Chapter 17...

Lost Memories

 No ones POV...


   “Yah~…Soojungiee~ are you alright? You look kind of pale?” as Tiffany notice that the younger Jung looked a bit different ever since what had happened earlier that day.

   “Nae? Oh… uhh yeah…well kind of, it might of been when I was over using my powers…uhh…unnie is ok can we see what room we’re going to…”

   “YAHH! I did not!! And beside he deserved it anyways ~” as both Amber and Sunny made their way back to the living as their loud laughter interrupted Krystal from speaking farther.

   “I can’t stand to see him like this…it hurts too much…”Krystal thought as she sees Sunny’s hands intertwine with Amber’s hands.

   “I see that your fine now…nae baby-dino?” as Tae walked up to Amber seeing that he was smiling after along time and with a nod Tae ruffed Amber’s hair as was need a new cut.

   “…hmmm…I think it’s time for a new hair cut…what’s you say we cut it first thing in the morning?” as Tae was observing as to what type of hair cut looked good on his baby brother.

   “Uhhh…oppa…which room are we going to…”

   “Oh! That’s right…Teddy…I mean Amber oppa, I asked omma if it was ok for me and my friends to stay just in case something occurs during the night and I also asked if it was…”

   “Don’t worry Sunny I’ve already talked to him about it and said that he trusts you enough…so whatever he says I guess I have to go along with it to…and your rooms are right across from both Amber’s and Yuri’s room” Tae cut Sunny off letting her now that Amber understood what was going on and what he need to know rather to trust her friend or not but most impotently if they were to understand what Amber was.

   “Well…I think I’m going to head up first and…”

   “Wait! I’m going with you since someonecalled me during my beauty sleep…” as both Jung sisters was getting their stuff, Seohyun couldn’t help but feel the sadness around the them so she had to do one thing to know rather or not it was something they were hiding or something that they’ve been keeping from them and with that she touched Jessica’s shoulder as she walked pass by her as if nothing had happened.

Seohyun point of view ~

   “We’ll be together forever right?”

   “Always and nothing will make me stop loving you…Jessica”

   “YURI!! WATCH OUT!!!”

   “W-Wait…for m-me…”

End of Seohyun point of view ~

   And with that Seohyun was shock more then what she had thought but the question was that why she didn’t feel anything ever since they arrived and let along see anything before anything that has happened, as she was still in her thoughts she felt a hand on her shoulder and as she turn to see who it belongs to none other then Tiffany’s.

   “Not yet Seo-baby…not yet” as she telepathically said towards Seohyun letting her know not to say a word just yet and with a nod letting Tiffany know that she understood to stay her grounds for now.

~ ~ ~ ~

   As everyone was getting ready to head up since they received a phone call by Mr. and Mrs. Kwon saying that they were need at their work place and wouldn’t be back until late afternoon tomorrow, and with that being said they started to head towards their room’s.

   “Well…I guess this is goodnight then…ah if you girls need anything feel free to knock on our doors…like I said earlier your rooms are across Amber’s and Yuri’s and beside theirs is mine and next is Yoona’s and next to his is Sooyoung’s…ok?” and with that they nodded their heads indicating that they understood what Tae had just said.

   While everyone was heading  towards their room’s, Tae couldn’t help but notice his baby-dino was holding up the rectangular box that his mother was holding on her lap earlier in the day when. As curiosity had gotten into him he to wanted to know what it was or more of how his baby brother gotten it in the first place.

   “Hey…whatcha got there?” as Tae was now standing beside Amber.

   “Oh…this…I-I don’t really know, I found it where I hid my ring box that omma given to me before she left and all, then as I was done looking at the rings that when I notice this…and well… its just that something about this makes me feel different…in a good way. Tae hyung can I……never mind good night hyung…” as Amber and Tae had started to head towards their room as Amber was about to close the door Tae stopped.

   “Hey…what ever is on you mind right now…just remember that if you need any help trying to figure it out…I’m here and so are your brothers…don’t think to much about it ok?” and with that said Tae ruffed Amber’s one last time and walked towards his room. As Amber was about to close the door he notice the person from earlier, the one that was laying on top of him but before he could say something to thank her, she closed the shut as if she didn’t want to see him what so ever.

   “Well…that was… oh well…maybe I should ask Yuri hyung since…”

   “Ask me what?”

   “Yah ~…is he trying to kill me or what…breathe in and breathe out…in…out…in…out…ok…wait how did he know what I was think about…” Amber thought as he was a bit shock but had finally calmed his heart beat to normal and with that he closed the door behind him as he was walking in to what will be his room for now and as he gotten father into the room he notice that Yuri hyung was laying on his bed while reading a book as if nothing had happened few seconds ago.

   “I can hear what your thoughts are…don’t worry about not being able to talk and all…I can tell that it’s hard for you to speak towards others…if you’re wondering…no I can’t hear anyone else’s thoughts but yours… I don’t really know why but  hey…maybe this way we can get to know each other, like I promised to Tae hyung… I’d find away for you to open up since me and you are the same but dealing with our own problems right now…so…how about Amber…we can take things one step at a time” Yuri said as he was letting Amber know what he was feeling since his mothers death and from that moment on both Amber and Yuri became closer even though they are not blood brother but it felt as though they know each other a long time ago.

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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))