All Is Fair in Love and War

Took My Breath Away


"Argh! I can't seem to get it right!" Nara angrily kicked the chair at the corner of the practice room and slumped herself to the floor, "and now my foot hurts." She sighed loudly and started to massage her toe. There was a pout on her face as she kept on mumbling random words. She was mad at herself for being so slow in dancing. It had been hours since she started practicing the new dance routines that her songsaenim gave her for the monthly evaluation, but she still failed to execute it perfectly everytime. How can Minyoung unnie do it so easily? It's like she transformed into someone else when she's dancing, she thought to herself. And then she foolishly hurt herself. Stupid chair!

"Can you be any cuter?" Eunhyuk sat right in front of her and laughed seeing the obvious pout on her face. Nara glared at him and pouted even more.

Eunhyuk laughed even harder and ruffled her hair. "I didn't come here to see a pouty little girl. Up up! You'll get it in no time," Eunhyuk smiled and held his hand out to Nara.

Nara sighed for the umpteenth time that night and looked back at him with a pair of pleading eyes. "Can't we take a 5 min-"

"Nope, you've had about seven 5-minutes-break already and I'm not giving you another one. The sooner you mastered this routine, the better. Come on!" Eunhyuk shook his head in amusement and took Nara's hands in his. He pulled her up and put his arms around her waist.

"What are you doing? You're suppose to teach me dancing," Nara laughed and raised an eyebrow at him, "and dancing, doesn't include this." She put her hands on Eunhyuk's and untangled herself from his arms.

But Eunhyuk swiftly spun around and placed himself behind Nara before he circled her waist one more time. "Just be a good student, then maybe I'll cut you some slack." He whispered in her ear and flashed his cute gummy smile.

His hot breath tickled her skin and she felt her cheeks getting warm. He looked so hot that night with a tight fitting white beater. She inhaled deeply to get rid of those thoughts. "You're ridiculous," she smiled and fixed her messy ponytail.

Eunhyuk watched as she bit on her hairband and comb her hair with her fingers. He pulled her closer against his body and tried to control himself. "Stop doing that." He rested his chin on the crook of her neck.

"Doing what?" Nara looked back at him from their reflection in the mirror. She blushed and bit down on her lower lip, realizing how close their bodies were with each other.

"That," Eunhyuk gazed back at Nara through the mirror and found himself distracted by her red soft lips. He took a deep breath before he slowly let go of her, "This is dangerous." He shook his head and laughed at himself.

"Huh? You're confusing me, oppa." Nara frowned at Eunhyuk, totally oblivious of what she had done to him.

Eunhyuk just smiled at her and quickly changed the subject, "You know I'm not doing this for free, right?"

"Really? You're really going to go all stingy on me?" Nara narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I gave up my free time just to come here and teach you how to dance. I'm not asking for money or anything, obviously. But it's only fair if you grant me one wish." He grinned at her and slowly moved to the back of the room to the music.

Nara contemplated for a while. Well, he's giving me a free lesson. And it's just a wish... How hard can it be? She shrugged her shoulder and nodded in excitement. "Deal!"

Eunhyuk smiled hearing her answer, "But you can't say no. No matter what it is."

She was hesistant for a while after hearing his words. But he had always been so kind to her... And again, it was just a wish. "Okay. But you have to teach me until I mastered the routine perfectly."

Eunhyuk's smile turned into a smirk as he raised the volume of the music. "Not a problem. From the top!"

After two more hours of practicing, whining, complaining, and patience, Nara had finally mastered the routine. Eunhyuk was satisfied enough by her movements and he finally let her headed to the locker room to shower and change into a clean shirt. Eunhyuk went to shower at the SM's private gym and waited for her down at the lobby.

"Took you long enough," Eunhyuk said to Nara with a smile. He got up from the couch and put his cellphone back into his jeans pocket.

"You should've told me that you were going to wait!" She was taken by surprise and ran a little at the sight of him, "Sorry," She laughed and panted a little from running.

Eunhyuk just shrugged his shoulder. "I'm not in a hurry anyway." He took her backpack and slung it casually over his shoulder. They walked to the parking lot and he opened the passenger door for her. He put her backpack at the back seat and drove his way out of the gate.

"Thanks for taking me home, oppa," Nara smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Eunhyuk smiled and looked back at her for a second before focusing on the street once again. "Yeah, you can thank me for that later. Cause we're not heading back to your apartment for now."

Nara's eyes widened due to the shock. "What? Are you kidnapping me?"

"Maybe," Eunhyuk chuckled and playfully winked at her.

"Maybe I should..." Nara started to unbuckled her seatbelt and put her hand on the door's handle.

Eunhyuk laughed at her action and put his hand on top of hers, "No no, I'm just kidding! Please don't jump out of the car."

"Then tell me where we're going!" She laughed along while putting her seatbelt back on.

Eunhyuk cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Nara knew that he was feeling rather uncomfortable or embarassed everytime he did those gestures. She frowned, but she didn't probe him any further. Eunhyuk finally put both of his hands on the steering wheel and cleared his throat one more time. "You know that water show at the Han river, right? With all those lights and stuff," he asked her slowly.

