Our Job

World Changed by my Knight in Shining Armor



It took us a hour to arrived at our 'work place'.

 As me and my unnis stepped out of the cab, we all sighed.
 "This will be another long night." Jen unni hissed.
We headed straight to the dressing room, to change clothes.
 The gay manager of the club came inside the dressing room to check on us.
 We quickly changed from school uniform, to ...
 Hey. Don't get us wrong. We're not performers at the night club. We are just waitresses here.
 We changed from school uniforms to waitresses uniforms. 
 We can't find other job, so leaving us without a choice, we took this job all together.
 And the club really needed workers.
 We have a guy friend here. He is Paul oppa, the bartender.
 We're fine with our job for now ... for now ... Until suddenly.
 "Hey there y" a drunken guy ranges 25 to 30yrs.old said while touching Jen unni's .
 "Yah! >slap< get your hands off my !" she then brushed the guy's hands off her. The manager heard the commotion.
 "Hey! Is your service really like this! Unsatisfying your customers!" the guy yelled. Jen unni was crying and Pam unni and I automatically run towards her.
 "ah Sir. Sorry for that. We'll just give you a discount on your drinks." the manager said calming the customer. Then he eyed us.
 This manager only thinks about money, money and money.
 -JunYoung's P.O.V-
 Me and the boys decided to hang out to this certain bar that Hyungshik had been talking about.
 He said he passed by it and a girl caught her attention. He said he fell 'love at first sight' with the girl inside.
 At first we all thought it was one of the flirty girls he always date. So to see in our own eyes, he forced us to go tonight.
 "Hyungs. There she is " Hyungshik said, pointing at a waitress.
 We don't really care about the social status of a girl. The boys are onto the girls' inside beauty.
 And that's what I love with this boys.
 "Order now so we can know her name " Kwanghee hyung demanded pushing Hyungshik.
 "Yeah. Hyung don't tell us we only came here just so you could stare at her all night " DongJun said with a bord tone.
 Then suddenly, we heard a certain scream. All heads turned to the direction (flashback).
 "Hey! That in' guy touched her !" Ha Min Woo stood angrily.
 "Hey. Chill dude. Why be so angry?" I said sitting him down.
 He didn't answer but continued to give the old man a death glare.
 We saw the girl Hyungshik was saying, and another girl came from behind us, running to the scene comforting the girl.
 "Ohmygosh. She's so pretty" our maknae Dongjun gaped at the girl who came from behind us.
 We saw the girl, the one screamt earlier, being dragged by their manager to a spot and the other two trailed behind. We can see through our place that she's being scolded by their manager.
 While the other two were crying from behind the girl, hugging her.
 *poor ladies* we all said on our minds.
-HaRa's P.O.V-
 "Do that again and the three of you are fired!" the manager warned us.
 "Jennie, you have your 15 minute break to compose yourself. And the two of you, get back to work!" he then yelled at us.
 We had no choice but to obey. We wiped our tears out and headed to our individual spots.
 I walked by Paul oppa and he rubbed my back soothingly.
 "I'm fine oppa." I gave him a meak smile.
 Then I noticed a group of 5 boys completely staring at me and my unnis.
 They don't look familiar though.
 I totally felt uncomfortable, feeling that there are eyes staring at me.
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eboney333 #1
Love the story:D
Good luck with your story! =D