Chapter Thirty-Two

Confronting the Faceless 💀 Complete
March 9, 1998
"We can't be together"
Al had stayed gone for all of a week before popping up again. Valerie is worried but has no idea how to deal with it. Yurina just finds it hilarious.
Branwen needs better not-friends.
Al at least has the wherewithal not to show up in person after she tells him off, but he sends gifts, like he's courting her all over again. Which, Branwen knows, is exactly what he's trying to do. Obviously she'd played her hurt a little too well, and she's paying for it now.
She arrives to work the second week of March to a bouquet of roses on her desk and looks of curiosity from the people with the desks around hers. She grimaces and tosses them into the bin before settling at her desk and pulling out some files, pretending to work on them as the attention from the rest of the room slowly shifts elsewhere.
This is perhaps the biggest issue of Al's idiocy - Branwen relies on people only seeing her when she wants them to, and his lavish declarations of intent continuously place her directly in the limelight in the office. She's even had to start actually doing work to avoid too much scrutiny from the others in the Minster's office. Today especially she doesn't have time for it - she needs to complete her monthly report to Yaxley on which remaining Ministry employees to keep an eye on and which have become open to their cause. With twenty eyes staring her down that becomes much harder to do.
At least she still has one person she can tease who doesn't seem to care much about her romantic life. Perhaps because he has one of his own.
"Good morning Percy, can you get the Minister to sign these for me before lunch?" She asks sweetly, dropping some random files onto his desk.
The bespectacled redhead starts slightly at her appearance, obviously having been completely lost in his work, a common occurrence that makes messing with him that much more fun.
"Of course Ms. Avery." He says quickly.
"Please Perce, call me Branwen." She grins, patting the files. "And how is your lady friend?"
She loves how his whole face lights up bright red whenever Blishwick is brought up - they really are cute, even she can admit that. Plus redirecting all the gossip twittering around the offices towards him means she's freed up to go about her real job without drawing attention.
"Audrey is doing quite well, thank you." He mumbles, smiling despite himself even as he attempts to focus on the files in front of him. "By noon yes? They'll be back on your desk then." He adds, a clear if clumsy attempt to get her to leave.
Branwen just smiles and saunters away, grinning when she makes eye contact with one of the other Ministerial secretaries who giggles and looks over at Percy again.
Perfect, attention redirected. She has rounds to get through.
She heads to the Floo Authority first - it's the easiest and quickest part of her route and she doesn't even need an excuse to show up there anymore, having established a rapport with both Channer Lindberg and one of the lower-ranked Floo Engineers Aiden Case.
She waves to Aiden as she enters the offices and he nods back with a tight smile - working, then, so she won't bother him.
She makes her way towards Channer's office, only to realize there's another woman inside already. Branwen's smile freezes on her face when she recognizes the petite figure and silky dark hair. She looks over at Aiden again, who's now looking right at her with that same tight expression. Oh. Not his work look then - he'd been trying to warn her.
Yurina Nakayashi looks up and spots her before Branwen can inch back out of sight, and the smile she gives manages to be terrifying despite the delicate features it's composed of.
"Wennie! My favorite Minister's dog, fancy running into you here!"
Branwen doesn't even need to fake the full-body flinch she gives in response. Sure she's been cultivating a friendly relationship with Yurina as of late, but that doesn't mean she actually likes the other woman in any way, shape, or form. And besides, that friendly aspect is kept very carefully behind closed doors - Branwen's cover would be irrevocably destroyed if it ever got out that Yurina isn't actually capable of getting under her skin.
And now she'll need to put on a grand performance since Yurina never tries very hard to hide Branwen's loyalties. Joy. Like her day hasn't been frustrating enough.
"Just stopping by." She mumbles, backing up quickly and grinning internally when she sees looks of pity from the Authority employees in the office. "I see you're busy so I'll just be going."
"I'll come with you!" Yurina decides with her usual off-putting cheer. More winces from the people around her, though Branwen knows at least a few of them are relieved it's her and not them. Humans can be cruel in the name of self-preservation, but that's why it's so easy to manipulate them.
Yurina tails her out, unnervingly quiet though Branwen knows that it's the other woman actually showing some restraint for once. They get a few feet from the offices before Branwen risks speaking, checking that they're truly alone in the hall with a quick spell.
"Why were you in the Floo office? That's my territory." She hisses lowly. Yurina just barks out a laugh.
"Aw come on, Lindberg squirms so nicely, you can't really be selfish enough to keep that all to yourself?" She asks, mockery dripping from every word.
Branwen rolls her eyes. Figures. "Fair enough, he's scared of women. Just maybe make it later in the day? No one talks to me about anything worth knowing after you've been by, it's just fearful complaining about whatever you did."
Yurina's laugh at that is a lot brighter and more genuine. "Well good, I like to leave an impression." She declares dramatically as they reach the lifts. No one is in there either, thankfully, so the two women can continue to speak without Branwen having to run damage control, which is exhausting enough when she isn't having a bad day. "Anyway, you only go to the office when you need a pick-me-up, and you only need those after that idiot ex of yours does something creepy. So what was it today?"
Branwen huffs and shakes her head slightly. There's someone on the other side of the lift doors as they reach Level Two, so the act has to start up again. It's easy enough honestly - she just lets Yurina drag her across the floor to her private, sound-proofed office, shooting desperate glances at the people they pass who mostly just look away guiltily. She does make eye contact with Zara Wong at one point, who grins and rolls her eyes. As if they're friends. Zara only knows about Branwen's roll because Yurina is crap at pretending and Zara had barged into one of their meetings a few weeks back to report her co-leader's desertion.
At least there had been some entertainment value to that - the memory of Yaxley's face when he heard the news still makes her grin to this day. Though it also added the Fugitive Recovery Unit to her list of departments to keep an eye on, since apparently it wasn't as solidly loyal as Yaxley had repeatedly claimed way back in October when she had suggested she look through the applications. Reworking her rounds had been less fun, particularly as it would have been far easier to do if Yaxley hadn't been such a hard- about the entire thing from the start.
They reach Yurina's office with no interruption and the other witch closes the door dramatically loudly.
"So? What happened with loverboy?"
Branwen grimaces. "Do not call him that." She growls, and Yurina, the , just laughs.
"Make me. Is he a problem yet? I'm not allowed to kill anyone in the Ministry without your say-so you know and I'm getting pretty twitchy."
"He's not technically Ministry." Branwen says, like she's not thinking but she absolutely is. If Yurina goes out on her own to deal with Al it's an easy way to rid herself of the problem without directly getting involved. Win-win scenario.
Unfortunately, for all her other idiocies Yurina continuously refuses to do what Branwen wants her to do. "He's connected though, and besides I'm not a fan of needless slaughter."
Branwen raises an eyebrow - she honestly wouldn't have called that. Another reason she needs to keep Yurina close - not being able to get a clear reading makes her very dangerous. Also it's an insult to her skills that Branwen intends to correct.
Yurina grins at her expression. "If someone is dead they can't provide any further fun Wennie~" She sing-songs, and Branwen rolls her eyes.
"You are a special brand of ed up." She informs the other woman, who just laughs and says something in Japanese. She never translates herself when she does that and it's well beyond infuriating whenever it happens. Branwen opts to just glare balefully at the other woman until she fills the silence again.
"So you still haven't told me what he did today." Yurina prompts pointedly, leaning back in her chair and regarding Branwen with a mix of curiosity and something vicious that Branwen can't quite name.
"Bouquet of roses. On the desk. Before I even arrived." She sighs. "He's getting bolder. I may take you up on that offer." She wouldn't, of course, but she needs to keep Yurina thinking she hates the attention while still allowing it to happen. Al is her ticket out of Azkaban if all the Dark Lord's plans go sideways again. Not that she can imagine they would, but then again she wouldn't have called the deus-ex-machina baby from the last war so who knows. Alway better to be prepared.
"How cliché." Yurina tuts. "No imagination at all. Why did you start in with him again? I can't imagine it was worth all this."
