Chat room #7
What if MC turned him down? - A Jumin route extensionChat room: Zen, Jumin Han, 707
- (Jumin Han) Hello
- (Zen) Hey
- (Jumin Han) I heard you met with MC the other day?
- (Zen) yeah?
- (Jumin Han) Was she feeling okay?
- (Zen) Yes
- We had a good time of course
- But didn't Seven see her today?
- Seven why are you logged in if you aren't saying anything
- Hello!
- (Jumin Han) Oh yes I know that
- She was taken there by my driver
- (Zen) Seems like you two are...
- Good?
- (Jumin Han) Yes we were never on bad terms?
- We just needed time
- And we still need to talk
- That's partially why we are seeing each other tomorrow
- (Zen) Yeah... whatever
- Don't hurt her
- (Jumin han) ?
- I would never intentionally do that.
- (Zen) I...
- Know that
- But I'm still telling you
- (Jumin Han) I see that MC is quite important to you
- (Zen) Obviously...
- Just be careful of your words when you're speaking with her dude
- (Jumin Han) I don't feel like taking advice from you is going to benefit me
- But if it pleases you I'll take it
- (Zen)
- Anyway...
- Seven?!
- Hello!!!
- (707) Hey
- (Zen) Why aren't you saying anything?
- (707) I just said hey
- (Zen) seriously...
- (Jumin Han) How was meeting MC?
- Was she in a good mood?
- (707) I don't know
- Sorry
- Don't know why I logged on
- I can't really chat right now
- But tell MC to call me when you see her tomorrow Jumin
- (Zen) What's up with you Seven?
-707 left the chat room-
- (Zen) he is acting strange...
- (Jumin Han) He doesn't seem to be in a good place
- (Zen) Hey Jumin
- Tell MC I said hi and wish her the best of luck when you meet her tomorrow
- I have to go work out
- (Jumin Han) Okay.
- Zen you don't seem like yourself today either
- (Zen) I suppose...
- Everyone has been acting a bit strange
- (Jumin Han) have a good work out
- (Zen) Okay...
- Bye
-Zen left the chat room-
-Jumin Han left the chat room-