Pam's clumsiness

World Changed by my Knight in Shining Armor


-Back at the Bar-

 "Unni-ah. They're already gone." Pam pouted.
 "Ne. But I bet, they'll going to be back tomorrow." Jen said, confidently.
 "Hmm. We can never know." Hara said as she was passing the two, giggling.
 Her unnies gave her a death glare.
 Then she made a V-sign on her fingers while sticking out her tongue.
 "Moods change so fast." Paul said as he was shaking a bottle and filling up a drink.
 "Yeah." Hara responded, nodding.
 Paul finished up the drink, putting a slice of lime on the side of the glass, then handed it to another waitress.
 Hara was just on the bartending station since there weren't a lot of customers. And others were busy on the dance floor.
 "Hey. Hara. Have you already told your unnis about your other job at the-" Paul was cut off by Hara's hands on his mouth.
 "Eh. Oppa. No need for them to know. They might get worried. And I can't continue my job anymore.
 We need to earn money for our house. And besides, I'm enjoying and earning at the same time."
 She then released his mouth.
 "Then how are you able to go on your job at weekends?" 
 "I'm just giving them reasons. And they're used to it anyways. They aren't even asking about it.
 So let's just leave it there."
 "Annyong oppa. Need to clean up tables." she bid goodbye.
 *They don't need to know.
 It's for our own good, that's why I'm working as a-*
 Her thoughts were cutted when she heard her unni screamt.
 "Ahhh!" Pam had a cut on her right arm.
 "Unni-ah! What happened?!" Hara rushed over her unni.
 "I broke a glass as I was cleaning the table."
 Jen came in, handling a first aid.
 She placed betadine to stop the bleeding and put a guaze to it.
*Jen unni is good at this.* Pam and HaRa said on their minds while both letting out a smile.
 "Kamsahamnida unnie-ah."
 "That's fine. It might still hurt a little. But don't worry, it will be gone soon. I already put an effective medicine in it."
 "Let's go back to work now." Jen said as she packed the first aid kit.
 "Arasso." the two answered.
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eboney333 #1
Love the story:D
Good luck with your story! =D