Chapter 13: Together at last

Hallyu Love
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"Aaaah! I don't have anything to wear!" Shin Hye shouted on the phone. She is talking with her stylist unnie on the phone. "Please come here unnie! I really need my stylist right now!"

"But I'll be going on a date as well Shin Hye-ah. So, where's he taking you on your first date?" Her unnie asked.

"It's not a date unnie. He just wants me to meet his noona. So, it's not a date." Shin Hye answered.

"Oh my god! That's so sweet! He's gonna introduce you to his noona! Then after that, he's gonna introduce you to the parents!" Her unnie squealed.

"Unnie! Ottoeke! You'r making me feel nervous. Aah unnie! How should I act around his noona?" Shin Hye nervously asked.

"Act natural Shin Hye-ah. Show her your charms. You're good at that. Omo! My date's here! Have fun with your date Shin Hye-ah!" Her unnie hung up the phone.

"But it's not a date!" Shin Hye shouted to no one in particular. She took a look of herself at the miror. "Shin Hye-ah, calm down. It's not a date. Ottoeke?" Shin Hye dug through her bed which is full of different accessories and clothes to find her phone. When she finally found it, she dialled someone's number.


"Ah wae Shin Hye-ah? You woke me up." Hong Ki said on the other line with voice filled with sleep.

"If you have a girlfriend and you will introduce her to your noona, what would you want your girlfriend to wear?" Shin Hye desperately asked.

"Woah wait. First of all, I don't have a noona. But I have a baby sister. You're my one and only Shin Hye noona! Second, you guys are official already and he's gonna introduce you to his noona? Wow that's so sweet!" Hong Ki replied giddily.

"What, no! We're not yet like that. I mean, ah! Otteoke Hongstar?"

"But you said girlfriend! Whatever. Hmm, if ever, I would like my girlfriend to wear anything that she wants. And something comfortable and cute."

"Ah jeongmal? But how should I act around his noona?"

"Just be your cute and awesome self Shin Hye-ah. I need to go. I badly need sleep. Good luck on your date!" Hong Ki hung up the phone without letting Shin Hye say bye to him.

"Aaah it's not a date! Why do people keep saying that this is a date?" Shin Hye shouted.

"Because it is a date! Haha!" Shin Hye was shocked to see his brother by her bedroom door laughing while holding an orange juice carton.

"Oppa! No it's not! He just wants me to meet his noona. That's all." Shin Hye pouted.

"I'm a guy Shin Hye-ah.  This may not be a date to you but for him it is. Anyway, when am I going to meet your Super Junior boyfriend?" Her bother teasingly asked.

"When he actually becomes my boyfriend. Which by the way, he isn't." Shin Hye said snatching the orange juice carton from him.

"Isn't yet. I bet he will be in a manner of time. You should let me meet him first before you decide." Her brother picked up a cute dress from her bed. "Here. Wear this. You'll look cute in it for sure." Her brother winked at her and snatched back the orange juice carton and left.

"Hmm this looks cute. Now I only have to think of what accesories to wear with this." Shin Hye pouted. She heard her phone beeped and checked who texted her.

'Hey! I'll meet you outside of your house later. Okay? :) -K'

"Aah ottoeke?" Shin hye checked the clock to see how many time she have left. "Only two hours left?! Shin Hye-ah, you can do this!"

After two hours, Shin Hye is all set and ready to leave. All she is waiting for is Kyuhyun's text. "It's 4:15 already. Omo! Is he gonna stood me up?!" Just then, she heared her phone beeped to signal a text message.

'I'm here. Outside of your house. :) -K' Shin hye went outside to see a very good looking Kyuhyun standing awkwardly outside of their house. Shin Hye can't help but admire how great looking he is even if he's only wearing casual clothes.

"Shin Hye annyeong!" Kyuhyun waved at her cutely. "Was I late?"

"No. Your just in time. Just in time for me to freak out and think that I've been stood up again." Shin Hye sarcastically replied.

"Oh mhiane Shin Hye-ah. It's just that, I've been standing here outside of your house for thrity minutes already and I saw your oppa. He looks really mean." Kyuhyun replied apologetically. "And who would dare stood my Shin Hye up? Was that for a date?"

"Ah chincha. My oppa is not mean. And you'll meet him very soon." Shin Hye said with a mischievous smile. "Let's go Kyuhyun-ah!"

"Oh kyeopta! Let's go Shin Hye-ah. Let's walk to Kona Beans. Thank God your house is very near our coffee shop." Kyuhyun said.

"Kyuhyun-ah, is it okay to go to Kona Beans at this time? I mean, aren't people or fangirls gonna bombard me when they see me with you?" Shin Hye asked.

"Hmm. Oh yeah? Why haven't I thought of that? By the way, it's Sunday." Kyuhyun said.

"So what if it's Sunday? Fangirls are still gonna be there and they might throw eggs at me or something."

"Shin Hye-ah, you're the cutest girl I've ever known in my entire life!" Kyuhyun said while pinching her cheeks. "How could you forget that Kona Beans is opened for half a day only every Sundays?"

