May the Best Man Win

Took My Breath Away
Donghae took a deep breath and exhaled loudly after hearing his bestfriend's story. He propped his chin on his hand and kept on looking at the said person who had been staring at the plain wall in front of him.
"Are you sure about this, Hyukjae-ah?" Donghae broke the silence. He threw a basketball at Eunhyuk to catch his attention.
Eunhyuk catched the basketball and spinned it absentmindedly. He turned his gaze at Donghae and just stared back at him without saying anything. Donghae sighed and ruffled his hair in frustation. He never saw Eunhyuk like that before, it was as if he was a completely different person. Donghae was just getting ready to play some hoops at a nearby park with Siwon and Henry when suddenly Eunhyuk barged into his room and flopped himself on Donghae's bed. He was a bit shocked with the sudden invasion and about to drag Eunhyuk out of his room when he was hit with an even greater shock once Eunhyuk started to spill everything out. He decided to sit at the edge of the table while listening to the rest of his friend's story. He texted Siwon and Henry, apologizing cause he had to cancelled on them at the last minutes. After telling the whole story without even looking at Donghae even once, Eunhyuk had kept silent and just stared at the wall at the opposite of Donghae's bed. He was lost on his own thoughts.
Donghae crossed his arms in front of his broad chest. "You know I'm not taking any sides. But as your bestfriend, I have the obligation to tell you that what you're doing is risky."
Eunhyuk threw the ball back at Donghae. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed before he finally answered him. "I've been patient this whole time, Hae-ah. I even gave up on her once," Eunhyuk said in a small voice. There was a hint of anger on his voice.
Donghae furrowed his eyebrows. "But-"
"He made her cry. I let her go cause I thought he could make her happy," Eunhyuk cut Donghae's words harshly, "but he made her cry." He repeated the sentence and his hands slowly formed into a fist.
Donghae straighten his back, feeling a bit offended by Eunhyuk's tone. But he reminded himself that Eunhyuk wasn't on his right mind, he should be the patient one there. "I know how much you like Nara. But I also know how much she meant for Kyuhyun. He did something terrible, yet again, I know that. But he was devastated by it. I don't think he's gonna give up on her anytime soon, Hyukjae-ah."
Before Eunhyuk could shout back his answer at Donghae, someone knocked on the bedroom's door. Donghae sighed in annoyance for being interupted in the middle of an important conversation. "Who is it?"
The door slowly opened and revealed the person they had been talking about. "Can I talk to you, hyung?" Kyuhyun asked Eunhyuk in a serious tone. He had an unreadable expression on his face.
Eunhyuk gazed back and scoffed before he answer him, "Sure."
"Outside," Kyuhyun just ignored him and started walking out to the terrace.
Donghae could sense something bad was about to happen. He panickly tried to stop Eunhyuk from leaving the room. "I don't think-"
But before he could finish his sentence, Eunhyuk already shoved him to the side and closed the door right in front of his face. Donghae sighed for the umpteenth time that night and just decided to observe tthe situation from his room. If he heard anything weird or any kind of suspiscious sound from the terrace, he would immediately ran outside.
Eunhyuk found Kyuhyun leaning by the fence while staring at the sky. He knew what Kyuhyun wanted to talk about with him. "What do you want?" Eunhyuk immediately regretted his tone of voice. He didn't mean to sound that harsh, it just came out of his mouth before he could control it. He must have felt defensive and mad at Kyuhyun deep down inside.
Kyuhyun slowly turned his body to face Eunhyuk and shoved his hand inside his hoodie's pockets. To his surprise, Kyuhyun's expression was far from mad or hurt, unlike what he had expected.
"I know you're trying to work things out with Nara, hyung," Kyuhyun said in a whisper. He stared at the ground, there was a small smile on his face.
The guilt immediately washed over Eunhyuk. He didn't expect Kyuhyun to be so calm about it. It would had been better if he was mad or even punched him in the face. He realized he deserved it after all. He was the one who told Kyuhyun that he would help him in any way he can with Nara. But there he was, standing in front of him after declaring once again his unchanging love for the very same girl.
"I'm sorry Kyuhyun-ah," Eunhyuk took a softer tone this time. How could he be mad at his dongsaeng? He was the one who couldn't control his own feelings.
Kyuhyun lifted up his head and looked back at Eunhyuk with a sharp gaze. "Don't be."
Eunhyuk was confuse for a moment. "Huh? What?"
"Don't be sorry, hyung. You can sway her as much as you want. But who said I was about to give up?" Kyuhyun walked slowly towards Eunhyuk and stopped a few feets away from him. He looked down at Eunhyuk,slightly intimidating him, "let's compete fairly, hyung. Whoever she chooses later, none of us can be mad at one another."
"So you're saying you don't mind with me trying to win her over?" Eunhyuk started to smile back at Kyuhyun. 
"We're both mature enough not to hate each other. If we like the same girl, then so be it. Let's compete without having to ruin our  friendship." Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulder and offered Eunhyuk a handshake.
Eunhyuk laughed at Kyuhyun's words. It was such a relieve to know that there wouldn't be any awkward atmosphere within the group that was caused by him. He took Kyuhyun's hand in his and shook it firmly. "starting from now, it's game on."
Kyuhyun flashed him his infamous smirk. "May the best man win."

