Chapter 5

Seoul High School for the Gifted
"Unni! Hold on! Stop running!" ShinYoung took a deep breath before slowing down her steps. MinJung finally caught up to her and wrapped her arms around the other for balance while breathing slowly to stabilize her heart rate. 
"Yah! Get off! You're heavy!" ShinYoung playfully pushed her a little to cover up the frown on her face and the recent outburst she had but MinJung knew something was wrong.
"Why did you run away?" MinJung asked when she finally caught her breath again. ShinYoung looked away to wipe away the tear before if fell down her face and MinJung could see it.
"A-ani. It's nothing." MinJung didn't buy it so she raised her eyebrow at her unni as if saying "Yeah, right." ShinYoung gave in. "Fine. It's just that WooHyun is my roommate and it would get really awkward if I, you know."
MinJung nodded her head in understanding but she still didn't buy it. She believed ShinYoung was telling the truth but she didn't think she was telling the whole truth.
"Wait, he's your roommate?" MinJung's eyes widened. How could the administration pair a guy and a girl who knew nothing about each other together?
"Unfortunately." ShinYoung let out a sigh. "But enough of that. Where do you want to go? I don't have anymore classes today." MinJung stopped to think when in the distance she saw a pair of brawlic men in suits walking towards her.
"I don't care! Just run!" She grabbed ShinYoung's arm and dragged her away from them. Two men saw the girls running and chased after them. The one wearing sunglasses raised a walkie-talkie to his mouth and yelled a few words into it.
"I found the Sparrow! Tell the Eagle I found the Sparrow. The Sparrow is heading south. I repeat the Sparrow is heading south." MinJung rolled her eyes at the stupid code names. Why couldn't they just call her MinJung instead of Sparrow? Why did her appa get to be called the Eagle?
"Yah! I told you already! I want to be called the Falcon! Falcon sounds so much more cool!" She shouted back at the men who just kept chasing them.
"And we told you that your appa came up with the name Sparrow so we can't change it!" They retorted. The entire time they three were yelling at each other, ShinYoung was completely confused. She had no idea what was going on.
"But sparrows are so stupid! They're all tiny and helpless!" At this time, ShinYoung became tired so she stopped running making MinJung stop too. "Yah! Why did you stop? We have to get away from those guys!" But it was too late. Her bodyguards caught up to them.
"Tell the Eagle we caught the Sparrow." The bald one spoke into the walkie-talkie again. 
"Ugh." MinJung groaned. "Can't you guys just go away?" 
"No can do MIss Lee. We have direct orders from your appa to stay with you always." MinJung rolled her eyes.
"Wait. I'm still so confused. What exactly is going on here? Why do you have bodyguards?" ShinYoung's eyebrows were furrowed together as she tried to wrap her head around the situation.
"My appa is just really overprotective and thinks I need bodyguards when," She looked at the two men avoiding her gaze, "Really I can take care of myself."
"Hold on. Stay here and don't move." The bald one said as they walked away to contact the other bodyguards that they found the "Sparrow" or, as MinJung would say, the "Falcon."
MinJung eyed ShinYoung hoping she would pick up the signal, which she did. With her fingers, she made a three, a two, then a one. When it got down to zero, they jetted out of the bodyguards' sight without them even knowing.
ShinYoung spotted two female students in the window of a cafe wearing their same uniforms and dragged MinJung there to hide. They sat down with the two, obviously earning weird stares from them, but pretended that they were supposed to be there. They waited as MinJung's bodyguards walked past without seeing them before taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" The shorter one looked at them suspiciously.
"Hehe. Mianhae." ShinYoung rubbed the back of her back awkwardly. "We were just trying the get away from those two guys."  The shorted made an 'o' with .
