Chapter 8

Seoul High School for the Gifted

KyuHyun crept away before acting class even started, leaving campus. Acting was never really his talent anyway. He was more of a dancer, like his BoA noona, errr Kwon Seonsaengnim.

It was still awkward to imagine BoA as his teacher for him. Well actually, she was always his teacher but never formally. Before she was his dance instructor, not even, she was more of a mentor to him but now it was just weird.
Where was KyuHyun going and why was he ditching class in the first place? Let's just say he had enough with JaeSun's plan to get him more fit. 
He wandered around the edges of the campus, looking for at least a convenience or grocery store so he could stock up on chips, soda, and, of course, ice cream without JaeSun even knowing.
His plan was to pig out on everything in the store, not caring at all about the weird stares he would get for eating like a savage. He just wanted to fill up the empty void in his heart, more like stomach, that used to be filled with junk food.
He shoulders started to shrug in disappointment when he walked around for a good twenty minutes but only found a variety of coffee shops and casual restaurants that served mostly fresh, light, modern food, not exactly what he was looking for.
That is until he found a small shop on the corner of the block, not far from the street the school was on, that in big letters had "LUCKY RAMYUN SHOP!" written across the top.
KyuHyun's eyes widened because the store definitely was "lucky." He had just struck gold. A nice steaming bowl of ramyun would be so much better than a simple bag of chips and since it was a restaurant, he would be able to get the soda he was craving for as well.
"Take that JaeSun hyung." He smirked. "I'm going to eat my precious food whether you like it or not. My food is definitely not junk. It's heaven, beautiful and delicious."
Walking in, he noticed there weren't many people there except for a few other students and, because they were wearing the same uniform, he assumed they were all from SHSFTG.
He didn't even look at the menu to order what he wanted. He had been waiting for this moment for the longest time and even though he had never been here before, he had his order completely planned out.
The spicy beef ramyun he asked for came to the table and it almost seemed like it was glowing. He took a good whiff of it and he could smell the chilies that permeated the broth. He was eating beef, yes, beef, not chicken, beef. JaeSun has but him on a chicken diet like 2AM's ChangMin so he could gain more muscle but not he was eating beef.
The smile on his mouth grew so it reached ear to ear. Yea, he was happy that he was finally able to eat ramyun but he was even more ecstatic that he had beat JaeSun. He went against the diet he was force to follow. He just defied his hyung and, yes, he was happy about it.
The bubble tea he ordered came and he had to keep himself from jumping up in  the air and shouting. Bubble tea was his favorite drink ever. Period. JaeSun kept him on a low sugar diet because sugar was a simple carbohydrate, not something he should be consuming if he wanted to loose weight.
Finally, he dug in. With every bite, he closed hie eyes to savor the taste because he never knew when the next time would be before he could eat it ever again.
The beefiness danced across his taste buds, covering every single one with the delicious flavor but it was quickly washed over by the spicy chilies. The chilies were spicy, very spicy. The spiciness was almost unbearable but it tasted so good, it was almost addicting. He found himself going for more after every bite even though it hurt so bad.
Finally, he would wash it all down with his bubble tea. The drink would numb out all the pain from the spiciness, letting him keep eating. He couldn't remember the last time he had a meal this good. 
It was heaven in a bowl.
Not before long, KyuHyun found himself ordering his fifth bowl. He probably looked fat a the moment but he knew when he got back to the dorm, JaeSun would probably make him eat just chicken with salad on the said. It wasn't even fried chicken. Who could resist fried chicken?
"Ahjumma! Another bowl please!" That voice wasn't his, and he was sure of it. He looked to the table next to him and saw a very skinny girl, but at the same time toned eating, no more like inhaling, her tenth bowl of ramyun. Tenth. KyuHyun thought he ate a lot but compared to her, he was still on his diet. Where did she put it all?
Now that was his kind of girl.
"Okay, so you're homework for your next class is to come with a video of you acting like an old person stepping on glass. I want you all to make it look really realistic, as if you really were a person in your late seventies who just broke a mirror or something and tried to clean it up. I don't really care what the scene is, as long as you get the feeling right." 
All the students in Park seonsaengnim's class eyed him suspiciously. He was really, how do you say it without being rude, weird. The entire class he was eating carrots as if that was the only thing he ate. Within the forty minutes he taught them, he consumed probably one and a half bags of the orange vegetable. It was a wonder that his skin hadn't turned orange yet.
"Do we really have to do that?" Melody whispered hesitantly to the other two girls who just shrugged. Those two were fine with the assignment as far fetched as it was.
"Well he said so, so I guess we do." MinJung answered. Unlike Melody, she looked forward to acting like an old person. It seemed fun to act someone completely different than she was and, truthfully, she found it a little funny and there were already so many idea floating through her mind on how she was going to play the part.
"I have to run. My part-time job starts in like twenty minutes and I accidentally left my uniform at my dorm so see you guys tomorrow!" ShinYoung gave a wave before running off in the other direction. 
Haneul, MinJung, and Melody had always been worried for her. She had so much going on at the same time. Whenever they wanted to hang out after school, ShinYoung would be the one to decline saying that she had her job or she was behind on homework because she had to do her other job. They begged her to drop at least one of her many jobs but she always refused saying she needed the money for tuition and forming needs.
