Chapter 22

Seoul High School for the Gifted


“Oh yea! What? Look at that, huh! Perfect, perfect, perfect! No one can beat me! This is my game!” WooHyun yelled out while waving his hands in the air like the model dancer on the screen instructed. After playing Halo for way too long, they decided to play Just Dance and the boys were busy dancing along to Katy Perry’s Firework (<----- click it XD starts at 1:06).
“Shoot. Shoot. Shoot.” KyuHyun mumbled under his breath while picking up his dancing. He was a dancer so why wasn’t this stupid game registering his moves? There was no way in hell he would let himself lose to a ballad singer or let his ten song winning streak die out so he quickly wiped the sweat forming on his forehead with the left hand, the hand that wasn’t holding the Wii remote, and tried to do better.
“What the hell?” WooHyun exclaimed as he watched a string of “perfects” pop out on KyuHyun’s side of the screen while WooHyun only managed to get “ok” for a while. The gap between their scores was slowly getting smaller and WooHyun scrunched up his face nervously as his chances of losing were slowly getting bigger.
While the guys crowded around the sofa to play, the girls found themselves making faces at the guys by the dining table. All the sweat accumulated from playing such an active dance game was starting to make the dorm stink a little bit, just a little. ShinYoung, though she would never say it out loud, silently thought about how lucky she was that she was always somewhere else when WooHyun’s hyungs came over to play.
Yuri on the other hand was fine with it. To her, she hardly even smelled the stench because she was so used to it. She had practiced so many hours with her dance crew that was all boys I might add  that her nose no longer picked up the smell and considered it an everyday routine.
Before he knew it, WooHyun’s jaw dropped and he just stopped dancing even though the song wasn’t finished yet. Not only had KyuHyun overtaken the lead but by the last few moves, he had crushed WooHyun’s score that seemed pathetic compared to the dancer’s. Puffing up his cheeks, he threw the controller onto the floor in defeat and then walked away to sulk.
“And that’s how you do it.” KyuHyun smirked as he did one last spin to show off at the end. He lifted up his remote and tilted his head a bit. “Anyone else want to lose?” All the other guys groaned. KyuHyun had beaten every guy in the room at least once. He was undefeated.
“I’ll play.” Yuri stood up from the girls in the corner with a smug look of confidence on his face. As she walked up to the television, KyuHyun couldn’t help but give a look of disbelief. Was a girl really challenging the master? “I’ll put you in your place and show you what a real dancer looks like.” KyuHyun scoffed while Yuri took off ShinYoung’s cardigan that she was wearing. Now, she was dressed in just a tank top and short shorts, perfect clothes for dancing and the boys couldn’t help but take a second look at her. Melody made a mental note to hit MyungSoo in the head for that later.
“Ooh, burn!”
“Oh snap! You were challenged!”
“Dude, this girl just dissed you!”
“Ohhh. Things are going down!”
All the guys’ energy all came back. The battle was going to be epic. The dance didn’t even start yet but there was so much fire and tension between the two. There was way too much testosterone in the room and the other girls hated it but secretly they were cheering on for Yuri just so that all this could be finished. There drama was on in a few minutes and they really needed the television.
“We’ll see about that.” KyuHyun retorted and chose the song Tik Tok by Ke$ha (<----- click it XD). Yuri cringed slightly at the song selection. That song was not her taste but he was the winner of the last game so he had the power to choose the song and she had to respect that, though he probably chose it just to get on her nerves. The thought of it made Yuri want to prove him wrong even more.
When the synthesized club music came into sound, they followed the guide with her simple stretching moves from side to side first. The two were neck and neck, meeting each other at the same time with their string of “perfects” and it seemed that it would end as a tie but just as the chorus came in, KyuHyun for some sort of reason lost the beat and kept missing the moves while Yuri kept up with the perfect score.
KyuHyun tried to get come back but he couldn’t find the rhythm until the second verse came in and Yuri was already too far ahead of him. The only was he could catch up was if he got all “perfects” until the end and Yuri would somehow miss every move and he knew that would be impossible. He could see everyone’s eyes on him and read exactly what they were thinking. He, Kim KyuHyun, the dancing master of Just Dance 2, was going to lose.
As if the dancing gods of heaven answered his silent prayer that he wouldn’t lose, his thoughts of winning were gone since the chorus, a loud boom of thunder sounded outside, the vibrations shaking the floor and all the light in the building disappeared. A shriek was heard in the direction of the girls and a soft “Shh, shh. Mel, it’s going to be okay.” in ShinYoung’s voice came from there, too.
