The Almighty...Wind?

One day you'll be sorry

Dongwoon's POV

I put on my headphones and blasted some music my buddies and I had made. I went to the living room and plopped down on one of the comfy couches, absently staring outside. That was when I saw two people running towards our place. What? 

When they were a few yards away, I recognized them as Taemin and Jonghyun. Actually, I'd never spoken to them before, and I was pretty sure that they didn't know me as well. How did they find our house? ...THEY CAN'T BE STALKERS?!?! 

I rushed outside to stop them from entering the house, and that was when I realized that the thought I had had was stupid. Stalkers? Really Son Dongwoon, how did you come up with that idea? I turned around to go back in, then stopped. Great, now I look like an idiot. I had ran out here in a panic, and now I'm going back inside...

"Excuse me?" Taemin tapped my shoulder. I turned around to face the boy who liked my sister, and the boy who had tore my sister's heart in two. 

"Yeah?" I snarled mostly at Jonghyun accidentally. Whoops. Jonghyun shrinked back a bit in fear, but he kept his ground.

"Do you live here?" Taemin pointed to my house. Didn't he see me come out?

"Yes...?" I hesitantly answered. What did they want? Taemin visibly deflated like a balloon.

"But she told me she lived here?" he muttered. Okay, what was happening?

"JoJung?" I asked, forgetting to think before I acted. The two brightened at her name.

"So she lives here too?" Jonghyun grinned. Taemin looked delighted and pale at the same time.

"You live..together?" Taemin squeaked. I wonder what's going on in that head of his. 


"Are you a ... thing?" Jonghyun glared. 

"Ew, h3ll no. She's my sister," I cringed. Jonghyun stared at me. 

"You have the same eyes," he analyzed. Okay, Jonghyun is now officially named the creeper. 

"What do you want?!" I snapped, "Hurry up and cut to the chase." 

"We want to talk to JoJung," Taemin answered, and Jonghyun interrupted him.

"want to talk to her," Jonghyun emphasized. 

"Are you going to hurt her again?" I smirked. No way this dude was going to get past me. 

"I came here to apologize, because of what I did," he hung his head in apology. WHOA?! WHAT WAS HAPPENING?! A change of heart?!


Minho's POV

Key stared at the door for a full minute after Taemin left. I think he's in shock, but he deserved it. Key turned around, pouting a bit, but I could hear the gears of that sassy mind of his working.

Onew and I immediately ignored him and started working on our homework.

"Guys, I have something to tell you something," Key announced. We still ignored him. This was probably a ploy to get us to talk to him.

"It's about JoJung," Key concluded. I froze for a second. JoJung? Did he figure out about her past?! I tried to not let my surprise show, but I must've been a crappy actor, because Key kept on pressing on.

"You all think she's an angel. But she's not. She's using us!" Key declared. Nope, that wasn't what I was thinking. I sighed in relief. I continued to ignore him, but Onew had stopped drawing tiny chicken heads on his art project and turned around. 

"Onew, how do you do this problem?" I asked, trying to distract Onew. He glanced at my paper, scribbled some words down, and looked at Key, curious to learn more.

I scribbled some more words down on my paper and passed it to Onew.


Onew glanced over it, nodded, and went back to ignoring Key. 

"You think you know everything, don't you! Well, your Almighty Key has found something interesting while going over to apologize to that b!tch," Key tried again, but this time he got no response.

"Fine, don't believe me. As you guys now know, JoJung was in the same school as Jonghyun a few years ago. Now think about it. Why would she pretend she didn't know Jonghyun if she already knew him before?"

Uh oh...I think Key's actually getting somewhere.

He declared, "It's because SHE WANTS-"

"NOTHING!! Onew, I can't concentrate because the sound of the wind is too loud. Can we go somewhere else?" I butted in. Just in time. I just saved JoJung's in the last few seconds.

"IT'S BECAUSE SHE WANTS-" Key tried to get his words known.