"I'm scared unni is going to collapse from exhaustion one day." MinJung confessed to Melody. Melody put her arm around the younger, trying to comfort her roommate. She hated seeing her dongsaeng so worried and MinJung hated seeing her other half tired all the time. A few days ago, she noted the growing eyes bags ShinYoung had to which she denied having.
The two stayed huddled together but kept walking even though they couldn't see. When they finally let go from their hug, Melody hit her head on something hard and her hand reached to the back of it as a reflex.
"Ow." She complained. She turned around to see what hit her head so hard and was met with a familiar sight. Kim JongHyun, the same guy she bumped into before and the same guy who she started a fight with. 
"Yah! You again? Can you just stay away from me? Am I really that irresistible?" Melody rolled her eyes at his arrogance. MinJung narrowed her eyes at JongHyun, ready to fight back if he went any further but another male held him back.
"Don't talk to my unni like that! Do you want to fight me?" MinJung threatened only to be met with JongHyun's chuckle and rolled eyes. The guy holding him back released JongHyun when he relaxed and stopped struggling.
"Y'know, you're cute. You think you can take on the big boys?" JongHyun reached over to pet MinJung's head but she grabbed his hand and then bit it, making him retract it immediately.
"Ah! Apa!" He yelled out with wide eyes. With his good hand, he pointed at the two girls. "You two, I'm watching you. I better not see you come anywhere near me, ever."
"Like I would want to see you." Melody rolled her eyes. The guy next to JongHyun laughed a little but JongHyun just turned back in confusion, not knowing what she said. It was obvious he didn't understand English.
"You're the same girl as last time, right? Melody? I'm MyungSoo." The guy stuck around. Melody couldn't help but notice his dark, mysterious eyes that matched beautifully with his heart-warming smile that just made her want to melt. "I just want to apologize for JongHyun."
"O-oh. It's okay, I guess." She looked down at her feet, avoiding his gaze so she didn't look like a complete idiot. MinJung looked at her suspiciously. Looks like she had to play matchmaker again.
"JongHyun's not that bad when you get to know him. He's just been in a bad mood lately. Well, I better get going so he doesn't start yelling at someone else. I'll see you around." He gave a wave before looking around for JongHyun. "Yah! JongHyun, don't yell at her! She's a little girl."
"So," MinJung nudged Melody's ribs with her elbow teasingly. "You'll see him around?"
"Yea." Melody said in her dream-like state. Her eyes widened when she realized what she said. "Wait! No! That's not what I meant!"
"Uh-huh." MinJung joked while walking away with a smirk on her face.
ShinYoung quickly ran into her dorm. She needed to find her uniform fast. She shift at the cafe started in twenty minutes and it took her at least fifteen minutes to get there plus another two just to change into her uniform.
"Mwo? Eotteoke?" ShinYoung opened the door to find piles of clothes strewn all over the floor along with candy wrappers and bags of chips. She looked at the sofa to find WooHyun just lazily lying there with a pizza box in his hands.
This was actually one of the few times ShinYoung saw WooHyun at the dorm. She was a Performing Arts major like him but he was usually out with his friends, err "girlfriends", choosing not to stay within the confinements of their living quarters.
"Oh, annyeong." He waved with his eyes still glued at the TV, playing his video game as if nothing was wrong. At the base of the TV, there were cords and wires circling it with a mess of game consoles with their respective games like CoD, Halo, Trauma Team, Persona, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, etc.
"Who, who made the mess?" She tried to say in the nicest way possible. She didn't like yelling at people and decided to give WooHyun the benefit of the doubt even though all evidences led to him. She was too late to worry about the mess now.
"A few of my hyungs came over because we ditched class." ShinYoung pinched the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb, trying to hold in her anger.
"Okay, but I really have to go. Have you seen my- what is this?" ShinYoung walked into her dorm only to find her cabinet on the floor with all its contents spilled out.
"Oh that? I just was play fighting with one of my hyungs. Actually, we were play wrestling and we kind of made our way into you room and knocked it down. We were too lazy to pick it up so yea." WooHyun was still completely absorbed in his game and treated the situation as if it was normal.
"Whatever just clean it up before I get back, okay. I can't talk right now." She quick slipped on her uniform behind her closed bedroom door and proceeded to leave.
"But wait! I can't, I have a date tonight and she's really pretty he claimed. ShinYoung took a deep breath because it was already five minutes until her shift would start and if she was late her boss would make her work overtime, which she couldn't afford to do since she had another job after it and a Korean Literature paper to write.
"Fine, I'll clean it up tomorrow then." She gave in. She couldn't lose any more time. She was really really really late and she couldn't lose this job or her other one because she needed to pay for her tuition and forming fees. She needed to do her paper too because she already gave the last paper in late and was so close to failing the class.
"Thanks babe." WooHyun winked. She rolled her eyes at him when he wasn't looking, not wanting to look mean but she couldn't help it. Sweet talking was definitely not going to work on her and she kind of found it hilarious that, even though he couldn't do it often since they hardly saw each other, he failed to impress her every single time.
"Pshh. I'm going now."
"Hey kid." Amber walked up to Aidan's desk, ruffling his hair before taking a seat on the desk next to his, her feet up on the chair in behind it: her normal position. Ever since their first meeting, Amber had taken an interest in the "kid" as she would say.
He was different. Most boys who were as good-looking as him had a sort of arrogance in their hair. Aidan, he wasn't like that. He was more self-conscious even though he could probably pass for an idol.
"Hey Amber-ssi." He looked at his feet as if the specs of dirt on the edges of his high tops suddenly became very interesting. Aidan still couldn't look at her in the eye, at least, not yet. He had trouble looking at anyone in the eye.
