
Took My Breath Away


The ride home that night couldn't be more ear deafening. No words were exhanged between Kyuhyun and Nara. She stole some glances at him, but it was like he wasn't even there. His eyes were fixed to the road, but his mind was wandering somewhere else. She was dead curious to know what happened after Victoria asked him to talk in private. She was starting to get these weird feelings as if something bad was going to happen. She hated the feeling, she hated the silence, and she hated being doubtful of her boyfriend.

Both were drowned in their own thoughts and before they knew it, they already arrived in her apartment. Kyuhyun stopped the car just in time. He put his hands on his lap and rested his head back before he let out an exparated sigh. Nara was getting more and more worried by his action. She put her hand on top of his and squeezed it gently to catch his attention. Finally, for the first time since they left the restaurant that night, Kyuhyun seemed to realize that she was there. He gasped a little due to the sudden touch and smiled weakly once he caught her worried eyes.

"Oppa, are you okay?" Nara asked Kyuhyun carefully. She looked deep into his eyes, trying to read his mind.

Kyuhyun felt a 'pang' of guilt for thinking about another girl when he was with Nara. He felt even guiltier when he noticed the worried in her voice and eyes. He hadn't pay attention to her at all after his sudden rendezvous with Victoria, but still, she showed so much concern over him. He lifted her hand and kissed it lovingly. "I'm fine, Nara-ah. Just tired," he rested his head on her palm. He was trying to convince her and himself with his answer.

"You should rest then. I'm going up. Go straight home, okay oppa?" Nara caressed his cheek and then put on her coat. She was waiting for Kyuhyun to give her a 'goodnight kiss' as usual, but to her disappointment, he didn't show any sign of moving. So she leaned over to him, put her hand on his cheek and kissed his lips softly. Kyuhyun felt something different with the kiss, there was a hint of desperation in it. He wondered if she knew that he was doubting his feelings for her. So he grabbed her neck and deepened the kiss, to show her how much he loved her. To convince himself once again, that he already had Nara, who loved and cared so much about him.

Nara looked back over her shoulder and waved at him one last time before she entered her apartment. Kyuhyun was left alone in his car, with snow falling hard, to think back about what happened that night. He loved nara, that was for sure. But Victoria was his first love. He fell in love with her since the first day he saw her danced at the monthly evaluation. He already debuted back then, and she was still a trainee. He couldn't take his eyes off of her since then, and he made sure that she was aware of it. Everybody around them thought that they were a couple, or was going to be one eventually. But that didn't happen.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. He felt extremely tired that night and decided to come back to the dorm to sleep it over.

It had been a torturing four days for Nara. Kyuhyun hadn't been calling her, and the texts he sent just get less and less each day. Even if she managed to get him to pick up his phone, their conversation would be cut short with various unreasonable excuses. She couldn't take it anymore, so she decided tp pay a visit to the Super Junior's dorm that night. Everybody there seemed to be excited seeing her, except for the one person she had been longing to see. She felt her heart broke a little when she saw his tired smile. She was almost convinced that he didn't want her there.

"Hey... Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Kyuhyun opened his arms for her.

Nara gladly accepted his gesture and tangled her hands behind his neck, hugging him tightly. "No reasons. I just miss you," she said as she inhaled his scent. God, how much she missed him...

Kyuhyun circled her waist with his arms and looked down at her with a smile. "I miss you too. I'm so sorry I had been busy with all the schedules lately." He pecked her lips a few times before planted a kiss on her forehead lovingly. He was hoping it would at least made up a little for all the time he had spent thinking about his feelings for Victoria instead of her. Hestill hadn't find the answer.

"It's okay, oppa. Really." She looked back at him and smiled warmly. It was another thing that made Kyuhyun fell harder for her. She was always understanding.

"I need to take a shower first, then we'll grab some dinner. Okay?" Kyuhyun caressed her cheek and gazed into her unique yet beautiful eyes. When Victoria came into the picture, he started to doubt his feelings. But when he was spending time with Nara just like then, he was sure that he loved her and nothing could change his mind about it.

"Sounds good to me." Nara smiled and tip-toed to kiss him one more time. Kyuhyun pulled her closer to deepened the kiss once she started to pull away. Nara chuckled against his lips and kissed him back. The other members started to make gagging sound in protest. Nara laughed and broke away from the kiss. She shoved Kyuhyun towards his room and he gave her a cute smile.