Quickly, LeeTeuk unlocked his iPhone and then used it as a light so that everyone could see. “Is everyone okay?” The guys gave a few head nods and KyuHyun gave a smile but Yuri seemed a bit pissed off that their dance was interrupted. The girls were huddled together in the corner around Melody who let a few tears fall down her cheeks and ShinYoung was seen her shoulder while consoling her.
Everyone seemed a bit shaken up but the sudden boom of thunder but the most effected was Melody who was still stifling a few whimpers while biting down on her bottom lip hard. The girls tried to get her to take deep breaths but failed when she kept palpitating. MyungSoo was easily disturbed by this and got up off the couch to help comfort her. He took her hand and brought her to the kitchen without a word.
Soon, a knock was heard at the door, breaking the awkward silence. WooHyun and ShinYoung, actually living in that dorm, went to go answer it only to find Kim KyuJong seonsaengnim, the Math professor and supervisor for that floor in the dorm standing there with a flashlight at hand.
“Annyeonghaseyo, Kim seonsaengnim.” ShinYoung bowed to show her respect but blushed a bit when he smiled at her. Kim seonsaengnim was very handsome and his glasses gave him a sort of matured feeling that the other male teachers lacked because they acted very childish. WooHyun grumbled a bit and then elbowed ShinYoung lightly when he noticed this.
“Ne, annyeonghaseyo.” He gave a small bow as well. “I just came around to check if everyone was fine. Are you guys okay in there?” He seemed a little shocked to see so many people in one dorm and opted against questioning them. It was none of his business and he trusted the students not to do anything inappropriate.
“Ne.” They all chorused.
“That’s good.” He nodded and sighed in relief. “The thunder blew out the power all over campus and around the area. We’re trying to start up the emergency generator but the key, which was in Cho Miryo seonsaengnim’s possession, went missing so Son GaIn seonsaengnim and Park Narsha seonsaengnim went over to her dorm to try to find it. Just be patient. The power will come back eventually. That’s it.”
“Kamsahamnida seonsaengnim.” ShinYoung said shyly and WooHyun glared at her again. Kim seonsaengnim gave a final wave before leaving. By now, most people had their phones out to use as a light and Jina and Haneul also found a few flashlights and candles in the cabinets around the room that they and lighted, giving the room a proficient amount of light.
The only problem was that it was blazing hot in there without the air conditioner since it just rained but it was late summer so it was humid out and what made it worse of Yuri and KyuHyun was that they had just been dancing, especially KyuHyun. KyuHyun at this point was radiating heat and the heat made the smell of his sweat smell even more.
“Oh my god! I can’t take it anymore!” Haneul exclaimed loudly while standing up and pulling on her shirt to air out her body. “It’s so hot in here! There’s too much body heat! And you!” Haneul pointed directly at KyuHyun. “You mister smell really bad! Ahhhhhhh!” She ran into the bathroom and locker herself in there.
Everyone was a little bit confused with what just happened and the guys who didn’t know Haneul that well were a bit creeped out. Those people slowly inched their way towards the door, not sure if they wanted to be in the same room as a psycho, even if there was a wall separating them.
“Ummm.” Zelo shyly turned the knob to the front door. “Well, I think I’m going to go now. It’s getting a little late and I think I’ve stayed here for too long, plus the rain seems to have lightened up.” He opened the door and ran out of there.
“Wait! Zelo-ah! Let me go with you! No! I swear Haneul isn't crazy! Don't think of her like that!” LeeTeuk followed him out in a rush.
“That’s nice.” KyuHyun said with sarcasm dripping buckets from his voice. “Haneul chased everyone out.” He intentionally yelled out the last part so that Haneul could hear him from the bathroom but there was no response from her.
“But she chased out the wrong person.” Yuri grumbled. “The smelly old man is still here.” She glared at him and he responded with a scoff and another glare but hers was so intense that he had to turn his head just so he couldn’t see it.
“Yah! How are you calling me old? You’re older than-”
“Okay, I think that’s enough fighting for now.” JaeSun cut in. “Our priority right now should be to find a way to get Haneul out of the bathroom so if you two don’t have any ideas, we can lock you in ShinYoung noona’s bedroom so you can settle your differences without getting in our way.” He announced that the two immediately shut up.
“What if we bribe her? I have some chocolate in my bag.” Jina suggested but at the sound of “chocolate,” MinJung and ShinYoung’s eyes widened and they jumped for Jina’s bag, taking the chocolate from inside and threw it out the window.
