The Date 1/3

To Love Once Again

Saturday morning had come and your alarm went off at 7:30 just so you could have enough time to get ready to go on your date with Donghae.  It also took you about half an hour to just get out of bed.  The date is all you dreamt about that night, maybe it was because you didn't know what he had planned or you were just really excited.

Ok Yunji said something casual what should I wear?  You decided to just wear  (ignore the shoes you were wearing white flats instead).

Ok hair.  Done.  Makeup.  Done.  Outfit.  Check.  Ok I'm ready.  Bring it on Donghae.

By the time you were done getting ready it was about 8:45Now to just wait for Donghae.

It was 9:00 exactly when you heard your doorbell ring.  If you could have you would have just barged through and over everything that was seperating you from the door.  The closer you got to the door you started to slow down and it was sinking in.  You were going on a date with Donghae.  Before you answered the door you smoothed out your shirt and made sure your hair wasn't all crazy from the running you just did and you spotted Donghae in this

Why is he so good looking!

Why is she so attractive!

"So you ready to go Minjun?"

"Yeah let's go."

On the way down to get to Donghae's car there was a bit of an awkward atmosphere but that was quickly changed when Donghae started up a conversation.

"So Minjun do you have a clue on what we're going to do today?"

"Oppa.  You wouldn't tell me yesterday and I kept dreaming on what it could be."  Did I just say that!  Oh my gosh what am I going to do!  You thought as you started blushing.

Awww she's blushing!  Cute!  And she called me Oppa!

"So you dreamt about the date.  I see."

"Yah!  Oppa!  It's already embarassing that I said it out loud.  I wasn't planning on doing that."  You started to blush even more.

"Don't be embarrassed.  I actually think its kind of cute."  Omo!  There she goes again turning red like a tomatoe! 

Donghae!  You keep making me blush!  What am I going to do!

You finally got to his car after it seemed like hours after you left your apartment.  He opened the door for you and once you were in he gently closed it.  He finally got into the driver's side and started the car.

"Ok Minjun first we're going to go get some breakfast.  You didn't eat right?"


"Ok good.  Were going to go to this little restaurant that I like to go to.  They sell all the way from an American breakfast to traditional Korean food and if you want simple they sell pancakes and bagels."

"Yummmm.  Oppa you're making me hungry."

"Good because we're here."

You both decided to just get the American Breakfast since you were both very hungry.  Once you were done you finally had the courage to ask him where he was taking you.

"Oppa.  Where are we going to go now?"

"You're anxious aren't you.  We just left the restaurant."

"Please oppa the suspense is killing me."

He didn't answer your question since he wanted you to see it rather than him tell you.  I'm sorry Minjun but you'll just have to wait a little longer.  We are almost there.

You finally got to where he was taking you and as soon as you saw the building your jaw dropped.

"You brought me to the Coex Aquarium!  Really!"

"Well we're here so yeah haha.  Is that a good reaction?"

"Yes of course!  I have been wanting to come here for I don't know how long but I was never able to."  Donghae was glad that he was able to bring you here instead of someone else.

You both headed towards the entrance and while paying the entrance fee the attendant asked if you would like a tour guide.  Donghae quickly denied and you looked at him with a confused expression.  She then let you both pass and as you were walking you decided to ask Donghae a question.

"Oppa why didn't you get us a tour guide?"

"Because I wanted to be the one to give you the tour."

"But it's not the same!  How am i going to know what the fish are called?

"There are little information flyers where the different fish are and besides you have me!  I've been here too many times that I practically know every fish."

"If you say so.  Just don't get us lost."

"Minjun you really think I would get us lost.  You have no faith in me do you."

"Yah Donghae!  I never said that."

"Hey where did oppa go?"

"I don't know.  I think you have to earn it again."

"Again!  I never knew I had to earn it!  But why did you take it away."

"Well that wasn't until right now.  I took it away because.......because......because I don't know just because."

"That is so not fair Minjun."

"Oppa are we going to go look now or are we going to sit here and go over why i wouldn't call you oppa?"

"Oh yeah let's go!  Wait you just called me oppa!"

"And haha."

"So does that mean I earned it back?"

"Maybe.  You'll find out by the end of today."  You said as you winked.

Did she just wink at me?  I can't believe she did that.

I just couldn't not call him oppa.  It just comes out naturally when I'm with him.  I like calling him oppa though it makes me feel closer to him.

You and Donghae had seen all the fish the aquarium had to offer and who would have guessed that Donghae knew each fish that was in there.  You were really happy that your first time to that aquarium was with Donghae.  You didn't regret one minute of it.  Once you made it out of the aquarium it was already around 1:00.  You could hear Donghae's stomach and he could hear yours.  Before you could say anything he started.

"Minjun you want to go get some lunch?"  You simply nodded

"Ok do you want street food or do you want to go to a restaurant?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm it doesn't matter to me oppa whatever you would like."

"Ok street food it is."  You and Donghae got in the car and he took yo uto a place where there were food vendors everywhere.  You both got out of the car and the wind came by and you both could smell the delicious food that the vendors were making.  You and Donghae looked at each other and took off to try and decide on what to eat. 


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to stop by and say hi.

Thank you crazy-kpop for subscribing and reading!

So are you guys curious as to what pt 2 and 3 of the date are?

I'll also try to update as much as possible these days because,

I love writing this story and I also have 2 other ones I'm working on.

I'm so excited!!

Until next time


Comment replies

dk8691:  I'm glad you're enjoying it!  I actually can't wait for pt 3 of the date haha.

AoiNamida:  Thank you!  I saw I was so excited to read it!

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Here's another update you guys! I hope you enjoy!


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Chapter 20: HOLY SHISUS KRISUS YOU UPDATED :O this was a surprise!
update please :)
Omg finally :p
Finally! You did it!!!
I am happy! :D yaye for dating!! I need to get a started on my other one >.> I haven't been able to think of anything good for it yet.
WAE YOU LEAVE ME WITH CLIFFHANGER WOMAN!!! D: sorry it took me forever to read this, I am swamped with crap and haven't had time! D:
crazy-kpop #7
Update please (: hehe
School is EVIL DX it ruins everything!
Thank you :D keep going~~~ you're faster than I am with freaking updating >.> cursed school!
Good chapter! :D and you're in luck because I DID update! :D