Chapter 8

The Three Guardians

"How do you know Joochan?" Asked Yoohyeon as she sat on the couch watching a movie with Jacob. "Well," said Jacob. "He was a part of my father's pack," he said. "He started changing around the same time as Eric, so they were grouped together," he said. "They became best friends from that point, but I don't know what happened to him after our deaths," he said. "Sangyeon had said he disappeared, didn't want to stay around after everything happened," he said.

"Joochan was really adamant by that point, that the war we fought was your father trying to get you three killed so you wouldn't take over," said Sangyeon as he walked over, laying down on the loveseat facing the tv. "He didn't have proof however, and was kicked out afterwards," he said. "I don't know what happened after that, he just disappeared off the face of the earth from that point," he said.

"Somewhere between then and now he ended up with a chip in his shoulder," said Jacob. "You think he's working for him?" Asked Sangyeon. "I wouldn't think so," said Jacob. "But I'd be careful with their pack as a whole," he said. "Joochan may be known to us but the others we don't know their motives," he said. "I'll let the others know," said Sangyeon. "Good," said Jacob as he nodded.



"So other than Joochan we really don't know the others huh?" Asked Kevin as he sat with Jacob and Eric outside at Jacob's pack house a few days later. "No," said Jacob.

"Do you know why he decided to show up again after all these years?" Asked Eric. "I don't," said Jacob. "But it could be for anything," he said. "He does have a chip, as do the others apparently," he added.

"Hyunjae felt the pulsing?" Asked Kevin as he blinked in surprise. "Joochan's chip is in his shoulder," said Jacob. "So Hyunjae was able to tell that Joochan had one," he said. "Interesting," hummed Kevin. "Indeed," hummed Eric.

"We don't know whose government they belong to then," said Kevin. "If they even belong to one at all," he added. "We'll have to ask Jun or Daewon to come over to see," said Eric.

"Can't," said Jacob. "Jun's resting from returning from a big hunt you also just came back from," he said. "Daewon is unreachable at the moment," he said.

"What's the human doing?" Asked Kevin as he shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. "She's out with Hyunjae getting groceries," said Jacob. "Why?" He asked. "Daeyeol and Bomin wanted to make their presence known," said Kevin as said vampires walked out of the treeline.

"You knew who we were before we even showed up?" Asked Daeyeol. "Each person has a distinct sounding footstep, I'm not the best tracker for no reason now," said Kevin.

"For the record, we knew you were there," said Jacob. "Kevin has a distinct gesture he does when someone's approaching," he said. "A nervous tic from my human days it seems," hummed Kevin as he shrugged.

"What brings you here?" Asked Eric. "Ah, we were looking for Kevin, and Juyeon pointed us in your territory's direction," said Bomin.

"What's up?" Asked Kevin. "Bomin and I are leaving for a bit, Youngbin needs us for whatever he needs us to do," said Daeyeol. "We have to head out anyway, Seongri needed us for something, I can't remember what but," he added, shrugging.

"I'm not your owners or whatever," Kevin said with a scoff. "But thanks, for letting me know," he added. "I assume Seongyoon and the others are still there," he said. "They are, Yuri's supposed to have some information for them sometime next week," said Daeyeol.

"Do you know why Joochan is here?" Asked Jacob. "I don't know who that is to be honest," said Daeyeol as he shrugged. "They're with Seongyoon I think," said Bomin. "You'll have to ask one of them," he said. "I'll ask Youngtaek to stop by or something," he added.

"I'll talk to them myself," said Kevin as he got up. "I'm due back anyway, I had to come here to make sure things were still good," he said. "You think so highly of me," Jacob said, scoffing. "The human is important enough," said Kevin as he shrugged. "I'm sure," said Jacob. Kevin dropped his human illusion and headed off the porch, turning to his brothers before running off, heading home.

"What's his problem?" Asked Bomin. "Don't worry about it," said Jacob as he sighed, getting up. "Go, we'll take care of things here," he said. "I'm sure," said Bomin. "We'll be off then," he said, turning and sprinting off into the forest. Daeyeol looked up at Jacob who stared back at him for a few minutes before turning and sprinting off after Bomin.

"Something isn't right about Daeyeol," hummed Eric as he leaned back in his seat. "Well," said Jacob. "Most vampires don't seem right," he said. "What is up with him anyway," said Eric. "I don't know honestly," said Jacob. "Kevin's changed a lot since he got vampires under his care," he said.

"I think he wants to prove to us that he can be independent, instead of depending on us," said Eric. "It's possible," said Jacob. "Considering that our father used to paint him as the weakest link in the whole pack," he said.

"Do you know why?" Asked Eric. "Kevin used to get sick a lot when we were younger," said Jacob. "It left him weak, even after he started changing," he said. "I think it's why he'd rather plan out battles than join them," he said. "He'll fight when he has to, but otherwise stays out of them," he said.

"Was this before I was born?" Asked Eric. "Kevin being sick a lot? Yeah," said Jacob. "Part of me thinks he still has issues, but he refuses to deal with them," he said. "Or bring light to the issue," he added.

"I'm sure he's okay now, but part of him is still trying to get passed being practically indestructible now," said Eric. "He's still insecure," said Jacob. "We can only support him as his only family left," he said.

"In a way, he's the youngest," said Eric. "Because we both stepped up, but we protected him," he said. "In the only way we could," hummed Jacob as he nodded.

"I should get going," said Eric as he stood, stretching. "I'll be back when Kevin gets back," he said. "We'll have a more in depth discussion about Joochan later," he said. "Sure," said Jacob as he nodded. Eric turned, running off the steps and putting down his human illusion as his feet hit the grass. He turned to Jacob and nodded in goodbye before turning and running off, heading home.

Jacob watched Eric go before getting to his feet, watching the forest for a few minutes before turning and heading inside.

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