"You want some?" She offered him some of her Cheetos that she had left over from lunch. Most of the Math and Science classes were in the morning but the two of them, both not being very good morning people, opted to take the afternoon classes.
It was better for Amber since most of her friends, like JongHyun who she was probably the closest to, were arts students and their classes were in the afternoon as well. This way, their scheduled didn't clash and she could hang out with them still.
Aidan, being the lazy he was, wanted to be able to sleep in. He was happy he could sleep until 12 noon and still be on time for all his classes. Sleep, along with junk food, were one of his favorite things. 
"Are those-"
"Yup, Cheetos." Aidan almost drooled at the open bag of the cheesy snack. He could smell the cheesy, salty deliciousness. Hesitantly, he put his hand in the bag  since she was the first girl her had taken food from. In fact, she was the only girl he would consider himself to be close to.
Aidan closed his eyes to fully take in the flavor. It permeated his entire being and he got chills running from his head to the tips of his toes. He couldn't remember the last time he ate chips.
"I take it you like chips, huh?" Amber chuckled at him. He looked ridiculous. He looked like he just ate the most delicious gourmet dish ever but really he just ate some 500 won chips. 
"Hehe. I just haven't had chips in a while." He shyly confessed, a little embarrasses that he looked like an idiot in front of a girl. "My roommate is a complete health freak and he threw away all the junk food from out dorm."
"Ahh." She nodded her head in understanding while holding out her chips. "Take them. I have a bunch in my dorm." His eyes widened.
"Really?" He squirmed a little in his seat, a little uncomfortable that he was getting so close to a girl. 
"Y'know what? Y'want chips, I'll just give 'em to you. I'll be like your drug dealer, 'cept for chips." She adjusted the cap on her head so it faced more to the side. The look was kind of funny to Aidan. She looked so much like someone who could pass for a gangster but acted really nice.
"O-oh, thank you." He played with his fingers, not knowing what to do. He wanted to jump up and say thanks but he wasn't sure if it was appropriate to do that with a girl.
"But!" She continued. "Y'gotta act more comfortable with me and quit it with the whole Amber-ssi crap. Just call me Amber. I hate it when people are so formal. Got it?" 
"O-okay." He half-heartedly agreed. He wasn't sure if he could act informally with anyone, much less a girl, but those bars of chips were worth the effort.
"Y'know, kid? You're not so bad." She ruffled his hair one last time before walking out the door.
Aidan looked at the clock on his phone and his eyes widened. "Oh crap! I'm late for the tutoring session! Jina-ssi is going to kill me!"
YongHwa left and Jina felt a slight emptiness next to her that she wasn't used to. It was weird. Before she would always be alone, in fact, she would prefer it over having to hang out with others but now, it just felt different.
What was this school doing to her?
She didn't like it, not at all. She became soft. She spent years learning how to push people away and keep them out of her life but now, all because of two guys, her wall was tearing down. Who knew how long it would be before she became one of those hyper, cutesy girls skipping around with bows in their hair and butterflies and rainbows flying out of their ears as if nothing was wrong with the world?
The thought disgusted her. Without her knowing she was slowly turning into the exact same people a few weeks ago she would've hated and she had to put a stop to it. She had to build up the walls again, somehow.
She replaced the shy smile on her face with the same mask she used to wear, the same mask she had been wearing all her life but for some sort of reason, even though she had been so used to wearing the mask, she couldn't help but notice how much more comfortable the smile was even thought it was small.
JaeSun walked up to her, grabbing a seat beside her on the ledge while casually putting his arm around her shoulders as if it was completely normal and did it all the time.
"I saw that back there." JaeSun couldn't shake off the feeling he would get when he was around Jina. No, they weren't romantic feeling, definitely not romantic. He could never think of her in that way. Jina just reminded him so much of his sister, SeoHyun. 
Now I know what you're thinking. Jina and SNSD's SeoHyun are complete opposites. Jina was cold but SeoHyun was cute and happy but you can't deny the similarities. Both of them were shy, quiet, and reserved, although Jina had more of a tense atmosphere and SeoHyun's was more awkward but either way, JaeSun felt completely the same towards Jina as he did towards SeoHyun.
All he wanted to do was protect her. He knew with one look in her eyes that she was hiding a little, no, a lot and he wanted to help her. He knew that even thought she acted tough and cold that on the inside she was definitely weak and fragile and how she broke down in front of the class was proof to her vulnerability.
Jina didn't respond to him but only turned away, pretending she had no idea what he was talking about and just started to pack up her guitar into its case and fixing her music sheets.
"I saw that smile." JaeSun smile at the thought, thinking that he was finally getting through to her and she would finally open up to him. Maybe she could make friends with YongHwa. There was no denying the chemistry between them.
"I don't smile." The frown was still evident in her face and the the sparkle that was once there was now gone. What replaced it was something that looked like pain. JaeSun couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was but it was obvious she was hurting.
"Don't deny it." He joked, nudging her side with his elbow teasingly but Jina just pushed him away, making him take a few steps back and almost falling but her caught himself before he could.
"You know what? I'm sick and tired of you. Just, just go away." Jina said before slinging her guitar onto her back and carrying her notebook out the classroom, not caring about skipping class. She hated the teacher anyway.
Even though she wanted to turn around and say sorry, she it up and kept walking, her heart sinking into her stomach. She knew it was for the best and that no one would benefit from getting close to her.
JaeSun was left there, dumbfounded with what just happened.

