
Lost Memories


  “Bit them…everything will be ok…go ahead and bit them” a voice called out towards the Jung sisters as they were the only ones to hear it.

  “You must do it before they find them…I promise you everything will be ok…bit them…” the voice echoed one last time towards the Jung’s to drink and with that both Yuri and Amber’s wing’s has finally came out as they both now stood in front of everyone with evil in their eyes.

  “A-Amber…” said Tae as shock was written all over his face not knowing rather if that was his baby brother or not.


  “Tae hyung…what’s going on…one moment their all protective…then the next they turned to…to…”

  “The Fallen…” Boa said as she stood her grounds even though she would never thought they would show again since the protective bracelet was on them preventing them to harm anyone.


  As both Yuri and Amber glared towards the Jung’s and with that both were now right in front of each of the Jung sister as they gripped them tightly in their arm’s while their wing rose indicating everyone around not to come near them, with every step Boa would take one followed by her children’s leaving Tae, Yoon, and Soo as well as Sunny and her friends confused as to what’s was going on.

  “Leave them be…they had nothing to do with any thing…” Boa said she took her steps slowly as possible not wanting to anger neither one of them.


   And with that both Yuri and Amber along with the Jung sister in their arms jumped out the window landing on their feet’s while their hold on the Jung’s was much tighter then before making sure that they didn’t get hurt as they land.

  “I’m sorry baby…”

  “Seobong…please forgive me…” and with that said both the bit Yuri and Amber on their neck only putting enough poison to turn them half-vampire and marking them as to who they belong to.

~ ~ ~ ~

  “Master Kai, we’ve found them…but…”

  “But…” Kai said as he stood up from his desk pushing back his chair as well.

  “But…they’ve gotten  them before we could do anything and now…now they’ve …sir…here look for yourself” with that said Kai’s friend moved his hands in front as the scene with both Yuri and Amber were in front of him along with the Jung’s and everyone else.

  “So…they’ve become the Fallen then…haha…this is going to be fun after all…haha…” and with a final laugh Kai lifted the room but turned as he looked back towards his friend.

  “Tell the others that it’s time…” and with that said Kai lifted closing the door behind him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

   As both Jung’s finished marking Yuri and Amber, everyone else just stood there not knowing what’s going on besides the Elder who only understood as to why they had done or at least before anything could of happened and it would also by them time finding a way to prevent the same thing that happened centuries ago.

  “Seo-baby…we need to talk…” Tiff spoke through her mind towards Seohyun.

  “Nae unnie…” and with that said both lifted without anyone noticing it. With Yuri and Amber now being held onto by the Jung’s, the Elder walked towards them seeing that everything was fine.

Grrrrr ~

  “Shhhh~…it’s ok baby…” Krystal spoke softly into Amber’s ear as she held onto him a bit tighter then before as Amber’s wing that was around Krystal was now opened wide as his eyes turned dark reddish orange as it also had a gray-silver color letting the Elder know he won’t hesitate to attack.

  “Don’t worry seobong…she’s not going to hurt you” Jessica said as Yuri’s wing made a burier while his eyes was now dark blue with a dark grayish silver color glaring towards the Elder.

  “Jessica…Krystal…we’ll need to talk later…but for now they must sleep…” and with that said Boa moved her hand in front of them as sparkles of light appear then disappear making both Yuri and Amber fall into deep sleep.

  As the day just started for the newcomers along with every other students, except the Jung’s as they were in class waiting for they’re lunch brake or at least the end of the day. Both the Liu brother’s along with Sunny found out that they would have three class together and Sooyoung well least just say that he would have a difficult time focusing on school, well lets just say that if they didn’t had a fan club before now they do, but little did everyone knew was the two missing friends that lifted before now was at the garden as they talked about their friends along with what Seohyun had seen two day’s ago.

~ ~ ~ ~

  “Unnie…we’re goin…”

  “Seohyun…tell what you saw the day we were at their mansion…” Fany cut Seohyun before she could finish speaking.

  “Unnie…I-I…I don’t know how to put it…but when Jessica unnie walked pass me I-I had a vision of her past along with baby-Jung…but what ever it is, it seem like we have to more caution when they are around or at least get some information as to what relationship they had…” Seohyun said as she looked towards Tiffany with worried eyes knowing that there were still something’s she hadn’t told her unnie about.


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bep510 #1
hope you update this story :)
soshidaegg #2
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!
KBwayback #3
Chapter 38: nice update :D
Chapter 1: and the good news i like this story
Chapter 1: i think this story is not really bad after all
KBwayback #6
Chapter 33: good story's here! update soon :D
carito #7
Chapter 34: please update soon !!!!!
sone1259 #8
Chapter 33: Great story, alittle complicated too. Please update soon and please more YulSic momment.
max83262 #9
Chapter 30: kryber please :D
update soon :))))))))))))