The Past Unveiled

Took My Breath Away

Nara heaved a tired sigh as she put the last clean plate on the rack. It had been a tiring night. The Super Junior members stayed up 'till nearly 1am before they decided to call it a night. Shindong drove Nari home and Sungmin took Ahreum back to her apartment.

That left her alone, in a dorm, full of dirty plates and garbages. She didn't mind though, she knew that Nari still lived with her parents, so it wasn't okay for her to stayed out past midnight. And as for Ahreum.. She didn't even know what her excuse was. Maybe she just didn't want to be in the same room with me, Nara pouted at the thought.
She was lucky enough that the members allowed her to spend the night at the dorm, so she thought she would repay them by cleaning all the mess. She didn't thought it would require this much work, though. 
She hopped on the kitchen counter and rested her head against the rack, her feet dangling mindlessly. She was contemplating whether she should sleep on the couch or in his boyfriend's room. She didn't want to kick Sungmin out from his own room again. But then again... He hadn't come back yet. Maybe he was spending the night at Ahreum's apartment cause he was too tired to drive back.
Just when she was busy with her own thoughts, she felt her body was enveloped with a sudden warmness. She smiled contentedly as she her boyfriend's hair slowly.
"Do you have the habit of waking up at 2am and ended up in the kitchen?" Kyuhyun hugged her and burried his face on the crook of her neck. "Cause you should really tell me before I decided to marry you and stuck with you for the rest of my life," he added with a chuckle.
Nara laughed and kissed the top of his head lovingly. "So you're thinking about marrying me?" she smiled mischievously at the thought.
Kyuhyun lifted his head from her shoulder. He rested both of his hands beside her thighs on the kitchen counter, trapping her in between, and leaned down his face to meet hers. "Somewhere in the near future. Yeah, of course I've been thinking about it. Don't you?" A frown appeared on his handsome face.
Nara was touched knowing that Kyuhyun was taking their relationship serious enough to even go as far as thinking about marriage. She knew it was a big deal for him since he had some trust issues in the past. She caressed his face lovingly and once again got lost in his rich brown eyes. "I do. I just didn't know you are... Since when?"
Kyuhyun flashed his child-like grin and shrugged his shoulder, "Since we started dating. Even when we broke up, I kept thinking if I would ever find another girl that I want to marry in the future," His grin turned into a soft smile.
"Really?" It was her turn to grin, she felt so happy on the inside.
"Really," Kyuhyun nodded his head and looked at her with his big brown eyes.
Nara tangled her hands behind his neck and whispered, "Aren't you going to kiss me?"
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and pretended to be annoyed. "I was about to, but you kept asking questions."
Nara laughed at his answer. Kyuhyun captured her lips in a slow passionate kiss. It was an innocent kiss at first, but it slowly turned into a heated one once Kyuhyun her lower lips and nibbled it, asking for an entrance. Soon, their tongues was dancing with each other and his hands roamed all over her body. She tangled her hands on his hair and brought his face even closer if it was possible.
Kyuhyun placed his hands below her thighs and scooped her up, she automatically circled her legs on his waist. Kyuhyun walked down to his room without breaking the kiss they shared. He couldn't see anything and he was too distracted to think clearly. He bumped into a few stuffs along the way, causing them to laugh against the kisses.
"Slow down, your hyung might hear us," Nara laughed and hit Kyuhyun's chest playfully.
Kyuhyun frowned at the lost of contact. He captured her lips in another heated kiss and mumbled, "I don't care, let them."
"Oppa!" Nara pulled back from the kiss and stared at Kyuhyun with an amused expression.
Kyuhyun groaned in frustration and moved to kiss along her jawline, "Stop pulling and just shut up," Kyuhyun let out a small laugh and faked an annoyed tone.
"So rude," Nara let out a small moan and bit her lower lip to suppress it.
Kyuhyun laid her on the bed, but instead of hovering on top of her like he used to do, he laid beside her. They were both panting from the lack of oxygen.
He kept admiring her face for a moment while caressing her cheek. Then he kissed her again, this time it was a slow kiss with no hint of lust. He just wanted to savor the moment.
He let go after a few good minutes and stared deeply into her dark grey eyes. So unique and captivating... "How come you're so perfect?" He asked her in a small voice.
Nara blushed at his words and smiled blissfully. "That's kinda cheesy, but I'll let it slide for now."
"And there goes our romatic moment," Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and laughed heartily. He loved the way they can be intimate yet playful at the same time.
Nara laughed and then she became silent for a while. There was something that had been bugging her all evening. She really wanted to ask him the question, but she wasn't even sure if she wanted to know the answer. "Oppa," she called him hesitantly.
"Hm?" Kyuhyun answered absentmindedly as he played with some strands of her hair.
"Aren't you suppose to meet your hoobae tonight?" Nara sked carefully while trying to avoid his eyes.
"I canceled it," Kyuhyun answered simply.
Nara's eyes immediately found their way back to his. "Huh? Really? Why?" She couldn't hide the joy in her voice.

