Chapter Seven


Chapter Seven


Seokjin paced back and forth in the living room of his home. Seungjae was sitting on the sofa, bag on the floor beside him. The doctor looked at his son, a soft sigh slipping past his lips. Seungjae looked up and gave a brittle smile. Seokjin could see how close the seven-year-old was to braking. His eyes were already welled up with tears, Seokjin gave him a smile and walked past him, ruffling his hair a little.k. Grabbing his phone he stormed into the kitchen. Pulling up his contacts he called his ex-wife. It went to voicemail only ringing twice before it did so. He knew that she had seen his name come up and declined the call.


“Mi-So, you were supposed to be here almost two hours ago to collect Seungjae for the weekend. Get in touch with me as soon as. I’m going to take Seunghae to work with me, so come and get him from there. I’ll be in my office for most of the day,” he spat, a little of the anger he was feeling slipping into his voice. It was always the same over the last few months, letting Seungjae down time and time again. Never arriving on time to pick him up for their weekend together. Seungjae was heartbroken each and every time, always asking if his mother loved him. Seokjin wasn’t too sure that was the case with the way she was acting.


Seokjin pulled up another contact and dialled them, “Namjoon,” he said a soft smile on his face as the other picked up


“Jin-hyung,” he greeted back, his voice cheerful and bright.


“I’m going to bring Seungjae into work again. I have a surgery planned for this afternoon, in about four hours. I’m hoping Mi-So will collect him before then, but if she hasn’t would you be able to look after him for a few hours. Next door is away for the weekend so won't be able to watch him today,” he explained softly, glancing into the living room and seeing Seungjae still sitting there the rocket ship he enjoyed playing with clasped tightly in his hands., pressed against his chest as he started towards the front door, waiting for the doorbell to ring.


“Sure, I can do that,” he answered, he was fine with watching the seven-year-old, he loved getting to know Seungjae better with each visit and time spent with him.


Seokjin sighed in relief, “Thank you Joonie, and sorry,” he apologised.


“Hyung there is no need to apologise at all,” Namjoon reassures him, “I know things are difficult at the moment, but everything will be all right. And if it isn’t, you know I’m going to be right there beside you.”


Seokjin relaxed, a happy and soft smile on his face, “Have I told you that I love you?”


“Not today,” Namjoon teased back gently, “But you know I always love hearing it from you,” he said, before adding “And don’t forget, I love you too.”


Seokjin’s smile was warm as he replied, “I know, I’m going to head into work now, so I’ll see you in a bit.”


“Will do,” he said softly, “bye Jinnie.”


“Bye Joonie,” Seokjin replied just as softly. He ended the call and looked towards the door to the living room. He gave a sigh as he walked out of the kitchen. “Seungjae,” he called gently as he walked over to his son and knelt down.


“She’s not coming, is she?” he said looking up at his father, tears slipping down his cheeks.


“Your mother must be very busy with something,” Seokjin answer, trying to figure of a legitimate excuse that could be given.


“Okay,” Seungjae sniffed, though he didn’t believe the words his father was telling him.


“Well, you’ll be coming to work with me for a bit today. And if your mother doesn’t come then you’ll be staying with me anyway and Namjoonie will be able to watch you while appa has to work,” he said putting on a bright smile.


Seungjae smiled back weakly, and nodded, wiping away his tears, “Okay Appa.”


Seokjin laughed lightly, standing up, “Let’s get ready to leave then,” he said, holding out his hand and grabbing his coat and bag as he passed through the hallway to the front door.


Seokjin locked up behind them and they made their way to the car. He made sure Seungjae was buckled in safely and then climbed in the front. He headed to work, turning on the radio and singing along with the songs coming through the speakers, Seungjae occasionally joining in, his tone quiet and shy. It took a little while before the mood was light and happy.Seokjin just hoped he would be able to keep it up during the day. He knew he would have to call Mi-So again later. Arriving at work, he parked up and helped Seungjae from the car.