"Oh it is? I didn't know. Yah! Are you teasing me again?" Shin Hye said followed by a cute pout.

"Ah nomu nomu kyeopta! Ani. It's just that you're really cute even if your clueless." Kyuhyun said pinching her cheeks again. "But wait, you should call me oppa. Kyuhyun oppa."

"Shiro! I don't like." Shin Hye said stucking her tongue out.

"Ah wae? But you call Geun Suk-ssi oppa. And me only Kyuhyun-ah. Why Shin Hye-ah?" Kyuhyun pouted.

"I have my reasons. Ah why bring up someone's name when he's not even here." Shin Hye walked ahead and got a little pissed off at the mention of Geun Suk's name. Kyuhyun stopped her from walking, grabbed her hand and hugged her tightly.

"Shin Hye-ah, mhiane. I will not do that again." Kyuhyun said while hugging her and her hair. "And don't ever think for a second that I will stood you up or ditch you or dump you. I might be known as a playboy but when I find the right girl for me, I try to straighten up my act. And you know what I think? I think you're the right girl for me." Kyuhyun said still hugging Shin Hye.

"Ah. Okay. But--"

"And I know how hurt you've been during the time that your drama with Geun Suk-ssi ended. If you agreed to be my girlfriend, I promise to try my best not to hurt you. It's fine with me if I'm the one who's gonna get hurt but I'll really try my best not to hurt you." Kyuhyun said still hugging and caressing her hair.

"Thanks Kyuhyun-ah." It was all Shin Hye could reply. What else does she need to say?

"Wow. I just poured my heart out to you and your not hugging me back?" Kyuhyun released Shin Hye and looked at her straight in the eyes. "Shin Hye-ah. You know that I'm ready when you are right?" Shin Hye just nodded. "Just let me know when you're ready. Okay?" Kyuhyun said and pressed the tip of Shin Hye's nose and walked ahead.

"Oh my God." Was all Shin Hye could say. When she saw that Kyuhyun is quite far already, her thoughts were stirred and ran after him. "Hey! Wait up!" Kyuhyun stopped to wait for her and they walked to Kona Beans.


When they got to Kona Beans, they stopped at the door first and looked inside. They saw a lady sitting in one of the chairs and tables and she was alone. There is no one else inside.

"Are you ready?" Kyuhyun asked Shin Hye.

"I guess." Shin Hye replied nervously.

"Let's go then!" Kyuhyun opened the door and grabbed Shin Hye's hand and led her inside. They got inside and approached the lady who was sitting alone.

"Noona! Here she is!" Kyuhyun presented Shin Hye to his noona who stood up and had a shocked expression.

"Nomu nomu yeppeuda." Shin Hye and Kyuhyun's noona exclaimed in chorus both looking at each other.

"Haha! I know right? But noona I think she's prettier than you." Kyuhyun said in a jokingly manner. But seems like the two girls didn't get it and both glared at him. "Woah I'm just kidding."

"Annyeong Hasseyo Park Shin Hye imnida!" Shin Hye greeted in her usual cute manner.

"Oh nomu nomu kyoepta!" Kyuhyun's noona can't help but pinch her cheeks. "Oh mhiane. I can't help it. You're too cute."

"I had the same reaction too when I first met her noona. Only, I didn't pinch her cheeks. That would be too creepy." Kyuhyun said proudly.

"Oh. Annyeong hasseyo Cho Ara imnida. You can call me Ara unnie." Ara said giddily and motioned for them to sit down. "I really wanted to have a cute sister like you but instead, I got a bully younger brother." Ara said while pouting.

"Ah jeongmal? I wanted to have an unnie who will always dress me up but instead I have an oppa." Shin Hye said while pouting.

"Oh look! You guys have the same facial expressions! You guys looks so funny!" Kyuhyun joked again and he recieved death gl

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I like the story. I hope you can still continue your story.
Chapter 47: ㅠ___ㅠ
JosieP1 #3
Chapter 47: Hi,
I really miss your story, hoping you will read my comments and hoping you will update soon.
Thank you and God Bless
Chapter 47: Why no updates from you? Did something happen? Hope you are okay.. ㅠㅠ

Are you not going to abandon this right? Please nooooo.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 47: It's almost 5 months since you've updated..

When will you update? I really miss this.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 47: i miss this... TT_____TT
yoonhacci #7
Chapter 47: Annyeong aothornim.. Its really good to c u again.. Keep the story up. I will always waiting n support u.. Kekeke
sofiahunaini #8
Chapter 47: Same with waiting for next chap...i always see the update time...hehe...
Chapter 47: When I open my AFF and see you updated.. My reaction is yeyyyy! ^___^
KYU is going to propose... waaaaaaa I can't wait for that!!!
Your story is really my favorite and you made my day and I thank you for that..
waiting for your next update and please update soon! =D
hwaiting always! ^^
Chapter 47: An a surprise update pop up on my screen....