The Tables Have Turned

Took My Breath Away

I had been staring at my cellphone for about half an hour that morning. It was almost 9 in the morning but there was still no sign of incoming message appeared on its screen. Bad thoughts were flooding my mind so fast like a virus. I thought we've made up, I thought to myself as I bit my nails nervously. 

I was about to call her when suddenly someone put his palm over my cellphone's screen. I looked up at the owner of the palm and saw manager hyung was looking back at me while raising one of his eyebrows.

"You're going to do the show in 5 minutes, Kyu. Give me your cellphone," said manager hyung as he gestured me to put my cellphone in his palm.

I would usually obey him straight away, but that day was different. "But hyung, I gotta make a phonecall. Just a quick one." I put on my best pleading face, hoping he would cut me some slack.

But he didn't even budge and just shook his head. "All your hyungs have already collected their cellphone, Kyu. You can have it back once you've finished recording for this show. You know the rule, so give it to me. Now." He looked like he was ready to take it by force if he had to. So I gave him my cellphone reluctantly and sighed out loud so that he would know I was pissed. He glared at me before he left the waiting room, but I just chose to ignore him.

I closed my eyes, trying to relax my mind. But I just couldn't. Questions were floating in my mind. I was starting to worry about her. Is she okay?

And more importantly... Are we okay?

Super Junior finished recording for the talk show at about 3 pm. They didn't have the time to eat lunch, so they just skipped it and ate some bread. Kyuhyun wasn't hungry and gave his bread to Shindong who was more than happy to accept it. He ran over to the manager hyung and asked for his cellphone right away. He put both of his palms in front of the manager hyung and grinned from ear-to-ear. The manager hyung just looked at him weirdly and slowly gave his cellphone back. Kyuhyun gladly accepted it and ran over back to the couch. He flopped himself down and quickly checked if there were any messages from her. He groaned in frustration when he found none.

"Aish, what's wrong with you?" Donghae asked as he chewed down his bread hungrily. They still had another talk show to record in about 15 minutes and he didn't understand why Kyuhyun was wasting his time with his cellphone.

Kyuhyun turned his head at Donghae. He looked so sad and pitiful. "She didn't call me nor text me, hyung."

"I thought we've talked about this. Call. her. first." Siwon rolled his eyes at the magnae and emphasized each word in his last sentence.

Kyuhyun dialed Nara's number and put his cellphone to his ear. "I was about to before all you nosy people interrupted me. Geez..." Kyuhyun sulked and turned his back at his hyungs. His hyungs just chuckled at his behavior and silently tried to eavesdrop at their conversation. But after 5 minutes passed, they started to feel confuse cause they heard nothing.

Kyuhyun exhaled loudly before he turned his body forward and rested his head back on the couch. His hands were playing with his cellphone while he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. The hyungs waited patiently for him to explain, but he didn't seem to notice them. He looked so depressed and Heechul being the hot headed that he was, couldn't take it anymore.

"Yah, you're killing us! What happened? Didn't she pick up?" Heechul poked Kyuhyun's shoulder and asked him in a rather loud voice. The other members immediately made some random noises to cover up for his voice and differted the attention from them. The last thing they needed was Kyuhyun and Nara's relationship to be printed as headlines on newspapers all over the country. The staffs looked at them weirdly as if they were a bunch of stressed out people.

"Huh? What?" Kyuhyun snapped back to reality and turned his attention to his hyungs.

"This kid... You're lucky that we love you! What happened just now?" Yesung repeated Heechul's question impatiently.

Kyuhyun frowned. "She didn't pick up, hyung. I don't understand what's wrong. I thought we've made up."

Sungmin squeezed Kyuhyun's shoulder lightly. "Maybe she's just busy practicing, Kyu."

"Is she still mad at me?" The hurt was evident in his voice. He could totally understand if she did, but he just wished she would just told him about it instead of ignoring him.

"I don't think so, Kyu. You worry too much. Just give her another call tonight." Leeteuk shoved a piece of bread to Kyuhyun's mouth and laughed at his shocked expression.

"Look who's clingy now~" Ryeowook mocked Kyuhyun and sang in a playful tone.

Kyuhyun instantly blushed and threw a pillow at him. He was starting to laugh too when he noticed Eunhyuk was just sitting there while listening to his mp3 player. Kyuhyun felt guilty for what happened between them the other night and promised to himself that he would make things right with one of his closest hyung.

Nara sighed as she counted the money that was left in her wallet. She just spent most of her money at the canteen. Joongso and Minyoung unnie forced her to buy them dinner to celebrate her new relationship with Kyuhyun. They said that it wasn't everyday that a trainee could date one of the most famous idol star. Although Joongso still felt like punching Kyuhyun in the face, he decided to give him another chance. Ugh, those two... I'm gonna have my revenge. Just wait and see, Nara thought as she narrowed her eyes and started to think evil plans to get back to her bestfriends.

She was walking towards the locker room when she heard her stomach grumbling. She was so hungry cause she only had water at the canteen earlier. She wanted to order some food, but the money on her wallet didn't allow her to. No thanks to her bestfriends. She patted her stomach and sighed loudly, you just have to be satisfied with another ramyun tonight then.

