Unconscious Confessions

Took My Breath Away

Yes, you're not dreaming. It's a double update. Go on and read :D

Nara watched as the stylists gathered around Kyuhyun and tried to fix his hair and make-up at the same time. He was surrounded by so many people that Nara could hardly get a glimpse of him. Someone held a water bottle for him, while another one wiped the sweat off of his handsome face. How she wished she was one of those staff so that she could be close to him without raising any suspicion.

Kyuhyun was getting ready for his solo stage in Super Show 4. It wasn't his debut stage or Immortal Song's stage, but he was extremely nervous for a reason. And he knew exactly the reason why. He closed his eyes and tried to forget all the backstage madness for a while. He needed to clear his mind so he could pull it off well on the stage. He opened his eyes minutes later and found himself much more relax than before.

"Kyu, you're up next! Two minutes!" One of the staff informed him and quickly disappear to take care of something else. Kyuhyun took a deep breath and got up from his seat. He smiled at the stylists, silently asking them to leave. They got the hint and quickly went to another member. Kyuhyun stood in front of the mirror to do a last minute check on his appearance. He was fixing his hair when he caught someone staring at him from the corner of his eye. He turned his head and smiled at the said person.

He smiled sweetly and walked towards her. She smiled nervously back at him, afraid someone would notice their little exchange. But he couldn't care less. "Hey you," his smile grew even wider once they stood face to face.

 "Hey you," Nara couldn't help but smiled happily back at him, "Good luck for your stage!" She whispered her words of encouragement and pump her fist.

Kyuhyun thought she looked so cute with those unique dark grey eyes of her. He laughed a little and leaned in closer to her ear, "I'm going to sing for you," he whispered back and gave a light peck on her cheek. Nara turned bright red at his words and gesture. Luckily everybody else was too busy to notice.

"Kyuhyun, let's go!" the staff suddenly gave him a cue to stand by. Kyuhyun smiled one last time and gave her hand a little squeeze before he went out of the waiting room.

Nara silently sat down in front of the monitor to get a better view of Kyuhyun's performance. Kyuhyun started to sing a ballad song when suddenly an alter ego of himself showed up on the VCR and told him to change his song. Nara laughed along with some other staffs who had decided to take a break for a while and watch the show from the monitor in the waiting room.

After he got scolded by his alter ego, Kyuhyun started to sing Isn't She Lovely. The song that he once sang to her at the practice room. Her smile faded as she remembered how happy they were together. She really thought he loved her. Maybe he did, she didn't know what to believe anymore. Just then, Kyuhyun looked at the camera and Nara caught his eyes. He was singing a cheerful song, and he tried his best to look happy. But she could tell he wasn't.

Kyuhyun smiled seeing his girlfriend so excited. He took both of her hands and put it on either side of his cheeks. Her hands were so warm and he sighed contentedly. "It's gonna be my solo in SS4," he took a deep breath before he continued, "I chose it while thinking of you." He felt shy admitting the reason behind his song's choice and he blushed a little.

She couldn't take it anymore. She bit her lower lip, trying hard not to cry. She didn't want to be reminded of what she once had with him. Knowing that she could never love any other guy as much as she loved him just added the pain to the wound in her heart. She got up abruptly from her saet, shocking the other staffs, and stormed out of the room before anyone could see the tears that streamed down her face.


She didn't realize that there was this one person who had been watching her every single move. He noticed how she stared longingly at Kyuhyun, he saw her little exchange with him, and he watch as tears rolled down her face.  His chect tighten in pain knowing the exact reason behind her tears.

"Eunhyuk-ah, hurry up and change!" the stylist noona called him.

"Coming," Eunhyuk answered as he took one last look at the door, where she disappeared just moments ago.

Kyuhyun coughed for the umpteenth time that day. He gave his throat a little massage. It felt so sore and it hurt everytime he tried to speak. He shook his head in annoyance. He couldn't be sick, at least not now. Super Junior just started their world tour and he just began practicing for his upcoming musical, Catch Me If You Can.

