Dongjun, my savior

World Changed by my Knight in Shining Armor


The girls didn't talk or even glance their way for the rest of the night.
 While the three boys aren't enjoying their night at the club, Junyoung and Kwanghee were busy flirting with girls.
 They kept doing that until suddenly ...
 "Miss, what's your name?" a guy seductively told Hara.
 His hands were getting on her behind.
 She was pushing him with all her might, but the guy was too strong.
 The guy's head was now on Hara's neck.
 "Ahhh!" she let out a scream.
 Dongjun heard it. His mind darkened.
 He ran on where Hara was as saw the guy was trying to kiss 'his' girl.
 He pulled Hara behind him and started punching the guy, the guy punches back.
 The two were fighting till blood drips all over their body.
 Pam and Jen came as they heard their sister yelp.
 The manager heard the fight and rushed towards the boys.
 "Yah! Stop that!
 It's the three of you again!
 How many times do I have to tell you to behave!" he grabbed the girls on their hair.
 The 4 boys then stood up.
 Hyungshik and Minwoo's faces were full of anger.
 "Yah! You don't have the right to treat girls like that!" Minwoo removed the manager's grip on the girls.
 "Bouncers!" the manager called.
 Then came a group of five body-builder type guys.
 "It's been a while since we've been in a fight." Junyoung cracked his knuckles.
 Then the fight started.
 Ze:a boys are winning.
 They had multiple wounds and bruises all over their body.
 But the bouncers were more injured.
 Kwanghee throw a cheque amounting to a 500 thousand dollars.
 "Here. For this mess. I think that's more than enough.
 And we're taking the girls."
 The manager then collected the money on the floor.
 The boys then assisted the girls outside.
 Before they left, Junyoung turned to the manager.
  "Next time, hire better bouncers." he said in a 'tsss' tone.
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eboney333 #1
Love the story:D
Good luck with your story! =D