"Hello! I'm Melody!" She held her hand out for a shake with ShinYoung which she accepted gladly. "Ahhh! Ahhhh! Apayo! Apa!" Melody screamed in pain as ShinYoung shook her hand, causing the girl to immediately retract her arm.
"Oh god! What's wrong? Did I hurt out! I'm so sorry!" She panicked. She knew she didn't squeeze Melody's hand hard but she was still in pain. Did she hurt her?
Slowly, Melody's screams of pain turned into laughter and she covered her face with her hands to keep her from laughing too much.
"Oh god. That was too funny." She said in between breathes. "You should have seen you're face! You were so scared!" For the nth time that day, ShinYoung was confused. 
"Wait, so I didn't hurt you?" Melody shook her head. "Oh god." She put her hand over her heart. "Yah! Don't do that! I almost had a heart attack!" Melody tried to catch her breath after the laugh attack she just had.
"Sorry, i just couldn't resist. That was good." Melody smiled at herself, giving herself a good pat on the back for the successful prank she just pulled.
"Don't worry, she does that all the time." MinJung explained. "You'll get used to it."
"Oh. Okay but wait." ShinYoung started to understand but paused when she realized something else.
"You two know each other?" ShinYoung and Haneul said simultaneously.
"Jinx! You owe me a soda!" Haneul laughed at her sunbae's childishness .ShinYoung may be much older than Haneul but she sure didn't act like it.
"Unni is my roommate." MinJung smiled brightly and wrapped her arm around the older, ruffling her hair.
"Yah! What are you doing? I'm older! I should be doing that to you!" The two started playfully fighting with each other.
The four hung out together in the cafe for a while before ShinYoung realized it was time to go.
"Mianhae. I have to go to my part-time job." She stood up and gave a bow before leaving.
"Annyeong!" Haneul gave a wave.
"See you tomorrow in class unni!" MinJung yelled. 
"Wait! Your shoelace!" Melody yelled out. ShinYoung paused before rolling her eyes.
"I'm not stupid. You tricked me already. I'm not going to fall for it a second ti-" ShinYoung tripped over her untied shoelace before she could finish her sentence.
"I tried to warn her." Melody raised her hands up in defense.
That guy really pissed Jina off. The entire rest of the day, she spent rewriting whatever lyrics she could still see into another notebook. She couldn't save all of it, though.
The milk had smudged the pen ink so all was left as a big blurry blob of blue. It looked like a huge cloud of ink rained on the book. Those were the songs that were unsalvageable.
She gritted her teeth when the alarm on her clock signaled it was time for her to leave her spot on the hill and go back to the school building. She really didn't want to go.
No, she didn't have another class. At least in class she could just sleep and no one would pay attention to her. At least in class the teachers chose to ignore her and she would do the same.
No, what she had to do now was much worse. She had tutoring. Tutoring meant one-on-one time with a complete stranger. Not only was it a complete stranger, he or she was probably a nerd. 
You know what nerds remind her of? Nerd remind her of her step-sister and how she would always get straight A's then her parents would always praise her for being oh so high and mighty. She hated nerds.
She's rather stay here and keep writing about how angry she was for losing her lyrics. Her lyrics meant everything to her. Her lyrics held all her memories, her feeling, everything she kept bottled in, and in a single second the jerk ruined everything.
She got to the assigned room and rolled her eyes when she saw the mob of girls surrounding the entrance. They were blocking the way and she couldn't possibly get in. No matter how hard she tried to push past them, they wouldn't let her.
"Seriously, why are they here?" She growled. She didn't think it was possible but they actually made her mood way worse than it was before. With them there, it meant she would have to stay here even longer.
"Eottoke?" One of the fan girls squealed when she caught sight of Jina.
