Chapter 10

Seoul High School for the Gifted
Headmaster Lee sat by her desk with her head cradled in her hands, her fingertips rubbing her temples in a circular motion. With her eyes closed, she tried to clear her head from all the jumbled thoughts running through it so she could thing rationally.
"Thank you Kim seonsaeng." She gave a nod at the composing teacher. "I understand the situation and I'll look over what to do but please before you do anything, think over this first." Waving her hand to make him leave so he could see her in her vulnerable state, he got up but paused before walking out the door.
"Neh, dongsaeng-ah." Her head shot up before giving him a stern glare, a warning for him to stop. The sudden motion just added more pain to what she already had so immediately she regretted her action and bent her head back down a bit.
"I. Told. You. Not. To. Call. Me. That." She gritted her teeth at the older, trying to suppress the more harsh words that threatened to escape . "We're at work. We need to keep our professionalism."
"Come on. Don't act like we're not close. You're my cousin for pete's sake! You can't deny that!" He joked around, trying to cheer her up from her down state. "And plus, no one is here. It won't matter since no one can hear us. Come on, just call me oppa."
"No." She tried to ignore his pleas by moving on to some paper work on her desk. "It's not appropriate in this setting." She continued to look over different proposals given to her.
"But you call him oppa." He whined. She couldn't understand how he hated kids when he acted so much like one. In fact, he acted much younger that the many mature students in the school.
"Fine. Oppa, don't you have a class to teach now? I'm not paying you for nothing. If you don't teach this class, then I'm taking out $500 from your pay." He smiled and moved toward the door.
"Assa! Oh, and I'm not going to class." Headmaster Lee pinched the bridge of her nose when she felt another headache coming on.
"Go to class! I'm not paying you for nothing! I'm serious. I'm ready to fire you if you don't do your job. I have a whole stack of applications to be teachers at this school and you can be replaced-"
"You do know that I'm the CEO of a company and it wouldn't matter if you fire me because I make millions a year. The only reason why I accepted this job was because you got really annoying and where can you get a better composer than me? I have to go. Bye!" He ran out the door to avoid Chara yelling at him some more.
"Ugh." She groaned and leaned back on her chair. "The people I have to deal with. Why did I even hire that pabo?" When she calmed down, she pressed a button on her desk to talk to her secretary. "Secretary Choi, can you call the kids in?"
"Neh, Headmater Lee. They're coming." She answered back followed by the shuffling on footsteps outside her door. There were three short knocks before a group of kids came in.
"You called for us, Headmaster Lee?" The students walked in.
"Yes, take a seat. I would like to talk to you." There were a number of students sitting before Headmaster Lee, some confused as to why they were called to the Headmaster's office, others not caring at all.
They were Melody, Jina, Haneul, ShinYoung, MinJung, Aidan, KyuHyun, and JaeSun. Basically, everyone was there.
"It seems we need to have a talk about the school rules. You all are here because you have broken at least one of them and we need to fix this." All of them, excluding Jina and KyuHyun had their eyes wide open. They had no idea what she was talking about.
"B-but Headmaster Lee, I don't remember-" Melody was interrupted.
"Melody, MinJung, Jina, Haneul, and KyuHyun." Headmaster Lee read off of a piece of paper on her desk. "You all have cut at least one of your classes."
"Umm," ShinYoung hesitantly raised her hand to speak before Headmaster Lee gave the nod of approval to do so. "Haneul didn't exactly but. She got sick so she went to stay at her dorm so she could rest."
"Well, then she should have gone to the school nurse to check her condition, shouldn't have she?" Headmaster Lee retorted strictly, showing she was not going to take any excuses.
"Neh." ShinYoung and Haneul chorused with their heads bowed.
"I have reports of Melody and Jina acting out during class-"
"Wait!" Haneul interrupted. "Melody unni didn't really speak out in class. It was a prank that Kwon seonsaengnim did on the class and unni knew about it. It was all part of the prank!" Haneul defended. Melody mouthed a "Gomawo" to her dongsaeng.
"Ah," Headmaster Lee nodded in understanding. "I see. I heard about that prank. Okay, Melody. I apologize. You are off the hook for that." Haneul responded to Melody's thank you with a quick eye smile.
"Well," Headmaster Lee continued. "That brings us to the next topic, the destruction of school property. KyuHyun and JaeSun, was it really necessary to break the door? That door is school property and you two will have to pay for the damages."
"But that's not fair!" KyuHyun burst out of his seat. "It was JaeSun hung that broke the door! I was sleeping!" JeaSun tugged on his arm to get him to sit back down but he didn't until Headmaster Lee motioned him to.
"Both of you dorm there, so both of you need to pay for the damages." Headmaster Lee explained. "Now can I continue?" KyuHyun grumbled a bit and mumbled something about everything being JaeSun's fault before JaeSun chuckled.
"Neh, Headmaster Lee." JaeSun smiled innocently.
"ShinYoung, you have a few problems with your grades. I'm afraid if you don't pull them up soon then you won't be able to keep attending here and also Aidan, I know it's nice to have girls follow you around everywhere but many of the teachers have brought it up to my attention that it had become a disturbance to them so can you please tell you "followers" to go to class?" The two nodded.
"As for your punishments, you all will be excluded from this semester's school showcase and for Aidan's case, you cannot participate in the Science Fair. You may all leave now, except for Melody and ShinYoung. I still need a few words with you." The group got up, a little saddened that they wouldn't be able to perform and, for Aidan, couldn't display the work that he spent so much time on.
"You two will still be able to perform." The two girls brightened up at the comment before Headmaster Lee continued to speak. "But! Your punishment will be to clean up the auditorium after the showcase is over." A frown found its way back across their faces.
"Excuse me, but why are we excused?" ShinYoung shyly asked.
"Well, you two are seniors, am I correct?" The two nodded. "The school wants to make sure that after you graduate, you two will be able to succeed and since you both are performing arts majors, there will be scouts in the audience looking for students they will be able to hire for their company as trainees."
"You mean like YG Ent, SM Ent, and JYP Ent?" Melody's face showed a big grin forming.
"Yes," Headmaster Lee answered. "Including Cube Ent, Woolim, DSP, and others. That is why you must do well during the showcase because it determines your future. Many of the companies will give you offers but you must chose wisely which one is the right one for you. I think that is it. You two may leave."
"Neh Headmaster Lee!" and "Kamsahamnida!" could be heard simultaneously before the two left.
"You know, Headmaster Lee," ShinYoung popped her head in the room one last time. "You're not as mean as everyone else says." 
"I try not to be." Headmaster Lee laughed a bit.
"Oh!" Melody came back. "Is it true you're going out with Heo seonsaengnim?"
"Maybe, maybe not." Headmaster Lee answered. "I like to keep my private life private." She gave a small eye smile before the two left to their next class.