Nara flopped her body on the couch and sighed as she reminded herself that she shouldn't show how troubled she was in front of the guys. She could be over-thinking stuffs, maybe Kyuhyun was indeed busy. She felt someone sat next to her and she opened her eyes just to find Leeteuk staring at her with a gentle look.

"What's on your mind, Nara-ah?" Leeteuk had actually been concerned about Kyuhyun and Nara's relationship ever since Victoria was back in the picture. He noticed the changing behavior of their magnae. Kyuhyun had been more gloomy and Leeteuk hadn't heard him talk to Nara over the phone lately. 

Nara stared back at him for a while, and she heard herself asking the question that had been bugging her mind before she could stopped herself. "Oppa... Did Kyuhyun oppa and Victoria sunbaenim had a history together?"

Leeteuk had a small smile on his face, as if he was already expecting her to ask that question. He contemplated for a minute, thinking how he could properly answered her. "Victoria... She was Kyuhyun's first love," he stopped for a while, studying her expression. But she tried to hold it in and gestured him to continue. "Sure, Kyuhyun had a little crush here and there, but it was never serious. Victoria was the real deal. The other members and I could see how much he liked her. And he even told us that she was his first love. He continued going after her, and we could tell that Victoria also shared the same feelings. But she was selfish, she used Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun was constantly in pain, cause Victoria never said that she like him back. But we assured him that action speaks louder than words. They never made it offcial, but everybody who knew them would think that they were a couple. It wasn't until one night that we figured out Victoria was only thinking Kyuhyun as a friend. Her career was her priority, and having Kyuhyun showering her with love and care was just a bonus for her. Kyuhyun was crushed when Victoria told him the fact. He even blamed himself for never making it official between them. He thought what he gave her was enough, but it wasn't. He chased after her for almost two years and gave all his heart just to be crushed by her. It took him almost another year to eventually moved on. His view in relationship changed after that. He hated girls who had feelings for him and he even scolded us for dating. Well, until he met you..." Leeteuk trailed after he finished his long explanation. He felt bad for telling Nara the story which Kyuhyun tried to hide from her. But Leeteuk felt that she had the right to know.

It all became crystal clear for her. Her eyes were starting to sting, it was only a matter of time before tears started flowing down her face. So she inhaled deeply and closed her eyes for a moment. Her eyes were fixed on her lap before she asked the next question, "It's obvious that he's not over her yet, is he?" her voice was shaky, and Leeteuk knew she was that close to crying.

Leeteuk lifted her chin gently and made her look at him. "Don't cry, Nara-ah. Kyuhyun loves you, and we can all see that." Nara was like a little sister he never had. He cared about her so much and he didn't want to see her hurt.

"Well, then you guys are wrong. He's still hung up on Victoria sunbaenim." Nara shook her head and felt her heart was stabbed by millions of swords.

Leeteuk take her hand in his. He wasn't going to let Nara tortured herself. The other members trusted him to talk to her about that matter and made her heart at ease. "With Victoria, he was always in pain. But with you... I've never seen him that happy for the six years I know him."

Nara realized his good intention and smiled at him. "Thank you, oppa." She rested her head on his shoulder, seeking for comfort. However, she still had the nagging feeling inside her. She couldn't put her heart at ease no matter what.

Nara and some of the trainees just finished attending a brief meeting about Super Show 4 which they would be assisting when Jinyoung suddenly approached her. She tried to escape by looking for Joongso and Minyoung unnie, but they were already long gone. Joongso had to attend a vocal lesson and Minyoung unnie got a new dance routine to complete. Kyuhyun also wasn't there. He disappeared in the middle of the meeting and he hadn't replied to her text yet. The other members also didn't know where he went to.

"Nara-ah," Jinyoung smiled at her and approached her carefully, afraid that she would ran away like she always did.

Nara kept her guard on, "What do you want?"

Jinyoung sighed and looked at her desperately. "Can you at least be nice to me just this once?"

"Are you seriously want to talk about this right now? Cause if you do, I'm leaving," Nara narrowed her eyes at him and started to turned her body away.

Jinyoung grabbed her arms quickly, "No, wait. I got something important to tell you. I guess."

Nara looked down at his hand which were on her arms and tried to shake it away, but it was no use. "What?" She finally asked and let out a tired sigh.