"Is Aidan oppa tutoring her?"
"How does she get to new so lucky?"
"She doesn't deserve to be with Aidan oppa."
"She's so ugly!"
"Ughhh. This is completely unfair."
"Hehe. She's ugly and the fact that she needs tutoring means she's stupid too."
"Whatever. Aidan oppa would never like her."
"I bet once he sees her face, he'll ask to switch."
Jina rolled her eyes at their "whispers." She knew they weren't really whispering. They were loud whispering meaning they wanted her to hear it, but Jina made her was through the mob unfazed.
She was used to it.
She opened the door and was me face to face with the supposed nerd. He didn't look like a nerd at all, though. He was more like a flower boy, and ullzzang, and it made her hate him even more.
"H-hey." He said timidly. There was a small blush that crept across his cheeks. Secretly, he was hoping that the person he was tutoring wasn't a girl. He was completely out of his element now. 
"Let's just get this over with."
"Oh, KyuHyun-ah! Annyeong." JaeSun said as he entered the dorm. KyuHyung simply responded with a head nod then went back to studying the dance routine Kwon seonsaengnim gave the students to memorize. He looked at it for five more seconds then through it out because he remembered everything.
"Uhhhh, so," JaeSun tried to think of a conversation to start they would break the awkward atmosphere. The two may have known of each other since they saw each other occasionally in SM Ent but they were still very uncomfortable with each other. "How was your day?"
"Good." KyuHyun said before walking into the kitchen to get his bottle of iced tea from the fridge. Again, JaeSun was left stumped. How was he supposed to reply to that? 
Was he just supposed to say "Okay"? If he did then he would be back at square one and he would have to start all over again and they would be stuck in the awkwardness forever.
KyuHyun pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head before reaching into the fridge and pulling out a bucket of ice cream with a spoon. He ate directly from the tub and JaeSun cringed at the sight.
"That's it!" JaeSun thought. He finally figured out how he was going to get closer to KyuHyun,
"That is completely disgusting and gross." JaeSun cringed at the thought of finishing an entire tub of ice cream. Junk food and people who ate it were just some of his pet peeves.
"What? Just let me eat, okay?" KyuHyun rolled his eyes at the older. He was annoyed that JaeSun was judging him just by one little act. Judgmental people were one of his pet peeves.
But what Kyuhyun didn't know was that this was a part of his plan.
"You're seriously going to eat all that by yourself?" JaeSun raised an eyebrow. "That's it. All the junk food in this dorm is going bye-bye." JaeSun too KyuHyun's ice cream and replaced it with an apple. He got a big black garbage bag and put all the processed, unhealthy food he could find in it, that meant all the soda, chips, ice cream, and ramyun, yes, even the ramyun.
"What the hell are you doing?" KyuHyun yelled, obviously annoyed at the other's actions. "You're taking all my food! Not to mention Aidan's food, too." Yes, Aidan was their third roommate. He came much later after JaeSun and KyuHyun initially met but he still lived there with him. 
Truthfully, KyuHyun didn't actually care that JaeSun was throwing away Aidan's food. He was more annoyed that he was throwing away the junk food
"What am I supposed to eat now?" JaeSun walked up to him and patted his stomach a bit and them poked his sides and ribs followed by his little chipmunk cheeks which KyuHyun scowled at.
"I suggest a salad and more healthy food. You're putting on some weight and you look a little more pudgy." KyuHyun's eyes widened. Did his hung really just call him fat?
"Mwo?" KyuHyun's jaw dropped open and then scoffed at the older. Pshh, his hyung wished he had a body like him. KyuHyun had an amazing body, at least he thought he did.
"If you're going to be an idol, you need to get more fit. You need to be more fit, too, it you're going to try out for the soccer team."
"I'm going to what?"