“We are not giving that hyper ball of sugar any more reason to be hyper that she already is!” MinJung let out in one breath. She seemed a little disturbed that anyone would even suggest that idea. If they gave Haneul chocolate, MinJung, ShinYoung, and Melody would have to be the ones to take care of her until she crashed.
Melody and MyungSoo emerged from the kitchen with his arm around her shoulders. Melody had a small smile on her face. Her eyes were still a little red and puffy but all the fear in her eyes was gone. How MyungSoo managed to do that, no one would ever know except for the two of them.
“What happened? Where did everyone go?” Melody questioned. The dorm, though it was still a little cramped from having too many people in it, seemed a little empty after Zelo and LeeTeuk left.
“They left.” Aidan stated the obvious.
“Well, we can see that.” MyungSoo laughed a bit. “But why did they leave.”
“Haneul scared them off and then locked herself in the bathroom. Now, Jina wants to give her chocolate sp that she can come out.” Aidan answered. Melody’s eyes widened and then she turned to Jina who gave her a confused look.
“Chocolate? You want to give her chocolate? What the hell are you thinking?” She raised her voice. “I need to be able to sleep in the same dorm as her later? How am I supposed to sleep if she’s in the living room, bouncing off the walls and screaming like a maniac?”
“Fine.” Jina shrugged it off. “We can think of another idea.”
“What if we give her one of those lip glosses that taste like cake?” MinJung suggested. “She could have her cake without actually eating it.” Most people nodded and agreed with the idea but a few were a little skeptical and by a few people, I really mean Yuri.
“But what if she eats the lip gloss? I’m pretty sure that’s just as unhealthy as her eating the chocolate. I mean, when she ate a slice of KyuHyun’s birthday cake, she was fine afterwards.” Yuri reasoned against the idea.
“Well, that’s because we gave her and LeeTeul only one slice of cake left so she was forced to share it with him and we made him eat more than her. Believe me; giving her chocolate is much worse than her eating lip gloss.” ShinYoung convinced Yuri who complied. Their only problem now was that they didn’t have and cake-flavored lip gloss.
“Yah, slave! Come over here. Since Haneul is locked in that bathroom and your are her slave, then you have to get her out!” MinJung called Aidan grumbled. He almost forgot that he still owed Haneul money and was hoping that she forgot, too. He dreaded the order MinJung was going to give him.
“Yah! Why are you talking to my informally? I’m older than you! I don't even owe you anything!” Aidan exclaimed, only to be shot down by MinJung’s growl. “Yes, Queen of all that is amazing and good, plus me who is the only exception since I am an idiot and don’t even deserve to be your servant?” Everyone else in the room chuckled at Aidan who closed his eyes and took deep breathes so that he wouldn’t have an unexpected outburst like Haneul had a few minutes ago.
“You still haven’t paid her back yet?” JaeSun laughed.
“Shut up.” Aidan mumbled but right after those words left his lips, MinJung gave him a look and he became quiet again.
“Go buy some cake-flavored lip gloss. There has to be at least one store open. I don’t care where it is, just buy it.” She ordered. Aidan gave her a pleading look as if that request, no, command was impossible, but she just shooed him away.
It took about an hour, but Aidan finally came back, out of breath, with a small plastic bag with the lip gloss. All the stores were closed because of the blackout except for one on the other side of town that was powered on its own generator. The school, however still had no power and everyone in the dorms were pretty much dying of heat.
“Here.” He said, throwing the plastic bag onto the sofa and then collapsing onto the floor. Yet again, his clothes were soaking wet but it wasn’t because of rain if you get what I mean. The chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breath. He covered his eyes with his left arm and the right arm lied gently on his stomach.
ShinYonug was the first person to make a move. She took the lip gloss and then tried to coax Haneul out of the bathroom. “Haneul-ah.” She knocked gently as she called out the young girl in the bathroom. “Haneul-ah, you can come out now. We have cake for you!” However, the exact opposite reaction happened. There was no reaction. At the sound of the word “cake,” everyone expected Haneul to jump out, but there was nothing.
“Well, we failed.” Jina gave up already. She was a little tired now so she was starting to get a little cranky. She wanted to sleep already. “We should just go back to our dorms now.”
“No! We have to get her out! She can’t stay here with me and ShinYoung!” WooHyun yelled out. Everyone looked at him weirdly. “I-I mean she has to go back to her own dorm, right? All her stuff is there. Yea, that’s it.” WooHyun mumbled the last part so that no one could hear.

