Clueless Fools

Took My Breath Away

"Kyuhyun-ah, Kyuhyun-ah, wake up!" I felt someone shook my arm lightly over and over again. I groaned in frustration. I glanced at my cellphone and noticed it was only 5 am.

"What did I ever do to you, Kim Ryeowook? Leave me alone!" I yelled at Ryeowook and hid my head under the pillow. Last night I reached the dorm a little pass midnight and didn't get to sleep until 3 am. Well, I couldn't get to sleep, to be exact. My heart kept pounding hard against my chest and I couldn't get my mind off from a certain petite girl. I never felt that way before, I guessed my brain wasn't functioning normally due to over-working and there was gotta be something wrong with my heart. It was much more tiring than working the whole week non-stop. I made a mental note to visit the doctor once my schedule loosen up. 
I felt Ryeowook finally got up from my bed. "Well, it's up to you. But if you don't get up now, you'll have to do recording with an empty stomach cause Yesung hyung and I won't wait up."
I once again groaned in frustration and threw my pillow at Ryeowook who was already standing next to the door. Aish, he was fast enough to dodge and close the door with a loud bang. Tsk, I sighed as I got up and sat on my bed. I could hear Ryeowook's laugh behind the door. i threw a glance at the other side of the room where my roommate was still sleeping, completely oblivious of the morning fiasco. Man, Sungmin Hyung can be a really deep sleeper sometimes. I got up lazily from my bed and headed out to the kitchen to have some breakfast and maybe strangled Ryeowook when he didn't notice.
I dragged my feet towards the kitchen, not fully aware of my surroundings yet. I was so sleepy and grumpy, I was ready to snapped at anybody who stood in my way. Mmmmhh... I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen. I couldn't tell what it was, but it was definitely not rice and kimchi.
"What are you making Ryeowook-ah?" I rubbed my eyes and entered the kitchen. The dining table that was also located in the kitchen and I sat on one of the empty chairs.
Ryeowook turned his head to me and immediately got back to cooking. "I'm making pancakes. I'm guessing we should try something western once in a while." He said as he flipped the pancake in the air. Woah, that boy certainly had a natural talent in cooking.
Then I heard someone was flipping over newspaper's page. I turned to my right and found Leeteuk hyung was sitting there reading newspaper while drinking his morning tea. I smirked, he reminded me alot of my grandpa. "Hyung, what are you doing here so early in the morning?" The 12th floor guys usually woke up late.
He sipped in his tea before answering me, "Getting my share of breakfast before you guys brutally devour it, of course."
I just nodded and smiled remembering how brutal we could get when it came to food.
"Now magnae, where did you go last night? I know you're a grown up and I never set any curfew for any of us anymore. But still, I would've appreciated it if you just told me where you were.You came home pass midnight and your cellphone was out of reach. I was worried." A frowned appeared on his face while he put down the newspaper and looked at me.
Okay, I took back my words. He didn't remind me of my grandpa, he was much much more like my mother. But I knew he meant good and he cared about me alot.
"I had a supper with Nara. And my cellphone ran out of battery," I shrugged my shoulder and answered nonchalantly, "won't happen again, promise." I looked at him and smiled cutely so he wouldn't get mad at me. But instead of a smiling face, I was met with a shocked one. Huh, did I say something wrong?
"You had supper with Nara-ssi? When? How? Where?" I heard Shindong hyung asked. I turned my head and was shocked to see the living room was already filled with the members scattered on the couch and the floor. All of them were still wearing t-shirts and sweatpants with bed-hair and were starring at me with full interest.
I frowned at their reactions, "What, I've been dieting like hell for our comeback. I deserved at least a bowl of ddeokbokki, right?"
"Yah, we don't care about what you ate. We care about with whom you ate it with!" Heechul hyung waved his hand impatiently at me and emphasized the word 'whom'.
I blinked at them several times, still hadn't process what was going on. "So?" Siwon hyung urged me to answer them. Tsk, he picked the right time to slept over at the dorm.
"I... I... Um, I went with Nara-ssi last night to grab something to eat." I answered them hesitantly. Soon I realized it was a big mistake to reveal it to them once I saw them starting to smile and make weird sounds.