She took out her jacket from her backpack and gasped in shock when her cellphone fell to the floor. She cursed herself for being so clumsy. She had been so busy practicing that she didn't even have the time to check on her cellphone. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw that there were almost 10 misscalls from Kyuhyun. She rubbed her eyes just to make sure she wasn't imagining things. She glanced at her watch and noticed it was only 7 pm. Did something happen to him? She thought in panic and immediately dialed Kyuhyun's number. Unlike usual, Kyuhyun answered at the first ring.

"Nara??" Kyuhyun yelled at his cellphone, as if he didn't believe that it was her who was calling him.

Nara was shocked to hear Kyuhyun's voice. He sounded a little too excited, unlike his usual self. "Eh, oppa? Why are you yelling?"

Nara could hear lots of other voices at the other end of the line. It was so noisy.

"Is that Nara?"

"What did she said?"

"Agh Kyu, I wanna talk to her!"

"Told you she wasn't mad."

There were no doubts that those voices belonged to the other Super Junior members and Kyuhyun seemed to be overwhelmed by them. "Wait a minute, Nara-ah." Nara could hear the sound of a door being opened then closed and the protests from the rest of the members. Nara laughed at the chaos that was happening in her boyfriend's place.

"Gosh, it sounds fun living with you guys," Nara chuckled once she heard that Kyuhyun finally found a quiet place for them to talk.

"Yeah, sorry about those idiots." Kyuhyun felt really exhausted trying to handle his wild hyungs.

Nara laughed harder at his answer. After her laugh died down, she asked him the question she meant to asked earlier, "Ah, why did you call me, oppa? Are you okay?" her voice was full of concern then.

"No, I'm not fine. You didn't call nor text me at all today. Why is that?" Nara could feel that he was pouting as he answered her. Sometimes he could be so adorable.

"But you said you were going to be busy today, oppa. I didn't wanna bother you. I was about to call you later as usual." Nara smiled as she packed her stuffs to her backpack. Kyuhyun was stunned for a moment at her answer. He realized that Nara had a trauma because of what happened between them before, whether she realized it or not. And it pained him knowing that he was the one who cause it.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, trying not to show the pain in his voice. "Well, we're off early today. I'm already at the dorm right now, starving to death with the rest of the guys."

"And your point is...?" Nara sounded amused.

"The point is, I miss you. Come to our dorm and cook for me." Kyuhyun smiled while trying to sound demanding. He was hoping that his plan to invite her over would work.

"Are you sure? Is it okay if I come by?" Nara sounded a little hesitant at his idea.

"I wouldn't invite you if I thought it would be dangerous," he chuckled before he continued, "I can't pick you up, but I can take you home later. I'll borrow one of the hyungs' car. Is that okay?" Kyuhyun cursed himself for getting his car fixed in such important time.

"I'll be there in half an hour. Don't worry, oppa." Nara said as she put on her backpack and started to walk out of the locker room. She was excited at the thought of meeting Kyuhyun and the rest of the members who were starting to warm-up at her.

"Okay, I'll see you then. Just call me when you arrive, okay?" Kyuhyun mentally high-fived himself.

"Okay, Kyu oppa. See you," She hung up the phone and put on her coat before she walked out to the bus shelter .

Eunhyuk sat on the balcony all by himself while stared at nothing in particular. He sighed loudly and squeezed his eyes shut when he remembered what happened two nights before. He regretted his action, he was usually a patient person who always kept his emotion in check. He never thought he would punched their magnae, one of his favorite dongsaeng, right in the face. And what he regretted the most was, he accidentally revealed to all the members that he still had feelings for Nara. God, you're one pathetic person, Lee Hyukjae, he thought to himself.

"Hyung." Suddenly somebody called him and he turned his head towards the person. Out of nowhere, something flew in his direction and he caught it with his awesome reflex.

The person was no other than Kyuhyun. Eunhyuk looked at him in disbelief, wondering what was Kyuhyun thinking. But then Eunhyuk chuckled to himself when he realized the thing that he caught earlier was a can of coke. Kyuhyun sat next to him and opened his own coke. Eunhyuk stared at him for a while before he copied his action.

Kyuhyun could barely swallow his coke due to the nervousness. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "Hyung, I'm so sorry for what happened the other night. It was all my fault. I was being a jerk, thank you for making me realize it." He was too shy to look at Eunhyuk right in the eyes. So he just stared at the night view of Seoul in front of him.

Eunhyuk knew Kyuhyun was going to say that. He exhaled slowly and played with the can in his hand. "I was at fault too. I shouldn't have lost my temper at you. I felt horrible for what I did and what I said to you. I'm sorry, Kyuhyun-ah." He quickly drank his coke after saying the words as if it could help him washed away the embarassment.

Kyuhyun smiled, but he still kept his eyes fixed at the view. Eunhyuk added shortly after, "But you were kind of a jerk, though."

They laughed hard at his remark and felt a big amount of weight had been lifted from their hearts.

