SR. 002 - TEEN AGE

*** Seulgi ***


I turn on my music player and maximize the volume. I keep listening to 'Night Rather Than Day' by EXID after Joohyun said that she like the song too that night. 


Our first date was so memorable to me, not just because I was with Joohyun but also because her friends helped me out. And that's a big deal for me. It is her friends not mine. When I asked Jisoo what's a good idea for a date, she helped me out immediately without further questions. She even called Jennie, Sooyoung and Rosé one week prior to my date with Joohyun. I thought, they will hesitate to help me but then, they were so excited to share some ideas for me. I almost cried the first night of our meeting agenda for the date. They are so open about relationship and I'm glad they aren't selfish when it comes to Joohyun. They told me something that really hit my heart and that was, "As long as you make our Joohyun happy, who are we to take her from you?" That phrase dig deeper to my mind, found a place and decided to stay there forever. I'm so blessed to find friends like them. They deserved to be loved. I'd promise to myself, if I'll protect Joohyun at all cost, I will protect them too with all my might.


I was about to enter the school when someone called my name out loud. Even my music was loud, the voice was louder. I took off my earphones and turned to see who it was but I wished I didn't the moment I saw who it was. I grasped the paper bag that I was carrying tightly. I don't want to waste time when Joohyun's friends are waiting for me. I promised them that if our date will be successful, I will buy them fried chickens and sodas. But seeing this girl with her gang, I hope my chickens will never get cold.


I just looked at her while she's making an entrance towards me. "Seulgi..." She called my name as sweetest as she can. "It's been a while. How are you?" She said. But I never answer her nor change my facial expression. "How are you, buddy?" She almost put her arms around me when I shove it away. 


"Don't you dare," I demanded silently. 


"I was just trying to be friendly." She said sarcastically. The smile on her face makes me wanna punch her to her gut as hard as I can. "She's here, right?" She said. The smile on her face was never gone. "Can you call her for me?" 


"You're such a poor girl, Sulli." I said to her as sarcastic as I can. "You came all the way here to find me? To ask if she's here?" I laughed silently. I saw the redness rising to her cheeks, so I decided to pissed her more. "And why would I tell you? Do I owe you something?" 


She was about to punch me in the face when someone's suddenly blocked her arm. 


Sulli turned to see who it was. "Krystal," she said that sounds like she was shocked to see her in this place. "You're here too?" 


I raised my head and the angry face of Krystal greeted me. But she turned her attention back to Sulli few seconds after. I thought, I will never hear Krystal's scold but I think I will hear it sooner than I expected. 


"What do you want here, Sulli?" Krystal said sternly. She took a few step forward until her face was an inch apart to Sulli. "I said, what do you want here?" When Sulli didn't answer her question, she asked again. 


But Sulli is still hesitating to answer Krystal. Perhaps, she lose her guts when she saw my best friend. We all know that she's deeply in love to Krystal even now. 


"I'll count one to three." Krystal is fixing Sulli's collar. "If you're still here, we will never hesitate to punch you and your gang as hard as we want. Remember who you're dealing with, Sulli." Krystal said with a smirked. 


Sulli shoved Krystal's hands away from her. "We'll go." She said silently. 


"What are you waiting for?" Krystal asked with authority once again when Sulli and her friends are still standing on their positions.


Sulli glanced at me one last time before making an exit for her together with her gang. "We will come back for you, Seulgi!" Sulli shouted at me before her gang finally runaway.


"Thanks, Soojung." I said silently to Krystal. She just nodded while wrapping her arm around my shoulder.


"What did she tell you?" Krystal said, immediately going straight to the point.


"Sulli knows she's here." I said silently. 


She put her hands to her waist and took a sharp breath. "How did she know?" She said, mirroring my tone. 


"No idea." I shrugged. The paper bag on my hand took her attention.


"What are those?" She asked, pointing to the paper bag that I'm holding using her lips. 


"Did you eat your lunch already?" Instead of answering her, I wanted to ask her if she'll like to eat with us. 


"Not yet,"


"Wanna eat with me?" I said while raising the paper bag. "I have food and I can't finish this all." Krystal isn't a shy person, she's just an introvert who wanted to spend the rest of her day alone. But I wanted to break her walls down. Maybe today is the day I have waiting for. 


"You're dragging me, aren't you?" She asked with a smirked on her face. I think she already know what I was planning. "I'm in." She said cheerfully, shrugging.


"Let's go!" I signal here to walk ahead of me but she wrapped her arm around my shoulder comfortably again. Then, we silently walked in the hallways towards the SSB's office. The students are keep on looking to the lady next to me now. Surely, this will make an issue inside this facility. 


Honestly, we don't care about the stares we are getting whenever we are together. First of all, because we absolutely know that we are just friends and nothing more than that. But if one of us needed help, we'll give help more than a friend could give. We were together on our brightest and worst days. We saw each other cried, happy and even on the days when one of us wanted to kill ourselves. We both know that we are gays and we both know that we are attracted to straight girls. And last of all, we are in love with someone else.


