
One day you'll be sorry

Jonghyun's POV

"Onew!! I don't understand this question!!" I whined. I hate English. Who uses English anyways?! I live in Korea, not England! Onew sighed and looked over my shoulder.

"How old are you?... Come on Jonghyun. Look at it. How. Old. Are. You. Understand?" he emphasized each word in Korean. Oooh! So that's what it meant. 

"Yeah, thanks. I would've never gotten it! Why are they even asking me this question? Are they stalkers?!" I gasped in horror.

"And I thought Key was the diva," Minho muttered while scribbling furiously on the math homework. How can they get the answers so fast? Highschool's too hard!! I wish I was in middle school!

That was when I heard brisk steps come out of the storage room. Did Key find my yearbook? I can't bear to look at my picture! That was a record of the time where my abbs were barely there! I was still pissed at Key for not apologizing to JoJung. At first, I didn't understand why Key was just standing to the side, all relaxed, when JoJung was going to be bullied. Before I could take a step, Taemin had reacted faster and rushed out there. 

"Jonghyun!" Key shouted, walking up to me, plopping the dusty yearbook on my homework.

"What?" I snapped, relunctant to talk to him. He flipped the pages till there was a cloud of dust floating in our faces. 

"ACHOOO!" I sneezed, causing more dust to puff into our faces.

"Cover your nose, pabo!" Key scolded. He waved the dust away by opening the windows, and then he pointed to a picture that wasn't me. 

"That's not me! I'm over here!" I pointed to the picture on the opposite page. 

"Look at this picture!" Key snapped. 

The girl was normal looking...she actually looked familiar. Of course she would be familiar! We were classmates a few years ago...but why do I feel like I've met her more recently? And also that I did something bad to her? Oh right, I remember now.

This was one of those plain girls I had played with. My friends and I liked to make bets to see whether or not I could make girls fall for me with my looks. She had been my biggest money maker. What's her name? I looked at the name under the picture.

Son JoJung. 




JoJung's POV

So the date was finalized. I would be moving to America in two days. I suggested at least two weeks, to pack up and stuff, but my parents weren't sure if I'd survive long enough. A ton of Lockets had passed by and egged my window a few minutes ago. I couldn't see outside anymore, because there was so much yold smeared on the glass. 

I sighed. 

Ever since Shinee came, I seemed to be sighing a lot now. People say that everytime you sigh, you lose a bit of happiness. Maybe that's true.

Wait. I can't look at this positively. I have to think of this as a new opportunity!! America!! The land of opportunity and dreams!! 

How come I'm not feeling any better?


Taemin's POV

"OH F*()$(#*$)(#*)($*)(!!!!" Jonghyun cursed, startling me in my room. What happened. I opened my room hesitantly, looking to see what was happenning. Everyone was huddled around a dusty book, and Jonghyun looked horrified. Key had this pleased look like this was the reaction he was expecting. 

"And??" Key pushed him on.

"I did something so horrible back then!! I have to go back and apologize to her!!" he panicked, already putting on his jacket. Who's this girl? 

"What's happening?" I whispered to Onew. He pointed to a picture in the yearbook. I looked at the picture. It showed a cute girl. She was a bit unusual, with those wide, familiar, western-like eyes, and I looked at the descriptiion. It was JoJung.

I scanned the other side of the page, and saw an even dumber and younger Jonghyun on the other side. 

Those two were classmates?!

"Wait for me!" I yelled to Jonghyun, who was already going out, against Key's protests. 

"Y-YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE SHE LIVES!!" he protested when he saw me chasing after JoJung. I ignored him and followed Jonghyun.

"Hyung! Wait up! I need to ask her for her address!" I stopped him. He slowed down as I texted JoJung. 

"It's this way," I directed him. 


Key's POV

Those idiots!!! They didn't even stop to think! 

First of all, they're going to get mobbed by saesang fans. 

Second of all, they don't even know where she lives, and then they're going to call back saying they're lost. Then we'll have to go find them BEFORE the fans recognize them. They didn't even put on a disguise!

Third of all, they didn't think about JoJung's side of the story. Of course I, the Almighty Key, thought of it the moment I found out. 

In the past, Jonghyun had done something bad to JoJung. So bad that it traumatized her or something. Then he leaves school, and a few years later, he comes back. One would've thought JoJung would've tried to avoid him, but she didn't. Why?

To exact revenge, duh. 



Sorry guys!! I didn't update for some time cuz I was too busy with school and stupid piano competitions. But the competitions are done now...until february TT.TT

anyways...if you guys haven't noticed...THERE'S NO PIC AT THE TOP!! (gasp)

Why? Because I can't go on tumblr anymore cuz it's blocked on my computer TT.TT 

Hope you guys liked this chapter!! -LOLxbox

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actually...i thought that i would just put it on friends only till i finished it....but now that i think about it....i feel like it won't ever be finished then.


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krystalnini #1
congrats on random feature!! <3
Congratulations being on random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
10 000 won = 10 USD or so jsyk
Chapter 36: Waaah, this was so good. I did expect it to be about jonghyun...but still! It was really fun reading this!! Great job~ <3
Chapter 36: I guess she's with teamin? Or. . . .
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 36: Awww Taeminnie is saving Jojung <3
CCRomantic #8
Chapter 16: omg! this is so cute! :D
WhiteFlower #9
Chapter 36: This was a very nice story .
Cute ending ^_^