Truth and Nothing More Pt. 2 of 2

Lost Memories

Mr. and Mrs. Kwon POV.

   “I don’t know where to start but one thing for sure is that your brother and my son were born as human when they were reborn. We don’t know much about the reasoning of it but we do know is that there were these stories about four vampires that…”

   “I know the story also omma, my mom would tell me and Yuri hyung every night before we would go to bed, the story about how four vampire fell so much in love with one another that they were willing to risk they’re own lives if they have to, but what does it have to do with hyung and your son being human and how come they still have their power if they are no longer vampires?” said Sooyoung as he cut his mom off before she could finish the story was going to say.

   “Well… how much of the story do you know Sooyoung?” said Mrs. Kwon as she look at Sooyoung with a questionable look as if she knew that her son didn’t real story and that the one he was talking about are the folk tales that everyone would know about but truth behind the story was that there was a cures put upon them to human and nothing more.

   “Well… my omma would tell me and Yuri that long ago there lived four vampires, two of them being sisters and the other two were best of friend but they consider themselves as brothers and would do anything in their power to protect one another… at first either of the four would believe that they would fall in love with one another but they did… that’s probably all that I because I would end up asleep or was daydreaming about something…hehehe. But then again at that timing mother had gotten sick so she never told use what happened when they feel in love if there were any problems as they lived their life together; you know stuff like that” said Sooyoung as he recalls what was most of the story that he knew from his mother before she had fallen sick and pasted away a years later.

   “Well then, it seem like you know most likely every thing but part of what happened to them and if they still love each other or are they living well… right?” said Mrs. Kwon as she knew that the only part of the story her son knew was how they met, she knew that it was time to tell him but she did know how so looked at her husband for some help and with that he knew that it would be abet hard for his son to understand they real story but not  just the story itself but the curse that fall upon his own son that was resting in his room.

   “Well son… that’s only the story that most parents would tell their children’s and cut it off with a happy ending but the truth was that it wasn’t a happy ending because… cause…uhmm… how should I say this…” as Mr. Kwon was rubbing the back of his head trying his best to say it the right way so that his son wouldn’t get to confuse on which of the story was true.

   “Appa ~ why don’t we tell our son the whole story or at lease the part he doesn’t know yet” said Mrs. Kwon as she to knew it would be hard for anybody to know the real story that everyone try to avoid from the younger generation to know about.

The Story ~

   “Long, long ago, there lived four vampires that knew one another from their parents being friends since they were in High School. Two who were sister and two who were best friend since they were toddlers and consider themselves as brothers, either of the two liked each other so when they were young they would pick at one another. As the years goes by, the four vampires grow up more and more  together, they found out that either one could be apart from one another as if their lives would end if they didn’t hear they’re voices or wouldn’t be able to do anything if they weren’t by their side and that’s how they found their true love, their mate and that no one could ever know about and they would cherish it as long as they live. But it ended when one day two other vampires had also fallen in love with there lovers and that they would do all means to get what they want even if they knew that the one they loved doesn’t love them back. As many years come and go, the two lovers were so happy that they promised to one another that they will marry them when the time is right and that they would live a long and happy life together as long as they have each with that said their mate had two rings in the palm of their hand, one to give his lover and the other one for himself. But what they didn’t know was the mistake they had put upon themselves as the two of the vampires that confessed to the one they loved and got rejected, they would take revenge on them which meant killing their mate. As night had came, the two lover were out in the open watching the night sky as the moon and stars couldn’t look as more beautiful then their mate would, they would talk about what they did that day or what they wanted to do for the next day but for that night would be their last time as lovers and would be their last time hear each others voices for death was drawn upon them, as the two sister watch their mate’s fight off what was their friends since they didn’t understand the reasoning of they’re anger agents their mate. As the fight was near an ending, the only words that were spoken from the lovers were “run and never look back… run now” and with that they witness the vampire that blocked them caught on fire as the other was being shocked multiple times. As both of the friends lies on the ground as their body turns into ash’s they promised each other meet again and become real brothers, soon enough their ash’s was blown away into night sky and what was their time on earth became silent and the only noises that could be herd was the cries of the wind.”

Ending of The Story ~

   “ But omma and appa, I still don’t understand the reasoning for both my brother and my step-brother being human and kept their powers?” said Sooyoung as he had a confuse look upon his face as he looks at his mother then back to his father as he understands everything about the story but still didn’t understand the whole human and still having their powers even if they are no longer vampires.

   “ Sooyoung, I was just getting there and do you mind not asking the same question when I’m not even done with what I was about to say” said Mr. Kwon as he glared at his son giving him and his mother shiver’s down their spine.

   “ N-N-Nae… appa”

   “ Now where was I?? Uhmm… Oh… as I was about to say was that the elders of the vampire race found out about what had happen to their children’s and they were up set and angered that that had to happen, so they put a curse on the two vampires that died in front of they’re lovers saying that they will become human but because they were good vampires they were willing to let them keep their powers but will not have any kind of memories of their past life and the only way for them to return as a vampire is for them to find their lost lover, have them love them back like before and have them bit them. As for their memories, it will only come back after their lover drink the blood their lost lover. And only then their memories will return back to them as they live their life just like before their death” said Mr. Kwon as he patted Sooyoung on the shoulder as he left the living to check up on his other son.

 End of Mr. and Mrs. Kwon POV.

   Once Mr. Kwon left the living, Sooyoung couldn’t believe that his own brother was cursed and not just him but his step-brother as well. As he was in his own world he could help but become more anger then ever as he recall the bulling he and his brother had to go through when they were young as his eyes became blood shot red and his hands became a fist ready to attack someone as things were starting to float up but lucky enough his mom had stop thing from getting wares as she grips onto Sooyoung’s hands tightly for she know that her son was in no state to feel sorry for what he and his brother had to go through as they were kids and with that Sooyoung came back to reality and things started to came back down slowly as he controlled his power. As that was done the door bell had rung and Sooyoung got up from where he was sitting as he opened the door a short girl with short blond hair was right in front of him as he can feel his heart beat faster then before.

   “ Why is my heart beating so fast and who is this hot but cute look person in front of me?” as Sooyoung thought as he was staring at the short girl as she gave him a smile before speaking.

  “Hi there,  my name is…

                                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Hopefully this will help if some of you (readers) are confuse about the story and YHAAA! ~ Another update I hope you like it and I will try to update soon~ kekeke ; p   

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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))