Branwen grimaces. "It was useful in school, but I do wish he'd stayed gone. We have more important things to be doing right now." She then spins the conversation back around onto Yurina, not needing any further focus on herself. "Speaking of, how is your expansion going?"
Yurina's eyes gleam. "Well enough." She says simply. "I'll give a full report in the meeting at the end of the month, assuming we have one."
Branwen raises an eyebrow at that, and Yurina chuckles.
"Let's just say I set some things up that, if they pan out, will speed up progress quite a bit." The Japanese woman says, then refuses to elaborate though Branwen doesn't push. She doesn't actually care, and besides she has no interest in Yurina even thinking she's gotten under her skin.
A few minutes later she musters up some tears and makes sure to tremble as she stumbles out of Yurina's office. To both her relief and annoyance the offices are empty of any witnesses to her exit. No one to trick into thinking she's just been tortured, but also no one to see her excellent acting abilities.
"Oh yeah, and Lindberg is acting weird. You might want to look into that - you're Miss People Reader, right?" Yurina says behind her, and Branwen barely stops herself from jumping in surprise. She turns to glare at the other woman, who smirks.
"There's no one here, everyone is on patrol right now. But seriously, Lindberg, take a look." She says before going back into her office.
Branwen doubts she'll stay there for long, so she quickly leaves the floor to return to the Minister's office. She has some files to pick up.
True to his word Percy has them signed and on her desk so all she has to do is grab them and check where each goes. She grins when she realizes one is for the Floo Monitor group - that means she can chat with Channer after all (and 'take a look' as Yurina said, though she would have anyway. She isn't taking orders from that Japanese , their agendas just happened to overlap on this particular matter is all).
"Thanks Perce!" She shouts over to him, waving the files with a grin. He just nods politely and returns to the parchment in front of him, and Branwen leaves him to it, heading back out into the Ministry and shoving the files into her bag. She has a different stop to make before returning to her actual job.
The Improper Use of Magic Offices are, as usual, quiet and general devoid of most employees. Travers glances up at her from his desk and gives a tight nod the she returns with just the right amount of nerves and awkwardness to avoid anyone thinking they're allies.
She runs into the elder Weasley as she moves further into the Offices, and she's internally quite pleased by this - she won't have to hunt him down later on now.
"Arthur Weasley!" She greets loudly, grinning and giving him a wave. "How are you? It's been forever I feel like, you're never in when I drop by." Which is incredibly annoying by the way, if you could quit doing that my job would be a lot easier. Of course, she already knows Weasley is up to something so his superiors keep him distracted with harmless busywork, but she likes keeping her readings updated and Arthur's continued slipperiness is frustrating despite it's obviousness.
Arthur startles, and then smiles when he sees Branwen. "Ms. Avery! It has been too long, hasn't it? What brings you to this part of the Ministry?" He asks, jovial and friendly as ever so at least Branwen knows he's still not onto her loyalties (of course he isn't, no one is unless they also work for the Dark Lord).
Branwen matches his smile and energy. "Just meeting up with my friend Valerie for lunch." She says honestly. "Then I've got a lovely afternoon full of chasing down Offices heads for their signatures so all in all I can't complain. How are you doing?"
He regales her with a tale of his twin boys setting their room on fire (the twins honestly are Branwen's kind of people. In a different world she likely would have visited their joke shop several times by now. Alas, they were born into the wrong family with the wrong values - it really is too bad how such small-mindedness can such a wide negative affect) and Branwen laughs in all the right places before wishing him luck and sending her regards to Molly. They head in opposite directions, and Branwen makes a mental note to include the story in her report tonight - if the twins are experimenting there's a good chance it's to create something to be used against the Deatheaters. Yaxley ought to send a team out to survey the shop and the Burrow to get more information.
She finds Valerie in her office, and the other woman lights up upon seeing her.
"Branwen thank Merlin. There's nothing to do today." She greets immediately, and Branwen raises an amused eyebrow.
"Really? No children stealing their parents' wands or flying animals out where they shouldn't be?" She asks. "That's uncommon."
"Tell me about it." Valerie sighs, grabbing her bag from beside her desk. "But it's been quiet all month. Barely any accidents, no experimental hexes gone wrong, nothing."
Branwen smiles as they head back out towards the lifts. "I hear the Weasley twins set something on fire recently, maybe you should ask Arthur to let you write up a report on that."
That gets Valerie to laugh, and Branwen settles into the familiar routine of their lunchtime tea breaks. After a less than ideal start to the day, Valerie is, as always, a great reminder of why Branwen enjoys her job so much.
Valerie talks about her work for most of the lunch, but she does turn the conversation onto Branwen near the end, when their tea cups are empty and Branwen is ready to wave down Madame Rosa Lee (who of course, isn't actually Rosa Lee - it's the name used for all the hostesses at the teashop in honor of it's founder).
"So anything from you-know-who today?" Valerie asks, voice dropping slightly as if trying to not be overheard.
Branwen sighs. "Unfortunately yes. A bunch of roses." She doesn't mention where they were - Valerie is a lot more protective than Yurina (which isn't difficult to be) and if she heard that Al now apparently knows which desk is Branwen's she might try to make contact with him, and Branwen can't have that. Not when she's got Valerie exactly where she needs her to play alibi in case this second war goes poorly once again. Letting her meet Al could screw up the delicate balance Branwen is maintaining, so she controls how much information she allows Valerie to have on the topic.
Valerie sighs. "Harmless at least. But really, why do men have such a hard time understanding what the words 'I'm not interested' mean?"
That gets a genuine laugh out of Branwen, and Valerie looks pleased by it. "So true." Branwen agrees. "To not dealing with idiot men, am I right?"
Valerie smiles and they toast their empty teacups as 'Rosa Lee' comes by with their bills.
Branwen is in a much better mood when they head back to the Ministry, and she immediately heads for the Floo Authority once she's dropped Valerie back off and promised her more tea on Friday.
Aiden isn't at his desk, which means he's either in Records or in the Monitor room lecturing the bunch of them on proper Floo watch techniques. Branwen decides she'll peek in after seeing Channer - Yurina's comments are still fresh in her mind and she's hoping the woman's voice will get out of her head once she speaks with Lindberg.
She taps on the door twice and Channer looks up and waves her in.
"What can I do for you Ms. Avery?" He asks, and she'd be impressed at how his voice doesn't waver at all despite his well known terror of speaking with women if he wasn't addressing his own hands when he speaks.
She smirks briefly, knowing he can't see it, before smoothing her expression into one that's open and friendly. "Just need a few things signed for the Minister." She says brightly. "And um," she drops her voice, "Are you alright? After this morning?"
He finally does glance at her, though he quickly refocuses on the files she's holding out to him. He begins reading through them as he responds. "I'm... quite alright, yes. I should ask you that."
Branwen shudders for effect. "I'm fine." It's clipped and slightly shaky and exactly right to paint a picture of horrors without Branwen having to detail them herself.
Channer just nods and finishes perusing - and signing - the files with no further comments. Honestly Branwen isn't seeing whatever Yurina had - Channer seems the same as ever: neurotic, nervous, and embarrassingly socially awkward. Honestly Branwen had been pleased when the young man became Head of the Authority prior to the takeover as she knew he'd never put up a fight.
She accepts the files with thanks and a smile that has Channer once again focusing very carefully on his own hands, then heads back out into the main office space to hopefully say hello to Aiden before she continues with her day.
She only gets a brief wave - obviously Aiden is busy today, which is alright. He's a minor fallback plan anyhow, so it's not too important to see him as regularly as she does Valerie or Yurina.
She hurries through the rest of her day, getting the last few readings she needs for her report and then clocking out just before five. She's looking forward to heading home and writing up her findings - she's got a lot to say.
She arrives back in her flat just after five and promptly drops her bag, pulls out a quill and some parchment, and sets about with her report. For the most part nothing has changed - all the major problem people were taken out within the first few weeks of the takeover, and anyone remaining is under very close watch. There has been some shuffling about with loyalties in the intervening months, mostly from neutral to supporting the cause, but generally people are stable, stagnant even. It's what makes Branwen's job so much fun. No one wants to admit they're loathe to change, and it means they think they're impossible to read when they're actually an open book.
