Figure Things Out

Took My Breath Away

I woke up the next morning with a major headache and a slightly puffy eyes. I groaned painfully as I sat on my bed and felt the world was spinning around. I didn't even drink a tiny bit of alcohol the night before. It must be the crying, I thought to myself as I sighed and tried to get up from bed. I decided to take a shower first, to relieve the pain in my head. As the warm water poured down my body, all the memories from last night came rushing back.

I sighed for the umpteenth time that day when I remembered what happened between Eunhyuk and I. Did I do the right thing? More importantly, did I choose the right person?

I opened my fridge and found nothing but frozen yoghurt in there. I had no choice but to eat it for my breakfast. I made a mental note to do some groceries shopping later. Then my face blushed instantly when I remembered about 'groceries' and what happened last time in the 'kitchen'. I quickly left the kitchen and went to the living room to wear my shoes. Ugh, both of you, get out of my head! I ruffled my hair in frustration and slammed the door shut.

I had a full practice schedule that day. Vocal class, acting class, and language class. But I was kinda dissapointed that I didn't have a dance class that day, I really needed to practice for my monthly evaluation. Guess I just have to practice on my own after the classes ended, I sighed to myself.

I had vocal class with some other trainees. And then I joined Joongso and Minyoung unnie in the acting class. Just as I thought, they tried to interrogate me about last night. Tsk, so typical of them.

"How did he take it?" Minyoung unnie suddenly asked after reading the script in her hand briefly.

I sighed, knowing that she knew. "He took it okay. I was the one who was such a mess. I really felt bad for doing what I did."

"You'll feel better, trust me," she smiled and squeezed my shoulder lightly, "let's go somewhere after practice! We'll have fun and you can take your minds off from those two."

I was tempted for a sec before I remembered, "Ah... I can't unnie. I gotta practice my dance for the monthly evaluation."

"Do you want us to stay with you?" Joongso asked as he flipped out the pages of his script.

I smiled at the both of them. "No, it's okay. You guys just go home first, I might stay here late." Soon after that each of us got immersed in our scripts and didn't talk about it anymore.

It was break time and I felt really thirsty. So I decided to go to the canteen to buy some drink. Suddenly when I was walking in the corridor, someone called my name from behind.


I turned my head and saw Eunhyuk was walking towards me. "Hi, oppa." I smiled politey at him, not knowing how to act around him after what happened last night.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him once he reached me. There was somewhat an awkward atmosphere surrounding us.

"I had to do some recordings for our repackage album. Are you still practicing?" He told me as he fixed his hoodie. He seemed a bit nervous.

I smiled at him and said, "Yeah, just one more class then I'm done." I didn't tell him I wanted to stay there late to practice dancing cause I felt a bit embarassed admitting to the dance machine that I had to do extra effort in dancing.

We walked side by side in silence until he decided to break it. "Are we good?"

I shook my head in disbelief at his question. "I'm the one who should ask that oppa. Are we good?"

He laughed a little then nodded his head slowly. "I think we're good."

I sighed in relieve. "Good. I don't want things to get awkward between us, oppa. You're an oppa I can rely on and I'm really comfortable with you."

"Me too. I'll work on my feelings. Don't worry Nara-ah." He smiled cutely and put his hand around my shoulder casually.

Suddenly we bumped into Ryeowook and Kyuhyun at the corner.

"Hyu~ng, we've been looking everywhere for you. We're going to our next schedule!" Ryeowook whined at Eunhyuk.

"Ah, so sorry. I'll be right there." Eunhyuk smiled apologatically at Ryeowook while his hand still rest on my shoulder.

Ryeowook realized that a second later and his expression suddenly changed. He rubbed his neck and looked at Kyuhyun awkwardly. He really seemed like he wanted to leave the place immediately. Kyuhyun had a dark expression in his face. I could faintly feel the tension between him and Eunhyuk. Huh, what's going on?

I didn't really know how to feel. Should I feel guilty? Should I feel embarassed? Or should I feel nothing?