"Coming!" Nara got up from the couch as she suddenly heard a knock on the door and kicked Joongso aside.

"Yah, Song Nara!" Joongso tried to kick Nara back. He was shocked for suddenly getting kicked while he was just lying peacefully on the floor of Nara's apartment. Nara swiftly avoided him and stucked her tongue out.

Joongso lazily got up from the floor and started to yell at Nara, "Come back here or I'll-"

"Joongso-ah, dinner." Minyoung giggled and reminded Joongso the reason they were there at the first place. It only took that one word to immediately silence Joongso. He muttered curse word under his breath. He didn't dare to say the words out loud, afraid that Nara would kick him out of her apartment before he could fullfil his stomach with Nara's delicious home-made cook.

Nara laughed at her bestfriends behavior. They had been by her side 24/7 for the past week. She was really grateful cause the had been distracting her from anything that had to do with Kyuhyun. But she couldn't help heself from shedding some tears and cried in silence everynight when she was all alone and all she could think about was that particular person who crushed her heart into million pieces. 

Her laughter suddenly died down once she opened the door for her guest. She immediately tried to close the door, but her guest was one step quicker. He placed his foot and held the door opened. Nara kept trying to close the door with force and in result squeezed his foot to the door. He cringed in pain and held Nara's wrist tightly.

"Stop it." Kyuhyun slowly opened the door. Nara didn't fight back, she just stare at the ground.

Kyuhyun sighed and closed the door behind him. He placed his hand under Nara's chin and made her look at him. Once their eyes met with each other's, Kyuhyun realized that all those photos of her that he had been staring everynight didn't do her any justice. She was just too beautiful and those eyes of hers mesmerized him once again. He missed her so much.

Nara felt her heart skipped a beat when Kyuhyun's hand touched her skin. His hand felt so warm, but his eyes were full of sadness and misery. There were obvious dark circles under his eyes. He wasn't the same. He looked miserable.

"Nara-ah, who is it?" t took so long for her just to open the door, so Joongso grew worried and came searching for her. 

Nara and Kyuhyun snapped back to reality. They broke their gaze and turned their head towards Joongso. Joongso stopped on his track and looked back and forth between Kyuhyun and Nara. Nara was flustered and Kyuhyun seemed shocked. He didn't expect anyone else to be in her apartment at that hour. It was almost midnight anyway. Nara tried to shake Kyuhyun's hand away from her wrist, but Kyuhyun didn't let her.

Joongso's eyes grew dark and suddenly he marched forward and slammed Kyuhyun against the door. He took the collar of Kyuhyun's coat by his hand and slammed Kyuhyun's head once again to the door. Kyuhyun groaned in pain, but he held himself from punching Joongso's face. He knew he deserved that and he wasn't going to do anything to fight back.

"Oh my God! Joongso!!" Nara screamed in shock and tried to pull Joongso away from Kyuhyun. Joongso didn't even budge, she was too weak to do so.

Joongso just ignored her and glared angrily at Kyuhyun. "You, what do you think you're doing? You think you can just crushed her and then just came back into her life and tried to sway her once again?" Joongso whispered in a deadly tone at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes for a while, he tried to keep his emotion in check.  "I just need to talk to her." Kyuhyun held on Joongso's wrist, tried to pry him away.

Joongso scoffed and tighten his grip on Kyuhyun's coat. "You don't get to do that. You had your chance and you missed it. You're no better than Victoria, you do know that right?"

Kyuhyun stared at Joongso in disbelief. The hurt was evident in his eyes, he realized that it was the truth. Joongso knew exactly that those words would hurt Kyuhyun more than anything. He might as well just kill him. 

"Stop it, Kim Joongso," Nara tugged Joongso's sweater. There was something in her voice that Joongso couldn't ignore. He turned his head to face her. She was biting on her lower lip hard, trying to prevent herself from crying. But her eyes were already shimmered with unshed tears, "I know that you care for me alot, but this is between me and him."

"Nara-ah..." Joongso furrowed his eyebrows. All he wanted to do was to protect his bestfriend that he loved just like a little sister he never had.