She's about halfway through writing about her suspicions of the Weasleys when someone knocks on her door. She frowns and checks the time - she isn't expecting anyone but she supposes it could be Yurina - the other woman has dropped by unannounced a few times prior to this. Branwen isn't particularly in the mood to talk shop with the other woman but she needs to keep up the facade of their friendship so she reluctantly gets up and goes to the door.
It's not Yurina.
Aelfwine Fawley blinks at her owlishly, one hand clutching yet another bunch of roses and the other holding a short parchment.
Branwen can only stare in shock for a long moment, during which Aelfwine clears his throat and holds up the parchment to start reading off it.
"I look to the clouds, and I see your face, your eyes-"
And that's enough of that. Branwen grabs him and yanks him into the house, shutting the door quickly behind him and pulling the awful poem out of his hand before he can keep reading. She can only hope that nobody saw him on her doorstep.
"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" She hisses, to angry and flustered to pretend to be anything else.
Aelfwine looks hurt. "Well, you weren't responding to my gift so I thought-"
"I told you to leave Al." She says, mentally groaning when she realizes she'd used his nickname without meaning to. She needs to be careful with that - she can only use his nickname for emotional emphasis, she should have used his full name there. "It's not safe for either of us. That woman you met, the Deatheater? She's been picking on me specifically since you showed up. Don't make this worse. Please." She finally gets control enough to make the last word sound hurt and pleading, and Aelfwine immediately looks guilty. Good. It's the least he should be feeling showing up and nearly throwing off years of hard work.
"I... I'm sorry I didn't-"
"Don't say you didn't know Al. I told you." She says, still wrapping each word in hurt and betrayal. "I told you, you just didn't listen. Do you not trust me anymore?" She shudders for effect. "Do you think you know what it's like in there? You don't. You can't, not if you aren't working there." And isn't that the truth? Which only makes the comment that much more powerful - Aelfwine flinches away like it burned him.
He's speechless now, and she collapses back onto her couch, which she's been intentionally moving towards through the entire speech for this exact moment. She lets him stew in his own mind, pulling her knees up and staring at the carpet with an expression of exhaustion.
Finally Al finds his words.
"I'm sorry. I just... if it's that bad, can you leave? Can't you come with me?"
Branwen gives a broken, hollow laugh. She of course knew he would ask that eventually, would try to get her to run away with him sooner or later, but she admits she'd hoped it would take longer. As it stands her report is still on her desk - she needs to keep him in this room and then drive him out as quickly as possible after ensuring he won't try this against any time soon.
But she's prepared for this, and well practiced besides. "So I just what? Run away? Leave everyone else to suffer while we do what, exactly? Did you know they're already planning expansion outside of Britain? Where would we even go Al?" She shakes her head, still laughing, slightly hysterical now. "I was getting on fine. They didn't see me. I was safe. Then you. You couldn't just leave Al. Why couldn't you?"
He's shrinking back, but there's still determination in his eyes. Great, he's not leaving. She'll need to get Apparation barriers set up around her flat now and that's going to be a massive pain, but he definitely has had time to study the room enough to be able to Apparate back inside if he chooses to. Which she's starting to think he probably will, the absolute idiot.
She tells herself she's not flattered, that when her Lord wins and the world bows to the might of magic she'll enjoy having Aelfwine tortured and killed, but she isn't quite sure she believes it. Which is not the thing to focus on right now anyway so she pushes the thought aside firmly.
Aelfwine is speechless again, though this time she can see that he's trying to calculate what to say rather than being struck dumb by guilt or hurt. Which is... not ideal but perhaps she'll allow him to get his grand speech off his chest so she can shut him down entirely in one go.
Yes, she decides as he seems to come to a conclusion, that will be the best route to take. She gives a small sigh and sinks further into the couch as he clears his throat, the picture of defeat and exhaustion.
"I'm not asking you to abandon anyone." He says, slowly, clearly still feeling out the words. "Wanting to help is why I'm here."
Something in her perks up. Is he with the Order? Did she just get an inside connection without even meaning to? That would be convenient.
"Together we could make a difference Wennie." She glares weakly, partly over the nickname and partly because this isn't sounding like an Order recruitment speech, which is really too bad. It would have at least made all this grief actually worth something. "You're brilliant, you've always been brilliant, and I have lots of friends from my travels - together we could save everyone. I know that you're a good person Branwen, and I know you're scared but if anyone is capable of this it's you."
Wrong on so many levels but she gives seventeen-year-old Branwen props for so completely bamboozling this naive boy that he's still buying into her routines seventeen years later. Branwen would smile if that wouldn't give the game away - she really is good at this, isn't she?
Aelfwine isn't done, though, and Branwen keeps letting him talk. To get it all out of his system.
She doesn't listen. Not really. It's a lot of the same - Al was never the best with his words, but he's earnest and can go on for a while. As he talks (more nonsense about knowing she's a great and caring person - of course she cares about people, they just need to stay in their place is all, why is it self-righteous arseholes like the Order think themselves the only people capable of caring about anything? Really, so narrow-minded) she formulates exactly how to get him to leave and not come back until she actually needs him to.
There is of course the option of just tossing him into Azkaban - she has more than enough sway in the Ministry to get it done quick and easy, and considering he's been gallivanting around the world for the past however long she doubts there's anyone around to miss him or notice if he suddenly vanishes.
She has Valerie after all, she's Branwen's main way out if things go poorly again. Which they obviously won't - with Branwen securing the seat of political power for the Deatheaters early on their success has been certain from the start. So really just having Valerie - and Aiden, admittedly - is probably more than enough.
But still, she decides, removing Al entirely isn't really in her best interest. Multiple backup plans are always good to have - and besides, he's so utterly infatuated with her she may even be able to bring him to right side with a little more time and attention. She just doesn't have that right now since the takeover of Britain is still ongoing, and she needs to keep her focus on the Ministry for the time being.
So no incarceration, or anything else that would remove him permanently. He's too useful. She tunes back into his speech briefly to see if he's wrapping up, but he's still going which is good since she still needs to work out how to make him do what she needs him to.
Well, maybe getting all this out and then her shutting him down again will be enough? She just needs to play it right.
This is why she needs him out of the picture for now, though. She's making guesses, like she's in school all over again. It's frustrating how her years of experience don't seem to mean much in the face of her old fling. She'd asked one of the older secretaries about it - indirectly of course - and the woman had confirmed it's normal occurrence for her to act like a school girl with someone she hasn't seen since school.
Which is annoying.
She realizes that Al has fallen silent, and she quickly refocuses on him. He's looking at her hopefully, and she exhales slowly.
"I... Al I..." She hesitates. Guess we're going with plan number two then she decides before slowly sitting up on the couch, squaring her shoulders and taking another shaky breath for effect. "Aelfwine. You need to leave. Please. I... I'll reach out. If it becomes to much, if I can get away safely. Okay?" She finally looks up, locking eyes with him and giving him a look of pure exhaustion, with just the hint of tears.
Al crumbles instantly. "Of course. Of course Wennie, I'm sorry, I... I'll hear from you soon?" He says softly, hopefully.
Branwen doesn't correct the nickname this time. "...Maybe. Goodbye Al."
He lets himself out, and she sighs, taking a few moments to recollect herself. All in all she thinks that went well. At the very least he'll back off for another week.
Well then. Back to her report.
Author's Note: Ah yes, my favorite chapters, the ones featuring the most morally reprehensible POVs in the story xD So has Branwen played her cards well, or is she losing her touch? Only time will tell!
Next Time: Lying to yourself only works for so long
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So I'm thinking I might do a final 'afterwords' chapter to share my thoughts and feelings on writing this story, if that's something people would be interested in? I'm also open to answering any lingering questions people might have there as well!