"Just hurry up." Kyuhyun said in a low voice and walked away from us before I could decide what to do.

I had been practicing the dance routine for about 3 hours straight before I decided to call it a night. I took a shower and changed into a clean long sleeve t-shirt. But by the time I had finished drying my hair, I felt my legs had already given up on me. I was too tired and I felt sore all over my body. So I decided to sit on the floor, in the middle of the practice room, until my feet felt better.

I was repeating the dance steps in my head when suddenly I heard the door clicked open. I turned my head to the door and saw Kyuhyun was peeking into the room hesitantly.

"Eh? Oppa? Are you looking for someone?" He was the last person I expected to see at that moment.

Kyuhyun smiled when he saw me and closed the door behind him. "No in particular." Then he sat next to me on the wooden floor.

"Have you finished your schedule?" I was still wondering what was he doing here. It was a rare view to see an already debuted artist in the trainees' practice room.

"Eung," He just nodded while playing with his fingers. Gosh, he looked so cute and hot at the same time with his extremely straight light brown hair. Then my gaze slowly turned to his lips. Those lips, they were just...... God, forgive me for I have sin.

Then I noticed he brought along a really big and heavy looking backpack with him. "Are you running away from the dorm, oppa? What you got in there?" I joked as I pointed at his big backpack.

He laughed loudly before he shook his head. "Just some stuffs."

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion at him. He mimic my action before he laughed again. Then I started to massage my sore legs cause it wasn't getting any better.

"Are you tired?" he asked all of a sudden.

"Yeah, I'm tired and I'm hungry." I pouted at him while kept massaging my legs.

He opened his backpack and took out a pillow out of it. Then he placed it under my legs slowly while glancing at me with a cute smile.

"Eh, thank you, oppa," I was too shocked to realize how weird it was that he carried a pillow in his bag.

He just smiled at me and took out another thing from his bag. It was tuna sandwich, some egg rolls, and hot chocolate.

I gasped in surprise. "Why are you bringing along all these stuffs with you?" I laughed a little when he took out a picnic blanket and prepared the meals on top of it.

"I just thought you might be hungry after practicing all day," he took off his shoes and sat on the picnic blanket, "what are you waiting for? Take off those shoes!" I could faintly see he was blushing as if embarassed for what he was doing.

I laughed happily before I took off my shoes and joined him on the picnic blanket. "You think I'm hungry and you decided to have a picnic in the practice room? You're unbelievable, oppa!"

"Just eat!" he stuffed my mouth with an eggroll and took one for himself.

I almost choked before I finally managed to swallow it. But something felt weird. The eggroll felt like it was slightly over-cooked and the sizes weren't the same. The stuffing on the sandwich were also too messy for something that was bought from a cake store or supermarket.

"Oppa... Did you make all these foods by yourself?" I asked him in disbelief.

He stopped chewing for a while before swallowing it. "Is it that bad? I know I slightly burned it, but I tought it was still eadible," he looked a little sad and there was a frown on his handsome face.

I smiled at the sight of him and put another eggroll in my mouth, "Nope. These actually taste a lot better than those made by stores."

He grinned ear-to-ear hearing my words and continued eating happily. For a while, none of us said anything, we were too busy with our own foods. I didn't even realize how hungry I was until Kyuhyun laid these in front of my eyes.

"So... What's going on with you and Hyukjae hyung?"

I stopped in the middle of chewing my sandwich. "Nothing."

"Oh, come on. I know nothing, and what's going on between you two is anything but nothing." He sounded pissed this time.

I got offended by his tone and raised my voice back at him. "I believe it's none of your business."

I turned  my back at him and stood up from the floor, wanting to leave the room. But he suddenly pulled me down midway and I fell into his lap. I hadn't fully recovered from my shock when he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

I felt my heart stop beating for a moment and I had trouble breathing. "What, what are you doing?" Great, I tried to sound cold but I stuttered instead.

"Don't go. I didn't mean to make you mad..." His hot breath against my skin didn't help at all.