He slowly opened the door to the practice room and , just like usual, he found Nara practicing all by herself. He closed the door behind him and tried not to make a sound. He wanted to surprise her. But then again, his throat decided that it was the right time to let out another cough. And it was a rather loud one. Nara spun her body right away, surprised by the sudden sound.

"Tsk, I was trying to surprise you," Kyuhyun gave her a weak smile and gave her a brief hug before he started coughing again.

Nara laughed a little, "You did surprise me. Are you sick, oppa?"

Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulder. "A little."

Nara frowned at him, "then you shouldn't be here. Go and get some rest. I can practice by myself tonight." She was a little mad that Kyuhyun forced himself to come eventhough he was unwell.

"It's not about whether you can practice by yourself or not. It's about me wanting to spend more time with you," Kyuhyun smiled sweetly at her.

Nara was touched by his words. She took a softer note this time, "but I know you can't afford to get sick right now, oppa. Don't force yourself." She his bangs gently.

"So why don't we start the lesson now? That way we can go home earlier tonight. Come on." He took her hand in his and dragged her to the piano at the corner of the room.

Nara sighed loudly. She knew that Kyuhyun could be really stubborn sometimes. It was pointless to argue with him, so she just smiled and sat next to him.

It had been a couple of days since the last time she saw Kyuhyun. Usually he would texted or called her if he couldn't make it to the company to meet her. But there hadn't been any text nor call from him since the last two days. Nara was starting to get worried. She wanted to call, but she was afraid of what he might think. It wasn't his obligation to report to her anyway.

Suddenly her cellphone rang loudly, shocking the hell out of her. She dropped it on the floor before she hurriedly pick it up without seeing the caller ID first.

"Hello?" she answered the call in a rather loud voice.

"Nara-ah?" a familiar voice was heard from the other side.

"Ryeowook oppa?" It had been ages since the last time he called her. He had been so busy and she had been too preoccupied with her practice.

"Yeah, can you come to the dorm right now? We need your help, it's important?" he sounded so desperate.

"What's so import-"

"Ah, Teukie hyung's calling me! See you, Nara-ah!" Ryeowook hung up the phone before Nara could even agree to his request.

With a loud sigh she got up from her couch and took her coat before she headed out of her apartment. Something in her guts telling her that it had something to do with Kyuhyun being M.I.A. 

Nara arrived at Super Junior's dorm not long after and was waiting for one of the member to open the door for her. Finally someone did and it was none other than Kyuhyun's wine-mate. "Hey Nara, ah. It's been so long. Come in," he smiled cutely at her and gave her a brief hug.

Nara smiled at him. He was right, it had been such a long time since she last visited the boys' dorm. "Where's Ryeowook oppa?"

Sungmin sat back on the couch and continued watching the tv. "He's in the kitchen. He's been waiting for you."

Nara went into the kitche and found Ryeowook was cooking some porridge. Nara smiled seeing him wearig a cute light blue apron. "Oppa," she poked his shoulder from behind.

Ryeowook eyes widened in surprise, "Nara-ah! Thank God you're here!" Ryeowook hugged her tightly and faked a snifle.

Nara laughed and pushed him away to get a better look of his face, "What's wrong, oppa?"

Ryeowook sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Kyuhyun has been really sick these couple of days. He didn't want to eat anything and just sleep the whole day. He's too weak to weak to even sit up straight. I tried to cook porridge for him using the recipe you gave me, but he still refused to eat. It's the first time he ever refused anything, so yeah... I'm kinda desperate." Ryeowook shook his head and laughed a little.

Nara smiled affectionately at him. He always tried his best to look out for the members, and she admired him for that. "Here, let me make the porridge. Though I'm pretty sure yours tasted a lot better than mine, but it's worth a shot, right?" Nara took the baby pink apron hanging by the door and wore it.

Ryeowook watched silently as Nara began to chop the vegetables. He nudged her gently. "What?" she asked without looking at him.

"I miss you, you know," Ryeowook confessed with a small voice.

