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Lost Memories

No one's POV. ~

   As everyone came into the live-room with the rest of the Liu’s and Kwon’s that was sitting there not know how thing were or more like if Amber were to survive tonight or not.

   “Omma!! How is he? He’s going to be ok…?” Tae said as he noticed that she was holding the protective bracelet that helped control his fire powers since the accident that happened many years ago.

   “Why don’t we have omma sit first…nae Taeyoen-ah” Mr. Kwon said calmly as he walked up tore’s his wife as he grabbed her hand and led tore’s the couch where Sooyoung and Sunny were.

   “…Omma…i-is Teddy-bear…going to be alright?” Sunny said as she tried her best withholding her tears as it started to flow down her check again.

   “Nae…Sunny-ah~…don’t worry, I know he will be fine as long as we stay strong and believe in him…but remember Amber is stronger then he looks…so no matter what he will always be here in our hearts. So… how about we make those tears of your stop coming down, you know how he hates to see someone he love so, so much cry or even get hurt…nae?” as Mrs. Kwon started to wipe Sunny’s tears as she to was also wiping her own from coming down.

   “N-Nae omma~…but what will happen next since the protective bracelet is burnt and how is he going to…”

   “We’ve been training without the bracelet on him and by far this wasn’t what we planed to happen but I know for sure well figure out what we need to do or at lease what needs to done before something occurs and by then…”

   “By then it would be too late and nothing we could do to stop him” as Yoona was the last to come down as he interrupted Tae from finishing his sentence.

   “What do you mean by nothing we could do to stop him…is there something we need to know about Sunny?” Tiffany said tore’s Sunny as each of her friend became confused as to why they would say such things.

   “I think it’s only right for them to know about Amber and Yuri but mostly Amber omma…if it possible for us to stay in one of the guest rooms so I could at least let them know what was going on, if it wouldn’t be any trouble omma and Tae oppa?” Sunny said as she was looking at both Taeyoen and Omma wanting to know if it was fine with them to let her friend know and might be able to help figure a way to control the fire power.

  “Well…I-I don’t know…Sunny-ah but it wouldn’t be any trouble for you girls to stay, I’ll get the maids to fix the guest rooms for you and your friend also fix something to eat but whatever my son’s say I will go along with it. Come dear why don’t we go out and buy some food for our two son’s up stair so by the time they wake-up they would have something to eat…nae?” said Mrs. Kwon as she held onto her husband’s hands as they head out to the living-room leaving Sunny and her friends along with Sooyoung, Yoona and Taeyoen to discuss whether they are trust worthy or not but as Tae looked at each of them knowing that if they knew were they will to risk their lives to protect his brother but one thing for sure was that if they are indeed willing to do anything to help maybe just maybe the could figure out a way to help control the fire within Amber and help him open up more.

   “Sigh…what should I say…I only want the best and to help baby dino…aishh~…I know it’s going to be hard but I have to do this not for me but for Amber. He needs me…well he needs everyone close to him…yosh~ better or worst…know matter what I will stay by him as long I live…hehehehe…I should have said the day I die…” Yoon thought as he rubbed the back of his while nodding it as an answer for Sunny letting her friend know that it was fine but the other hand Taeyoen wasn’t agreeing to what his brother did.

   “Yahh! How could we let someone we don’t know let along trust know about Amber’s true identity? I don’t agree with this nor will I agree letting them know…”

   “Hyung!! We at least have to try for our baby dino… what more you do want…huh…do you to see him burst into flames like he did when we were kids…huh… or do you want him to die as if nothing we couldn’t before stop him…aishh…please hyung, I’m not asking much I just…just want him to have a normal life…please at lease let them know and maybe they could help us fine a way to help him, they are friends with Sunny and I know there are risk but they except it then we are all on the same page so we could all work together on…”

   “Fine…whatever but I still don’t trust them even if they are Sunny’s friends…Im going to check on baby dino” and with that Taeyoen got up and walked tore’s the stairs way as he shook his head in disagreement.

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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))