So before I get this author's note started, I just wanted to say that I stared a new story featuring Infinite's SungGyu and SungJong plus an OC and it would be really cool if you guys could check it out. You don't have to but if you want to you can. First chappie would probably be updated tomorrow. Thank you! 

How Can I Love You If I Can't See You?

Yea, i know. The title is Kind of stupid but I'm terrible at coming up with titles Dx.

*drinks hot chocolate* I find it funny how whenever I write, I'm always eating. I feel fat now Dx. LOL Next time i'll eat a salad XD

DOES ANYONE KNOW ANY GOOD DRAMAS OUT THERE RIGHT NOW? I'M SO BORED DX. I fell all empty because Dream High 2 and Shut Up Flower Boy Band ended T___T

@secretseweet: I love how Melody always loves to prank people. It gives me more excuses to come up with pranks and then I have to test them out on me friends to see if they actuallu work. YESSSSS *goes and schemes some more*
@KimKyuHyun: The guy with Jjong is [censored] so yea. He's going to paly a big role in the story XD. Isn't he so awesome? SPAZZ I LOVE HIM, even though he's not really my bias.
Just for that, I'm going to make ShinYoung jump on your back again. Maybe.
@dattebayo-go: LOL JungYoung? Really? XD HAHA NeulDy? HyunSae? It's official. Once a new couple comes up, I'm making you in charge of giving them a couple name XD
@TheRoyalCouple: It's okay. I've been busy with scool lately, too. School Dx.
@i_candie: Oh god. Really? ME TOO! I do it to my friend and she falls for it EVERY TIME XD.
I LOVE HIM! (Don't tell anyone but secretly he and Headmaster Lee (me) are married XD so technically he's my hubby, but that's never going to show up in the story) Saengie is my ultimate ultimate ultimate ultimate bias <3.
Yea I think it was that song BECAUSE I LOVE IT XD. i think the MV is really cool because it wasn't just a MV with a plotline. It was really artistic and it almost gave off a more indie feel.
OMG ONEW IS MY BIAS TOO! I went to SM Town NYC in October and I completely spazzed out because HE WAVED AT ME!!!! I swear I died of happiness and I was all like "OMG HE JUST WAVED AT ME!" and I was smiling like an idiot.
@Twiillaa: So you moved to a lot of different places? Like where? That sounds really cool. I've lived in NYC my whole life so I don't really know what it's like to move.
@Sherry_16: YESSS EPIC~~~~. I don't think I would be able to do the dares either XD.
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[SHSFTG] Hey guys! Hiatus is officially over!!!! Thanks for staying with me even though I didn't update for a while!


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Everyone...this is the new dectective in town...
Chapter 33: Haha nudge nudge wink wink
XDDD i can't imagine her with a beard, let me photoshop it now OTL
Yay ! XD i would feel so terrible if she did
Yeah C:
xDDD someone come and be doofenshmirk (OTL HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT)
Haha exactly
Hanuel is the new sherlock holmes xD
Woohyun and Shinyoung are at war ! OTL
Poor Jina :C
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 33: Lol sorry, but those thoughts won't be leaving my head for LONG time author ;D

So... Can there be Kryber? :D
Or did someone "claim" Amber or Krystal?

And omg Haneul... >_<
You're a fail detective xD
Chapter 32: Awww no more parties xD Well rules are rules i guess.
Haha xD Hanuel has no beard guys.
HOLY- Don't tell me that hanuel stole the key ! D: She probably did though xD CHOCOLATE WHY YOU SO GOOD YET SO EVIL??? XD
Hahaha Woohyun's jellllly !
Amber is pretty freaking awesome alright haha
ewww I would be like, "DUDE I NEED TO PEE" xD
Haha alright come back Hanuel! D: NO GET AWAY FROM THE CHOCOLATE ! Once you give it to her you never get it back :C
xD yeah so close !
Yep xD
xDD I have like all the plushies of them because when i was little i used to play with them, but now they're all in my closet haha
Chapter 32: Wait. So, if boys and girls can't be allowed, how can Woohyun and Shinyoung be together?? Because they are in a co-ed that an exception? And sheeshus, Melody, just stop being so cranky will ya? Jonghyun and Myungsoo, you seriously gotta lighten up a bit more. Besides, Jonghyun isn't THAT bad...

And I love how Woohyun is so worried about le moi! XD Lol! Yes Woohyun, get jealous and fall in love!! XD ha ha ha, I'm just kidding!! Anyways...

I seriously forgot what I put onto my application. I don't even see it in my Blogs. lol XD and yes, let's NOT give Haneul chocolate because chaos with reign! And Jina, yes, but how?? And I'd love to have Aidan as a friend too!! Actually, I would love to have all of them as my friends! :))) Everyone just seems so out-of-this-world and yet down-to-earth - you know what I mean??

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter and gah! I feel like dying everytime I re-read everything!! XD Lol okay, I'm gonna go until next time!! ^____^ HWAITING!!!
1ll1ll9oo #6
Chapter 32: Oops forgot to add...

So that means when it's only Amber, Krystal doesn't wear pants? ;D
1ll1ll9oo #7
Chapter 32: Lmao dang it xD

Lol put them together, my life is complete<3
Chapter 32: .-. I'm sorry I haven't commented in forever.
I've been reading but I don't have enough to comment D:
xD haha Kyuhyun lost to Yuri in Minecraft :O I love Minecraft but I don't have it D:
What a nice servant you are Woohyun ;D
:DDDDDDDDDDD Its Amber and Krystal <3 Kryber my hapiness xD
:O Its still sorta awkward between Jaesun and Jina isnt it?
We love you Headmaster Lee <3 Its okay :D