There was one funny day in our lives, when we tried to fall in love with other, when we started dating as girlfriends but we failed big time. We realized that we were just using each other as scapegoats. She used me to help herself moved on from her ex and I used her to help me moved on from the first girl who broke my heart big time. So, we decided to end the ty relationship we had and promise to always be there for better or for worse for each other. Now, whenever we open up the topic about our past, we will just laugh about it. 


"We're here." I said silently. 


"Did you see those eyes?" She said. I nodded my head. "They are being creepy."


"Nevermind them." I said as I opened the door of the office. 


"Seulgi!" Sooyoung's voice automatically echoed around the four cornered room the moment she saw me. 


"Hey guys, I brought a friend of mine." I said while entering the office. "Would you mind?" 


They all turned their heads to see the girl at my back like giraffes. Their eyes gone wide when they saw who it was. 


"Hi, girls," Krystal greeted them calmly. Rosé, Sooyoung and Jisoo looked to Jennie at the same time, who is still staring at the girl. Jisoo shouldered Jennie at the side, making Jennie back to earth. I just smiled. I already saw this kind of reaction before and I already know what it means. 


"Just like I promised you, guys," I decided to cut off the silence when I sensed no one among them will talk. "Here's fried chicken and soda!" I cheerfully told them while putting the bag on the top of the table. I glanced at Jennie who is still mesmerized of Krystal, like she didn't expect to see her here. I stamped Krystal's foot secretly, to give her a hint that maybe Jennie had a thing for her. She stamped my foot back, telling me she already had a clue about it. 


"Why don't you introduce us to your guest, Seulgi?" Jisoo suggested which I agreed almost immediately. 


"Yeah, I forgot. I thought you already know her." I said, scratching my head. "Krystal, this is Rosé," my hand pointed at Rosé. "Sooyoung," my hand shifted to Sooyoung. "Jisoo," then to Jisoo. "And Jennie," and lastly, my hand pointed to Jennie. 


"Hi guys, I'm Krystal." She said while raising her hand. "Uhm, Jennie?" She called all of a sudden that made as looked to her. "You have something in your eyes." 


Jennie shook her head. Maybe to set the things she was thinking aside and shifted her attention to Krystal. 


"Would you mind?" Krystal was asking if she can do the honors to take off the thing in Jennie's eyes, but before Jennie answered, Krystal's fingers was already on Jennie's face, taking of the thing off her head. "It's eyelashes." Krystal silently said while Jennie remained frozen. 


I clap my hands once to get back their attention. "So, let's eat!" I said, trying to change the subject. It must be awkward for Jennie. They all nodded their heads except Krystal. 


"May I know what is this celebration for?" She said while sitting on an empty chair next to me. 


"Ah," I said. I did the honors of answering her when I saw the others are eating already. "They helped me on working for our date. They gave most of the ideas. I promised to buy them food if my date will be successful and it was." I took a piece of fried chicken and eat it but Krystal remained seated with empty hands. 


"Date as in date?" She said, frowning. 


I nod my head. "Hmm," I said. "With Joohyun," 


She smiled then she chuckled. She stood up while covering using her one hand. She tapped my back. "Congrats, Seul." She said silently. "Would you mind guys if I eat with you?" She looked at the four ladies who are busy eating with their chicken. "You know, I didn't help you."


Their heads automatically nodded and that made Krystal smiled at her brightest. "You're so cute, guys." She said to them. 


"We were cute since we were born." Sooyoung said jokingly. 


Krystal chuckled. "I wasn't aware of that but I am now." She said. I silently distributed the sodas to each one of them when I noticed Krystal and the rest of the gang are comfortably talking to each other already. Then, I just let them talk like that without disturbing them. I saw Krystal had fun already. 


I turned to see Jennie, who is stealing glances from Krystal. I think, she really had a crush on her. Whenever Krystal will look at her, she will just smile like she was busy listening but in fact, she was so focus at staring to my best friend.


Did Krystal know her ex was here in our school? 

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im focusing on this one to finish it how i wanted it to end. i love you guys and thanks for all the love! love you back!


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Good day everyone!
First of all, I deeply apologize for being gone for more than a year now. To be honest, I was in recovery. But luckily, I am okay these days. I missed writing to you.
I have so many bad news:
1. The phone that I'm using while writing my stories got broken.
2. I am having a bad time remembering everything that was supposed to happen in my stories.
3. I don't know when can I update as I am still in recovery.

Chapter 35: Huhu you updated. Thank you
Ok. I already this in my wattpad account. But nah, im going to read it again and again. Oh by the way author nim, i love this story.
Chapter 8: HAHAHAHA THIS chapter was so cool from the start and I can't wait to know the story of how Seulgi convinved everyone to do it and also reading the story while listening to Night Rather than Day was beautifull, I love that song and every single song of EXID to be honest
Chapter 34: Damn it... please don't be half-sisters or even be related :( Love the story, kababayan! Mahusay! <3
ynylsc30518 #6
Chapter 34: Are they really step siblings? :( still hoping for seulrene in the end.
Chapter 34: confusing
im almost at the end of this story. im writing it as fast as i can to make it up to you. this story might end soon. thank you for everything. mwah!
Chapter 32: Damn I'm shooked
674 streak #10
Chapter 32: Damn. All I can say is morals! SeulRene for the win! But then again maybe they are not really related right? *crossfingers*