
My First and Last
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Weekend. This day was supposed to be Irene's 'Wendy Day' or 'Cuddling Day' but here she was, doing a photo shoot with Mino. 

"Mino, can you back hug Irene?" the photographer asked. 

Mino just smiled and wrapped his arms around Irene's waist. 

"Irene, look at Mino. Look at him as if he is your husband."

Irene looked at Mino. She sure missed him. She remembered every feature of his face and his smile but she couldn't remember her feelings for him. 

"You two look really good together. You both can be a perfect couple," the photographer said while clicking his camera. 

"One last shot and we're done. Thank you everyone!" the photographer said. 

Irene let go of Mino's hug and bowed to the staffs and crew. 

"Guys, Ms. Hwang said we will be having a team dinner so everyone is expected to show up," a girl named Somi shouted.

Irene groaned while Mino smiled.

Time to step up my plan.

Irene texted Wendy that she could not come to their weekend plan because of the shoot and team dinner. Wendy understood and just said that she should not work too much and they would see each other some time. 



Wendy went alone with her guitar and baked cookies to the orphanage. It was that time of the month where she would visit the kids to play and teach them. She wanted Joohyun to join her but sadly, she could not.

"Wendy unnie!!!" 

Wendy saw a kid running towards her.  

"Hey, slow down Yebin." 

"I miss you unnie." The kid started pouting and Wendy couldn't help but to smile. 

"I miss you too Yebin. Let's go inside." But the kid stood still. 

"What's wrong Yebinnie?"

"You forgot, didn't you?"

"I forgot what?" Wendy playfully wiggled her eyebrows. 

"Unnieeee," Yebin whined. 

"Of course, I won't forget your birthday Yebin," Wendy said while taking a box from her Jan sport bag pack. 

"Thank you unnie. You're the best! I hope you're my real unnie or my eomma." Yebin said while placing her head on the crook of Wendy's neck.

"I'm your unnie Yebin and let's see if I can be your eomma. So don't be sad 'cause it's your birthday." 

"Unnie, Yebin's over there!" A red-haired kid with big brown eyes pointed at Wendy and Yebin. 

"Let's get her Minkyung. She needs to have her vaccine."

"Let's go, Jisoo unnie!"

The two walked slowly to where Wendy and Yebin were. 

"Yebin, let's go." A black-haired girl said while holding Minkyung on her right hand. 

"No, Yebin does not want to," Yebin said; still clutching onto Wendy's neck. 

"You need to have your vaccine for you to be healthy." The said girl was showing no emotions. 

Wendy now understood why Yebin was running away. 

"Aist this kid. Yebinnie, you need to have your vaccine to grow up. When you have one, you will be healthy. We will go to your favorite places and play." 

"But unnie, Jisoo unnie... Yebin is scared." 

So Jisoo was her name, Wendy thought to herself. 


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Final chapter's out! Now we have to work on the epilogue >_<

But enjoy this update first!~


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1801 streak #1
Chapter 33: Wenrene 💙❤
Chapter 33: Now now I can't wait for the epilogue and yes to WenRene finally getting married and Son Seungwan being a gentlewoman she is protecting her fiancè 💖💙💖💙
Chapter 33: Can’t wait for the epilogue...
baejoonism #5
Chapter 33: Aww it’s the end thank you for this story!! Will be looking foward to the epilogue.
Chapter 33: Yeayyy.. Finally wenrene. Thank you for the last update. Thank you so much. See you soon
WenRene ❤💙
Chapter 32: We love it (the update) uwu
ReVeLuvyyy #9
Chapter 32: I like this!
Chapter 32: Now that Wendy has clear everything to Jisoo about how much she loves Joohyun and how much Joohyun loves Seungwan too. I wanna see more about WR relationship and how well they will do esp now that Seungwan is getting the recognition as the granddaughter of Jung Yunho besides he already asked Seungwan to introduce Joohyun tho. I wanna see how Seungwan will introduce Joohyun to her family.