LeeTeuk kept the mask on that everything was going as planned but in fact he had no idea what he was doing. He knew he had to get Haneul to her dorm so she could rest but he lied when he said she knew where it was.
He was only trying to look cool.
As a result he was left wandering around the dorm area, looking for anyone who knew where Haneul's dorm was but apparently he was out of luck. He had be asking around for a good thirty minutes but none of the people he asked knew.
Unfortunately, all the Performing Arts students were all still in class, where he should be as well, and the only ones who didn't have a class at the moment were the Math and Science nerds, I mean the students who were more academically inclined, and Liberal Arts majors.
Haneul wasn't exactly have, in fact she was of average weight and according to LeeTeuk weighed "as light as a feather" but having to carry her dead weight, since she was completely knocked out, was starting to take a toll on him and he wasn't someone you would exactly call "brawlic" in the first place.
More students were starting to approach the dorm so he assumed another class was dismissed. He hoped it would be a Performing Arts class or at least the Musical majors since Haneul had a higher chance of knowing one of the music students than the "large-brained" students.
Much to his dissatisfaction, he only saw more nerds coming in. Most of them had their glasses on and the guys with pants pulled up as high as possible. the girls hugged their math and science textbooks to their chest as if it was their prized possession.
"Ugh." He let out a groan, throwing his head back but slightly to the left so that it wouldn't hit Haneul's head which was laying on his right shoulder, her face looking away from his neck. 
He scanned the crowd looking for someone who would at least look like they would know Haneul and had a little hope when he was a flower boy walking into the dorm with a girl with medium-length, dark hair. He couldn't see where it ended though because her back was covered but the guitar slung around her.
He heard of the guy before. In fact, everyone did. He was one of the most good looking guys in the school but what made him stand out the most was he was a Math and Science nerd. He immediately recognized him as Aidan Kang, the sophomore that took the entire student body be storm.
"Yah! Yah!" LeeTeuk called out desperately. He wanted to wave his hands out to catch their attention but if he did, Haneul would fall, tragedy that was already happening since she was already starting to slip downward from her grasp.
He ran up to them and they tuned around while he stopped to bend down a little and catch his breath. "Ne?" Aidan asked, a little curious with what a complete stranger wanted from him.
"Do you, do you know," LeeTeuk breathlessly let out, "Do You know this girl? Her name is Haneul." He turned around to show Hanuel passed out on his back from the sugar rush she had earlier.
"Ne," LeeTeuk was surprised to hear the girl speak especially since he was directing the question more to Aidan and the girl, he believed was Kang Jina, was rumored not to be able to talk and that she has issues. "She's my roommate."
LeeTeuk's eyes widened at Jina's confession. Haneul was dorming with the emo girl?
"Just follow us." Jaesun said pointing to the stairs leading to one of the upper floors of the dorm. "We were on our way to the dorm anyway. It's right up there." LeeTeuk cluelessly followed them, not knowing if they were telling the truth or if they were just playing with him, but then again Jina didn't seem like someone who would play a joke like that so he trusted them.
The three, well actually it was four but more like three and a half since Haneul was there but not exactly, walked into the dorm and LeeTeuk took note of one of the bedrooms that in bright, bold colors had "HANEUL'S ROOM" written in an arc across the top.
He settled her down on the bed and just as he was about to get up, he found her arms wrap around him, pulling him down. She snuggled her face into LeeTeuk's shoulder, as if she was imagining he was a huge pillow. 
LeeTeuk tried to get out of her grasp but it was too stung and he was stuck and he knew he was in trouble. He wouldn't be able to show his face in the acting class ever again since he basically skipped class on the first day but even worse, when Haneul woke up, she would probably be in for one of the biggest surprises of his life.