"I think both of you should head home now. It's pretty late," Nara said to Joongso and Minyoung who had been standing behind her for a while. Minyoung grabbed her coat and Joongso's quickly. She pulled Joongso away forcefully from Kyuhyun and dragged him out the door. Joongso glanced worriedly at Nara one last time before he slammed the door shut.

Nara sighed and covered her face tiredly with her hands. "I'm sorry about that, he can be over-protective sometimes."

Kyuhyun approached her and pulled her hands slowly from her face.He held both of her hands and smiled softly at her. "It's okay, I deserve it anyway."

Nara didn't return the smile nor pushed him away. She tried to look indifferent although deep down inside her heart was pounding hard against her chest. "What do you want to talk about?" She tried to sound cold, but failed miserably nonetheless.

Kyuhyun stared at her for a while before he took a deep breath and answered her, "I have a favor to ask you."

Nara widened her eyes in disbelief. This guy is unbelievable. He dares to ask a favor from her? God, how much I want to punch him... Nara thought to herself. She frowned at him. "What favor?"

Kyuhyun knew Nara must had got the wrong message. So he chuckled and shook his head a little before he gazed deeply into her eyes and intertwined their fingers. "Don't give him your answer just yet."

"Eh? Who is 'he'? And what answer?" Nara asked Kyuhyun in confuse.

"Hyukjae hyung," Kyuhyun answered her question briefly. Nara blushed profusely when she realized that Kyuhyun knew about what happened between her and Eunhyuk. But Kyuhyun couldn't care less, "I don't want to give up on you. If it means I have to start from scratch once again, then so be it. I don't mind getting to know you all over again."

Nara opened slightly. She didn't know how to respond to his words. Kyuhyun bit his bottom lip and stare at her with pleading eyes, "Nara-ah... Please," he whispered softly.

Nara contemplated for a while. Would it be okay if she let Kyuhyun entered her life one more time? Could she trust him? There were no doubts that she still loved him with all her heart, but he hurt her too much. It wasn't easy to move on from those nights where she cried to sleep because of him. All those thoughts gave Nara a sudden headache. "Do whatever you want," she blurted out those words and regretted it immeadiately when she realized how harsh it must have sound.

Kyuhyun laughed softly hearing her answer. She always got defensive everytime she was faced with difficult situation. he didn't took it to the heart and pulled her into a warm embrace. Nara blushed at his gesture and just placed both of her hands on top of his chest. She placed one of her hand right on top of his heart and she blushed even more at the thought that she was the one who made Kyuhyun's heart beating irregularly and pounding hard against his chest.

She smiled to herself and inhaled his scent quietly. Kyuhyun kissed the top of her head lightly and closed his eyes, soaking her warmth.

The next day Nara went to practice at SM with a weird feeling. She got a major headache even just by thinking about the series of events that had happened to her in such a short span of time. She prayed hard that she wouldn't meet with any of the Super Junior members that day, especially those two.

She was juggling with the 10 water bottles in her hands when she felt some of them started to slip out. She closed her eyes and prepared herself to hear the loud sounds of the bottles crashing against the floor. But after a moment, she heard nothing. She slowly opened her eyes and found Eunhyuk smiling cutely while holding some of the water bottles.

"A small person like you shouldn't be walking around with stuffs that are heavier than your body," Eunhyuk smirked and .

Nara rolled her eyes at him and continued walking. "I'm not THAT small," Eunhyuk laughed hearing her protest, "but thankyou for  your help, oppa." Nara smiled sweetly at him and laughed seeing him blushed.

Suddenly they bumped into someone right around the corner. Nara almost dropped the rest of the water bottles in her hands once she saw who the person was. You've gotta be kidding me. Out of all people... Why?

"Hey, I've been looking for you." Kyuhyun cleared his throat and smiled cheerfully at Nara. He purposedly ignored Eunhyuk and approached her.

"Hey," Nara smiled back at him . She felt really awkward with the situation, but she couldn't contain her joy, she was happy to meet him.

Eunhyuk cleared his throat loudly. Kyuhyun had this annoyed expression on his face, but he forced a smile as he greeted him, "Oh, hey hyung. Didn't see you there."

Eunhyuk scoffed at his answer. "What you're doing here? I thought you had a Radio Star recording," Eunhyuk also faked a smile and tried to shoo Kyuhyun away from Nara.

"I did. I came here straight from MBC. Don't you have a Strong Heart recording in about an hour, hyung? I remembered Teukie hyung told you this morning. You better go now. Don't wanna be late to the set, do we?" Kyuhyun retorted back while still maintaining the sugar sweet smile.