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Chapter 57: Hi!
I'm so sorry for taking so long to comment, but shall we begin!

I swear I should have made a bet omg. The moment I first heard of Python I was like "hmm.. what if she was Percy's Audrey?" And even though I knew that our Audrey would be Percy's girlfriend, I always thought how it would be nice if Python and him were endgame, but honestly... they wouldn't last long haha

I want to thank you for being so passionate about the story and truly understanding the characters and doing your best to give them justice. I loved how you put so much effort on everything!

When I first saw this story I first imagined a muggleborn with a fiery personality so after seeing that Tangi was created you have no idea how happy I was.
Claire was my first character for the story. When I thought about her I wanted a strong woman who was conflicted between her believes and her family, but who definitely couldn't turn a blind eye to people in need. Then I thought if she was an insider probably no one would suspect her because of her family, so she would have some advantage!
I'm truly proud of how she grew up. She was such a lonely girl who had only Bill and her cousin Petra as her friends. Then she loved her brother and her parents but she always thought that he didn't care about her. She didn't agree with her families believes and she truly had to do something to free herself from her fears and allow herself to be who she was. And being one of the leaders of the underground made me very proud of her! Especially after Max was able to change as well and they now became stronger together as a family. Honestly I wonder how Claire decided to do in the future, if she stayed in the ministry, if she dedicated herself to her family and if she made friends (because I'm so happy that she at least became friends with Python, she truly deserves friends), whether she ended up married or not, well I'm curious but I think if she ever got married she would choose someone she truly trusted and who she could be herself and for God sake, someone who could make that poor girl smile, because come on she looks so gloomy xD But I'm happy that she made at least one friend and that she got closure with her brother, so I'm blessed :) Ps: I always thought that Claire wouldn't make it until the end xD I always thought she would be killed or that she would sacrifice herself to protect someone.

Theo... Oh my little boy. When I visualised Theo I thought about a broken boy who always wanted his parents approval. Theo was meant to be an adult version of Draco Malfoy. When Kent appeared in the picture I imagined the rivalry such like Draco and Harry and that only made the adult version I imagined more lively. Theo was lucky to have a friend like Kent, even if he didn't understand what a friend truly meant. Theo lost his mother, his uncle hated him, his father well... they didn't have the best relationship, he didn't manage to be captain, he didn't manage to be a prefect, he had to give up on his dream, he couldn't trust anyone. Well everything about Theo was supposed to be tragic. His partnership with Zara was just amazing, I believe he saw himself on her (even though she was pure evil), and he believed that maybe people could change if someone believed in him. He betrayed his family, he betrayed his colleagues for something he believed to be the right thing, Kent could have abandoned him and Kingsley could have hit believed in him and hand him over. But people believed in him, he was the same person his mother believed he was. Seeing him trying to get thought his trauma was sad, but it fit him. I'm so so happy that he found happiness somehow. Val loved him by who he was, she didn't see him because of his family, blood heritage or even his mistakes, but she saw his pure heart and that is just beautiful. And of course Theo and Kent's bromance are still one of my favourite parts of the whole story! Thinking about the future, I wonder if he managed to keep working or his stability is not well yet, but he has Val, Kingsley, Kent, all of his friends, so he will he fine :)

I will miss these kids, but I'm making room for the new kids so hopefully we will have a more funny time on UFF rather than a more serious and gloomy one :) I hope everyone who made it to the end are now happy and even if they don't make a cameo on UFF, that they have success and find their happy endings :)
Once again, thank you so much for this ride. I just can't believed it already ended, it seemed like it was yesterday that Aiden made his first pov ;-;
This won't be a serious goodbye because we will still talk and of course I will still be hyped with UFF and I'll be commenting every single chapter :p
Oh and I'm curious, as you know I'm like a huge fan of Oliver :p did you imagine him getting married? I can totally imagine him marrying someone from his work honestly.
Ok now for real, thank you so so so much. You are an amazing writer and I want you to know that I anticipated every single chapter every week and reading it made my day, seriously, even if it took me a while to comment in the chapter.
I wish you the best and I hope you have a lot of fun writing UFF and finish this trilogy which I believe will bring tears of joy and will bring you the best feeling of accomplishement. You deserve it Dani! Thank you so much *takes off my hat* farewell Ctf, thank you for the ride, you will be always remembered!
From the bottom if my heart, thank you Dani, thank you very much! <3
I won't say goodbye so have a nice week and see you around ;) take care of yourself.
2452 streak #2
Chapter 57: I've been anticipating the Afterword chapter so much ever since you mentioned it, and I absolutely loved reading all of your thoughts on the cast and how you went about developing their arcs!! <3 Some of the things I knew (thanks to me loving spoilers and our insanely long back-and-forth responses via comments and PM, HAHA) and some of the things were a complete surprise, so it was so cool getting to learn and relearn these behind-the-scenes tidbits!! ^^

One thing I had no idea about (but probably should've figured out, LOOOOL) was Python's intended role as canon!Audrey Weasley!! Looking back now, it totally makes and I should've known you'd make sure every aspect of Percy's story was covered, even if they weren't intended to truly be endgame with the planned divorce. :P Does that mean Python would've been leading the MII with Cadi instead of Audrey Blishwick if the latter hadn't been submitted??

Ahhhh, not a day goes by where I wish Evera were still here with us, even though I know that her death was necessary. :') I take a lot of comfort in knowing that her death served so much purpose in the story and that it wasn't meaningless (not that anyone's death was ^^;) in the grand scheme of things. :) I do wonder how the story would've changed if she had stayed alive, since I imagine Kent would've been a much less broken man. But then his motivation to really get plans in motion within the Order of Phoenix wouldn't have been as strong as it was after suffering such a devastating loss. OTL All in all, Kent and Evera will always be the best dynamic duo, and I will never stop thanking you for bringing them to life in such a beautiful way!! <3 And I guess I don't know if they'll make cameos in UFF, but I'd love to know what happened to Drake and Jemma (and even little Roderick from H:aH, LOOOL, if you ever got to planning his future XD) after the events of CtF if you have that information readily available. ^^; If not, no worries!! I'm just very attached to my original trio, HAHA. :')

I'll be reiterating a lot of stuff I've said in previous comments and/or messages, but Channer was the first character I fully conceptualized when you announced CtF and its plot. I'm honestly drawn to charismatic, outgoing male characters (Kent, Drake, Landon), so writing a coward like Channer was such a fun challenge for me since I got to really step out of my comfort zone. I think part of me subconsciously wanted him to eventually join Adeline in the Underground, since I'm a er for the good side, but I loved that he stayed neutral throughout since I think that's the path truest to his character. It wouldn't have made sense if he had joined up and although it was painful to see him get bested by Yurina, I'm really happy that he's learned to hold his family a little closer now. <3

And now, MY FOX QUEEN, MISS YURINA NAKAYASHI!! I honestly don't enjoy writing Slytherin-like characters, but she was such a fun character to create and I became so attached to her in such a short amount of time. I really think it was her background that cinched it for me. The tiger parent mentality is often lauded by Asian parents as the "right" way to raise your child and while I do think there are some great parts about it, I also think it can be incredibly toxic with the wrong parents and the wrong children. So giving Yurina such a lonely childhood made me sympathize with her so much, even though I knew I was creating an evil character who really shouldn't be redeemed. ^^; I think I would've been really sad to see her caught by Abeni, so I'm stoked that UFF saved her in a way and I can't wait to see what mischief she's planning now!! :D Even though she's probably going to be defeated in UFF, at least she got a happy ending in CtF, HAHA. XD No matter what happens, she'll forever be my queen of darkness. <3