We stayed in that position for a while before he asked again. "Are you dating Hyukjae hyung?" This time he took a softer tone while playing with my hair.

I was glad we weren't facing the mirror or else he would have seen my face blushing face. "No," I shook my head slowly.

He tighten his hug at my answer. I turned my face slightly and found his face was dangerously close to mine. I couldn't help myself but to think how good it was to have his lips against mine. I really wished to taste those y plump lips once again. And he granted my wish when he suddenly pressed his lips softly against mine. I gasped in shock at the sudden contact and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He placed one hand on my cheek while the other one still hugging my waist tightly. I put my hand on top of his and tangled another one on his soft hair, pulling him closer. But my position made it hard for us to deepened the kiss. He groaned in frustration and broke the kiss. He then pecked my lips once and lifted me slightly. He turned me to face him and put me back in his lap. I was straddling him with my arms tangled around his neck. He didn't waist any time and kissed my lips with more force. After kissing my lips for a while, he moved to my neck and starting to kiss every inch of it. I moaned when he found my sensitive spot. I could feel his lips smirked against my skin and then he at the very  same spot that made me moaned earlier. This time I bit my lips together to held myself from .

Kyuhyun didn't seem to like it. He wanted to hear my voice against his lips. He moved back to my lips and kissed it with so much passion. His hand travelled under my shirt and my back slowly over and over again. His touch made me jolt and I almost forgot that we were still in SM building. A moan slipped my mouth when he my bottom lip gently. The kiss wasn't as aggressive as the day before, it was much more slow and there were certain feelings involved.

I tried to broke the kiss, but he kept kissing me over and over again.

"O, oppa..." I managed to say in between kisses. I was out of breath and he wasn't helping either by kept kissing me everytime I tried to pull my lips from his.

"Hmm?" He tilted his head so he could mould his lips better with mine.

"People... can... see... us." he kissed me in between each words and finally sneaked his tongue inside my mouth and deepened the kiss. I was no longer had any power to resist him and I let him had his way. After he was satisfied exploring my mouth he my bottom lip once again, knowing how much I like it. I moaned one last time before he finally let go of my lips and rested his forehead against mine.

We were both panting and I could feel my lips were a bit swollen from his kiss. I didn't mind though. I enjoyed every moment of it.

He then lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes. "I... I don't know how to say this. I haven't dated anyone since I debuted almost 6 years ago. My career is my number one priority, and I promised myself not to let anything distract me from it. I thought being in a relationship would be a major distraction... But then you happened."

I didn't say anything and caressed his cheek, silently asking him to continue.

"I hate clingy girlfriends, that's why I never get into a serious relationship. But with you... it's different. I don't know exactly how I feel about you, yet. All I know is I don't want you to be someone else's. I want you for me, only me."

I kept caressing his cheek and fixed his hair that fell ily on his face.

"I'm not ready to be in a relationship, yet. But I want to try to figure things out with you. I know I sounded like a jerk, wanting to be with you without actually be with you. But I can't help myself, it hurt so much more knowing you had no idea about my feelings." Then he kissed my palm and looked back to my eyes.

"Will you help me sort out my feelings? And please, bear with me." He looked at me with a pleading eyes and rested his cheek on my palm.

I kissed his cheek and hugged him, feeling his warmth against my body. "Of course, oppa." I whispered in his ear.

He hugged me back and my hair lightly. "So, does your offer still stand?"

 "Huh? What offer?" I pulled from the hug and looked at him confused.

His hand were still resting on my waist. He chuckled, "You know, the offer you made the first time we met. At the restaurant."

I laughed heartily when I remembered how I asked him whether he wanted to get to know me better. "Sure, oppa. The offer still stands." I pinched his adorable cheek.

"Good, cause I'm taking you up on your offer." Kyuhyun said as he kissed me softly for the umpteenth time that night.

Not something you expected, huh? They're not actually 'together' yet. So expect dramas and fluff along the way.

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.