"I don't need-"

"You guys sound busy. I should go practice now. See you, oppa." Nara cut Eunhyuk before he had a chance to replied back to Kyuhyun. They were bickering like little kids, and it was all because of her. She found them cute acting that way, and she needed to get out of there before she couldn't stop herself from pinching both of their cheeks.

Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk watched as Nara's back slowly disappeared around the corner. Kyuhyun cleared his throat once again, "I gotta go. There's this eem, you know, thing. Well..." He muttered some incoherent words and slowly retreating from the corridor.

Eunhyuk rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He just realized how childish the both of them must had sound earlier. "Yeah, me too. Gotta go... Do recording and stuffs. Well, see you." He walked to the opposite end of the corridor and face-palmed himself before he muttered curse words out of embarassement.

Nara walked out of SM building with her hands inside her coat. It was passed midnight, and she was sure that no bus would be operating at that time of the day. And she didn't want to take taxi because that would cost too much. She was annoyed at herself for getting too carried away with practicing the new song from her vocal trainer. She shivered at the thought of walking home alone, but she braced herself. The sooner she reached home, the better, right?

She almost screamed at the top of her lungs when she stumbled upon a figure leaning on the gate of SM building. "Oppa, you scared me! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" She whispered harshly and hit him in the arm.
Kyuhyun put his hand above his mouth to suppress his laughter. "God, you should've seen your face."
Nara glared at him and continued walking towards the pavement. Kyuhyun walked beside her quietly, still chuckling from the event earlier. "What are you doing here, oppa? Should't you be at the dorm right now?" Nara asked him when she realized that he kept on walking beside her.
Kyuhyun just shrugged his shoulder and pulled his scarf even higher. It covered half of his face. "I'm walking you home."
Nara didn't replied him back. She knew that no matter what she said wouldn't change his mind. So she decided to just save their energy and let him do what he want. They walked quietly side by side, just appreciating each other's presence. Her hands would brushed against his from time to time. And everytime it happened, her heart just skipped a beat and she could feel butterflies in her stomach. She smiled at herself, it was as if they were at the beginning of their relationship. Every little thing felt so exciting and wonderful.
Kyuhyun noticed the small smile on her face. He took her hand in his and intertwined their fingers. He then put both of their hands inside his coat's pocket. Nara saw his cheeks blushed and she laughed. "What? I saw Teukie hyung did it on WGM," Kyuhyun laughed and tried to defend himself.
Nara felt his warm hand holding her small hand tightly inside his pocket. He slowly caressed her hand with his thumb as they walked along the pavement. They laughed and bickered about the most random stuffs. And she would caught him looking at her warmly from time to time.
They arrived in front of Nara's apartment in no time. Kyuhyun felt reluctant to let her go and so did she. She was struggling to find the right words to bid him goodnight without sounding too awkward when he suddenly said, "I'll walk you up to your room. You know, erts could be anywhere." He mentally cursed himself for giving her such a lame answer. erts? Really, Cho Kyuhyun? erts???
He tried to covered up his lame answer, but Nara had already laughing so hard hearing his words. She found it cute that Kyuhyun was getting all nervous and started throwing random reasons. They walked upstair to the third floor and stopped in front of Nara's room. She slowly pulled away her hand from his and fished her key out of her bag. She missed his warm hand already, but she needed to go inside and he needed to go home.
Nara opened the door to her room and turned back to face Kyuhyun. "Thank you for walking me home tonight, oppa. Take the taxi, okay? It's freezing." She smiled sweetly at him.
Kyuhyun take a few steps towards her and put his hands on either side of her face. His face inched slowly towards hers and he kissed her forehead softly. He lingered there for a while, feeling her warm skin against his lips. Nara closed her eyes and caressed his cheek slowly.
Kyuhyun eventually pulled away and gazed deeply into her eyes. "Goodnight, Nara-ah." There was a small smile on his face. He then waved at her and headed downstairs.
Nara touched her forehead, right where Kyuhyun kissed her. He never did that before. It was such a lovely gesture, she could feel how much he cared about her. She grinned happily and went inside her apartment. Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a bad idea to start a whole new relationship from scratch.
Hey guys, I'm back! I know, it's been too long since I last updated. So sorry, college assignments are driving me crazy (/-\)
And I'm so sorry for this lame update. I'm really really confuse on how to make Kyuhyun slowly tried to capture Nara's heart and how will Eunhyuk sweeps Nara off her feet and make her heart wavers. 
Ergh, I've been having writer block lately and it big time! :( Is it because of those assignments? :p guess I should just watch more K-dramas then haha. Let me know what you think guys! Chipped me in some ideas. 
Comments would be much appreaciated  :) and please do subscribe if you haven't. See ya! :D
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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.