Seokjin walked into the hospital, waving to Junghyun as he sat at reception, “Morning,” he called out, though it was getting on for noon now.


“Morning,” Junghyun replied as he then spotted Seungjae, “And hello Seungjae,” he greeted with a soft smile at the seven-year-old.


“Hello,” Seungjae replied, looking a little shy as he ducked behind his father's legs.


Seokjin smiled down at him, “Talk to you later Junghyun,” he said to the young man with a wave of his hand.


“Of course,” Junghyun smiled back as he went back to talking to the woman in front of him.


Seokjin made his way through the back and towards the stairs that would take him straight to his office. He wouldn’t be able to work in A&E properly today, well, at least until Mi-So came if she did. In the last three weeks, she had agreed to take Seungjae for a few days four times already. Each time she hadn’t turned up. Walking into his office he smiled as he saw the crayons and colouring books on the small table by the sofa in the corner of the room.


“Looks like Namjoonie left a few gifts for you,” he said as he noticed a hot cup of coffee already waiting for him on the desk. He knew it was Namjoon as he had been the only one that knew he was bringing Seungjae in with him.


“Really, for me?” he asked, eyes lighting up. He had a few favourite things to do and colouring was one of them, the other was reading. He didn’t have many friends at school, being extremely shy with the other students made it hard for him to make friends.


“Yes,” Seokjin chuckled lightly taking his coat off and hung it up, “Take your coat off before going over there Seungjae,” he reminded the child before he could run off towards the colouring books and crayons.


“Yes appa,” he nodded taking off his bag and putting it by the sofa, his coat was soon taken off as well and handed over to his father.


Seokjin took it and hung it with his, “Okay, now you can go and play,” he smiled as he then went to his desk and sat down. He had a few things to work on. There was only so much he could do behind a desk though, most of his work was in the A&E and occasionally taking part in the surgeries to keep his skills fresh. He took to watching his son more than anything as he slowly drank his coffee reading about the patient that he would be operating on in a few hours.


Someone knocked on the door, “Come in,” he called out.


The door opened and Yoongi walked in, “Sorry for disturbing you.”


“What is it Yoongi-yah?” he asked.


“One of my patients is demanding a second opinion, was hoping you would be able to,” he answered, “And don’t worry about Seungjae, I brought someone to watch over him,” he said a smirk on his face as he grabbed someone out in the corridor and pulled them into the room.


“Jungkook,” Seokjin said as he saw the young nurse standing there, with a put-upon look on his face.


“I don’t mind hyung,” he reassured with a nod, giving him a smile. “I just don't appreciate being dragged,” he gave a grin and then a glare at Yoongi.


Seokjin left with Yoongi, taking the time on the way back after confirming Yoongi’s original diagnosis, to call Mi-So once more and still getting no answer from her. He didn’t bother to leave another message as he walked back into his office. Jungkook was kneeling on the floor colouring and talking with Seungjae. “Thank you Jungkook-ah, for watching him,” he said as he went over to the two.


“It’s no problem,” Jungkook said as he stood up, “He’s a good kid,” he added, turning to Seungjae, “See you again soon, okay?” he nodded.


Seungjae looked up and nodded, “Okay hyung,” he grinned happily as he went back to the picture he was colouring.


“Thank you,” he replied softly as he went to his desk.


“Bye Hyung, bye Seungjae,” Jungkook said with a smile as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him.


Seokjin looked up ten minutes later as the door burst open, slamming into the side of the sofa where Seungjae had curled up to read. Mi-So was standing there in front of him, he could see that she was angry and he opened his mouth to tell her not to say anything. He didn’t want her shouting in front of their son. It was one thing he was adamant about


“Jin, I don’t want to take Seungjae anymore, he is now all yours. I don’t need him hanging around while myself and Dae-Bong are trying to live out lives,” she said bluntly.


Seokjin froze as he heard the words, “Mi-So-” he began, eyes wide, only to be cut off.