Sorry for the short chapter... This was all I could do since I was so busy with my English paper... I'm not so confident about it though. Sigh. I hope I can get a good grade. Hwaiting!
Anyways, this is sort of an intro to what's coming up next! Be excited!
Oh~! I noticed we have some new subscribers! Thanks to rbest320 and Dianelamusiclover for subscribing! I wasn't really expecting to get anymore subscribers since this is an apply fic so thanks so much! Since you guys are subscribed, I guess if you message me, I can give you a sort of condensed apply form so you can at least get a cameo! Also don't forget to comment! Who knows, when I open apply again in a few months (probably when the school year in the fic finishes but that probably won't be for a while, you can apply again and might actually get a main!
Lastly, I'm sorry for the false update on Monday! I was procrastinating my English paper so I started writing and then I forgot to put "Hide Chapter" before I clicked "Update Chapter."
@TheBestOfKpop: LOL They are awkward. Haha. I didn't notice how awkward they were until you pointed it out smh.
Hehe... What if you found LeeTeuk sleeping next to you? I don't know about you but I would have a complete spazz attack then maybe get some snuggles *smirk*
@SuperJuniorfan13: Aidan is such a lazy tutor. I bet he just doens't want to tutor her XD.
I think HeeChul would make an amazing teddy bear <3
I know. I wanted that cake too... SHINYOUNG WAE YOU NO GIVE ME CAKE D:
LMFAO!!!!! OH GOD! That is epic XD.
@Twiillaa: Sigh... As much as I hate tourists, I could never do anything bad to them. It just makes me feel so mean... 
You're welcome! I feel bad for making you have to wait so long but we'll see Yei-Soo again soon!
Amber is busy eating all her chips WITHOUT YOU!
LOL He left you all alone.... forvever alone.
@Sherry_16: Well remember when MinJung and ShinYoung were running away from MinJung's body guards and they kept calling MinJung Sparrow when she kept complaining that she wanted to be called Falcon? It was in one of the earlier chapters.
Zelo is really adorably but I love DaeHyun more <3
Hmmmm... I'll have to think about that first.
@secretseweet: LOL I think it's Zelo that likes MinJung XD.
Sigh. Those two are like an old married couple. JaeKyu FTW!
Hehe. If those two get together, it's only going to be LeeTeuk flirting all the time.
@i_candie: Well now everyone is paying for skippinf their classes XD.
Those two are a match made in heaven <3 
LeeTeuk = major flirt 
LOL Super JaeSun! Conqueror of all things junkfood and protector of healthy food!
Well... maybe I would agree to that....
Sigh... I miss the five of them together...
I was just... admiring how hot he looked in the music video. My heart still belongs to my Saengie <3
Fine.. I'll find a way to keep it a secret. Whatever. Go and snuggle with your hubby.
@dattebayo-go: Yea... I usually like the cute one and/or the main vocal which is why my second bias is SungGyu. If the main vocal is the cute one, then I get really happy like in BEAST my bias is YoSeob.
They're all like hyper little squirrels, well, except for Jina. 
I would LOVE to have a friend like JaeSun.
@TheRoyalCouple: Well... I broke down my door before......
JaeSun just knows when the other two had junk food... scary stalker...
YES~! The spray is my favorite part! 
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[SHSFTG] Hey guys! Hiatus is officially over!!!! Thanks for staying with me even though I didn't update for a while!


