
Lost Memories



Tae, Yoon, and Sunny POV.


  “Hyung we need to talk when we get home…that also means you as well …” Yoon said as he pointed towards Sunny and his brother before they entered they’re History class. As they entered the class room all eyes was now focused on the Liu brother’s as well on Sunny.

  “I think we should head in or we’ll end up getting detention…” Sunny said quietly toward the Liu brother’s and with that said Sunny led Tae and Yoon in the class room as all eyes was still following them.

  “Who are the new hoties ~…”one student said.

  “I don’t know but they look good to bit onto…” another student said toward her friend as they couldn’t help but feel envious towards Sunny since she was around the new students.

  “Ok class today’s lesson will be on the story of “The Stone of Forgiveness” now most of you…ahhh~…almost forgot…it seems we have two new student in my class, so ~…how about the both of you stand up and introduces yourself as well as tell us a little bit about yourself as well…” as Mr. Lee stood in front of the class wait for the Liu’s to say something.

  “Hello, my Kim Taeyoen Liu but you can call me Taeyoen and it’s a pleasure to met all of…I hope we could be friend. As you can see that I have one brother here and a younger one at Boa omma’s room...uhh…we lived in California and now we are here Soul, Korea…hehe” Tae finished it with bowed as he gave everyone his famous smile and as that happened every girl in class had hearts popping out of they’re eyes just like the anime girls would do.

  “Uh…H-Hello…my name is Im Yoona Liu but you can call me Yoona…it’s a pleasure to me everyone and hope that we all could be friends as well…uhh…j-just like Tae hyung said we have one other brother and that we lived in California…ah…we know Sunny here since we were kids…hehe” Yoona said as he gave a cute smile towards everyone and as that happened not only the girls but the boys as will had hearts popping out of they’re eyes as well they’re teacher.

  “Uhmmm…Ok class…uhh…let’s get back to what I was saying earlier…” as Mr. Lee was trying to clam himself down as he was blemishing moments ago.

  “So, who can anyone tell me as well the new student about what the story of myth on “The Stone of Forgiveness” is…anyone?” Mr. Lee asked as no one raised their hands to answer his question and with a sigh he started to tell them.

  “Ok~…it seems like…ah…Mi-Jin-ah…would you like to tell us what you know…” as Mr. Lee leaned agents his desk while wait for Mi-Jin.

  “Well…it’s said that there was once two vampire’s that was loved by many but most of all by their mates…any who, they fought agents ten other vampire’s if not mistaken in order to protect their mates because of that they end up lose their life or sacrificed themselves to protect but because they were good vampire they placed them on “The Stone of Forgiveness”…and so when the time comes they are reborn into vampires once again…well that’s all I know Mr. Lee…”Mi-Jin said as Mr. Lee nodded in agreement on what she had said.

  “Indeed…what you just said is true but there are also some parts wrong, so there for… I should  fill in the most of the facts about the story but~… that is why we also do research for a reason… so from this point on until two week’s from now I would like all of you to search and find what is the myth and what is the real story of “The Stone Forgiveness” is about and what was the history behind it as well…”Mr. Lee said as it was the first assignment for everyone including the Liu brother’s as they all made noises towards the teacher for giving them homework on the first day of school.

End of T.Y.S POV.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sooyoung POV.

   “All man…why do I have to be alone…huhuhu…wheres the food when I need it…huhuhu Soo thought as he faked cry as he head towards his class room. As he entered all eyes were on him making it more uncomfortable as he walked in and sat himself by an empty set next to the window.

  “Sooyoung?” as a voice that entered the class as it walked past by everyone leading towards him.

  “Ah! Noona…what are you doing here…didn’t expect you to be in this class…”Soo said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Hehe…of course I would be in here since my schedule was changed a bit this morning…hehe~” as she sat herself down next to the empty set beside Sooyoung.

  “Nae?” as Soo tilted his head in confusion.

  “Hehe…it because they messed up my class…so there for as of now they finally got it fixed, so as of to day we’ll be seeing each other every day until the school ends…right friend…well…uhh…unless you don’t want to be…”

  “ANI!!! I’m ok…so…how about when lunch comes we could met up…nae Victoria noona?” Soo said as he looked shy for asking her to met up since they’ve only met two times.

  “Kekeke…Sooyoung…you can call me Victoria or Vic for short since we’re about the same age…”Victoria said as she giggled towards Sooyoung knowing that he must be nervous and a little bit uncomfortable right now.

  “Ah! Nae…nae~…so Vic-noo…I mean Vic-shi, can I ask yo…”Soo couldn’t finish his sentence since the teacher entered the class as now all focus that was on him and Vic was now on the teacher.

 “We’ll be able to talk during lunch time…ok…” Vic wrote on a paper as she pass it to Sooyoung while giving him reassuring him that what ever question that needs to be ask would be during there lunch break since he won’t be the only one to ask as well.

  “Ah!!! I see we have a new student in my class room…so why don’t…your late Mr. Kim Jonghyun or maybe detention would work better for you…hmmm?” Mr. Lee said as he waited for Jonghyun’s answer.

  “No sir…it just that the Elder asked to meet me and…”

  “Ok…fine…I’ll let you off this time around…but if I see that you are late againits detention for you or maybe clean-up-duties would help to remind you not to come late and that goes towards each and everyone of you as well…now go and sit at you set next to the new student…ahhh…ah… Sooyoung over there” Mr. Lee said as he shocked his head.

  As everyone excepted for Sooyoung was talking amongst themselves, Jonghyun couldn’t help but wonder as to why Elder wanted to see him as well as talk to him about something important.

  “Who does he remind me of…”Soo thought as he kept on looking towards Jonghyun who was seated two rows in front of him.

  “You know that staring is rude…” Vic said as it brought Soo back to reality.


  “Hehe…your cute when you look confuse…you know that Sooyoungiee~…”as Vic pinched his cheeks making Sooyoung whine a bit towards Vic only having her pinch his cheeks once again.


  “Yes they do look a like…you’d be surprised that they were somehow related or something back then…”Vic said as she didn’t look at Soo only to have him confuse even more as to how she know what he was going to ask.

  “Soo-shi…you shouldn’t have you mouth open…fly’s can make a home in there…you know…” Vic said as she reached to close Sooyoung’s mouth.

  “Uh-hmm…Vic-shi we need you to gather every from your unite…”as voice spoke towards Vic and Soo both heads were now turned towards the voice to none other then Sunny who was only a classroom away.

  “Nae…oh Sunny-ahh…did you also want me to bring the…” before Vic could finish her sentence Sunny nodded her head as she walked back towards her class room.

  “What is going on with me…he’s only Amber’s step-brother…ahhh……”Sunny thought as she walked back to her class as she shook her head trying to get her mind back together. 



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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))