“JaeSun-ssi.” Jina called out while snuggling into the couch so she could take a nap. “Just kick down the door like you did with KyuHyun.” She did one last stretch before hugging one of the couch cushions and closing her eyes.
“Should I really do that?” JaeSun looked to WooHyun and ShinYoung for reassurance. It was their dorm after all. He didn’t want to destroy their property without their permission. WooHyun shrugged his arms and ShinYoung just waved him off. “Okay. Minnie-ah! Stand back, arasseo?” He walked a few meters back and then charged at the door, making it crash down with a thud.
To everyone’s surprise, the bathroom was completely empty but the window was wide open. MyungSoo rushed into the bathroom and then looked down the window and pulled out a string of towels tied together. There were enough towels to lead from ShinYoung and WooHyun’s third floor dorm all the way to the ground.
“She escaped.” MyungSoo let out a laugh while pulling up all the towels that were tied to the bar of the shower curtain and dangled out the window.
“Okay.’ WooHyun pushed the person closest to him, who in this case was Jina, off the couch and towards the door. “Everyone out. It’s late. It was fun having you here but you all should go back to your own dorms now. Bye!” Once he managed to get everyone, except for ShinYoung, out of the dorm, he closed the door in their faces.

Hey guys! I'm officially back!

Sorry for the long hiatus and I'm really sorry that I had to extend it. Truthfully, I should still be on hiatus until Friday but I just got really tired of of doing my homework and decided I should get to work on the chapter since it had been a while. Sorry it's short. I only worked on it for a day, actually a few hours, and usually it takes me a couple of days to write a normal chapter.
So, school starts on Thursday for me! Oh the joy! TT_TT I don't want to go to school! Someone save me please!
Wahhhhh! In my absense, ShinYoung's b-day past and I'm really sorry I couldn't write a chapter about it! I'll try to do something to make up for it later! I promise!
So, saengil chukhahae ShinYoung!!!!!!!
@AiStudio: I want a pet tarantula! Or a pet snake. I find it cool XD
Naughty WooHyun.....
LOL Now it's shorts and a tank top
I want cake now.... I baked a cake for my cousin's good bye party (she moved to Hawaii). It was a chocolate fudge cake with vanilla buttercream and chocolate ganache poured over the top but my brothers ate it all TT-TT
@SuperJuniorfan13: OMG HANEUL YOU HAD BABIES?!?!?! GIRL YOU ARE SO DEAD! *calls up head of US army*
Well, it was more like a fail brithday party
Haha. Don't worry. My mom did that to me the first time we went bra shopping but now that I know my size, I don't really need to anymore. XD
I know you want to see what's under that towel *wiggles eyebrows* LOL jokeeeees
What I find funny about that is that Aidan is actually the same age as Jina 
OMG That's so awkward >.> Scarred for life...
Awwww I missed talking to you too!
@Sherry_16: Well, apparently they were!
I know, I realized that after I read your comment..... so I kicked all of them out XD
@secretseweet: I know, right?
That was just a bad day for Melody
Haha. We'll see.
But technically ShinYoung and WooHyun ran in the rain, too.
LOL XD Imagine?
Kyu is too smart to be surprised XD
Hehe I just rewalized how wrong that sound... It sounds like Zelo is going to eat MinJung
@TheBestOfKpop: Awww. I'm sorry. I wish I could've seen it TT-TT
Lol but they failed at trying to surprise KyuHyun XD
Thank you so much for understandding!
I promise in exchange I'll work harder to be a better writer!
@i_candie: Heu heu heu..... Is there another girl for YongHwa??? Jina has a rival~~~~~~
LOL Now she has to clean up MinJung's mess in the bathroom, too.
Yah! Don't act akll innocent! I know if it was your precious Kyu you would definitely take a peek
Nope. I don't think so. Those two will forever be bickering.
Haha cueet sound so cute XD
Haha. She went to the party only for the cake XD
OMG I saw it. It was beautiful TT_TT y Charisma <3
I don't think my school would let me do that though.
Thank you so much for waiting!
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[SHSFTG] Hey guys! Hiatus is officially over!!!! Thanks for staying with me even though I didn't update for a while!