"THE WIND'S TOO LOUD!! DON'T YOU THINK SO ONEW?! SEE, EVEN I HAVE TO SCREAM!! AND I NEVER SCREAM!!" I drowned Key out. Onew was looking at me curiously, but shrugged. 


Key's POV

What the f*($)#(@*)@(#*$)(@#*$)(*@)#($*)@(#*$)(@#$*??!? Is Minho a retard or something?! AND DID HE JUST INTERRUPT THE ALMIGHTY KEY!?! RUDE!!! I thought he just didn't want to hear what I said, so I tried to say what I wanted to say again, but he butted in at the same moment. I glared at Minho. What was he doing? Does he think he's so cool because he's taller than me that he can just do whatever he wants, like ignoring and interrupting me?! HE EVEN CALLED ME THE WIND!!

But what he also did was strange... It was like he didn't want me to say what I had to say. Does Minho actually know something? 

"Yah! Minho!! What do you think you're doing?!" I accused him. 

"I think we left the window open. Today seems to be a windy day," Minho smirked at me. Yup, the son of a b1tch definitely knows something. 


Later that day, I found Minho all alone in his room. Onew had gone to go grocery shopping...which I bet will just be chicken, fried chicken, some lettuce to complement the chicken, and chicken curry. 

This was my chance.

"Hey Minho, how's your obnoxious life?" I greeted. Minho snorted, but he didn't reply. 

"So, I noticed you kept on INTERRUPTING ME when I was trying to tell you guys something important about JoJung's life, like how Jonghyun did something mean to her." 

Still no response. 

Fine, eat this piece of information then.

"And since Jonghyun did something mean to her, and he took off, she couldn't really do anything. And then guess what happened? We come to the same school as her, but Jonghyun doesn't recognize her. Wouldn't you think it would be strange that JoJung would befriend Jonghyun, and us too, when she knew who he was and what he did? If you think about all that's happened, it's gotta be JoJung," I concluded my speech all in one breath, so Minho couldn't interrupt. 

I could literally hear crickets chirping for a few seconds when Minho didn't respond. Did Minho finally turn into a stone statue?

"Hello?! Anyone there?" I knocked on his head. He finally looked at me.

"You think I didn't know that?" he asked, "and it took you this long to figure out. No wonder you're the Almighty Dumb-a$$."

"S-say what?! HOW DID YOU FIND OUT?!" I spluttered. Minho knew all along?! Dang it! And I thought he was a horrible actor!! 

"When you were trying on that tight skirt of yours," he smirked. 


Dongwoon's POV

I was about to let Jonghyun and Taemin come in, when I realized that if they said sorry to my parents, then perhaps JoJung would be allowed to stay. I couldn't let that happen. First of all, those insane fans are still out for JoJung's blood here in Korea. Second of all, they could be tricking me. 

"You know...JoJung isn't home right now. She's uh... at the therapist's place because my parents think she's been traumatized by that bullying situation," I winced at my lie.

"Can we wait for her?" Taemin looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry. My parents are really stubborn, and kind of hate you guys. You guys can't stay," I shook my head sadly. Taemin started pouting while Jonghyun just sighed.

"I guess we'll just see her at school..." Jonghyun muttered, waving good-bye. 

"Maybe you will," I smiled. 



Hope you guys liked this chapter!! Sorry it took so long!! I had so many tests!! TT.TT Highschool is so hard....-LOLxbox

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actually...i thought that i would just put it on friends only till i finished it....but now that i think about it....i feel like it won't ever be finished then.


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krystalnini #1
congrats on random feature!! <3
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
10 000 won = 10 USD or so jsyk
Chapter 36: Waaah, this was so good. I did expect it to be about jonghyun...but still! It was really fun reading this!! Great job~ <3
Chapter 36: I guess she's with teamin? Or. . . .
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 36: Awww Taeminnie is saving Jojung <3
CCRomantic #8
Chapter 16: omg! this is so cute! :D
WhiteFlower #9
Chapter 36: This was a very nice story .
Cute ending ^_^