And then we have Odette, the strongest Fugitive out there who's absolutely killing it in life now, which she completely deserves after everything she went through during the war. :') Even though I made her to get tortured, I don't think I envisioned just how much she'd have to go through and my heart broke every time her situation got bleaker. OTL I honestly feared for her life the most out of my main four, especially after Evera died, since I knew that a Fugitive death would be incredibly possible. My other Fugitive characters, Xander and Cassie, were much more capable and resourceful than Odette was, so I figured that if a Fugitive had to die, she'd be the one. OTL So knowing that she ultimately made it out alive, even with immense trauma, made me so happy because I would've been crushed to bits by her death. ^^; Odette's a strong girl who shows that persistence and sheer will are key, and I'm so glad that sunnier skies graced her future. <3

I know I didn't write about everyone, basically focusing on my own characters, but I absolutely loved reading about every single member of the cast and seeing their stories get woven together in this amazing tale. Just as it was for H:aH, it was truly the greatest honor to be part of this story in some way and I'm eternally grateful that I was given the opportunity to help shape the HoM trilogy with my imperfect characters. :') They've all grown immensely over the course of CtF and I'm beyond ecstatic to see what kind of magic you'll weave next with UFF!! x] You know I'll be there writing essays after every chapter, because I can't stop myself from spazzing over even the tiniest details and I'm actually going to cry when it's all over. I would've cried when CtF ended, but knowing that there's still one installment left kept the tears at bay, HAHA. :') But we'll worry about UFF ending when the time comes, since it's just barely begun at this point and it's time to ENJOY what's about to come!! :D

Again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for writing Confronting the Faceless!! <3 You're forever one of my writing inspirations and a friend I've grown to cherish so much after getting to know you these past few years, and I will never stop saying how grateful and lucky I am to have stumbled across Hogwarts: a History back then. x] You're the absolute best, Dani!! <3
Chapter 56: Hi!! Ok I believe I am ready for this overwhelming final chapter ;-;

Honestly, I always thought about what would happen to Ava. A part of me continuously compared her to Claire, but I think Ava is a coward. While Claire didn't agree with the values that most of Slytherins believed, she actually tried to do something about it, and a good part was that she met Bill and had her cousin. Ava had Astoria and her friend wasn't what Ava thought about the others. I think she was obsessed with "I'm better than them" to the point that she disliked Clary who was different from what she hated and also she was shocked about Kingsley, someone she saw as an example, only to find that he was a Slytherin. She put all her hatress into the house instead of growing up and understanding that not everyone is the same.
I liked how everything wrapped for her, it was the best outcome became she herself did not grow up much within all those years. And I'm really happy that she and Anwen got to become friends :)

Theo... I'm so... shocked! And happy? I'm truly glad he managed to find peace with himself (or something similar to that) and that he found someone who went through something "similar" and somehow could understand him and love him by who he is. I actually wonder if he managed to face his father since he always wanted to make him proud on top of everything and honestly I wonder if he got to see his uncle getting arrested, because well he deserved that! And I'm so happy that Kent was the best man! Ok I'm happy by how everything just went, Kingsley too. And I'm so so proud of Max and it was great to see him and Claire at Theo's wedding. I hope Theo and Val can make things work and finally forgive themselves.

Aiden as a grandpa is the strawberry on top of the ice cream xD Mia is so cute and YES ONE OF MY SHIPS SAILED!! I'm so happy Logan and Susan got together! And am I sensing a rivalry between Albus and Mia? xD Or maybe something more? :p I'm so happy and proud that Aiden was able to retire and be happy, he deserves and honestly he is one of my favourite characters. It was not easy to be a adoptive father and now he became a proud grandfather, I'm so happy for him.

Minki and Padma got together <3 and they had twins omg poor Minki! But I'm so happy and proud that he was able to follow his dream even if it was smaller than his bigger one. Oh my and Terry and Parvati wow I wasn't expecting that! Friends becoming lovers is something I live for haha. I'm so happy that everything worked out. I know that he is probably the most neutral character in the story, I don't remember, was he in the battle?

Odette! And she is the final pov ;-; Omg Dean got married and they became friends, that's so great. I wouldn't have guessed that Dean would marry a muggle! Dirk would be proud of how both of them grown up so much after everything that happened. I'm so proud of Odette and happy too, she deserves all the happiness in this world!

I can't believe this story just ended. I believe I can speak by everyone that we became attached to these characters and I'm not ready to say goodbye. I love every single character and I believe you made such an incredible story that I don't have enough words to express what I feel. Thank you so much for your time, passion and for making this amazing story and capturing our hearts. You are a great writer and I hope you feel proud of yourself just like I'm proud of you :)

I hope you have a great weekend and honestly I'm making fingers crossed to see them somehow again in UFF because I think I'll miss some of them too much xD
Thank you so much and see you Sunday to see your amazing thoughts and feelings through this story <3. Take care of yourself and have an awesome time :)
I'll give you a proper comment about the final chapter but yes please, I'd live to read your thoughts and feelings!
I'm so happy and shocked at the same time with the final chapter, but I will leave it to another time!! I just wanted to let you know how much I loved it and that I really do want to hear what your opinions :)
Have a nice week and I hope to read your feelings and thoughts next sunday :')
2452 streak #5
Chapter 56: Oh my gosh, it's the final epilogue. I'm not ready. OTL

Dang, I legit wasn't expecting Ava to be an ice cream shop owner after twenty years, LOOOL. :P But yikes, I can imagine that leaving Hogwarts definitely turned the "Slytherin=bad" sentiment on its head. I don't blame Ava for thinking that way during her school years, since she was a teenager and she hated not fitting in with her house. But at least she's become more open-minded and chill now, and it does show a lot of her character growth. :) It's also really sweet that she revived Fortescue's ice cream shop, since it's such a cornerstone of Diagon Alley and it broke my heart when Florean disappeared. :'( But omg, I also didn't expect Anwen to have had a whirlwind romance with a Muggle, so I'm glad that she also seems to be a lot more open-minded now as an adult. ^^ Although it that it didn't work out and I hope Anwen is doing okay as a single mother, since I know that can be difficult. >___< The cameos of Albus, Rose, and Scorpius were also super cute and I love that they're this generation's trio, hehe. x]

Oh gosh, Theo looking at little Evan and thinking of his guilt towards Evera's death had me gutted too. Q___Q But also, I'M SCREAMING AT KENT BEING HIS BEST MAN!! AND I'M ALSO SCREAMING AT THEO MARRYING VALERIE???????? FORGET WHAT I SAID ABOUT AVA. THIS IS THE BIGGEST SURPRISE OUT OF ALL OF THE EPILOGUES. I'M SO SHOOK. THIS MIGHT BE THE MOST SHOOK I'VE EVER BEEN. NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS DID I EVER EXPECT VALERIE AND THEO TO END UP TOGETHER. Like it totally makes sense with them bonding over their trauma in this support group and I bet Valerie felt AWFUL for getting caught in Branwen's web after she found out Branwen was a Death Eater. T^T It's so so so cute that Theo and Valerie eventually fell for each other, and I'm so happy that Theo gets to experience this beautiful moment because he deserves it!! And ahhhhh, I love that Kent is Best Man (best boi forever!!) and Evan is the ring bearer (/cries i love this kid so much already help) and Zac also got happily married and Valerie's family is there, and Theo has so many friends and people who care about him. :') AND JUST THAT ENDING, OMG. SHOT ME IN THE HEART. *o* I'M DED FROM HOW CUTE THEY ARE. PROCLAIMING MYSELF AS CAPTAIN OF THIS NEW SHIP NOW, HAHAHA.