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Everyone...this is the new dectective in town...
Chapter 33: Haha nudge nudge wink wink
XDDD i can't imagine her with a beard, let me photoshop it now OTL
Yay ! XD i would feel so terrible if she did
Yeah C:
xDDD someone come and be doofenshmirk (OTL HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT)
Haha exactly
Hanuel is the new sherlock holmes xD
Woohyun and Shinyoung are at war ! OTL
Poor Jina :C
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 33: Lol sorry, but those thoughts won't be leaving my head for LONG time author ;D

So... Can there be Kryber? :D
Or did someone "claim" Amber or Krystal?

And omg Haneul... >_<
You're a fail detective xD
Chapter 32: Awww no more parties xD Well rules are rules i guess.
Haha xD Hanuel has no beard guys.
HOLY- Don't tell me that hanuel stole the key ! D: She probably did though xD CHOCOLATE WHY YOU SO GOOD YET SO EVIL??? XD
Hahaha Woohyun's jellllly !
Amber is pretty freaking awesome alright haha
ewww I would be like, "DUDE I NEED TO PEE" xD
Haha alright come back Hanuel! D: NO GET AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE ! Once you give it to her you never get it back :C
xD yeah so close !
Yep xD
xDD I have like all the plushies of them because when i was little i used to play with them, but now they're all in my closet haha
Chapter 32: Wait. So, if boys and girls can't be allowed, how can Woohyun and Shinyoung be together?? Because they are in a co-ed that an exception? And sheeshus, Melody, just stop being so cranky will ya? Jonghyun and Myungsoo, you seriously gotta lighten up a bit more. Besides, Jonghyun isn't THAT bad...

And I love how Woohyun is so worried about le moi! XD Lol! Yes Woohyun, get jealous and fall in love!! XD ha ha ha, I'm just kidding!! Anyways...

I seriously forgot what I put onto my application. I don't even see it in my Blogs. lol XD and yes, let's NOT give Haneul chocolate because chaos with reign! And Jina, yes, but how?? And I'd love to have Aidan as a friend too!! Actually, I would love to have all of them as my friends! :))) Everyone just seems so out-of-this-world and yet down-to-earth - you know what I mean??

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter and gah! I feel like dying everytime I re-read everything!! XD Lol okay, I'm gonna go until next time!! ^____^ HWAITING!!!
1ll1ll9oo #6
Chapter 32: Oops forgot to add...

So that means when it's only Amber, Krystal doesn't wear pants? ;D
1ll1ll9oo #7
Chapter 32: Lmao dang it xD

Lol put them together, my life is complete<3
Chapter 32: .-. I'm sorry I haven't commented in forever.
I've been reading but I don't have enough to comment D:
xD haha Kyuhyun lost to Yuri in Minecraft :O I love Minecraft but I don't have it D:
What a nice servant you are Woohyun ;D
:DDDDDDDDDDD Its Amber and Krystal <3 Kryber my hapiness xD
:O Its still sorta awkward between Jaesun and Jina isnt it?
We love you Headmaster Lee <3 Its okay :D