Thirty -Three

Pirate Of The Galaxy.
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    "–Rik?" "Hayrik!" Light Sehun jerked awake, looking around. His counterpart was awake as well, his red eyes wide. It meant he also heard the voice calling out. "Hayrik, I am here." The voice said again. Rubbing his eyes, he looked to where it came from. His son was stood there, hands grabbing the cage, his pink wings fanning behind him. "Dae!" Light Sehun shuffle forward, feeling like he couldn't get close enough as happiness wash over him, like never before. "Dae!" He repeated like a prayer. "What in name of hells are you doing here?" Dark Sehun asked with a frown, gazing behind the boy to make sure he didn't have company. "I came to see you –" Dae began, his eyes going to the two. "Both of you." He smiled.  Dark Sehun shook his head in disapproval."It's dangerous boy. You shouldn't have come."  Dae nodded. "I know it is, but i couldn't help it."  Light Sehun reached out to hold Dae's hand."How?" He asked, still unable to believe the boy was here. It had been a while since Dae dream walk. Dae bent to drop a kiss on the hand holding his, before he said."I managed to slip into his conscious when he fell asleep. I've been trying for days, since the moment you're gone, but I could only find an opening today."  Dark Sehun extended a hand each to touch the boy as well with resignation. "I missed you." He said, smiling. Dae giggled."Missed you too, so much. Everyone did. My siblings. Especially Dad, he's having a hard time. Barely sleeps, it's the only time I can commune with him properly, I want to assure him all will be alright." "Oh Gods!" Both Sehun's souls felt an ache for his mate. If he could cry he was sure tears would be running down his face. However being a soul made that impossible. He didn't eat, didn't drink, nor sleep. All those things were tied to a body and he didn't have access to one. Today was the first time he'd slept. It also meant the dark soul inhabiting his body only decided to sleep this day since the moment he took over his body. "You look weak." Dae noted with a frown, gazing at them, it was clear he didn't like the state of them. "Yeah, being unable to have access to my body is taking it's toll." Dark Sehun said, shrugging. True the glow in light Sehun had been decreasing, same for the dark part, his figure seem to be thinner, but in reality it was fading, making him to look like a person that had been starving for months without proper food. It wouldn't be long before they ceased to exist. Which was truly terrifying. Dae's lips formed a thin line as he nodded."It won't be for long. Right now everyone is on their way to Lyfe. They'll get you out soon. Hang in there." "Right now?" Light Sehun blinked. "Yes." "How many days has it been?" It was hard to keep track of time in here. "Eight. And you would be free today. No more." The boy promised, smiling, then his brows ceased. "I think he's waking up." "Go" both souls said in sync. "We'll find you, I promise." The boy said, clutching their hands one last time, before disappearing. That had left them wondering what he meant.
**** "We're here." Baekhyun announced, hand stilling on the control. "I am gonna try to take the shield down and–" he paused, frowning, his human eye blinking  rapidly as though unable to take in the view. "What is it?" Chanyeol asked, resting a hand on Baekhyun's, his shoulders tensed. "The shields are down." The cyborg said, he sounded confounded. "You mean like a free passage?" Kai tore his gaze from Baekhyun to look ahead at the planet. He could see the difference. There was no shield, not even one was up. Odd. "Yes." The cyborg nodded. "I don't like this General." Taemin spoke next to Kai, shaking his head. "Those shields have been up no matter what." It was no secret the shields protecting the planet from invasion had never been down since the night the dragons took over. And they had come prepared to take them down with a special device Baekhyun had worked on with the Zerg engineers. "It means they're expecting – like waiting for us." Wei Ying said, crossing both hands over his chest as though to hug himself. "What do we do then?" Wendy asked, watching her father. "What we've come to do." Lan Zhan, placed a hand on her shoulder. She nodded. "Though it means Heechul have us exactly where he wanted us, we can't back out. Not when we're this close to victory." Wei Ying smiled at his daughter. It seemed they had talked and move on past their conflicts and Kai was glad. Having Wendy with– by them would give the Lans more strength to fight.  "Yeah sis we can't back out." Irene agreed, her tail wrapping around her sister's. "Should we proceed?" Baekhyun asked, pressing a button"A message had come from Blue clan leader through Storm." He gazed up at Kai. "They're at the rendezvous point waiting. Do you know what that means?" Kai nodded. "Close enough to the castle, by east." He had exchanged messages with the Blue clan leader over the course of four days, planning on the war and where to rendezvous. He hummed."Tell the others to proceed as well." He told Baekhyun. The cyborg didn't use the ship communicator to do that, instead he used the Al built inside him that seem more efficient. And in no time the others sent their response, while taking formation beside Black Pearl. Once done, Baekhyun took a deep breath, then let his hand back on the control. "Here we go. Take your seats and buckle up, we're gonna land soon." They all went back to their seats, and Kai held his breath as their ship breached the planet with a slight jolt. No one spoke, as the ship descended steadily until it landed. "Get my captain back, General Drake or you won't be welcome on board." Pearl spoke, with as much emotions an Al could have. "Roger that Pearl" Kai permitted himself to smile. "And please don't die. All of you." The Al added, that had almost everyone laughing. "We'll try." Baekhyun said with fond shake of his head. "Keep your eyes open. I am gonna scout first" Kai said, getting up and making for the exit. He held the blade Sehun had gifted him ready to jump as soon as the door open. However at that moment, someone called out to him, their voice frantic. Swirling, Kai raised an eyebrow at Hoseok. "What is it?" The psychic made a wide gesture toward Sehun's study. "Come take a look. Quick."  