Sigh... Spring break is over and I have to go back to school. ME NO LIKEY SCHOOL! 
And I feel like such an awful big sister ):. It was my little bro's B-Day on Thurs. and I had a whole event planned out for him in the morning but I FORGOT! I woke up too late so I couldn't do it..... TT__TT
@dattebayo-go: LOL Sadly no JaeKyu this chapter. I had to split them up because Kyu got tired of Jae. He wanted a break 3
@Twiillaa: Tourists do get annyoing! Can't they understand that we're really busy? I was almost late to school once because of a tourist Dx. LOL My grandpa told me one time that the difference between tourists and New Yorkers is tourists walk as slow as hell while New Yorkers are always running everywhere :D.
@KimKyuHyun: Haha You got ramyun, not ice cream though. I'll see if I can find a way for you to get ice cream :). 
LOL Actually I wanted a Creeper Kyu but it would be awkward with two KyuHyuns so I settled for a Stalker Teuk.
@SuperJuniorfan13: I think Kyu just like someone you would want to jump on. That's why they always choose him.
Sadly no more Hawaii D:. Now I'm back to reality. It was fun while it lasted.
@secretseweet: Well, maybe they don't want to share the role... hmmmmm
@TheRoyalCouple: Hehe Kyu and Aiden must starve! LOL Not really...
Dont worry. I'm really slow too. Whenever I see a couple name it takes me forever to figure it out. Like Adam Couple but they're my OTP now ^^
@Sherry_16: I bet I can find a way for Haneul to ge tthe sugar anyway..... hehehe
@i_candie: I bet she was giggling like a school girl inside :D
JaeSun's a sneaky little twerp (in a good way). 
Don't worry, I know no one can resist my hubby's dimples.. The only difference is I can snuggle with him and see his little dimples whenever I want <3
@TheBestOfKpop: I feel like Haneul and JaeKyu should switch places that way Haneul doesn't get any sugar :D.
Don't worry! I completely understand. Wah! That's cool. My friend went to the DR too!
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[SHSFTG] Hey guys! Hiatus is officially over!!!! Thanks for staying with me even though I didn't update for a while!