Nara put the knife down on the chopping board and looked back at him. She hugged him and whispered back, "I miss you too, oppa." Ryeoook smiled and her hair gently. Out of all the members, he was the closest one to Nara. So when she and Kyuhyun broke up, Ryeowook also felt the after-effect. He felt like he lost a good friend.

After she was done making the porridge, she brought it to Kyuhyun's room. She opened the door and saw Kyuhyun was laying in bed with the blanket covering him up. Nara put the porridge on the bed side table and sat on the edge of his bed. She watched as he slept peacefully. She fix his bangs that fell down covering his eyes and his cheek lovingly. How much she missed touching him.

Suddenly Kyuhyun moved his head and his eyes opened slowly. He blinked his eyes a couple of times. Then he rubbed it, as if trying to convince himself that he wasn't imagining things. "Nara-ah? is that really you?" He reached out his hand and touched her cheek.

Nara smiled and held his hand in hers. "Did I wake you up, oppa? I'm sorry."

"No, don't be... I just can't believe you're here." Kyuhyun tried to get up and sit. Nara helped him and put a pillow behind his back so he can sit comfortably against the headboard.

"Doesn't matter now, does it? You need to eat, oppa. I made this porridge for you." Nara took a spoon of the porridge and blew it gently. Then she carefully feed it to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun opened his mouth weakly and swallowed it. After a couple of spoons, Nara finally broke the silence. "Why wouldn't you eat what Ryeowook oppa made you, huh? You're getting thinner, you know." She lightly scolded him.

"It wasn't made by you," he stated simply.

Nara fell silent after hearing his words. None of them said anything else until Kyuhyun finished the bowl. She was about to take the bowl back to the kitchen when suddenly Kyuhyun held on her wrist. "Stay," he whispered weakly. 

Nara  contemplated for a while before she finally sat back down on the edge of his bed. Kyuhyun had laid back down on the bed and starting to close his eyes one more time. But then he patted the empty space next to him, silently asking her to lay down with him. Nara laid down next to him, trying not to get too close. But Kyuhyun put his hand around her waist and pulled their body closer together. Nara blushed madly at his gesture but didn't do anything to stop him. Who the hell was she kidding? She missed him way too much.

So she laid there, snuggling against his chest. She could hear his heartbeat and his steady breathing. The temperature of his skin was slightly higher than usual, indicating he was still having a fever. Nara was drawing random designs on his chest when he suddenly spoke, "I'm glad you keep your promise."

Nara furrowed her eyebrows. "What promise, oppa?"

Kyuhyun lowered his head so he was on her eye level. For a while, they both just laid there and didn't say anything. "You promised that you'll always take care of me," he said in a small voice and smiled weakly at her.

Nara remembered the promise that she made to him when he was sick and he wouldn't stop nagging her. It was just something she said to made him stop talking at that time, she didn't expect him to remember. She didn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. She bit her lower lip, a habit of hers everytime she tried to stop herself from crying. Everytime I tried to forget you, you always pulled me back and make me fall even harder.

Kyuhyun gazed at her with half-lidded eyes. He was to weak and way too sleepy to stay awake. "I know you said you didn't love me anymore," he paused and put his palm over her cheek. He caressed her cheek gently with his thumb, "but I love you... So much."

Then Kyuhyun closed his eyes and fell back into sleep. His hand fell limply beside her face. Nara squeezed his hand lightly and leaned in closer to his face. "I lied," she whispered to the sleeping Kyuhyun. A single drop of tears escaped from the corner of her eye, "I love you... Too much." Then she kissed the tip of his nose and slipped out of his room.

I know I know, I'm such a horrible writer for leaving you guys without any updates for almost three weeks!! so sorry :'( My laptop broke down and college's driving me crazy! Aaaaargh! I'm getting ready to do my internship at another hospital now. Ow, didn't I tell you guys yet? I major in medical ;)

So I'm giving you guys a double update cause I love you soooo much *and cause I'm deeply sorry* :D

Tell me what you think, love to heart it from you.

Don't forget to comment and subscribe! :D See ya!

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.