"I feel like you're not really comfortable with the idea of me meeting him," Kyuhyun put his hand on her cheek and subtly forced her to look at him right in the eyes, "care to tell me what's going on between you two?"

Kyuhyun noticed the change in her eyes. She seemed scared and hesitant at the same time. He held her close to his body and whispered, "You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm not going to judge." Then he kissed her temple and lingered for a while.

Nara pulled away from his embrace and look into his eyes. Oppa's right, I shouldn't hide anything from him.

She reluctantly sat on the bed and ran her fingers through her hair, she heaved a frustrated sigh. Kyuhyun folowed her action and rested his back against the wall. He had his knees propped up and pulled Nara in between them. She rested her head against his broad chest and closed her eyes tiredly. Kyuhyun circled his arms around her waist and planted small kisses on the crook of her neck.

Nara opened her eyes and gathered her courage. "Jinyoung and I... We had a past together." Nara paused to see Kyuhyun's reaction, but he didn't say nor do anything, so she decided to continue. "He was my first boyfriend and I really really liked him back then."

Kyuhyun felt something weird boiling in his chest, but he shrugged it off. "What happened?"

"I was still a new trainee back then. But after 6 months, SM gathered me and a few other trainees to be trained more seriously, they said that we were the best candidate for them to debut. I met Minyoung unnie, Joongso, and Jinyoung there. The four of us 'click' right away. We were unseperatable. We did everything together, training, eating, going to places..." Nara had a small smile on her face while remembering all the good times they shared together.

But her smile was soon turned into a frown at the thought of how naive she was to think that everthing would last forever. "It didn't take long for me and Jinyoung to develop feelings for each other. He and I were espescially trained in singing, so it was only natural for the two of us to spend more time together. He confessed to me one day, and I was more than happy to accept his feeling. The company strictly forbade the trainees to date, but we broke the rules anyway. We were being extremely careful, Joongso and Minyoung unnie also helped us in keeping the secret."

"Well, you guys did a better job then we were," Kyuhyun chuckled. He reffered to the incident that almost risk their career. (chapter 13 and 14)

Nara laughed a little, she was glad that Kyuhyun was taking the story lightly. "I thought everything was perfect between us. Well, until I caught him one day kissing a new trainee at the basement that the sunbaenim would sometimes used to discipline us." She said in a disguisted tone.

Kyuhyun widened his eyes in shock. "What?" He felt slightly guilty. He was no better than Jinyoung, he did it once with Victoria. But he regretted it, and he was just glad that Nara was willing to give him a second chance. He tightened his grip on Nara's waist.

"Yeah, I should've seen it coming. Minyoung unnie and Joongso had been trying to tell me from time to time, but I just didn't want to listen. Jinyoung was a great friend, but he was a lousy boyfriend. He was a cassanova, he had many 'close' girl friends before he started dating me," Nara rolled her eyes and made quotation mark. "But I thought he changed, cause the way he treated me made me felt like I was the only one." She seemed to lost in her own thoughts.

"But I guess he was just a really good player," Nara continued and shrugged her shoulder.

"So you broke it off?" Kyuhyun needed to know. His curiosity was killing him.

