Dog Instinct

World Changed by my Knight in Shining Armor


"Hey Hachi. Why are you acting like that?
 You aren't like that with our other guest." Siwan asked the dog and pointed it with his index finger, as if it will answer back.
 "I don't even know hyung.
 He's acting weird when Monique's here." Dongjun replied.
 "Eh maknae. Did you know that dogs can sense if the person is good or mean? It shows it through its barks." Kwanghee stated what he read on an article on the net.
 "What was that suppose to mean?" Kevin eyed Kwanghee.
 Moniques a bad person." Hee Cheol frankly said again.
 "Yah. Hyung. Don't be mean at her.
 Appa planned this vacation to get along with her.
 So let's not judge her yet." Taehun protectively said.
 "Fine. Fine." Hee Chul just rolled his eyes.
 Taehun sighed.
 Dongjun just continued ruffling his dog's furr.
 "oppas. I'm done." Monique said as she carried her big lauggage.
 As the big brother, Kevin rushed over then grab the suitcase for her.
 "Princess, why are you the one whose carrying this heavy bags?" he asked as they walked down.
 "Anne don't want to carry them for me." she lied.
 Kevin eyed the maid.
 "But-" Anne tried to reason out but was cut off when Monique said
 "But its totally fine oppa.
 Please don't be hard on her.
 Maybe she's just tired."
 *you FAKE!* Anne shouted on her mind as she clenched her fist and looked down.
"Fine then princess." Kevin just said.
 As they was on the last three steps, Monique stopped at pointed at the dog.
 Hachiko on the other hand, was gritting his teeth at the sight of Monique.
 "Here here buddy.
 C'mon." Dongjun pulled Hachi to its dog house outside.
 "Anne, kindly call Uncle Min now." Junyoung ordered the maid.
 "Araso youngmaster." she bowed then left.
 Anne then came back with Mr.Min.
 He had 4 bodyguards by his side.
 "Let's go." he said.
 Then they all rode a limosine.
 They are heading at a beach house Mr.Kim and Mr.Min build.
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eboney333 #1
Love the story:D
Good luck with your story! =D