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Everyone...this is the new dectective in town...
Chapter 33: Haha nudge nudge wink wink
XDDD i can't imagine her with a beard, let me photoshop it now OTL
Yay ! XD i would feel so terrible if she did
Yeah C:
xDDD someone come and be doofenshmirk (OTL HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT)
Haha exactly
Hanuel is the new sherlock holmes xD
Woohyun and Shinyoung are at war ! OTL
Poor Jina :C
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 33: Lol sorry, but those thoughts won't be leaving my head for LONG time author ;D

So... Can there be Kryber? :D
Or did someone "claim" Amber or Krystal?

And omg Haneul... >_<
You're a fail detective xD
Chapter 32: Awww no more parties xD Well rules are rules i guess.
Haha xD Hanuel has no beard guys.
HOLY- Don't tell me that hanuel stole the key ! D: She probably did though xD CHOCOLATE WHY YOU SO GOOD YET SO EVIL??? XD
Hahaha Woohyun's jellllly !
Amber is pretty freaking awesome alright haha
ewww I would be like, "DUDE I NEED TO PEE" xD
Haha alright come back Hanuel! D: NO GET AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE ! Once you give it to her you never get it back :C
xD yeah so close !
Yep xD
xDD I have like all the plushies of them because when i was little i used to play with them, but now they're all in my closet haha
Chapter 32: Wait. So, if boys and girls can't be allowed, how can Woohyun and Shinyoung be together?? Because they are in a co-ed that an exception? And sheeshus, Melody, just stop being so cranky will ya? Jonghyun and Myungsoo, you seriously gotta lighten up a bit more. Besides, Jonghyun isn't THAT bad...

And I love how Woohyun is so worried about le moi! XD Lol! Yes Woohyun, get jealous and fall in love!! XD ha ha ha, I'm just kidding!! Anyways...

I seriously forgot what I put onto my application. I don't even see it in my Blogs. lol XD and yes, let's NOT give Haneul chocolate because chaos with reign! And Jina, yes, but how?? And I'd love to have Aidan as a friend too!! Actually, I would love to have all of them as my friends! :))) Everyone just seems so out-of-this-world and yet down-to-earth - you know what I mean??

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter and gah! I feel like dying everytime I re-read everything!! XD Lol okay, I'm gonna go until next time!! ^____^ HWAITING!!!
1ll1ll9oo #6
Chapter 32: Oops forgot to add...

So that means when it's only Amber, Krystal doesn't wear pants? ;D
1ll1ll9oo #7
Chapter 32: Lmao dang it xD

Lol put them together, my life is complete<3
Chapter 32: .-. I'm sorry I haven't commented in forever.
I've been reading but I don't have enough to comment D:
xD haha Kyuhyun lost to Yuri in Minecraft :O I love Minecraft but I don't have it D:
What a nice servant you are Woohyun ;D
:DDDDDDDDDDD Its Amber and Krystal <3 Kryber my hapiness xD
:O Its still sorta awkward between Jaesun and Jina isnt it?
We love you Headmaster Lee <3 Its okay :D