Sungmin hyung walked towards the dining table. He put a couple of pancakes on his plate and asked, "Why must her, Kyuhyun-ah? Why not one of us?" Sungmin hyung continued the morning interrogation session with smile plastered on his face.
I was caught off guard with his question. "I, um.. Well, I just happened to pass by her practice room and heard her sing. So I decided to ask her to join me for dinner. The more the merrier, right?" I tried to convince them with my lame excuse, "besides, I already asked Ryeowook-ah and Yesung hyung to accompany me, but they said they were full already!" I was starting to get defensive and threw them another excuse.
Ryeowook and Yesung hyung exchanged glances before the former asked me, "But the practice rooms for trainees are located on the opposite part of the building. What made you took a detour last night while you could just go straight to the main hall from our recording room?"
"Yeah, we never used the stairs near the trainees' practice room anyway. It's way too far from our recording room." Yesung hyung added in and made the situation even worse.
The questions hit me like a rock. I didn't realize it too before. Why did I choose to pass by the practice room? They were right, I never used that stairs, I always used the stairs in front of our recording room. It was just, last night something bothered me alot. Something in my mind kept telling me that maybe she was still in the building, practicing...
Wait, did I just admit to myself that I intentionally took a detour to the trainees' practice room just to met her?! Why would I??? Aaaargh, stupid mind!
"I, I don't know! I just wanted to meet her, is there something wrong?! Aish..." I yelled at them defensively and started to eat my pancakes furiously. I realized my face already turned beet red cause of all the questioning and thinking. Thankfully the manager hyung told all of us to get ready before any of them could throw me another question.
Leeteuk hyung chuckled at my behavior. He got up from his seat and patted my head. "Our little magnae is all grown-up."
"Yet so clueless," Sungmin hyung added in while putting his plate on the table. All the other hyungs chuckled and smiled hearing his comments, leaving me confused. Eh, what's that suppose to mean? Why am I the only one who don't get it?
I was about to leave the kitchen when I saw Donghae hyung and Eunhyuk hyung still sitting on the couch, looking rather serious.
"Hey, are you okay?" Donghae hyung asked Eunhyuk hyung carefully, studying his face.
Eunhyuk hyung just sat there for a while and shrugged his shoulder at Donghae hyung. Then he got up from the couch and shot me a gloomy look before he left the living room. Donghae hyung followed him right after and smiled apologetically at me. Huh, what was that all about?
I sighed out loud.
Guessed they were right. I was clueless.
"There's something different about you..." Joongso said as he swept his gaze at me from head to toe.
I frowned at him, "What?"
"Is it your hair? Did you cut your hair?" He still looked at me with a curious gaze.
"Hah? My hair has always been like this Joongso-ah. What's wrong with your eyes?" I was starting to get a little bit irritated by him.
"Aha! I know, you brushed your hair today, didn't you?!" he completely ignored my last remark and clapped his hand excitedly.
I could seriously kick him hard in the stomach and strangled him to death. "Yah! I always brush my hair! Stupid Joongso!" I whispered harshly at him and pinched his arm hardly.
Minyoung unnie laughed seeing Joongso covered his mouth trying hard to suppress the pain. "But Joongso's right, Nara-ah. You seem a little bit different these few days. It's definitely not your hair. It's just... You seem to be glowing." Minyoung unnie said while taking a good look at me.
"See, I told you!" Joongso said while rubbing the spot in his arm that I just pinched. I looked at him threateningly and he immediately moved his arm away from me, afraid I would pinch him hard again.
"Glowing? Am I somekind of mutant? You guys watch too many movies." I my ice cream while looking at them weirdly. We were taking a break in the canteen while waiting for our next practice that was going to start in about an hour.
Minyoung unnie smiled softly at me, "You know, people said a girl will become prettier and has this glowing aura when they're in love." She then wriggled her eyebrows at me.
"Aah.. unnie," I whined once I heard that she brought up that topic again.
Joongso moved and took a seat beside Minyoung unnie. They were both facing me then. I felt like I was being interrogated. 