“I don’t want him, I don’t need him, so you have full custody, do not call me about him again Jin. I don’t want to know,” Mi-So paused for all of a second before she continued, “I don’t love him Jin, I just want my life back.”


Seungjae was frozen on the sofa, tears already falling from wide eyes. “You don't-” he cut himself off as he got up and ran from the room.


Seokjin jumped from his chair and ran around his desk, “You disgust me, get out and I never want to hear from you again. He is no longer going to be part of your life if that's what you wish. And don't come back if you even think of changing your mind, because I won’t let my son near you ever again,” he promised, growling at her as he ran form the room to try and find where Seungjae had gone.


For half hour he searched around, calling out, he had already gotten a few of the orderlies looking around as well. He went into the A&E area and saw Namjoon. “Joonie,” he whispered breathlessly, voice panicked.


Namjoon turned, frowning at the upset tone that came from his hyung, “Jin-hyung?” he asked, as the man almost collapsed into his arms, “What’s wrong? Where’s Seungjae?” he asked, glancing around for the seven-year-old. He knew that Seokjin would never let his son go around the hospital alone.


“Mi-So came, wants nothing to do with him any more. He ran out, I’ve been looking but I can’t find him. Please help me look for him?” he was begging Namjoon to help him.


“Of course, I’ll get some of the others to help as well. Go and wait in your office, you’re too panicked for this,” he advised softly.


“I’m not, I’m going to keep looking all right.” Seokjin then rushed off, determination in his eyes to find his son.


Namjoon went and told a few of the others what was going on, asking them to keep an eye out. Jungkook and Yoongi went to look around the hospital, they were on a break. Namjoon went through the more secluded areas of the hospital. He could hear quiet sniffling coming from one of the empty side rooms. He went inside and saw Seungjae curled up in one of the corners. His heart went out to the child as he went over and sat down beside him. Not saying anything.


Seungjae had tensed up when he felt someone sit next to him. He glanced over and saw Namjoon. “Why doesn’t she love me anymore?” he cried after a few more moments of silence between them.


“That is something I can’t answer. Only she can tell you,” he answered softly, pulling the child into his arms, settling him on his lap.


“I try to be good,” he sniffled, tears rolling down his face as he settled into Namjoon’s arms. He had been around the man often enough in the last few years to know him well.


“I know you’re a good boy, Seungjae, you don’t have to worry about that,” he reassured him gently, rocking from side to side as he rubbed his back, “Now how about we go and find your appa, I know he is really worried about you,” he suggested, sending a subtle message to Seokjin that he will be taking Seungjae to his office and to meet him there.


“Did I make him angry?” he asked, almost afraid of the answer he would be given, tear-filled eyes looked up at Namjoon. His cries had lessened a little over the twenty minutes that Namjoon had been comforting him.


“No, he’s worried and scared since you ran off, anything could have happened to you here,” Namjoon said softly as he stood up, keeping the child in his arms and walking towards the door.


“I… I don't want to see him. He’s going to be so angry with me and then I won't have anyone. I’ll be all alone,” he sniffed as he broke down into sobs once more.


“Oh Seungjae, you appa would never let you go. He loves you so much you know that. He would give you the world if he could. I don’t know what is going on with your eomma, but I know that your appa loves you with all his heart,” Namjoon said rubbing a hand up and down Seungjae back, hoping to calm the sobbing child.


“How… how do you know?” he sniffed, clinging to Namjoon tightly.


“I’ve been friends with you appa since just after you were born. And you know that I come over all the time to talk and play with you and talk with your appa sometimes,” he began as he reached the A&E department. He nodded to Yoongi and Jungkook, both had been told that he had been found. The two of them looked relieved at the sight of the little boy in Namjoon’s arms.


“You do come over and you’re fun to play with,” Seungjae nodded, giving a little sniffled, head resting on Namjoon’s shoulder, not seeing the looks between the two doctors and nurse.


