Denial (part II)

Took My Breath Away

It had been four days since Kyuhyun left for Japan. I missed him so much but there was nothing I can do about it. I still called him everynight and talked to him, but of course it was different from meeting him live in person. I sighed to myself, I really wanted to ask him, how long will this unsure period last? But I never had the guts to.

"Song Nara, the CEO will see you now," a women in her mid 30s told me and effectively stopped my train of thoughts.
I got up from my seat nervously. I really had no idea why the CEO wanted to see me that time. I couldn't think for any possible mistakes that I've done lately. I aced my monthly evaluation, I always assisted Super Junior on the music shows, and I didn't have any problem with any of the songsaenim. So what could it possibly be?
I knocked on the door and swallowed a lump in my throat. "Come in," came an answer from behind the door.
I opened the door slowly and immediately bowed 90 degrees at the CEO. He was sitting behind a large fancy desk and was looking through some paperwork. He just nodded and continue reading.
After a while he finally put the document down on the desk and looked at me for the first time since I entered the room. "Please, take a seat, Nara-ssi." I took a seat in front of him and played with fingers nervously. I had met him a couple of times, but never alone by myself.
His face suddenly turned serious and I was getting more and more nervous. "I've heard some rumors, Nara-ssi. And I don't like what I'm hearing."
I stopped playing with my fingers and answered him in shock. "I don't know what you're talking about, sir. What rumors?"
He stared at me for a while before he continued, "I want to hear the truth, Nara-ssi. Are you or are you not, dating Super Junior Kyuhyun?"
I felt blood drained from my face and my heart stopped beating. "I, I'm not his girlfriend, sir. I mean, I'm not dating him." I shook my head and answered him in panic.
"Are you telling the truth, Nara-ssi?" he kept his voice calm.
I was trembling in my seat. "Yes sir, I'm not dating him. Where did you hear this information from?" I tried to steady my voice and convince him. Well, I was telling the truth in a way. I really wasn't dating Cho Kyuhyun.
"Someone saw the two of you one night and felt like he needed to talk to me about it," he looked at me with a softer look, "I'm really hoping you're telling the truth, Nara-ssi. Kyuhyun-ssi is on the peak of his career and we don't want anything to distract him or destroy him at the moment. While you, Nara-ssi, is one of the most talented trainee we have right now. I don't want to take an extreme action to both of you. If there's a scandal happen between the two of you, I am regretfully must terminate his contract and you'll never be able to debut. I don't want that to happen cause I hate seeing good talents go to waste. Do you understand, Nara-ssi?"
I felt my lips were dried and I forced myself to make a sound. "Yes, sir."
"You can go now," He said as his eyes went back to the paperworks.
I stood up from my seat and bowed to him. I couldn't walk straight cause I was trembling too much. I really wanted to talk to Joongso and Minyoung unnie, but they were still at practice.
I was already on the edge of crying. I inhaled sharply and walked to the locker room to just sit down and calm my mind. I suddenly remembered the other person who was also involved in the problem. I took out my cellphone and dialed his number with shaking hands.
It had been a really tiring day. We had to do an interview with so many TV stations that I lost count after the third. I was resting in the waiting room when suddenly I heard my cellphone rang and I picked it up without checking the caller ID.
"Hello?" I answered in a tired voice.
"Oppa?" A girl answered and she sounded like she was almost crying.
I frowned before I realized, "Nara-ah? What's wrong?"
"I, I need to talk to you, oppa." She told me with a shaky voice.
Ugh, I can't do this right now, I thought to myself. "I'm really tired right now, Nara-ah. Can you call me again later tonight?"
"But I really need to talk right now, oppa." She was being stubborn, unlike her usual self.
"I already told you, I can't. I'm working right now." I raised my voice at her. I mean, what was so important that it couldn't wait until later that night?
"Oppa, please," I could hear her starting to cry.
I got really pissed off. I was exhausted and I didn't need a crying girl to make it worse. "Why are you suddenly being so clingy? I told you, I can't. You're not even my girlfriend!"
She didn't say anything, so I continued, "I'm so tired right now. Talk to you later, okay?" When she didn't respond, I just hung up the phone. I got reall angry after that. I threw my cellphone from my hand and it landed with a loud sound on the floor.
Leeteuk who had been listening to my conversation with Nara finally opened his mouth, "Kyuhyun, watch your attitude."
"Sorry, hyung," I mumbled my apology to him. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the couch. I sighed loudly, feeling more exhausted than before.
"You're being rude to her, Kyu." Sungmin said while watching me carefully.
"She knows I hate clingy girl. And I hate it when someone interrupts when I'm still in the middle of my schedule. She knows that." I told him as I put the back of my hand to cover my eyes.
"Maybe, just maybe, there's a good reason why she's calling you just now. From what I've seen and heard, Nara is not the type of girl who likes to bother people, Kyu. This is the first time she called you outside 9 pm, right?" Siwon tried to reasoned with me.
I thought about what he said for a while. It was hard for me to admit it, but he was right. I felt myself washed over with guilty then. "You're right, hyung..." I trailed.
"I think you should apologize to her. I bet she was hurt by your words just now," Leeteuk said as he brushed my hair in a fatherly way.
I hesitated for a while. I had never called her first. Should I?
Leeteuk could feel my hesitant. "Or you can just wait for her to call you later as usual. I think she needs to calm herself too."
I nodded at his advice. It seemed like a good idea. I realized then that the reason I was angry after I hung up the phone wasn't because of her, but because I felt guilty towards her. I had too much pride to admit it, even to myself. Baby steps, Kyuhyun. You can't change your feelings in one day, I tried to reassured myself.
I sighed slowly, wishing 9 pm would come faster.