Ahhhh, Logan and Susan got together!! x] And Mia, like all the kids, sounds so adorable and Aiden is definitely best grandpa!! ^^ And ooh, looks like Oliver is teaching at Hogwarts now after retiring from the professional circuit?? :D Gah, that reminds me that he's also old now too. OTL And omg, I'm ded at Mia and Albus having a Quidditch rivalry. XD Try-outs will be a battlefield this year with those two gunning for positions, HAHA. And LOOOOOL, I also wasn't expecting that kiss comment from Mia. :P I imagine Albus will definitely be a heartthrob, especially when he gets older, and Mia will be one of many who have a crush on young Potter, LOLOLOL. But ahhhh, so happy that Aiden has such a beautiful family and that he's enjoying life so much now!! He completely deserves it after everything he went through!! And I also love that Ava made an appearance at the end, even though they never actually met in the main story, since everyone's stories are ultimately tied together in this epic. :)

Haha, definitely not surprised that Minki opened up a dance studio. XD He really suffered the least overall out of everyone in CtF, I think. Him and Venus. And awww, so cute that he and Padma ended up having twins!! x] And ooh, Padma is also a teacher now?? :D What kind?? (also there's a tiny typo where you wrote parvati instead of padma and i was like, wait which twin is which?? is padma the gryff and parvati the ravenclaw?? XD) And awwww, I wasn't expecting Terry and Parvati to get married, but I can totally see them together and it's so cute that the two best friends each got married to one of the twins, HAHA. :P They're all one big happy family now!! ^^ Minki and Padma's banter is also so cute, and I love how chill Minki is now in comparison to how he was in seventh year. :') And ooh, what does Terry do in the Department of Transportation?? Guess he followed the more traditional path of working for the Ministry while Jerome went traveling, LOOOOL. XD

And now, we're here at last at the final epilogue. T^T Odette was the last of my main characters submitted to CtF, she was the last POV chapter of the story (and the last Fugitive to be rescued), and now she's the last of the epilogues. But that doesn't mean she's last in my heart, because she's far from it!! <3 I figured she would eventually strike up a friendship with Dean, since they both had the connection of being on the run with Dirk at some point, and I bet they've shared a lot of stories about Dirk with each other over the years. :) My heart hurts knowing that Odette still suffered so much for so long, even though it's completely understandable that she wouldn't have mentally healed in an instant. That's just not possible when you've gone through what she did. And ahhhhh, HARRY COMING THROUGH TO GIVE HER A CHANCE MAKES ME SO HAPPY!! TRULY AN ICON. AND AHHHH, SO SO SO PROUD OF ODETTE FOR BECOMING HEAD OF THE IMPROPER USE OF MAGIC OFFICE!! *o* SHE OVERCAME ALL OF THE OBSTACLES LIFE THREW HER WAY AND WE LOVE SEEING FEMALE MUGGLEBORNS GETTING RIGHTFULLY RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR WORK IN THE MINISTRY!! x] Again, restating what I said in Kent's epilogue, I completely relate to Odette and Dean talking to Dirk's gravestone so this definitely hit home for me. It's a way to stay connected with them, even though they've passed, and I think it's very powerful that Dirk was able to create a very unique bond between Odette and Dean, even though he had long since passed. :) And I love that the ice skating figurine managed to survive the war!! It's definitely a beautiful, subtle reminder of the past before the war. ^^ And ahhhhh, that final sentence really pulled at my heartstrings. :') Everything is going to be just fine, Odette!! You've made it this far and you're only going to continue climbing to the top!! <3

Also, a big resounding YES to your A/N!! I'd love an Afterwords chapter!! :D I'll save my final CtF comment for then, hehe. ^^
Chapter 55: Hi!!

Omg yes! Venus had her dream come true, I'm so proud of her!
Oh and is she getting interested in that man?? :p
I kind of imagined her with someone from work since she would probably be a professional most of the time and she wouldn't go out on dates with just anyone, especially because she would care a lot about her job and would dedicate 100% of her time to that, so I truly see things work out between them :)

Tangi!! Our precious child who is not a child anymore :') I'm so glad she and Xander kept their friendship and managed to still be a part of each other's life!
Aw and Hazel made it out alive! And I can definitely imagine their marriage :) I'm also so happy that Clary and Kingsley got married too, like omg yes!

Gabe!! I truly thought that he was the groom!! I was shipping him with Romilda ;-; but it's still good that they kept being friends all this time. Same goes for Nathan, I'm truly happy that the two of them kept their friendship after all this time! Gabe also speaking in french with Fleur was just perfect haha.

Kent!! Aww I love the name Evan as I bet Evera would love it! He truly acts like a proud dad! And Tori already grown up omg ;-;. Why am I imagining those two in Hogwarts having the time of their lives? Haha. Kent is now a married man with two beautiful kids and I bet he feels the happiest man on Earth. Evera would be really proud of him. The final scene is just heartbreaking :') farewell Evera.

And finally but not last, Audrey!! I'm so glad that she and Percy got serious and started having a life together and forming a family. Their daughter Mai is really energetic haha. And I'm so glad to see that Audrey and Python still remained friends! Omg Lucy... that hit my poor heart ;-; I bet Lucas would feel proud and happy for her. I can imagine little Lucy in Hogwarts as a happy kid and perhaps who knows, maybe she would also become a healer! And Python becoming her godmother is just amazing!

I can't believe that next chapter is the last ;-; it's been a long journey and to see that everyone have grown up and becoming happier (even Yurina haha) is so heartwarming and we became attached to all of them so it will be hard to say goodbye. I hope that maybe some of them may make a cameo in UFF :')
I'm preparing tissues for the last chapter which will take another 10 years after this one and since it's set prior to the UFF events, I'm quite curious!

Thank you for this chapter, for the "romantic and couples" chapter haha. It's good to see everyone getting their dreams came true and them having their own families.
I hope you have an incredible week, great classes and I wish you everything the best :) Rest well and take good care of yourself.
I will see you later for the story's finale ;-; see ya~ :)
2452 streak #7
Chapter 55: Good on Venus for becoming the youngest ever Unspeakable!! Just like Rajani, we love seeing female Slytherins achieving their goals!! ^^ At the beginning of the story, I would've never expected Venus to be working in the Love Chamber. But after her work with identifying the loss of hope during the war, it does make sense that she'd end up in the chamber that's all about unraveling the mystery behind emotion. And omg, I wasn't expecting Cadfael to be an Unspeakable as well!! :D He's so much more chill now after his angsty Hogwarts days. XD Hopefully life has been much kinder to him since then. :') And ooooh, do I spy some sparks flying between him and Venus?? :P I can definitely see them together, bonding over their Slytherin days at Hogwarts, both of them with their air of mystery and very small social circles, haha. And since Unspeakables can't really share what goes on with their work, I imagine it'd be nice to be with someone who'll understand any workplace frustrations and such. ^^

Awwwww, love that Xander and Matangi are still so close after the war!! x] And yaaaay, so glad that Hazel survived and is thriving now!! :D It's so awesome to see that she's become an activist and hopefully things change for the better for the LGBTQ+ community with her leading the charge. :) And omg, Kingsley and Clary made up and married each other!! Ahhhhh, that's so sweet!! ^^ Wow, look at Clary, going from worrying about her grades in Hogwarts, to a bittersweet relationship with Lenox, to being one of the best Auror trainers in the Ministry, to being a member of the Underground, to becoming the Minister of Magic's wife while also being the Head of Magical Law Enforcement!! Again, we love seeing successful female Slytherins killing it in life!! :D And yesss, Xander is gonna be amazing in his new job and I'm so happy he's ending his dueling career on such a high note!! :D And ahhhh, Matangi and Hazel's wedding will be absolutely beautiful, and I really hope they'll be able to wed soon!! x]

Haha, you really threw me for a loop there in thinking that Gabe was the groom. XD I wonder who David is and how Romilda met him. :P But it's awesome to see that Gabe, Nathan, and Romilda are still best friends and as close as ever after all these years. ^^ And ooh, love the little bonding moment between Gabe and Fleur!! :D And also, dang, it's very cool that Gave is working as an investigative reporter. I definitely wasn't expecting that to be his career, since I thought he might go the Auror route or something similar. He was such an explosive kid, always gunning for justice. :P But I can see why he'd choose investigative reporting instead, especially since it does have a lot of freedom and traveling is so much fun. ^^ And he still gets to pursue justice, albeit in a more roundabout manner, LOOOL. And I guess he's going the Charlie route and staying a happy bachelor for the rest of his life, which is awesome and I'm glad he's happy without needing a partner to fulfill him. :)