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Everyone...this is the new dectective in town...
Chapter 33: Haha nudge nudge wink wink
XDDD i can't imagine her with a beard, let me photoshop it now OTL
Yay ! XD i would feel so terrible if she did
Yeah C:
xDDD someone come and be doofenshmirk (OTL HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT)
Haha exactly
Hanuel is the new sherlock holmes xD
Woohyun and Shinyoung are at war ! OTL
Poor Jina :C
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 33: Lol sorry, but those thoughts won't be leaving my head for LONG time author ;D

So... Can there be Kryber? :D
Or did someone "claim" Amber or Krystal?

And omg Haneul... >_<
You're a fail detective xD
Chapter 32: Awww no more parties xD Well rules are rules i guess.
Haha xD Hanuel has no beard guys.
HOLY- Don't tell me that hanuel stole the key ! D: She probably did though xD CHOCOLATE WHY YOU SO GOOD YET SO EVIL??? XD
Hahaha Woohyun's jellllly !
Amber is pretty freaking awesome alright haha
ewww I would be like, "DUDE I NEED TO PEE" xD
Haha alright come back Hanuel! D: NO GET AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE ! Once you give it to her you never get it back :C
xD yeah so close !
Yep xD
xDD I have like all the plushies of them because when i was little i used to play with them, but now they're all in my closet haha
Chapter 32: Wait. So, if boys and girls can't be allowed, how can Woohyun and Shinyoung be together?? Because they are in a co-ed that an exception? And sheeshus, Melody, just stop being so cranky will ya? Jonghyun and Myungsoo, you seriously gotta lighten up a bit more. Besides, Jonghyun isn't THAT bad...

And I love how Woohyun is so worried about le moi! XD Lol! Yes Woohyun, get jealous and fall in love!! XD ha ha ha, I'm just kidding!! Anyways...

I seriously forgot what I put onto my application. I don't even see it in my Blogs. lol XD and yes, let's NOT give Haneul chocolate because chaos with reign! And Jina, yes, but how?? And I'd love to have Aidan as a friend too!! Actually, I would love to have all of them as my friends! :))) Everyone just seems so out-of-this-world and yet down-to-earth - you know what I mean??

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter and gah! I feel like dying everytime I re-read everything!! XD Lol okay, I'm gonna go until next time!! ^____^ HWAITING!!!
1ll1ll9oo #6
Chapter 32: Oops forgot to add...

So that means when it's only Amber, Krystal doesn't wear pants? ;D
1ll1ll9oo #7
Chapter 32: Lmao dang it xD

Lol put them together, my life is complete<3
Chapter 32: .-. I'm sorry I haven't commented in forever.
I've been reading but I don't have enough to comment D:
xD haha Kyuhyun lost to Yuri in Minecraft :O I love Minecraft but I don't have it D:
What a nice servant you are Woohyun ;D
:DDDDDDDDDDD Its Amber and Krystal <3 Kryber my hapiness xD
:O Its still sorta awkward between Jaesun and Jina isnt it?
We love you Headmaster Lee <3 Its okay :D