"Stop avoiding and start talking! Come on, spill the truth, Nara-ah. What happened that night after he walked you home?" Joongso was starting to get impatient. He and Minyoung unnie were looking at me expectantly.
I sighed out loud before I started to explain to them everything. From that night after Kyuhyun walked me home until the late supper we had two days before. They deserved to know. I mean, who else could I trust?
Once I finished my story, the both of them gasped in dramatic way. "He did that? He tucked your hair, Nara-ah?" Minyoung unnie whispered to me, afraid other people would hear our conversation. It could be a big scandal you know?! Or maybe they would just think I'm a delusional fangirl who just escaped from a mental hospital. Either way, it wasn't good for me. 
"Yeah, unnie.. I've been thinking the last couple of days. Why would he do that?" All these stuffs that had been going on with Kyuhyun were making me confused.
"What do you think, Joongso-ah? Tell us from a man's point of view." Minyoung unnie nudged Joongso who was sitting right next to her.
Joongso looked hesitant before he answered, "Uum... I don't know about him, Nara-ah. But I would usually do that to a girl I like. From your story, it almost seemed like you went on a date with him."
My eyes went wide at his words. "Date?! No no no no, no. It wasn't like that at all. And he obviously doesn't like me, Joongso-ah. Have you forgotten about what happened at the restaurant?" My heart flinched when I remembered that cursed event. People were still talking about it, much to my dismay.
"But the signs are there, Nara-ah. Maybe he had a change of heart." Minyoung unnie said as she placed her hand above mine.
 "You guys heard what he said, he didn't like me and he never will. Stop getting my hopes up. I don't wanna fall for him again, it hurts too much..." I quickly pulled my hand from hers and stood up from my seat, "Come on, we need to go practice now." I put an end to our conversation and tried hard to hide the hurt in my voice.
Minyoung unnie and Joongso exchanged glances with each other before they followed me and changed the subject into a happier one.
The next day, Joongso, Minyoung unnie, and I had to assist Super Junior for M-net Countdown. They did well as usual and won another trophy. I couldn't help but smile seeing their happy faces after coming back to the waiting room. They've won so many trophies yet they always treated each one of it like it was their first. I admired them for that.
Suddenly Donghae yelled at nothing as he rest his head on the couch, "Aaaargh! I miss home-cook."
Leeteuk chuckled at Donghae and added, "Me too, Donghae-ah." He then patted his dongsaeng's head.
"Why must our house-keeper take a break at times like this? I'm sick of eating take-away foods, hyung." Sungmin said as he snuggled beside Leeteuk.
Suddenly one of the make up coordi pointed at me and said, "Nara here is a good home-cook. She cooked for us once and it was soooo delicious!"
I choked on my candy when I heard she mentioned my name. Joongso also dropped some of the clothes from the hanger due to the shock. He quickly apolologize and gathered the clothes from the floor.
"It's not that delicious, you over-praised me, unnie." I told her in between my coughs.
 "Why don't you cook for us tonight then, Nara-ah?" Eunhyuk  looked at me and smiled.
"Eh? I can't. I mean, am I even allowed to?" I answered him panicked and flustered.
All of them laughed hearing my answer. "Who told you you can't? There's no rules against it as I recalled." Yesung answered me while still laughing.
Ryeowook pouted and said, "I can cook for you guys. You just never asked me to or too tired to eat everytime I cook."
"We want foods made by a girl, Ryeowook-ah. It'll taste different from your cook, I bet." Heechul answered Ryeowook and made him sulked even more.
"I'll take you home after, don't worry." Eunhyuk  tried to reassured me.
I exchanged glances with Joongso and Minyoung unnie. They just shrugged their shoulder and grinned at me. Then I looked back at the super junior members and noticed them looking at me expectantly. I sighed at them, defeated. "Fine, but I can't promise it's going to be delicious."
"Yeaaaah!" They exclaimed in joy and high-fived with each other.
Leeteuk turned his head at Kyuhyun and asked, "Kyu, you don't mind, do you?"
Kyuhyun just shrugged his shoulder as if he couldn't care less.
I awkwardly walked back with them to their vans and saw Minyoung unnie gave me a give-me-a-call gesture before I closed the door of the waiting room.