Oh wow, another Weasley kid to add to the clan. XD They just don't stop coming. :') And it's funny that Mai is so different in temperament from her parents and Percy must have his hands full trying to make sure she doesn't upend everything in their lives. :P And it's so cute that Audrey Caldwell is still known as Python, even after all these years, HAHA. It's definitely a very cool nickname, even without the Underground attachment, so I can see why she'd keep it, LOOOOL. And omg, ahhhh, it's so sweet that Audrey decided to name Lucy after Lucas. T^T He really meant a lot to both her and Percy, so it's very beautiful that they're choosing to honor him through the newest addition to their family. :) He still lives in everyone's hearts, even though he's long gone now, and I'm sure he would've loved doting on Mai and Lucy if he had survived. >___< And I just realized that this means Audrey will have a pre-teen at home and a teenager at Hogwarts while she's dealing with stuff in UFF, LOL. What a busy woman. :')

And oh my gosh, Kent, my lovely boy, I don't think I'm ready to let go of him yet. Q___Q He's one of my absolute favorite OCs and I'm so happy I got a opportunity to expand on him for this story. <3 Like he was already an amazing side character that I loved to bits, but getting the chance to see him under the spotlight made me so incredibly happy, despite everything that happened to him during the war. :') And awww, Tori's a teenager now and I love how sassy she's become. XD Reminds me a lot of Holly in H:aH, LOLOLOL. :P And omg, so cute that she considers Jemma an aunt too, and I'm so so curious to know how Jemma and Drake are doing nowadays!! ^^ And omg, Ebony is such a beautiful name for Holly's daughter, hehe. x] It's awesome that Kent and Willow were able to find their way back to each other, even though it was so rough. Totally understandable that they broke up after the war. Kent was still grieving the loss of Evera and Willow then had to go through the exact same thing with Laurel. They definitely needed to grow separately as they processed their grief. You don't want to be at 50% when you're dating someone, using them to fill that other 50%. You want to be at 100% and dating another person who's at 100% for it to be a healthy, long-lasting relationship. At least that's my belief, LOL, although I don't have any personal experience to go off of (so who knows if I'm spouting nonsense). ^^; But Evan is such a great name, and Evera would've loved him and Sammy to pieces. x] And oh my gosh, my heart is dying because the end of Kent's epilogue is at Evera's grave. T^T I'll be very honest here, I talk a lot to the gravestone of one of my loved ones (and I use it as proxy for the other gravestones that I can't physically visit), so Kent talking to Evera this way was something I wholly related to. And my heart is breaking all over again, because I miss Evera so much and I don't think I'll ever get over her death. But I will stay strong, because she was a strong girl and Kent is staying strong too. I hope there're only clear skies for him for the rest of his life, even though I know things will get crazy with raising two boys in the house and there's still UFF's events to come ten years later. ^^; And omg, I just realized that Evan (and maybe Sammy) will be at Hogwarts when UFF starts!! XD Not that it's super relevant in the grand scheme of things, LOL, but I will have fun imagining the newest crop of Sylvesters at the best school in the world, having shenanigans of their own. :') And I'm just really really really happy that Kent got a happy ending, because he deserves it and I love him so much. He and Evera will always be my favorite pair of siblings, forever and ever, and I'm so happy that their bond will never be broken, even by death. <3

OMG, the final epilogue is coming soon and it's set right before UFF!! :D I'm not ready at all for CtF to end though. OTL But I'm also super excited to see the five remaining POVs and catch up with them twenty years later. ^^
Chapter 54: Hi!! Sorry for taking so long to comment!

First of all, my heart is hurting for Lucas. He was one of my favourite characters and honestly I feel like since half of the story he was making a rough path and the signals to his tragedy were there ;-; His last pov and Odette's pov showed how he was overworking and not taking care of himself. I liked him a lot, but somehow I feel like I knew that he would have a bad ending. I'm glad he had a painless passing and I'm sad that he didn't do a check up with Python because maybe he could have survived, but that's so Lucas.. And I'm really sad for his mother, she suffered so much and losing a son is like losing a part of her, especially since it's not natural. Oh my ;-; rest in peace Lucas.

Oh Channer ;-; poor boy, he must feel so guilty. But we all never know what is going to happen tomorrow so it's normal that we don't say "I love you" everyday. But of course it's truly painful and the last interaction is always what is pressed in our minds ;-; I know you will be able to process your grief and you will be better with time. You have your mother and sister, you will be fine!

I'm so glad that Max made it out alive. Now Claire and Max can really talk and pour their hearts to one another. They just "lost" their father who will be imprisoned after waking up (if he eventually wakes up), so they just have one another and their mother. And I truly understand what she means that everyone is biased and already settled their minds that everyone in the losing side is guilty. Fitz!! I'm so glad to see him!!! And I'm super glad that he is fine!!! Willow and Theo omg guys ;-; I'm so proud of Theo to try helping out and prove that everyone deserves a second chance like he had, because of their family environment and ideals. And I bet Willow feels like she compensated a lot from what she did. Everything is good now, I'm happy for them.

Oh Farrah :( you need time to heal my poor child. I understand that Christian is very important to her but he wouldn't understand what she has been through and she definitely needs to have a support near her who truly understands her and even though I know that Christian was what kept her sanity, she created a version of him in her mind who probably doesn't exist, and she needs time for herself now. You can get well child ;-;.

Yurina queen of the evil! Always causing trouble, really haha. Abeni must have a huge grudge on Yurina, because she is quite a pain in the haha. Let's see how Yurina will cause problems in Uff because I know you're involved young lady!

Wow next epilogue is 10 years from here! We're going to see the Hogwarts kids as grown ups!! I hope Venus and Minki managed to follow their dreams! I'm quite curious how Ava and Gabe became as adults haha. I bet everyone else is doing well now :)
I can't wait for the next epilogue!!
I hope you have a nice week, take care of yourself, rest well and see you later ;)
Chapter 54: I told myself I was going to properly comment at the end of the three-part epilogue but I know I had to drop a comment after I read the first POV. NOOOOO LUCAS NOOOOOOO :"( Why do all my fav characters have to die hurhur /cries/ First Evera, then Laurel and now Lucas. My heart was literally squeezed tight when I read the line "He doesn't wake up" and I'm like NO NO NO, THAT CAN'T BE TRUE :"( I should have realised that foreshadowing when he was feeling way too exhausted than ever, that he w-wouldn't make it pass the night. Idk why but his death hits so much harder than anyone else's?? Lucas was (fk, I have to use the word 'was' now) such a golden boy, he did so much as a Healer and contributes sooo much as part of the Underground!! Although he didn't "fight" in the war, he was a true war hero!! I guess it's...relieving that his death wasn't a painful one and he passed in the comforts of his house....he will definitely be sorely missed :"( I can't imagine how broken his mother would be when she realises that her son is never going to wake up again >.< OH GOSHH, THAT START ALREADY SCREAMS DEPRESSING!! (I literally paused for five whole minutes before going on to the next POV)

Glad to see that Channel survived the war!! That sibling dynamic between Channel and Adeline has drastically changed. Damn, those two siblings must feel rather awkward and apologetic to each other but I feel it's neither their fault that things turned out that way. It's the awful circumstances that caused things to spiral out of control >.< It's so heartwarming to see Adeline and their mother visiting Channel in the hospital. , Channel must be feeling even more horrible and guilty for not actively doing anything during the war after learning that their father had passed away in Azkaban. Despite the awkwardness between the siblings, I'm sure Adeline never actually blamed Channel for ousting her and that's what family is all about. They are there for you no matter how much you might have forsaken them and at the end of the day, they still worry about you and welcome you back with open arms ^^ Things are never the same but Channel still has Adeline and their mother and things will get better with time :-)

