight of his home being dominated by the dragons. Seeing them shamelessly in every corner as though they owned the palace, sent a pang to his heart. I will take my home back. He vowed, blinking away the tears in his eyes. They met soldiers– going back and forth clearly searching for him or Kai– but no one paid Hyoyeon any mind, not even a single person stopped to greet her, which indicated how insignificant she was as their queen. She didn't say a word until they reached the safety of her rooms. "You're safe now." She let out a sigh. "But do not remove the necklace, we wouldn't know who might come knocking." "So what now?" Eunhyuk asked, after pressing on the pendant to become visible. He could still feel his mate however not as prominent as earlier. They must be far away from the castle. Which was good, the farther the safer. He couldn't believe his mate had been in the same palace all along. And he wondered where it could be that nature couldn't reach. There was no such place. It definitely had something to do with magic. "Now we wait until it gets dark, I will find a way to contact Kai. He will surely get you out of here." She said with a small smile. "Why are you helping me?" He had to ask.  She shrugged as though helpless."Probably to make up for what the dragons had put you through." She lowered her head. "I am not asking for your forgiveness. Just wanted to do something brave for once in my life." "You're a very brave woman. Hyoyeon" He found himself saying. "Not many could withstand what you went through. I would have found a way to escape or kill any man that dared to force himself on me like a bloody animal." She snapped her head to look at him with surprise. She probably didn't expect for him to know what she had been going through.  "Why do you put up with him?" He couldn't help but ask despite knowing it wasn't his place to do so and was overstepping his boundaries. "He's my husband." Was what she said, as though that explained things. "That doesn't mean you should endure what he puts you through." Honestly he couldn't understand why she would let Heechul treat her the way he did. She was a red dragon, a warrior by nature. "Does that mean he has the right to sentence you to death?" He added when she didn't say a word. Once again she looked surprised, almost shocked. "Yeah, I hear things, elfin senses." He tap the tip of his pointed ear. Just because Heechul wanted to take another wife didn't mean she had to die. It didn't make sense. "It's true. When my husband chooses a new bride, he would sentence me to death. And I must accept that." "On what grounds?" He felt anger raging inside him. But reminded himself this was the dragons jurisdiction not his. "He doesn't need one. His words are final and absolute. He's the ruler, naturally he's the law. And there's a law I must obey him." "Does this law commands you to die? Why not just divorce him?" Sometimes how a dragon's mind work would forever be a mystery to him. "A woman should always stay with her husband. When we took over this planet, there are a few things we adopted In other to appease your gods. Divorce became illegal. And there's a law in Lyfe that says if one disobeys their husband, they would wander alone in the underworld, without family or friends. If one dies in accord with the law they will be reunited with their loved ones in eternal peace." "I am Eunhyuk the rightful king of Lyfe, and the laws in Lyfe are the ones that I enforced." He almost yelled the words. "And trust me I didn't enforce such absurd law." She had a distant look on her face as she spoke."I was taken from my clan as a child, and became Heechul's wife, if I die with the accord of the law I will be reunited with my father and mother and in the underworld. I miss them." It was like she wasn't even listening to him, like the words were going Into one ear and escaping from the other.."And who wrote this law? Me?" He scoffed."Your bastard of a husband made things up." "I don't know." She shook her head, but doubt was beginning to form. It was clear in her eyes. Good.  "Those laws you speak of are unfounded. I
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Chapter 42: Omg, i read this in maraton for 2 days. And i like it so much. Thank you for sharing authornimm.. i will be spamming subscribe to all your stories, please bear with me 🥺🥰
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 41: Ahhhh this is the part where they met concubine Sehun
Chapter 40: Perfection! That's the word to describe this story. I love it so much. It was a pleasant journey. Kudos to you author.
Ghadino94 #4
Chapter 8: I loveee thissss
Chapter 42: Really good one. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Perfect.
Chapter 42: Wow! Just wow. I've read a lot of stories but not many had be hooked, yours are exceptional. I hope you receive more recognition for you work. You're truly amazing.
That was hell of a Ride. I truly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Wow wow wow WOW!
I just binge read this and there's just a lot to say.

First of all, I apologize for not being able to read this as you update, work is taking all my time and can only binge this in between projects xD

Ngl, at first I was a bit sceptical on how you would up Hooligans Paradise since that one was one heck of an epic story but you did it!

I love how the character setting in this one is different from your previous ones, since Kai is leading most of the action, proofs just how strong he is next to Sehun. It's a nice change of dynamics.

Oh, and don't get me start on the creatures in this story! I always thought Blink would be my ultimate favourite non human character from your stories but the Horas and Athena? They won my heart immediately! I just love reading the interactions between non human characters and the humans. It warms my heart~

Oh and not to forget, the 3 super baby dragons!! The most adorable little bunch of epic children they are, love that you gave them the spotlight too with the plot twist ~

Also, it's really cool that you had the plots planned out since all the way before~

It's so nice that everyone gets their happy ending too, even Taegun~

Btw, I was kinda somewhat half expecting the next story would be the dinosaur dimension one *cough* haha
But ofc, I am already looking forward to the next one!

I truly enjoyed reading this one~ Thank you so much for writing yet another great piece, Jasmine~
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 42: And once again, thank you for dedicating your time to write and finish the story. It has been a pleasant journey