Nara just nodded her head. She knew Eunhyuk could see her from the corner of his eyes. "Well, I'm taking you there. I always wanted to take you to a normal date, like other people would do. But to be honest, when it comes to dating, I'm a complete idiot. I don't know what to do or what not to do," he took a deep breath before he continued, "I figured since most of the dramas had a romantic scene at the water show, I'll also take you there." He finished his words carefully with obvious blush on his face. Even his ears were already turned red.

Nara's lips formed a soft smile after hearing his words. What Eunhyuk said just proved that there were so much more of him that she yet to know. He had always been a cool and playful kind of guy. She never would have thought that there was also an innocent side of him when it comes to romance. Nara smiled even wider knowing that she was one of the few people that had the chance to see that side of him. "Okay, I've never been there either anyway." Eunhyuk looked at her with a grin on his face. He exhaled in relieve at her answer.

They arrived at the Han river in no time. Eunhyuk parked his car and both of them walked to the side of the river. They were close enough to see the water show, but not too close to the crowd. It would be a major scandal if the words spread to the media that Eunhyuk was seen at the Han river with a girl. They found a wooden bench and decided to enjoy the show while seating and drinking hot chocolate. 

Nara put her hot chocolate to the side and waited excitedly for the water show to begin. Eunhyuk wrapped his arm around her middle and pull her closer to his body. Nara was touched at how Eunhyuk was always trying so hard to make her happy. He never put himself first, she had always been his priority. Everything would have been so much easier if he was the one that held the key to her heart. Why can't it be him? Nara thought to herself.

"I have a wish," Eunhyuk suddenly whispered to her. His gaze was fixed on the dark river in front of him.

Nara straighten her back. She looked at Eunhyuk curiously, "Hm? Don't you wanna save it for later? Just in case," she laughed a little.

Eunhyuk turned his gaze at Nara. He had a small smile on his face. "I think I'm gonna use it now."

"Really? What is it then?" Nara felt her heart started to race. She felt something was about to happen, but she didn't know what it was.

Eunhyuk turned his body towards her. "You can't say no. Remember?"

Nara nodded her head nervously. "Mhm."

Nara didn't realize it before, but the distance between their faces were closer than ever. She blushed madly and tried to avoid his eyes. But Eunhyuk put his hand under her chin and made her looked at him. He gazed longingly into her eyes. "Can I kiss you?"

It was the second time Eunhyuk had asked her that question. Nara's mouth was slightly opened due to the shock. She tried to cook up a proper response. But her brain didn't seem to function properly with Eunhyuk's face being so close and his beautiful eyes gazing softly into hers. "But the show is about to start..." was all she managed to say.

Eunhyuk smiled and whispered, "Just once."

And with that, he closed the gap between them and crushed his lips softly against hers. He tilted his head a little and rested his hand on her cheek. He caressed her cheek slowly and deepened the kiss. Nara felt sparks once she felt his lips against hers. It was so soft and it was way better than she expected. She felt her body suddenly warmed up and she tangled her hand behind his neck. Eunhyuk tilted his head to the other side and kissed her from a different angle. He massaged her lips with his and never once broke the kiss even for air. Nara ran her fingers through his hair, loving how he would occasionally her bottom lip. She was intoxicated by his kiss and his warm breath against her skin just made the feeling even better.

After a few good minutes of devouring each other lips, they finally broke it off when they heard the sound of people laughing and clapping from a distance. They were both panting and gasping for oxygen. They turned their head to the sound and found out that the water show had just started. They were both amazed by the beautiful effects and a smile crept on their faces. Eunhyuk turned his gaze at Nara who was still watching the water show in awe. He tucked her hair behind her ear, gaining her attention back. Nara looked back at him with a smile still lingered on her beautiful face.

Eunhyuk unconciously started running his finger slowly over her bottom lip. He just couldn't believe that he could finally kiss her and tell her how much she meant for him through the kiss. Nara blushed for the thousand times that night when she realized that her lips must have been swollen from the kiss they shared earlier. Eunhyuk rested his forehead against her and closed his eyes. He smiled, feeling contented with her, by his side.

"You said just once," Nara whispered at Eunhyuk while playing with his hair.

Eunhyuk chuckled seeing her cute expression and her cheek lovingly. "I said I'd kiss you once. Which I did, " he smirked and quickly added, "I just didn't say for how long." 

She bit her bottom lip, trying hard to remember. His kiss was just too intoxicating, and she couldn't think staright. They did kiss for a long time, but never once he broke their lips apart. Everytime she tried to pull away, he would on her bottom lip and left her wanting for more. I guess that counts as one then, she thought to herself.

It was getting pretty late, so Nara decided to call the night off. Eunhyuk drove her back to her apartment and hugged her briefly as he bid her goodnight.  Eunhyuk understood that just because he kissed her, that didn't mean they were a couple then. It just meant that he was one step closer to win her heart. At least that'll give her something to think about, he smiled at the thought.