I stood in front of the fridge, looking confused. They had all the ingredients needed to make anykind of food. I just didn't know what they like and how I should ask them. I looked around helplessly and luckily Eunhyuk caught my eyes.

He came to the kitchen and stood beside me, "Do you need any help, Nara-ah?"

"Uum... Could you ask your member what they want to eat, oppa? I'm really confuse here." I told him desperately.

He chukcled hearing my desperate voice, "We eat anything, Nara-ah. Literally anything. Just cook your favorite dish, they'll eat it in no time."

"Hmm... Is that so? Okay than, oppa." I smiled at him and started taking out the ingredients that I needed from the fridge.

He brushed my hair lightly and said, "I'll be at the living room if you need me."

I blushed at his sudden touch and nodded without looking at him. He then smiled at me and left the kitchen.

After getting out all the ingredients and laid them in the kichen table, I realized I couldn't cook for 10 grown-up men by myself. It would be too exhausting. Then I saw Ryeowook kept looking at the kitchen hesitantly.

I gathered up my courage and ask him, "Ryeowook sunbaenim, do you mind helping me cook?" I crossed my finger behind my back, hoping he wouldn't turn me down.

He stood up from the floor excitedly and marched towards the kitchen happily, "Sure, what are you cooking?"

I chuckled seeing his behavior. He really did loved to cook. "I'm actually making spaghetti, sunbaenim. Can you help me chopping the garlics?"

"Woah, pasta! Can you teach me how to make the sauce?" He asked while putting on his apron. Waaa, he looked so cute!

"Sure, we'll cook this together from the start, sunbaenim." I smiled at him and started to turn on the stove.

Then both of us started cooking together while chatting happily. I was afraid at first that things would get awkward in the kitchen. But I was wrong, Ryeowook was a really nice person and he didn't really care about seniority and stuffs. In the middle of our cooking session, he already asked me to call him 'oppa'.

Eunhyuk eventually join us in the kitchen and tried to help out. But soon I found out that he definitely lack the skill in cooking. Before he made any further damage, Ryeowook and I asked him to just stood there and watched. So he did what we told and kept cracking jokes that made laugh from time to time.

Once the sauce was ready, I asked him to tasted it, "What do you think, oppa?" I fed him the sauce with a wooden spoon and waited for his response.

He swallowed the sauce and smiled, "Best spaghetti sauce ever!"

I laughed at his response, "You're too much, oppa."

Then I saw there was a bit of sauce in the corner of his lips. Without thinking twice, I wiped away the sauce with my finger. Eunhyuk was caught off guard and suddenly held my finger in his.

I was shocked and realized what I just did. "There's sauce in your lips, oppa.." I said in a small voice while looking at him. I could feel my cheeks were burning.

Eunhyuk  still held my finger in his and said, "Nara-ah, I..."

Suddenly Ryeowook  faked a coughing sound. "Ehem. The, the sauce is burning." He said while trying not to look at us.

It brought me back to reality and I pulled my finger before turning off the stove. I looked back at Eunhyuk, but he already turned his head away from me and became suddenly interested in the garlics. I felt my own cheeks turning red when I saw his ears were also red. I tried to forgot what just happened and didn't want to assume anything. Boys said girls are confusing. Huh, have they ever try dealing with their own kind?

There was another thing that bothered me while I was cooking. It was as if someone was watching me intently and burned a hole through my head. I occasionally turned my head to the living room and caught Kyuhyun was looking at me while frowning. Then he quickly turned his head back to the tv. So it's true, a look could definitely kill. I was just wondering, what did I do to deserve that kind of look?

After Ryeowook and I finished setting the table, the other members immediately started to eat the spaghetti hungrily. Wow, Eunhyuk was right, they do eat alot. Luckily Ryeowook and I had already took a plate for each one of us before we served the rest on the dining table.

Once everybody had finished eating, I did the dishes. Eunhyuk and Sungmin sunbaenim offered me their help, but I politely declined. It was the least that I could do to repay their hospitality. Eunhyuk was once again right. They were a bunch of nice people once I got to know them.

I was standing by the door, waiting for Eunhyuk to put on his coat. He kept his promise to drive me home.

"Hyung, I'm taking Nara home." I heard Eunhyuk shouted to Leeteuk at the living room.

"Okay, be careful! Thanks again for the dinner, Nara-ssi. It was the best," Leeteuk said while smiling and soon a bunch of 'thank-yous' were also heard from the other member.

"You're welcome, sunbaenim. See you tomorrow." I bowed at them before turning back to Eunhyuk.

He smiled at me. "Are you ready?"

I was nodding happily at him when suddenly I heard someone closed the door to one of their rooms with a loud sound. I was starttled.

"Yah, Cho Kyuhyun! What's wrong with you?!" Heechul shouted at Kyuhyun angrily. But Kyuhyun was already inside his room and didn't answer to him.