“Well, because of that I’ve talked with your appa so much and you know what?” he paused smiling to him, getting a little hum from Seungjae, “he talks about you nearly all the time. He tells me how proud he is of you, and how much he loves you,” he told him softly, thinking of all the times that he had been over and Seokjin couldn’t help but to show off Seungjae’s reports cards from school. The drawings that were dotted around the house. It was hard to go anywhere in Seokjin’s house without coming across something that Seungjae had made decorating some sort of surface.


Seungjae said nothing as he cried silent tears on Namjoon’s shoulder. Namjoon placed a kiss on his head as he walked up the stairs to Seokjin's office. The door was open and the man was standing there. He was still a little pale and shaking as he reached out for his son. He took him from Namjoon’s arms. Causing Seungjae to cry out and reaching out for Namjoon.


“Seungjae,” Seokjin said his voice soft and scared as he pulled the child close and held him. He could feel his son struggling away from him. He didn’t know why, “Seungjae, it’s okay my precious little boy,” he cooed softly as he rocked him, walking into his office and over to the sofa.


Namjoon followed the two inside and sat beside them, “He’s scared that you want him to go away as well,” he said, summing up what he had learned. Seungjae glanced at Namjoon, eyes fearful.


“Oh, how could I ever do that to you Seungjae, I love you so much,” Seokjin soothed with a soft smile, eyes full of tears as he finally saw the fear in his son’s eyes, so much like his own.


“She said she loved me but now she’s gone,” Seungjae sniffled and hiccuped, rubbing the tears from his eyes as best as he could.


Seokjin's heartbroken once more as he saw the look of rejection on the small face, "Oh my precious boy, my precious precious son," he murmured holding him tightly once more as he rocked the two of them, "I don't know why she would do something so horrible Seungjae, I really don't. But I will never stop loving you. From the moment I found out you were coming I cried happy tears and then the day that you were born I cried even more and I made a promise to you and to myself that I would be the best Appa that I could. That I would spend my life making sure that you would smile and laugh as much as possible." Seokjin's eyes closed, easily remembering the day when he had first held Seungjae in his arms, he had never felt such love as he had in that one moment, and that love continued to grow minute by minute as he spent time watching his son grow.


Namjoon reached over and put an arm around Seokjin, "We can't answer for your eomma and what she is doing Seungjae."


"I can only answer for myself that I would never leave you. I know you're scared that you'll lose me, but that will never happen, never," Seokjin said, opening his eyes and pulling back to look at his son. Wiping away the snot and tears that were still falling.


"Pi...Pinky promise?" he whispered hand out and little finger extended.


Seokjin gave a soft smile, "Pinky promise," he said, hooking their little pinky fingers together, "I'm not going anywhere."


"Hyung," Namjoon said softly, "I would suggest going home, but I know you have that operation in an hour that can't be put off," he said with a wince.


"Yes, I've had to miss a number recently," Seokjin nodded. During the school week, it wasn't too hard for Seungjae to have someone to watch him. It’s when it came to the weekend or the days off school that he had that caused the problem. He was going to have to find someone to babysit for him. There weren’t many people that Seokjin trusted with his son for long periods of time.


"I'll watch him during that and then I suggest going home," Namjoon said, Seungjae was leaning against his appa, almost asleep after the emotional turmoil he had been through.


"Okay," Seokjin said, quickly waking Seungjae up enough to tell him what was going on and then letting him settle down on the sofa to sleep. Seokjin remained there until he had no choice but to leave. Coming back almost four hours later to a sleeping Seungjae and leaving with Namjoon telling him he would come over later to talk to him and Seungjae.

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Smith4439 #1
Smith4439 #2
Very sad that you haven’t posted in soooo long. I am dying to find out what happens next and how it ends. And your other stories.
Smith4439 #3
Dying to know what happens next!
Smith4439 #4
Any idea when you might be able to post the next chapter? I really want to see what happens next (in both your stories)
Smith4439 #5
Chapter 19: Waiting for more......