Chapter 20

Do You Trust Me?

“Gyu, it’s a full moon.” Jeonghan told Mingyu. 

“Ugh...I’ll head out at 7.” Mingyu said. For the past year and a half, he had been going far away from Jeonghan whenever it was a full moon. He didn’t want to hurt Jeonghan again. 

“Stay.” Jeonghan held his arm lightly. Mingyu furrowed his brows. 

“No, I can’t. I’ll hurt you. I vowed I would never hurt you again.” He shook his head. Never. 

“It’s fine. I won’t get hurt. Not if you control yourself.” Jeonghan insisted. He wasn’t going down without a fight. 

“I can’t! I can’t think when I change. You know that.” Mingyu grabbed Jeonghan’s hand and brought it to his lips. “Please, just let me go.” 

“No. You can. I know you can.” 

“I’ve been trying! Every time it just doesn’t work!” Mingyu was almost shouting by now. It was almost 7 already. 

“Then let me help you.” Jeonghan whispered as he reached up and kissed Mingyu. “I’ll cure you.” Mingyu felt tears welling up in his eyes. He blinked hard, making them go away. 

“I don’t want to hurt you, please.” His voice was barely a whisper now. He knew he couldn’t win against Jeonghan. He was weak whenever Jeonghan was in front of him. 

Jeonghan led him to the hidden room in their house. It was there for one purpose. To control the demon that lived in Mingyu. There were chains on the wall, even sedating styringes in case things got out of hand. As much as he hated doing this to Mingyu, it wasn’t a choice. Mingyu would attack him in a heartbeat if he wasn’t chained up. 

The younger boy reluctantly walked up to the wall and put the chains around himself. Jeonghan locked the chains in place. Now they had to play the waiting game. 

“Please don’t hesitate to sedate me if I...” He begged Jeonghan. The older just stared at him. 

“You know I can’t.” He let his hands fall to his side. 

“You never answered my question.” Jeonghan knew exactly which question he was referring to. 

“Ask it again, then.” He looped his arms around Mingyu’s neck and leaned in close. 

“Do you trust me?” Mingyu stared into those beautiful eyes that seemed to hold everything in them. The eyes that made Mingyu fall so hard in love with this perfect angel that was now his husband. 

Jeonghan didn’t reply immediately. Instead, he pressed his soft lips to Mingyu’s rough one. 

“Of course I do.” He smiled softly as he Mingyu’s cheek. Mingyu felt like it was the first time he had seen Jeonghan again. The first time his heart got stolen. The first time his breath was taken away by how stunningly beautiful Jeonghan was. Jeonghan stepped away. 

Mingyu had started morphing. The familiar feeling whenever he morphed returned just like it did every full moon. Soon enough, he was a werewolf. The werewolf struggled against the restraints, desperate to get to the human in front of it. 

“MINGYU!” He heard the man call out. Confused, the werewolf stopped snapping its jaws. It tilted its head and looked at the man with its amber eyes. “Mingyu. Are you there?” The werewolf blinked a few times before grunting. 

“You can hear me, right?” Mingyu didn’t know what was happening. His mind felt so heavy. Half of his mind was telling him to break free and feast on the blood that was standing right in front of him. The other half was telling him that he loved the man in front of him and he would never do anything to hurt him. 

He wanted the blood so badly. The man was so weak, he would defeat him in an instant. 

“Mingyu, control yourself!” Jeonghan’s hands found their way to the side of the werewolves head. He stared straight into those intimidating amber eyes. He could feel Mingyu’s internal conflict. They were soulmates, after all. He was about to go insane himself. No, he had to resist it. For Mingyu. 


Author’s Note: hello~ a little of a cliffhanger im sory>.< i got lazy to write im so sorry! 

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Chapter 6: Omg I’m going to cry
30 streak #2
Chapter 24: Ah idk what to feel rn ugh my heart is zjasjcjpwosjcjeoszmskwlsspsoosls

But this story brought me a lot of laughter and emotions owo
Chapter 21: the DRAMA. i can't wait for the next chapter.
some romantic and fantasy story
Yoonjeongmi #5
Chapter 19: wha the the omg this is girl this js too good!!*has a broken heart but its worth it* huhuhu this is really too good.
Chapter 12: More pleaseeeeeee^^ Thank you ^^
Yoonjeongmi #7
Chapter 10: What im so shocked omg this has been the biggest plot twist i have ever read about gyuhan this is too good
Chapter 10: It's getting interesting!!! Hwaiting authornim!
Yoonjeongmi #9
Chapter 7: Nice fanfic I actually love how mingyu acts in here it's so omg I just love this!