True Feelings...

Lost Memories

   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

   “Yo! Key…thanks and tell everyone else is free tomorrow also I will be going to see my brother gravestone…sigh…it’s been more then ten century since then…huh…I-I-I…”

   “Hyung…just take thing one step at a time, even though I want to say that you should move on but I know that that’s just a lie…what ever you feel right now at this very moment will be a memory and one other thing is that Luna is right you shouldn’t blame yourself whatever happened was in the past and now is the present try to loosen up see what is in front of you not behind you…I know for sure your brother would of forgiven you no matter what and that he would like you to smile again…well not just him but everyone else…so remember that your not alone with this, you also have us…your family” and with that said Key left the room as Jonghyun was left alone in the library room as he looks back at the nights sky.

   “Are you safe up there little bro? I know I’ve said this ever since your passing but I’m really sorry…I never kept my end of the promise…” Jonghyun said as he takes one last look at the stars and left the room as a tear had dropped to the floor.


~ ~ ~ ~


Amber and Sunny POV.

   Back at the Kwon’s and Liu’s mansion, everyone except the Jung sister introduced themselves tore’s Amber and Yuri while welcoming them to Soul, Korea as they were both far from where they lived before.

   “It’s a pleasure meeting everyone and I hope we will be grate friends after this” Yuri said as he showed his charisma smile and gave them a bow towards his new friends. As that was happening everyone turned to Amber as he was the last to introduce himself but little did they knew was the he has spoke to anyone besides his family members or his Sunny-Bunny.

   “Teddy-bear its ok…I’m here…nae?” as Sunny gripped his hand indicating that she will be the one introducing him as she knew the reason why he has said a word since he woke few minutes ago. Seohyun had sense an uneasy feeling while looking at Amber and with that she got up from her seat and was moving towards both Amber and Sunny.

   “Seo-baby…I don’t think that’s…”

   “Oppa? Don’t worry…I just…” and with that said she reached her hand to touch Amber but was stopped as Tae got near her as he stood in front of Amber while he was in his vampire mode which means if anyone tries to come near Amber they would have to go through him first.

   “I think that is as far you should be Seohyun-shi” as Tae growled while giving Seohyun a warning not go take another step closer as he looked at Seohyun showing no fear what’s so ever.

   “Yah! You should at least say something…”

   “Unnie…its fine, I understand…but if you don’t mind Taeyoen oppa to move aside a bit…I-I like to ask something that only…” Seohyun was cut off as Amber ran from where he was towards the back yard as air was need.

   “Amber! Wa…aishhh~ YAHHH! OPPA WHY DID YOU… AHHHH!!” with that said Sunny gave Tae a smack at the back of his head as she too ran towards the back yard where she found her Teddy-bear standing by himself as he looked at the night sky seeing that it was more peaceful out here then inside was. As Sunny stood beside Amber, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for not being a better friend that she is.

   “Amber I’m s…”

   “Don’t be …” as Amber sent a message through his mind towards Sunny and with that he hugged Sunny tightly letting her know that he  knows what she was feeling just by looking into her eyes.

   “But…it’s just…just that ever since that accident you’ve changed into something that I was afraid of losing you…I-I love you so, so much Amber and I can’t bare to let anything happened to you…” as Sunny hugged Amber tighter while crying onto his wife beater as it was now soaked with her tear and with that they stood there as Amber rubbed Sunny’s back indicating that he’s here for her now and whenever she need him.

   “I want you to listen and listen carefully…ok?” Amber said as he telepathically looked at Sunny while pulling away from their hug as he wiped off her last tears that came down and with that she nodded her head letting Amber know that she ready to listen.

   “The biggest regret was killing my own father but I know that ever since that day, I’ve changed…changed into something more then I use to be. I know that I’ve also in closed myself, preventing anyone that wanted to know or know what I did will only make them pity me…I want to open up but…it’s just that I need time to see thing through. So please don’t cry over someone like me…a killer” and with that said Amber push Sunny slightly away from him knowing that they shouldn’t even be friends after what he did to her father along with killing his own father.

   “STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!!! YOUR NOT A KILLER!! YOUR NOTHING LIKE THAT WHAT HAPPENED BACK THERE WAS NONE OF YOUR FALT…SO…SO PLEASE STOP BLAMING YOURSELF…PLEASE…please” as Sunny ran up to Amber as she yelled while hitting him on the back and with that Amber took hold of Sunny’s hands even though she was struggling to get out of his hold wanting to hit him so more.

   “Sunny…stop…stop…STOP!” as Amber hugged her tightly so she would stop hitting him or at least struggle in his gripe.

   “I-I’m…s-s-sor-ry…I di-dn’t…”

   “I love you so…so much Amber, so please stop blaming yourself…it hurts me a lot…more then before…so please do me a favor and not blame yourself also open up…know matter what I here, your brothers here and not to forget your mother…please… if you don’t want to do it for me then do it for your father” Sunny said as she was now calm but still in Amber’s arms.

   “N-Nae…I-I w-w-will try but j-just give me t-time…ok” as he looked at Sunny with a small smile on his face as it was enough to convents Sunny that he was willing to start a new beginning.

   “I love you Amber”

   “…I l-love y-you m-more Sunny” and with that said Amber gave Sunny a kiss on her forehead as they hugged each other while looking at the night sky.

          “It hurts… to know your love belongs to some else…”as a tear dropped off her face.

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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))