"He's been acting weird all night. I better go check on him," Sungmin said with a worried tone and went to the room he shared with Kyuhyun immediately.

I was confused yet hurt. Somehow I felt like my prescence here was unwanted by him.

The ride home with Eunhyuk was totally different with the one I had with Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk was a talkative person, he kept the conversation going and didn't let an awkward atmosphere occured. He kept smiling at me and he really knew how to make me laugh. I felt really comfortable with Eunhyuk.

Kyuhyun on the other hand, was the opposite of Eunhyuk. He didn't bother to start a conversation and when he did it would just be a short one. He made me smile sometimes with his witty comments on stuffs, but that was it. I would occasionally stole some glances at him and sometimes he would do the same. And when our eyes caught each other, we would just smile and turned our heads away. But somehow, he could make my heart beat faster... And I always had trouble breathing with him around.

I wasn't sure though, which feeling I prefer. Comfortable or having trouble with my heart and breathing. Oh my God, the feeling Kyuhyun gave me could even pass as a disease, why was I still confused?

"Ah, we're here, oppa." I told Eunhyuk as we passed by my apartment building. I almost forgot to tell him cause I was too busy laughing.

Eunhyuk stopped his car in front of the building. "Oh, so this is where you live? It's not that far from our dorm, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I unbuckled the seatbelt and put on my coat, "Thanks for the ride, oppa."

"You're welcome Nara-ah." He smiled at me for the thousand times that night. I love the wrinkles under his eyes when he smiled, he looked so sincere.

I was about to open the door when he suddenly stopped me. "Wait, Nara-ah. I wanna ask you something."

"Hmm?" I tilted my head a little bit when I noticed he was struggling to properly cooked his words.

He finally exhaled loudly before he asked me, "Nara-ah. Do you still like Kyuhyun?"

It felt like I was strucked by lightening. "Huh? What, do you... How... Why are you asking about that, oppa?" I was so shocked that I couldn't figure out which question I should ask first. I sounded like an idiot, eeeergh...

"Just answer me." It was obvious from his face that it was also hard for him to ask me such question. His face color was as red as tomato. And he kept biting his lower lip.

I turned my head down and tried hard not to show my flustered face. I really wanted to get out from his car. "I... I don't know, oppa." I was being honest though.

He stayed silent for a while after he heard my answer. Then suddenly he reached out for my hand and held it in his. "What about me?"

I looked up and saw him looking at me with this unreadable expression on his face. His hand was cold, he was nervous after all. I actually never thought about how I felt towards him. He was a nice oppa, and I was comfortable being around him. But do I like him?

"I... I don't know either. I'm sorry, oppa". I answered him after a while. My voice sounded a little shaky. I was so close to tears, I was confuse by my own feelings. I never thought Eunhyuk would have this kind of feeling towards me.

I heard him sighed and looked down at his hand which was still holding tight to mine. Then he started to caressed my hand with his thumb before he looked back at me. "It's okay. I know this might have been a shock to you. But think about it, okay?"

He wasn't smiling like usual. It was almost like... he was worried. Worried about what? That I didn't like him back? Oh God, have some mercy.

I nodded slowly at his question and stayed silent once again.

"Are you mad, Nara-ah?" He stopped caressing my hand and pulled it lightly instead, as if trying to make me to look at him.

Was i mad at him? "Of course not, oppa". I wasn't mad at him, I was just confused.

The worried expression on his face slowly replaced by his cute gummy smile. I couldn't help but smile back at his cuteness.

"You need to rest. Good night oppa, drive carefully." I said as I slowly pulled my hand from his.

"Good night, Nara-ah. See you tomorrow." He said as he watched me close the door and walked to my apartment building.

He opened his car window and waved at me before he drove back to his dorm.

I threw myself on the couch once I was inside my room.

I certainly felt something more towards Eunhyuk but... I didn't know if it was the same feeling I felt towards Kyuhyun. Hhh... My poor heart, bear with me.

Wow, that was a pretty long chapter. So, just to make it clear for you: Nara is still confuse with her feelings. She doesn't know whether she still likes Kyuhyun after his harsh rejection and she doesn't know either what to think anout Eunhyuk. She definitely thinks of him as more than friends, but she's not quite there yet. Should I make her say 'yes'? To whom? Hahaha, sorry for teasing ;p

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.