chapter 8

Mr Angry
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The theatre was empty and dark and as the movie credits rolled up then flashed into darness. The only alive sound being deep snoring from the back seats.

Eventually, Kyungsoo and Jennies staggered up the aisle stairs slowly. Jennies legs numb from sitting on the step for so long…

"My mother has cheated on my father before," she revealed suddenly.

Kyungsoo halted beside her.

"A-And only I know about it," she added in a low voice. "Because of that, my mother and I don't talk to each other anymore. It's like we  barely exist in each other's presence.."

"Oh boo hoo," responded Kyungsoo in a sad-mock tone. "Your mommy cheated on your daddy. Well, it's no wonder your nothing special..."

Forgetting they were cuffed together, Jennie reacted powerfully. Outstretching her hand to whack him, their chain twindled their arms together and then they fell. Jennie screamed. Kyungsoo shouted. The force of her attempt tumbling them both down the right-aisle stairs as they screamed, trying to clutch onto the chairs for aid.

They banged over the final step, rolled over like a ball, and smashed into the wall right in front of the projector screen with a bang!

,.Kyungsoo croaked while Jennie’s head spun. They had to stop colliding like this...

He opened his mouth to order her to get off him, but his heavy breathes prevented him from uttering anything but.."ahhh".

Once again, she was on top of him and it hurt. HIs  eyes shot to blurry the dark ceiling. His thumping ears ignoring Jennie's muffled groan into his ample chest. THen suddenly, she crying. Her hot tears dripping into his fabric and her breathes vibrating against his body.

"What the hell are bloody crying f-for..." he grumbled. A stinky sensation soaked through his pants, and with a sickening swallow, he realized that she had peed herself. 

"I th-think I broke something," sobbed Jennie thoughtlessly. “I-I’m a-actually s-so sorry..”

The smell of urine scented the air and Kyungsoo stared upwards, trying to pretend she wasn’t there. And that didn’t just happen.

“W-Why!?” she gasped, breathlessly. 

Again, Kyungsoo paid no attention to her. He was so weary, he could hardly move.

Jennie screeched, "I can’t get up! Can we please roll over so that y-you can pull m-me up??"

Kyungsoo was able to drown her voice out. 

Jennie yelled, “My ankle is straining and my stomach is straining! Help!”

Kyungsoo tensed, in a long breathe, then yelled hotly, “I can’t get up because you’re on top me you disgusting animal!” 
She breathed out her last whimper, “I’ll have to buy s-some n-new underwear. I-I’m disgusting. I-I’m revolting. I-I’m a spoiled brat pathetic loser......”
Just as she were about to pull herself up, Kyungsoo winded his free arm around waist and slammed her back into him.

Their bodies returned as one, pressed together firmly. She huffed in disbelief. What the hell was he doing?

"We both reek of you," said Kyungsoo nonchalantly. "But I’m used to the smell already..."

Jennie moaned. Of all times to , why did he choose now? Was he holding her against him just to humiliate her even further? 

She was as red as a person could be, her heartbeat audible outside of her body.

"Why were you dancing with him?" he asked, thinking back to Jackson. "When you said you liked Baekhyun?" 

Jennie groaned, "Er, because I needed someone to hold onto because I thought I was running away and my life would be over.."

“Do you think you may like him eventually?” Asked Kyungsoo in a bored tone.

She winced, "M-Maybe, but I don’t trust people at first sight. It takes years actually. I can't afford to trust people because I have s-such a father...."

Kyungsoo released a gulp of air and choked slightly. He now had a foul taste in his mouth.

"You'd be lucky to have Jackson.." mumbled Kyungsoo, spitting out slightly.. "THough, he is far too inteligent for you.."

"Can you just shut up?" muttered Jennie, who couldn’t believe she was in this mess. “I told you I needed to use the bathroom before, but you wouldn’t listen! Now, look what’s happened!”

"Don't even start," he said. 