Another POV that reflects the phrase "blood is thicker than water". Even though Max was a Death Eater, Claire can't bring herself to hate him or cut off ties with him. Sure, she does not agree with his dealings but after all, he is still her brother, her family. That conflicted feelings within her must be chewing her up for she knows that her brother deserved to be punished for the greater good but at the same time, Max is her brother, they are related by blood, and it must be hard to see him locked up in Azkaban (when their father was already sentenced while in a coma, big oof!) That grey area would always be grey ^^" Oh wow, I would have never thought Willow to be on defence (should I say that Max is very lucky to have Claire as his sister? LOL) and Theo to be the final witness!! Looks like Max doesn't have to live in a crammed cell anymore :')

Poor Farrah :'( She is suffering so much but I'm glad to see the tiniest progress that she is making since the day she was admitted into Mungo's. It that she doesn't really have any close friends around her except for Clara as all of her friends are all Muggles who wouldn't be able to understand what she had gone through because of the Statue. And now Clara is feeling slightly wary around her >.< Well, I don't blame Clara, she must be at a huge loss of what to do with someone so utterly broken, she had never been in her situation before and neither is she a trained medical professional. But it's great that Farrah is seeing a therapist and I can tell that Ellie is a good psychiatrist to her. Oh nooo, it must have been a last straw for Farrah when she heard that she's not allowed to see Christian as it was Christian who kept her fighting on for her life in the cells >.< Yet again, Christian prolly wouldn't be able to understand what happened to Farrah as a Muggle. But maybe, it's just the presence of Christian that she needs? Somehow, I don't think that Clara is a mean friend to Farrah or anything, it's just that Farrah is just so delicate right now and Clara obviously can't be there 24/7 for her >.< It's draining for both girls. Perhaps, a longer hospital stay would do them both good? The impact of war is just so harsh :"(

Da boss lady is in the house!! And she is getting straight to work!! With her schemings!! Poor Amos, he is so naive to think that he can get a taste of her LMAO and Yurina is using that to her strength, obviously. And voila, now she has information about Abeni Akingbade, which leads me wondering what exactly happened over the past twenty years?? The Akingbades must be pretty influential people in Nigeria?? And I'm pretty sure Yurina managed to wreck chaos in Nigeria and overthrew the government in some way or another?? I swear this little Japanese lady just doesn't stop :P Abeni must have gone through much turmoil, seeing the UFF's first teaser. Damn, everything is getting juicier and I can't wait for the tea to be spilled xD
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Chapter 54: Oh man, I should've figured Lucas would end up dying from overwork. :'( The signs were all there, especially during his final main POV. T^T Him overworking himself was a constant theme and it so much that he had to go out this way. It reminds me a lot of karoshi, "overwork death" in Japanese, and I'm just glad that he got one final night with his mother and that he died in the comfort of his home. OTL But oh my god, his mother is going to be absolutely heartbroken when she finds him in the morning and my heart hurts so much for her, because she was probably so thankful that her son wasn't directly on the battlefield, but he ended up being a casualty anyway and she'll still have to bury him with all of the others. T^T In a way, Lucas' death sort of has a numbness to it and both Audreys are probably going to be devastated when they receive the news as well. :'( As well as Percy, Jemma, Jun, and anyone else who knew Lucas. ;~; He was a great guy though and he really did a lot for the war effort. In the end, he definitely died a hero like the others.

Oh my gosh, I've been anticipating the conclusion to Channer's story ever since his final main POV and I'm so glad he's in a much better state than some of the others. <3 Granted, things aren't perfect and they never will be, especially since Timon is dead, but at least he has a chance to make things better and that's what counts the most. Channer is still so young and he has his whole life ahead of him to strengthen the bonds he has with his remaining family members. It's something I'm personally trying to work on as well, although our circumstances are admittedly very different. One thing I definitely fear is leaving things unsaid when it's too late, and my heart hurts so much that Timon and Channer never got to properly bond before Timon died. :'( It's definitely going to weigh on Channer a lot from now on, and I hope that he'll be able to process his grief and regret in a healthy way. On the plus side, I'm so happy that Henry is okay and it's so cool that Adeline stayed with his dad while she was in hiding!! ^^ If anything, maybe Henry and Channer can become eventual friends with Henry easing some of Channer's regrets with stories of Timon in Azkaban and how Timon was always talking about how proud he was of his kids. It won't alleviate all of the pain, but it might help a bit, knowing that even though he never verbally expressed his feelings to his dad, Timon still deeply loved and cared for Channer until the very end. Linette, Adeline, and Channer are definitely going to struggle for years to come, but at least they have each other and that's what matters. <3

Oof, it does that Claire's still stuck between both sides, even after the end of the war. But it's nice to see that short moment between her and Fitzwilliam, and he's grown so much from his school days, ahhhhh :') And oh my, I guess since Claire does technically have a stake in the other side because of her family, what the Order is doing for clean-up probably does feel a lot more harsh to her, even though they probably feel completely justified in doing so. It's a very gray area and at the very least, Willow and Theo came through by helping out, even though they had no obligation to. I do wonder why they did. Maybe it was Holly asking for a favor, since she knew Claire?? Maybe it was just Willow not wanting someone else to lose a sibling after she did?? Maybe it was Theo knowing that Max was like him, brought up with Death Eater ideals but still capable of change?? At the very least, I'm glad that Claire doesn't have to lose a family member who's so precious to her and she's much luckier than most who've been affected by the war.

Oh wow, good to see that Farrah also survived Azkaban!! I'm guessing we'll find out Hazel's fate in Matangi's epilogue. Anyway, it's awesome that Farrah is already seeing a therapist and Ellie sounds wonderful. :) And considering how broken Farrah already was back in February, I'm not surprised she was even worse by the time all of the prisoners were released from Azkaban. Her fantasies were probably the only thing keeping her going while she was at Azkaban. x___x But yikes, I don't know if a happy ending with Christian is in the cards. Considering what she's been through, she'll really need someone by her side who'll understand the extent of this war and since Christian is a Muggle, I don't think he can be that person, realistically. >___< Maybe if this were set during UFF's time with magic finally being revealed, Christian could become her caretaker and they could have their happily ever after. But considering how Clara is Farrah's best friend and Clara's reaction to Farrah's breakdowns, I doubt Christian will be able to last long either. >___>

And finally, my beautiful and strong queen of darkness, Miss Yurina Nakayashi!! <3 Going to America was definitely the right call, HAHA. (Since no pandemic to worry about and the US was in a much better state back then OTL If this were 2020, I'd be like, NOOOOO, GO BACK TO ASIA!! ANYWHERE BUT THE US!!) And yesssss, what a QUEEEEEN, living in the lap of luxury in Vegas!! XD Love love love that she's already scheming and recruiting people to her cause!! She isn't wasting any time in making plans for world domination. XD And ooooooh, I've been so so so curious to find out about the bit with soap operas that you asked me about a while back and it's so cool to finally see it here!! :D And oof, looks like Amos is her newest puppet and I love her puppeteering so much!! XD She'd never give him a second glance if it weren't for the information he's gathering for her. He's too much of a lust-driven doormat and Yurina is WAY above that. x] If she ever does fall in love, it'll be with a man who can provide a challenge and keep up with her intellectually. He'll have to REALLY impress her with his cunning and capabilities, and men like that are few and far in between, especially relative to Yurina. She has no time to deal with small fries like Amos and he's probably only got an Avada Kedavra in his future once she's done with him. :') But ooh, Abeni better watch out since Yurina has her eye on her now!! The fox is on the prowl and no one is safe now, hehe <3

Ooh, super curious to see what life will be like ten years from now!! Definitely a lot happier than this, since most people will have healed considerably by then. :') And wizards probably won't be affected by everything that's happening in the Muggle world, LOL (collapse of the housing bubble, Great Recession, etc.) :P