Chapter 7

The Three Guardians

Jacob and the others in his side of the pack eventually let their guard down, after Kevin had come over himself to confirm that yes, their territory was still intact. Yoohyeon was happy to see Kevin again, even if it was only for an hour or two before he was gone again.

"Stay safe," said Yoohyeon as Kevin got ready to leave. "I'll try," said Kevin. "You stay out of trouble now," he said. "I will," said Yoohyeon. Kevin nodded, dropping his human illusion and running off, heading home.



Hyunjae found himself on watch duty when it came to the human guest, much to Sangyeon's amusement. The normally stoic Hyunjae had no idea how to deal with Yoohyeon and her quirks. Once Yoohyeon had learned that the tough persona that Hyunjae had up was just a front she basically broke it within the span of an hour just by being herself.

"You remind me of Kevin," said Hyunjae as he leaned against the railing on the back porch next to Yoohyeon who was watching the forest behind Jacob's pack house. "Really?" Asked Yoohyeon.

"Well, at least before the war brought their deaths," said Hyunjae. "You remember the time before their deaths?" Asked Yoohyeon. "I was part of the original pack, so yeah," said Hyunjae.

"Is everyone here part of the original pack?" Asked Yoohyeon. "Yes," said Hyunjae. "I'm the youngest in Jacob's side of the pack, but I was the third youngest overall," he said. "Before Juyeon joined us anyway," he added.

"Were their personalities different back then?" Asked Yoohyeon. "No," said Hyunjae. "Well, not much different," he added. "They've changed, sure, but sometimes you can catch a glimpse of their past selves," he said.

"There's a reason for the change in behavior," came a voice as Jacob walked over. "Jun's got a pretty high influence in our lives apparently," he said, standing beside Hyunjae.

"As far as I'm aware, you and Eric never changed," said Hyunjae. "More strict, sure but it was mostly for the fact that you had to compensate for the fact that you're not 'shifters anymore," he said.

"Our side of the pack has changed the most to be honest," said Jacob as he looked out at the forest in front of them. "I still don't know how you managed to survive after everything," he said. "By then most of the others joined us," said Hyunjae. "Sangyeon kept us going for the most part, somehow we knew you'd be back," he said. Jacob hummed in response, straightening when he heard movement in the forest.

"Who's out there right now?" Asked Jacob. "No one," said Hyunjae. "Younghoon and Sangyeon are running errands right now," he said. "What's wrong?" Asked Yoohyeon. "Move behind us slowly," said Jacob as he kept an eye on the forest, his hearing picking up on the smallest of footsteps. They were being surrounded apparently as Jacob immediately shifted slightly, going into his alpha stance as he crossed his arms over his chest. Yoohyeon moved behind them, keeping close to Jacob because he was further away from the stairs that led off the porch.

A blur rushed towards them from the stairs, and Hyunjae acted quickly, grabbing the blur by the arm and pinning him against the porch railing, yanking the arm behind the now captured person to keep them in place.

"Joochan!" Came a voice as someone came out of the forest wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. "You should know better than to try and target a human under our care," said Jacob as he turned to the newcomer, who was now flanked by 4 other people.

"You let go of our youngest you hear?" Growled one of the people standing behind the leader. "Maybe you shouldn't've sent him after our human yeah?" Asked Jacob as he raised an eyebrow. Sangyeon and Younghoon came at them from their left and right respectively, waiting on a command from Jacob as they eyed the newcomers.

"One word and his chip will be destroyed," growled Hyunjae as he kicked Joochan to his knees and put a hand on his shoulder near where he felt the chip pulsing. "Don't you dare," growled the person to the immediate right of the leader as he took a step forward. "Donghyun I suggest you don't," said the leader. "They know how to dispatch us," he said.

"God this reminds me of a scene from Twilight," grumbled Joochan as he tried to move into a more comfortable position. "Long time no see Jacob," he grunted as Hyunjae put pressure on his arm that was behind his back. "It has huh?" Asked Jacob as he turned to Joochan.

"Are these idiots really with you?" Asked Hyunjae as he relaxed slightly, though he kept the act up more for show. "Unfortunately," Joochan said with a humorless chuckle. "Oi," shouted Donghyun. "Leave it Donghyun," grunted Joochan as he easily got out of Hyunjae's grip on him, standing as he rotated his arm to make sure it wasn't out of place.

"I wasn't going to hurt the human, relax," said Joochan as he turned to Jacob who shook his head. "A warning would be nice," said Jacob. "I thought I sent one," said Joochan. "I didn't get it," said Hyunjae as he shrugged.

"So you found a pack that would take you in huh?" Asked Jacob as he turned to the pack Joochan had arrived with. "Yeah, the rude one's Donghyun, the leader is Seungmin, the one to his left is Jaehyun and the one to Jaehyun's left is Jibeom," said Joochan.

"They all got chips huh?" Asked Jacob. "Unfortunately," said Joochan as he shrugged. "We wouldn't've been able to survive without them however," he added. "I can see that," said Jacob. "Considering the nasty scars in various places on them," he added.

"What brings you here anyway?" Asked Jacob. "Well," said Joochan as he scratched the back of his head. "We're looking for a pack to merge with," he said. "We'll have to have a discussion about it," said Jacob as he shrugged. "You'll get an answer within the next week or so," he said.

"Of course, each of us will have a trial for whoever joins," added Hyunjae as he shrugged. "Good luck trying to out track Changmin and Chanhee," he said. "Or trying to find a better tactic to use in battle when talking with Kevin," he said.

"Or being able to beat Eric in a brawl," said Jacob as he shook his head. "Me, it's simple," he said. "Surprise attack Hyunjae," he said. "There's a reason even Sangyeon and Younghoon don't bother with pranking Hyunjae," he said.

"I don't have a chip," said Hyunjae as he shrugged. "I just have fast reflexes," he added. "The only person to ever surprise me has been Yunho, but that was because he trained his body to react," he said.

"We'll let you go for now," said Jacob as he turned to Joochan. "Come back in a week, we'll have your answer," he said. Joochan nodded, rushing off to join his pack before they disappeared back into the forest.

"They are creepy," said Yoohyeon, earning a scoff from Jacob. "You haven't seen creepy," he said. "Just wait til you see who Eric deals with," he said. Yoohyeon blinked.

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