Chat room #6
What if MC turned him down? - A Jumin route extensionChat room: Jaehee Kang, MC
- (MC) Hi Jaehee, How's work?^^
- (Jaehee Kang)
- Hello MC
- Things are finally okay
- The media have started to cool down thanks to C&R being quite efficient handling the matter
- (MC) Thank god... I was feeling super guilty
- (Jaehee Kang) Don't feel guilty
- You've never been a problem nor a burden MC
- You've only been helping us
- (MC) It seems like you are in a good mood Jaehee?
- (Jaehee Kang)
- Yes, I am in a good mood.
- Mr. Han have been extremely generous these past days
- Today I even had time to join my colleagues for coffee at one of the cafes nearby
- He seems to be in a good mood
- Even if he hasn't been coming here to chat at all I suppose
- You are the reason he is cheerful
- (MC) I'm glad to be helpful >.<
- We have been talking on the phone
- (Jaehee Kang) Yes...
- It seems like things are going a lot better
- I hope it continues in this direction
- Will you be able to see each other soon?
- Speaking of such things...
- I can read you are meeting with Luciel tomorrow
- So you'll finally get back your phone
- It's amazing he could get ahold of it
- (MC) Yes absolutely, it's a relief^^ Seven is awesome
- (Jaehee Kang) Yeah, sometimes Luciel's skills are very helpful...
- Also did you meet with Zen today?
- I was so shocked when I heard about what happened between him and Mr. Han...
- Mr. Han is fine but
- I hope Zen's face is okay?
- (MC) His beauty was preserved, don't worry.
- (Jaehee Kang) What a relief
- I hope the damage between them is possible to heal
- Anyway
- I hope you'll have a goodnight
- (MC) Thank's Jaehee. You too. Don't worry too much^^
- (Jaehee Kang) Yes...
- Goodnight^^
-Jaehee Kang left the chat room-
-MC left the chat room-