Nara nodded her head. "Mhm, I did. When our relationship broke off, so did our friendship. There was just no way to mend it back. I was too hurt and I just couldn't stand being close to him anymore. Minyoung unnie and Joongso was beyond furious once they knew. Joongso and Jinyoung had a huge fight. He told Jinyoung to stay as far away as possible from the rest of us or he'd beat the life out of him," Nara chuckled at the image of her protective bestfriend.

"So Jinyoung was left alone.  He tried so many times to apologize to me, but I just couldn't forgive him. He did what he did for no reasons. He did it just because he wanted to, he was a jerk." Nara exhaled and continued, "But sometimes I could feel that he was trully regretting what he did. He seemed so lost and sincere everytime he approached me... Maybe he really liked me back then, I don't know. And I honestly never want to know."

"But then, he started to scare me. He would stalk me home, call my cellphone hundred times a day, and stared at me intently from across the room. He even forced and dragged me to go with him one day. I don't know what would happen if I hadn't kick him hard on his balls that day and ran away." Nara blushed and covered her face with her hands.

Kyuhyun laughed hard hearing her story. "My girlfriend is so brave," he couldn't stop laughing and kissed her cheek.

Nara blushed even more. "A month after that I saw you practicing by yourself and you looked so handsome," She tilted her head to the side and grinned adorably at him.

Kyuhyun couldn't help but pinched her cheek. "So it's the look that counts, not the personality, huh?" he raised one of his eyebrow and .

"Yep. What else would I fall for you for?" Nara laughed and back.

"Ouch, that hurts," Kyuhyun placed his hand on his chest and put on a sad face.

"Meh, you deserve it." Nara shrugged her shoulder playfully.

Kyuhyun about to retort back when suddenly he remembered something and a frown appeared on his face. Nara noticed it, she was afraid that Kyuhyun was really mad at her. "Oppa, I was just kidding," Nara rested her head back against his chest and his hands that was circling her waist.

"No, it's not that... I just remembered something." Kyuhyun said uneasily.

"What is it?" Nara was getting worried.

"You remember that time when I accidentally met you in the restaurant and  uum... rejected you?" Kyuhyun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly remembering how rude he was to Nara.

Nara scoffed, "How can I forget. What about it?"

"That night, I was supposed to meet up with Jinyoung. But he told me it would only just be him. I wasn't expecting a bunch of other trainees would be there, and I definitely wasn't expecting you to be there." Nara was getting more anxious as the story went on.

"Jinyoung was the one who told me that you liked me. No, scratch that. He told me that you were obsessed with me and the only way to get you off from my back was by rejecting you in public so that you would be humiliate and stop chasing me." Kyuhyun stated carefully.

"What? I never even chased you." Nara frowned at the lie that Jinyoung told Kyuhyun. "And I definitely wasn't obsessed with you."

"I know. It was so stupid of me to trust him. But I didn't know you back then, so I did exactly what he told me to." Kyuhyun kissed her cheek gently, silently apologizing for his rude behavior back then.

Nara tilted her face and looked worriedly into his eyes. "So even from the start..."

"Jinyoung has been trying to seperate us," Kyuhyun finished her sentence.

Nara covered with her hands. Her eyes were full of fear. "Oppa, if Jinyoung could manipulate you that easily, I can't imagine what else he is capable of." Her voice slightly trembled due to the fear.

"Sssh, I won't let anything bad happen to us." Kyuhyun hugged her close to his body and her hair lovingly. Nara pulled him closer and burried her face in his chest. She held him tight, afraid of what was coming to them.

Kyuhyun kissed the top of her head, trying to calm her down. That bastard Jinyoung, I never knew he was this kind of person. I trusted him and treated him like my own little brother. I won't forgive him if he dare lay even one finger on Nara. We should be more careful, I have a feeling that it wasn't the only dirty deed he ever commited.

Sooo, this chapter explained the start of the story, right? I got you all confused with the sudden of Kyuhyun's rejection in chapter 1. Well, that was the reason why.

And the relationships between Nara and Jinyoung was finally revealed! Yeah, I bet most of you had guessed it already, haha.

More and more secrets will be unveil. Wait patiently for it, okaaay? ;D

And don't forget to check out my new story: 30 Days of Dating Lee Hyukjae

Don't forget to subscribe and leave your comments. See ya! :D


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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.