Zen #1

What if MC turned him down? - A Jumin route extension



That god damn jerk. Zen looks at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. He looks at the redness. It's still there. He sighs and and goes out to the hallway to get ready. He is going to meet with MC, after calling her several times she finally agreed to take a walk with him. 


Zen thinks about what happened on the way to MC. The man does feel very anxious about hitting Jumin. He has known Jumin for so long, and Zen could never imagine he would actually hit Jumin even if he had fantasised about it a few times. The silver haired man is ashamed but the feeling is overshadowed by the hatred and annoyance. It feels as if Jumin has not only ruined his and MC's relationship and MC's health but also Zen's good friendship with her. It was super hard getting her to meet him. 


MC is already waiting at the park, beautiful as always. She isn't supporting herself on crutches anymore and there is a smile on her face. Zen smiles back as he approaches her. They greet each other and start walking. 


"So... is your phone back?" 


"No... I was very worried, but Seven said he tracked it and that he will block it,"


MC's phone had been stolen a few days ago. Now she was using one that Jumin sent her. They exchange hellos and ask if the other is fine before Zen jumps right to the discussion.


"Have you been talking with Jumin?"


"Yes. We've been talking on the phone regularly and exchanged a few texts... it seems to me that he has calmed down a bit," MC says and flashes a smile at Zen, "It feels like he'll be the Jumin I got to know again soon,"


Zen presses his lips together. 


"He is never going to be the same MC... you totally changed him... and it could have been for the better but he got all possessive!" 


"Well... Zen I think he can get over his possessiveness or at least control it,"


"That's not what has been proven so far... he treats you like ..."


Zen clenches his fist and he can hear MC sigh. He is tired of MC putting herself in danger by making excuses for Jumin.


"I can't deny that I haven't received the best of treatments from him... but you can't say he has treated me like ," 


MC's voice sharpens as she talks back. 


"I'm tired of the fact that he thinks he can control you and practically encage you," The man's voice goes from aggressive to quiet as he adds, "I just care so much about you... I've felt happy and encouraged since the day you joined and Jumin... I already hated him and now he tries to destroy the person that saved RFA and made us all a lot happier,"


They have been walking up a small alley and end up at a viewing spot of the duck pond. They stay there and lean against the fence preventing them from falling down the hill. 


"Zen I get what you are saying," MC looks at the silver haired man, "The RFA members make me happy as well, and Jumin he has become one of my best friends in this short time. I don't want to loose someone like that, as well as I don't want to loose you or Yoosung, Jaehee or Seven who I became close with very quickly too."


Zen rests his head on his arms.


"I honestly don't know what you see in him..."


MC takes a deep breath and says:


"I'll have to tell you then,"


The man looks at her in surprise as she gazes over the duck pond, squinting her eyes and thinking. 


"Let's begin with the obvious. He is one of the most handsome men I've ever met,"


Zen rolls his eyes. Really? He still doesn't get it.


"And he is also very cute and prett..."




MC is cut off by Zen who's eyes are wide in disbelief.


"Yeah he is such a gap moe you know. All of that makes him so cute... he can't drive, take photos... you know? The simplest things! Also since he isn't familiar with the ways of the commoners, it makes him a bit cutely innocent!"


Zen feels like puking. 


"You continue like that and I'll throw myself into the duck pond..."


"Okay then let's get serious..." MC puts a strand of her hair behind her ear and continues talking, "Jumin is a smart man. He is knowledgeable and he can discuss or debate almost anything and he always presents good arguments and ideas and seem to bring a new perspective into the discussion. Also he isn't used to sharing his emotions and he has such a strange relationship with emotion. All of this... makes it so easy and fun to talk to him and it doesn't feel strange or difficult to talk about certain things or emotion. It's easy to discuss deep things with him..."


Zen is quiet and listens to the woman talking to him.


"Also he is so funny, especially when he is teasing you," MC winks playfully at Zen and he rolls his eyes, "And he says he isn't curious but as soon as I bring up a new topic he wants to know all about it,"


"Pfft... he is just like that with you... and most of those reasons are because he was born with a silver spoon..."


"I know. And I also don't like that fact. I sometimes wish Jumin weren't rich, but at the same time I know he wouldn't be the person he is today if he weren't."


Zen sighs. She is right.


"Jumin is also super reliable and loyal when it comes to people important to him! Even regarding you Zen! If something serious happened to you Zen, you'd probably be getting the best medical care in 24 hours. If any of the RFA members were struggling with money or had a dream which required help from him he'd do what it takes to help them. And I know you'd never accept it and I get that, but you have to know that he is just being considerate!"


Zen opens his mouth to say something but MC just continues. She seems extremely frustrated.


"And... and... Jumin has had his emotional struggles throughout his entire life and has had people get mad at him for being himself when they get to know him and he shows his real self. Feeling like everyone despises the true you? Imagine how that'd feel! Swap out your looks with money and you and Jumin have a pretty similar problem. You don't want people to give you roles just because of your looks, and Jumin doesn't want people to like him just because of his money! It's time for you to start understanding each other..."


MC makes a good point. And what she is saying is true. Jumin had even tried to help him, but Zen had refused. And even if it's hard to admit... maybe their problem is quite similar. Maybe Zen's brother and Jumin aren't that similar. MC was always too smart... 


"Jumin... of course he'll go mad and be overly obsessive and protective when he has never got to experience the feeling of love... or having someone interested in and understanding of him..."


MC sighs as she makes that statement. They stay in silence for a moment before MC adds one last thing:


"Yeah... and he is also a big hypocrite, forgot to say that," 


They return to silence for a bit. Then they look at each other and starts laughing. 


"Yes he is ridiculous!"


Zen says whilst laughing. The two begin walking away from the viewing spot.


"I agree," 


MC giggles as she walks along his side.

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samitsu #1
Chapter 7: Sooo how does this end? Or was that the ending already? Great plot btw