Kai's heart dropped to his feet as he made his way over. Whatever it was, was certainly something he wouldn't like. Sure enough, the moment he stepped inside, he reeled back, eyes widening at sight that greeted him. Minho was sat on the floor, his eyes vacant. He was under persuasion magic that much was evident. Huddled next to him where the whelps, that refused to meet Kai's gaze. "How in the name of Gods did this happen?" Wei Ying pushed Kai aside to step inside, both hands on his hips like an angry grandpa. "I came to get the box that had once held the bracelet like Magus Choi asked, and I found them." Hoseok said, rubbing his head like it was aching. "Jimin can you tell me how they ended up here?" Kai finally snapped out of his shock to look at the sea elf, that had found his way inside the study. Nodding, Jimin gestured at the whelps, that refused to look up, as well as trying their best to pretend the people around them were invisible."Dae had most likely used persuasion on Minho, Jae'in used invisibility to hide them, and bring them on board when no one noticed. Aurora I am not certain what role she played, however they're all in it together. Some sort of agreement." "By Gods!" Kai let out, tucking away the blade, while grabbing a handful of his hair. "Zitao get an emergency craft ready, i need you to to take them back this instant."  With a nod, the half Zerg rushed out to do as told. The whelps flapped their wings to get away when Kai made toward them. "I am not in for games." Kai told them, exasperatingly, however they refused to listen to him" I can't be fighting while thinking of keeping you safe. I need to be focused ." He said, pleading with them to understand. They perched on top of the desk, Aurora shaking her head, clearly saying she didn't want to leave. The boys joined their sister in her protest, planting their paws firmly, while gazing at Kai with defiant in their eyes. God-damn it. Kai exhaled. "Please." Kai begged. "I need you safe." He inched forward a little, grateful when they didn't fly away. "No, let them. They have a role to play." Siwon suddenly said, stepping into the room. "It was no coincidence they're here. It's fate." He smiled at the whelps, that nodded enthusiastically, as though Siwon was suddenly their favorite person. "What the hell are talking about?" Lan Zhan asked, grabbing the sorcerer and shaking him. Siwon had his eyes on Kai. "He knows what I mean, don't you?" No. Kai shook his head. That shouldn't be true. It couldn't be. There was understanding in the sorcerer's eye."It doesn't necessarily mean what you think, their role might be something entirely different. However I know they are exactly where they should be." He said. "Let's do this. Let them be in the ship, with a few people to keep an eye on them. They wouldn't be in the battlefield." "What if Heechul–" Kai began but shook his head. He couldn't believe he was even considering Siwon's words. "It's too dangerous." "What if Lyla and i stay with them?" Zach asked. Kai's eyes traveled down to where Zach was stood, Lyla beside him and the Horas nodded. "I will stay." Taehyung said, a hand on Kai's shoulder. "If Taehyung is staying so am I." Yoongi said and his brother Beomgyu nodded beside him. "Whatever I do– me being here is because of my mate." "No babe, go help my brother.  He'll need your help." Yoongi shook his head. "I really can't, if you stay I stay. Me coming to this battle is to be by your side and protect you, I can send Beomgyu, but I cannot leave you, do not ask me to."  Taehyung opened his mouth again, but Minseok shook his head. "He won't leave your side Taehyung, let it be. He's a stubborn bastard. You should know by now."  The bearer huffed clearly annoyed, but he didn't try to persuade his mate again. "Though we'll be helpful in the battle but we'll stay and protect them, if they really have a role to play, I think you should consider it." Zach said. "What Baekhyun told you might not really come to pass, however they might be the key to free Sehun." Of course Zach would know what was on Kai's mind. His familiar always find a away to see through him with or without his permission. Kai let out a sigh, his eyes going to the whelps that were all gazing at him with hopeful eyes. Dae's eyes were pleading for his Dad to understand. What the hell was Kai supposed to understand? That his whelps would have to do something dangerous? They were barely two weeks old, and Kai was having a hard time comprehending why the fates would put such great burden on them. Even if like Zach had said, the vision wouldn't necessarily happen, but probably being the only ones to reach out to Sehun was still a task he didn't want his kids to be involved with.  "I can stay too." Eunhyuk said, coming to wrap an arm around Kai. "You know I will protect them with my life." "No you should be in the battlefield. Seeing you will give the elves tangible strength to fight." Donghae said, which everyone agreed with. A moment passed, before he sagged. "Alright." Kai relented. "Protect them well." He told the Horas and his brother. "You know we will." Zach huffed. "Don't let them out of your sight no matter what!" He said and Taehyung nodded. "Aurora make sure they behave."  The girl nodded. Kai went to them and all three whelps shuffled over to him, purring and nuzzling him. After a moment of feeling him, Dae place a wing on Kai's chest, then Aurora too and finally Jae'in. Something inside him thrummed, while his whole chest began to glow, deep in his heart and Kai couldn't hold back his gasp. The sensation was foreign but not unpleasant. He felt like the whelps were fueling his strength. Moments later they dropped their wings in sync, at same time Kai felt the power in him spiking until it reached a limit it was almost hard to contain as his chest glowed to the point of blinding his vision one more time before fading. He felt that power moving in him until it settled in the middle of his chest. Satisfied, the whelps glanced at him, and Jae pulled his mouth into a grin. "I don't know what you just did but thank you." He told them, and they bobbed their heads. Kai looked to Jimin hoping the sea elf would know what just happened. Jimin shook his head, for the first looking helpless. "Unfortunately this is something I have no explanation for." "What of you Magus Choi, can tell what just happened?" Wei Ying asked. The sorcerer had a look helplessness too. "I do not know. This is something i am seeing for the first time. Do you feel any different?" "Yes, like my magic is stronger than it had been, and something I can't explain." "Whatever they did to you, is definitely going to help in the battle." Jimin concluded with a firm nod. Bending over, Kai kissed each whelp, thanking them one more time before rising to his feet. He glanced at Minho that was still under persuasion. "Dae let him go." He said. He wasn't even surprised that the boy had a red dragon in him. Dae looked helplessly at Minho, then to Kai, shaking his head. "I don't get it buddy." The boy gazed at his sister. Aurora let out a sound as though suddenly remembering something, as she fly to hover over Minho, gazing into his eyes, instantly the mage snapped out of it. He stood up, looking around and his eyes going wide when he understood where he was. "How?" The mage asked, rubbing at his temple. "What?" Kai let out In disbelief, eyes going to Jimin." You said she's a dual shifter!" He said, his tone almost accusing. Jimin nodded. "Yes, I am very sure of it." "Then how did she–" Kai began but Jimin stopped him with a raise of his hand as he focused on Aurora. "She doesn't have a red dragon, however she does have its ability." His eyes found Kai's.  "Is that even possible?" Taehyung asked. "As you can see it is" "You whelps are full of surpri
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Chapter 42: Omg, i read this in maraton for 2 days. And i like it so much. Thank you for sharing authornimm.. i will be spamming subscribe to all your stories, please bear with me 🥺🥰
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 41: Ahhhh this is the part where they met concubine Sehun
Chapter 40: Perfection! That's the word to describe this story. I love it so much. It was a pleasant journey. Kudos to you author.
Ghadino94 #4
Chapter 8: I loveee thissss
Chapter 42: Really good one. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Perfect.
Chapter 42: Wow! Just wow. I've read a lot of stories but not many had be hooked, yours are exceptional. I hope you receive more recognition for you work. You're truly amazing.
That was hell of a Ride. I truly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing.
Chapter 42: Wow wow wow WOW!
I just binge read this and there's just a lot to say.

First of all, I apologize for not being able to read this as you update, work is taking all my time and can only binge this in between projects xD

Ngl, at first I was a bit sceptical on how you would up Hooligans Paradise since that one was one heck of an epic story but you did it!

I love how the character setting in this one is different from your previous ones, since Kai is leading most of the action, proofs just how strong he is next to Sehun. It's a nice change of dynamics.

Oh, and don't get me start on the creatures in this story! I always thought Blink would be my ultimate favourite non human character from your stories but the Horas and Athena? They won my heart immediately! I just love reading the interactions between non human characters and the humans. It warms my heart~

Oh and not to forget, the 3 super baby dragons!! The most adorable little bunch of epic children they are, love that you gave them the spotlight too with the plot twist ~

Also, it's really cool that you had the plots planned out since all the way before~

It's so nice that everyone gets their happy ending too, even Taegun~

Btw, I was kinda somewhat half expecting the next story would be the dinosaur dimension one *cough* haha
But ofc, I am already looking forward to the next one!

I truly enjoyed reading this one~ Thank you so much for writing yet another great piece, Jasmine~
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 42: And once again, thank you for dedicating your time to write and finish the story. It has been a pleasant journey