"So, are we good, hyung?" Kyuhyun turned his gaze at Eunhyuk and looked at him hesitantly.

That was when Eunhyuk realized he couldn't do it to him. He couldn't compete with Kyuhyun to win Nara over. Not because he thought he wouldn't be able to win, but because he love his dongsaeng too much to hurt him. Eunhyuk smiled at Kyuhyun and ruffled his hair. "Yeah, we're good."

Nara was humming to Beast newest song while chopping the vegetables on the chopping board when he felt someone sneaked his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"Betraying your boyfriend so soon?" Kyuhyun said while his lips were still pressed softly against her cheek, sending shiver all over her body.

Nara smiled at his witty comment. "It's just a song, oppa. But they are hot, though." She decided to a little.

Kyuhyun pouted at her answer and sulked. He rested his head on her shoulder, refused to let her go. Nara laughed at his childish act and kissed his temple briefly. But it was enough to bring back the smile to his face.

Kyuhyun showed no sign of letting go, so Nara just continued chopping the vegetables when Kyuhyun suddenly asked her, "I've been meaning to ask you this. What happened when I was in Japan? You sounded so sad that day."

Nara stiffened at his question. She was contemplating whether she should tell him or not, but then she decided to. After she had finished telling him what happened, she noticed Kyuhyun had turned pale. His eyes widened in horror and his lips were slightly apart.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Kyuhyun whispered to her regretfully. He wondered who was the person that reported them to the CEO. He was also mad at himself for letting Nara handled it alone and even acting like an to her at that time. He inhaled sharply and tighten his embrace at the thought.

Nara put down the knife and turned her body to face him. She cupped his face and it gently. "I'm not mad, oppa. We just have to be more careful." She smiled at him to make him feel better.

Kyuhyun kissed her before resting his forehead against her. "I guess so..." he trailed before he continued, "and I was an too about the whole communication thing." Nara tilted her head and looked at him in confuse.

"I don't want you to be afraid to contact me. I wanna be able to hear your voice all the time and I wanna be able to gain spirit from you text everytime I'm tired from doing my schedule." The more he talked about it, the guiltier he felt for doing what he did.

He continued before Nara could respond. "Forget the whole 9 pm thing. From now on, I'm gonna be the clingy one. I'm gonna be a clingy boyfriend who demands for your attention 24/7. It's gonna be annoying, but deal with it."

Nara smiled at his statement and leaned closer to him. "Kiss me. Kiss me and I'll forgive you," she whispered at him and bit her lower lip. She had been dying to kiss him the whole time.

Kyuhyun kissed her slowly and gently. He pulled her face closer to his and took the time to feel her lips against his. He wanted her to understand his feelings, how much he needed her. How much he had fallen for her. Nara loved the way Kyuhyun was kissing her. She then realized that she loved Kyuhyun so much that her heart could barely contain her feelings. The kiss was sweet and slow.

But then Nara silently took salad dressing in her fingers and wiped it off on Kyuhyun's cheek. She broke the kiss and escaped from Kyuhyun's embrace. She laughed seeing Kyuhyun's shocked expression.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it, missy!" Kyuhyun took a handful of flour and walked towards Nara with a smirk. Nara gasped in surprise and tried to escape from the kitchen.

But Kyuhyun was faster than Nara and he caught her arms before she got the chance to escape. They both laughed so hard when Kyuhyun poured down the flour on her hair. He hugged her from behind to hold her down in place. She tried to wriggle out of his embrace, but he was too strong. She gave up on trying to escape and took a strawberry jam that was on the table instead. She smeared it off on his other cheek and blow a handful of flour to his face.

Kyuhyun couldn't help but laughed thinking how messy he must have looked. He tickled her stomach, hoping it was her weak spot. And indeed it was. She was laughing and pleading at the same time. She gasped for air, but Kyuhyun's just kept tickling her while laughing, showing no sign of mercy. 

Suddenly they heard a 'click' sound and felt a flash of light shone briefly at them. Kyuhyun turned his head at the living room's direction and saw Heechul was taking pictures of them with his cellphone. Nara was out of breath and her stomach hurt from laughing too much.

Heechul smiled after seeing how the picture turned out. "You guys should see this." He showed the picture to both Kyuhyun and Nara.

In the picture, Kyuhyun was hugging Nara from behind while Nara tried to wriggle out of his embrace. Kyuhyun had this mischievous smile on his face while Nara was laughing with her eyes closed due to him tickling her. They both looked like a mess with all the foods on their face, but they seemed so happy.

"Ah... I'm jealous of you guys," Heechul said as he walked to the couch and the tv.

Kyuhyun smiled hearing his hyung's complain. He pecked her lips twice before he told her, "I wanna create more memories with you. A whole lot more."

Nara smiled hearing Kyuhyun's cute statement and his hair lovingly. "I'd like that, oppa."

Let's take a short break from all the dramas, okay? I'm gonna make a couple of chapters full of fluff for all of you who's been asking for Kyura's moment before getting back to drama :D You know what people say, it's always calm before the storm.

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.