 "Why are you suddenly being so clingy? I told you, I can't. You're not even my girlfriend!" Kyuhyun practically yelled at Nara in a harsh tone. Nara couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was too shocked to say anything.

Before she could process the whole thing, Kyuhyun continued impatiently. "I'm so tired right now. Talk to you later, okay?" Then he hung up the phone just like that.

Nara covered with her hand and a single drop of tears escaped from the corner of her eyes. She was so emotionally drained that she didn't even have the power to cry out loud. She just sat there, alone in the locker room. Crying in silence.

After she got tired of crying, she decided to go home and just skipped the rest of her classes that day. She didn't care about the consequences. All she wanted at that time was to just go home, cuddled in her bed, and maybe cry some more.

It was almost 10 pm  when someone knocked on her apartment door. Nara reluctantly got up from her bed with puffy eyes and trails of tears were still visible in her face. She peaked through the peep-hole and saw Joongso and Minyoung unnie were standing there with a worried expression. Nara opened her door slowly to let them in. She needed them the most that night.

"Nara-ah, why aren't you returning... Oof!" Joongso was just about to ask her when suddenly Nara hugged him tightly and cried her heart out in his chest.

Joongso her hair gently and exchanged a confused look with Minyoung unnie. They entered Nara's apartment and sat down on her living room. Nara then told them about everything that had happened earlier in the afternoon.

"That bastard! I'm gonna punch his face so hard when I see him!" Joongso never seemed so furious before.

"He said that to you? How dare he..." Minyoung unnie said in a small voice. But the anger was evident in her voice.

Nara was no longer crying. She was now mad and disappointed at Kyuhyun. "I didn't know what I did to deserve this. I even got into this trouble because of him."

"I've been holding this back for a while, Nara-ah. But I always thought that he didn't appreciate you enough. I never understand why you're willing to be patient all this time." Joongso glanced at Nara and stated his long kept opinion.

"Joongso has a point, Nara-ah. What are you doing with him? You can find someone better." Nara turned her head at her two bestfriends after hearing their opinions.

She slowly started to speak, "I've done some thinking earlier. I got so hurt and disappointed by him. I've done so much and he paid me back by breaking my heart. I'm done. I'm so done with him. I don't want anything to do with him anymore. I was so stupid thinking that things could work out between us. He's nothing buat a heartless jerk."

Tears were starting to form in her eyes once again but she wiped it off quickly. Then she unlocked her cellphone and deleted Kyuhyun's number from her contact list.

"There, he can have all those long-legs girls with nice forehead. I don't care." Nara said in a trembling voice. She was angry, sad, and hurt. Joongso and Minyoung unnie hugged her from both sides and promised to help her get over Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun kept checking for his cellphone every 30 seconds. It was already 10 pm, but Nara hadn't call him yet. He felt really nervous and a bit worried. Is she still mad? He asked himself. He picked up his cellphone and was about to dialed her number just to put it back on the table seconds later. He was hesitating. Should I wait until tomorrow? he thought to himself.

The staff already called them and asked them to stand by on the set, break time was over. Kyuhyun gave his cellphone back to the manager. He walked in silence and seemed to be in deep thought.