"I've been hearing rumours that you're dating Kyuhyun," he waited for her to confirm his statement, but she just kept her poker face on, "Well if I were you, I wouldn't let my man wander around with another girl. Espescially a pretty one," he smirked at her, trying to get some reaction from her.

"I don't understand what you're saying," Nara whispered at him in a deadly tone. She felt her heart sank when she heard his words. She didn't care if Jinyoung knew about her relationship with Kyuhyun, but she was concerned about a certain pretty girl that he mentioned.

"Well, I don't know if it means anything to you... But I saw Kyuhyun earlier. He went out to the rooftop with a tall girl with straight brown hair. I think it was Victoria from f(x)," Jinyoung shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

Nara's face instantly became pale and she needed to remind herself to breathe. Her worst nightmare just came true. She shook her arm harder once again from Jinyoung's grip and succeeded in getting free. "I, I don't know why you're telling me this. I need to go," she stuttered and she couldn't get her eyes focused. She hastily left the room without saying anything further and bumped to some other trainees along the way.

Jinyoung watched as her back slowly disappeared at the end of the corridor. He had a pained expression on his face. He didn't want to do that to Nara, but he couldn't think of anything else to make her comeback to him. He just wanted her back, even if it meant he needed to hurt her first.

Nara was contemplating whether or not she should confirm the information she just heard from Jinyoung. But before she could think more about the matter, her feet already take her to the rooftop unconciously. She started to open the door slowly, but immediately stopped when she heard a familiar voice. She didn't open the door any further and just peeked in through the small gap. Her heart stopped beating when he saw the side figure of Kyuhyun and Victoria. She knew she probably shouldn't eavesdrop, but she couldn't help herself.

Kyuhyun was a little baffled as in why Victoria had asked him to meet her at the rooftop. First, it was freezing. Second, he had been trying to avoid her fo the past week. He avoided her not because he hated her or anything. He avoided her because he was afraid that those feelings would came rushing back to him once again, like it did the night she confessed.

Victoria looked at him straight in the eyes. She started to walk closer and closer to him, feeling the need to take the initiative. Kyuhyun tried not to gaze back, but he just couldn't. It was like she was hypnotizing him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before he held out one hand at her, "Stop there. Don't come any closer."

Victoria could hear the doubt in voice, it was as if he also wanted her, but he just couldn't. He turned his face away and left her out in the cold last week when she tried to kiss him. But she wouldn't let it happened for the second time. She ignored his words and took his hand in her and intertwined their fingers together. She cupped his face with her other hand and careesed it softly, "Don't deny it, Kyuhyun-ah. Just feel it," she whispered to him and leaned her face closer to his. Her lips met his and she kissed him slowly for a while before she pulled away to see his reaction.

Kyuhyun couldn't say that he didn't expect her to kiss him. He knew she was about to, but he just couldn't resist her. She was too tempting, and she was his first great love afterall. He had been dreaming for the day to come when she would be the one who chased after him. The day when she would be the one who confessed to him. Kyuhyun gazed back at her beautiful eyes and sealed their lips together in a passionate kiss. He put his hand behind her neck and pulled her closer to his body. He tilted his head a little to mould their lips better. He kissed her over and over again and he knew his lips were going to be swollen because of it. He could finally taste her lips and his mind wasn't his anymore. He couldn't think clear, it was all blurry and hazy. Victoria kissed him back with the same passion, feeling glad that he was finally giving in. She knew she was stealing him from his girlfriend and she felt guilty for doing it. But she didn't want to think further about it. All that matter was that Kyuhyun was once again hers.

Nara put her hand over to stop herself from making any noise. She watched the scene that was unfolding before her eyes with disbelief. His lips were kissing another lips other than hers. She was in too much shock to even cry. She couldn't feel anything, she just felt cold and numb. It would be so much better if she could just stop breathing at that moment. She backed away slowly from the door and strolled down the stairs lifelessly. Tears were beginning to rolled down her cheeks without her realizing it. After a few steps, she felt her feet couldn't hold her body straight anymore. She sat on one of the stairs and held her knee closer to her body. She curled up into a ball and started crying her heart out.

I found it interesting that all of you guys are taking Nara's side and not Kyuhyun's. I wonder why...

And pleaaaaase don't hate on Kyuhyun, I'm not trying to make him the bad guy here, haha. More feelings will develop and more secrets will be revealed in the next chapters. So don't just be a silent reader. Comment more and click the subscribe button if you haven't :D You guys are the ones that keep me going :)

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.