"Oh, let's just go!" she said abruptly. She scowled then forced herself out of his hold, as impossible as it seemed. The moment they rose, she broke him into a run. 

"HEY!" complained Kyungsoo, as they whizzed out of the theatre..
“There’s a sauna nearby!” said Jennie, rushing them through crowds of bewildered people, “Let’s go bath! Quickly!”

The sauna was almost empty, and they were told it would close in an hour. The tired white-dressed-workers at reception didn’t bother to ask Jennie and Kyungsoo why they were saturated in urine and wearing handcuffs. Instead, they simply handed them a pair of towels..

Jennie and Kyungsoo  turned and stared at each other. The receptionist waited while fanning her plump, round face with a stack of papers
“I don’t want to get into a spa with you,” said Jennie, trying with great failure to restrain her hand from dangling into Kyungsoo’s.

He nodded, as though actually understanding where she was coming from.

“The spa closes in thirty minutes,” interrupted the lady, “So, I’d suggest you both changes into a set of swimsuits. There are some spares in the changing rooms. People have worn them before, but if you don’t mind that sort of thing.”

“Yeah, we’ll use them,” said KYUngsoo before Jennie opened . She looked upwards, puffing her cheeks. She definitely didn’t want to crawl into someone else swimming suit. In her eyes, it was no less a crime than wearing someone else's underwear. 

Kyungsoo felt his pocket again for the cuffs key. TO his shock, they were missing. He wondered, for a moment, if they had fallen out of his pocket while being hurtled around the theatre. But then he remembered the BamBam had never given the keys to him.

“Monkey, we need to go back to that security store and ask them to remove the cuffs.”
“No!” snapped Jennie rather defensively, “I smell terrible!”

"We have to, now!" he snapped.

"I refuse!"

Kyungsoo scowled, "Little monkey idiot..." he whispered at his feet. "How dare you disobey me?"
The changing room held a hundred lockers connected to another room of showers, which puffed steam about. Kyungsoo hadn’t been able to find the cuff keys, which proved a great problem.

Jennie and Kyungsoo drew spare swimming suits from the guest cupboard. 
“What do we do?” asked Jennie, her cheeks turning pink.

“I don’t care, I just don’t want to smell like you..” 
Jennie pursed her lips.

“I’ll get changed first,” said Jennie, puffing her cheeks. 

“What is it? Don’t like wearing bikini’s?” 

“No! I just don’t want you to see me getting changed, so, what are we going to do!”

He closed his eyes, “It will be hard to get that flowy top off, so I’ll have to tear it off...”

Jennie cringed, peering down her chest.

“Or you could do that yourself..” he added, eyes still closed, “Or find some scissors.”

“I’ll tear it,” muttered Jennie, pulling at the bottom of her top. She braced herself, “Okay, here goes.”

She stretched the top so far down that her cleavage came right out. It took a while before

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Sorry that I took so long to post the next chapter I had lost my laptop with the story on it, but I have recovered it now and will complete the story.


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nasime #1
Chapter 30: You will not continue this story?
Hi ms author..I hope you could still finished the story
eemmbb #3
hope u can update soon author-nim :( we miss ur story <3
eemmbb #4
Chapter 29: wait,,, so who’s related to who????
kristeeen #5
Chapter 15: I'm definitely here because of Jennie x Kyungsoo but oddly enough, Jennie x Baek sounds good too! I'm so confused right now omygoshhh ><
eemmbb #6
Chapter 1: yayyy this story’s back!!! kyungsoo x jennie is so underrated :(
if you have time, pls check out my wattpad, i write kyungsoo x jennie fics too -> thank you!
Chapter 7: I am getting rid of all cringe-worthy moments because there are alot. Such as shipping moments we don't want to see, and so forth,
Mistycal #9
Chapter 61: Omgomgomgomg what is thiis sweetness! I vannot even!!!! I Love This!!!