"Are you okay?" Sungmin squeezed Kyuhyun's shoulder to get his attention.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine," Kyuhyun answered distractedly.

All the other members looked at him worriedly. Their magnae was sometimes too stubborn for his own good.

The rest of the days in Japan seemed to passed by too slowly for Kyuhyun's liking. At first, he just checked his cellphone every morning, afternoon, and night, at times when Nara would usually contacted him. But then he got more and more attached to his cellphone. He checked his cellphone every chance he got. His behavior starting to make his hyungs worried about him. The smiles he did in front of the camera were now just fake ones.

Kyuhyun saw the notification light on his cellphone suddenly . He practically almost jump to reached his cellphone just to be disappointed seconds later when he realized it wasn't from the person whom he was desperately expecting.

"Just call her," Eunhyuk suddenly said without looking at Kyuhyun. The other members turned to look at the former in surprised. It was the first time Eunhyuk ever talked about Nara with Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun didn't say anything and just kept looking at his cellphone's screen. Why am I so attached to her? He asked himself in confuse.

As soon as they arrived back in Korea, they were immediately rushed to SM to finished recording for their repackaged album which was about to release in 2 weeks. Kyuhyun was fidgeting in his seat, he couldn't wait to reach SM and find Nara. He didn't know what he was going to do or what he was going to say to her. He just wanted to see her.

As the Super Junior members climbed up the stairs to the recording room, they passed by the person whom Kyuhyun had been longing to see. The members and Nara stopped in their track once they saw each other.

Kyuhyun was more than excited to see her. "Nara..." He was just about to talk to her when she just bowed at them and continued strolling down the stairs, passing by them as fast as she could. It was as if she didn't know them.

Kyuhyun was in shocked. He decided to search for Nara after he had finished recording his part, he was furious by then. He knew exactly where he would find her.

"Can I talk to you?" Kyuhyun walked in a dance practice room and found Nara was practicing by herself in there.

Nara turned her gaze from the mirror and looked back at Kyuhyun with hurt in her eyes. "There's nothing to be talked about."

Kyuhyun flinched at her cold tone. He walked up to her and turned off the music. "Why are you avoiding me?"

She just scoffed and smirk at him. Kyuhyun was starting to lose his patience, but he tried to keep himself calm.  "Are you still mad at me?"

"I never did." She answered without any emotion in her voice.

Kyuhyun lost his temper at her answer. "Then why the weren't you calling me or texting me?! Stop acting like nothing happened when obviously you're mad at me!!" Kyuhyun yelled at her, he didn't care anymore if anyone could hear him. 

Nara also lost her patience and yelled back at him. "Didn't it ever occur to you that maybe, oh I don't know... You could call me first?!"

Kyuhyun was taken by surprise at her answer. "You're mad at me cause I didn't call you first? Is that it?!"

Nara covered her face with her hands in frustration. "God!! You can be really stupid sometimes! You didn't even care that I had a problem!"

"You know I hate it when anyone interrupts me in the middle of my schedule!! And plus, I was extremely tired at that time!" Kyuhyun got angrier when she called him 'stupid'.

"If you care enough about someone, you'll always put them first! I thought you care about me. I thought you like me!" Nara was so frustrated at him that she accidentally spilled out the feelings she had been hiding from him all along.

"I never said I did!!"

Kyuhyun immediately regreted the sentence once it got out off his mouth. His eyes widened and he covered his mouth with the back of his hand.

He whispered in shock, "God, I'm... I'm sorry, Nara. I didn't mean to..."

But Nara cut him off. "No, you're right. That's exactly what I needed to know."  Kyuhyun could see from her eyes that she was hurt badly as if someone just stabbed her heart with a sword.

She harshly wiped the tears that escaped from the corner of her eyes and gathered her stuff before she took quick steps and disappeared behind the door. She slammed the door loudly and run through the corridor with teary eyes.

Kyuhyun realized he had hurt her too much. He screamed in frustration and punched the door with all his might. He panted and rested his back against the door. He couldn't feel the pain in his bleeding knuckles. All he could feel was the pain in his heart.

Wow, such a long chapter. Full of drama and angst :( But you all know what happened after the rain, right? They'll make-out, ehem sorry, I mean 'make-up' in no time. haha :D please do comment and subscribe :)

oh,and I changed the foreword a bit. Just to make it more interesting ;)

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.