Nara slumped to the couch at her apartment tiredly. She felt like burrying herself under the pillows evertime she remembered about the kiss. She felt a litlle guilty for letting herself got lost in the kiss and enjoyed it too much. She knew Eunhyuk wouldn't take the gesture the wrong way and get ahead of himself. But still...

Suddenly her cellphone buzz, indicating a new incoming message. She opened the message and found out that it was Kyuhyun who texted her in the middle of the night.


From: Cho Kyuhyun

Hey, are you home yet? Get a good rest, okay? I wanted to call you, but I know that you're busy practicing your dance routine. I didn't wanna bother you. I'll help you later with the song. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. IMYSM. Goodnight.


To: Cho Kyuhyun

I'm already cuddling with the pillows. Have a good rest too, oppa :)


Nara smiled reading his thoughtful text message. IMYSM? What's that? I miss... I miss you so much? Aww, that's so cute of him! Nara giggled happily at his cuteness. But her smile was soon wiped off her face once she remembered what she had done with Eunhyuk earlier. She always thought that she would only have Kyuhyun in her heart, but that night, the theory was proven to be wrong. Eunhyuk was slowly but sure, starting to become someone special for her.

She was a little mad at Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk for kissing her like she was already one of theirs. But she was also mad at herself for giving up so easily to them. Especially with Kyuhyun, she didn't even hesitate and only realized it when it was too late. "Argh!" she groaned in frustration and threw her pillow to the floor.

Kyuhyun hummed quietly to SNSD's latest song, The Boys, as he walked through the corridor of SM building. He promised to meet Nara at the practice room to help her practice the song she was going to sing at the monthly evaluation. He had a light step and smiles would occasionally appeared on his handsome face. He was beyond excited to finally meet her after not being able to due to his killer schedules.

Suddenly Kyuhyun heard someone called his name from the opposite end of the corridor, "Kyuhyunnie~"

He could recognize that voice anywhere. He turned his body to face the owner of the voice and met with a pair of beautiful eyes. "Song Qian," Kyuhyun greeted her back and smiled as she approached him with a big smile on her face.

"You haven't returned any of my calls," Victoria pouted and nudged his arm playfully.

Kyuhyun laughed and ruffled her hair. Ever since he realized that his heart belonged to Nara, he started to consider Victoria as his little sister, though technically Victoria was a year older than him. He just couldn't ignore the fact that she was once a very dear person to his heart. "I'm sorry, I've just been really busy."

"Well, are you busy now?" Victoria asked him as she observed his eyes carefully. There was something different. The sparks she used to find everytime he was with her, wasn't there anymore. Her heart began to worry as she finally realized that maybe Kyuhyun didn't love her the way he used to anymore.

Kyuhyun glanced at the direction of the practice room. Because he was too eager to meet Nara, he was there half an hour early. "I got some time. What's wrong? You seem sad," Kyuhyun asked her in concern. Maybe Nara was still busy practicing something else, so he decided to spare some time for Victoria.

Victoria swallowed the imaginary lump in , trying hard to hold back her tears. She was desperate, she didn't know how else to make Kyuhyun understand how she felt towards him. As much as she tried to hold it back, the tears started to roll down her cheeks one by one.

Kyuhyun was shocked to see her starting to cry. He shook her shoulder a little and squinted down to see her face. "Wha- what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhe-"

Kyuhyun's question was cut short by Victoria as she suddenly hugged him and burried her face on his shoulder. She started to cry and tangled her hands behind his neck. For a while , Kyuhyun just stood there. He was taken by surprise and didn't know what to do. Finally, he started to her back awkwardly, "Hey, I can't help you unless you tell me what's bugging you."

Victoria cried even harder once she heard Kyuhyun's tone of voice. It was how a big brother would talk to his little sister. She didn't wanna hear it, she wanted to hear his soothing voice that used to calm her everytime she broke down. She was too tired and frustrated with all the matters, but she didn't have the guts to tell him that she missed him so much and all she wanted was for him to love her once again. So she just tighten her grip on him and decided to lie, "Nothing. I just miss my family so much." She said between her sobs.

Kyuhyun smiled hearing her answer. "I know it's been hard on you. But just remember, you're doing something that you're passionate about. And your family is really proud of you." He patted her back, trying to calm her down.

Victoria slowly pulled away from his body and took a good look at his face one more time. He smiled warmly at her and wiped the tears on her face slowly with his thumb. Victoria started to think that maybe it was time to let go. But there was a part of her that kept telling her to hold on. She shook her head slowly, trying to focus on reality. "Thank you for listening, Kyuhyunnie. I gotta go," she smiled weakly and ran to the end of the corridor as fast as she could. She didn't want him to see her shed another tears.

Kyuhyun watched as Victoria disappeared from his sight. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes tiredly. He wasn't dumb, he knew how Victroria felt about him, she made it clear enough when she kissed him at the rooftop. But he loved someone else, and that was final. Suddenly he heard a door slammed shut from behind. He turned his body and saw nobody was there. He tilted his head in confuse and decided to just wait for Nara at the practice room.

When he entered the room, he was delightfully surprised to see Nara was already there. "Hey, I thought I was early," he laughed a little and grabbed her arm to hug her. But Nara slapped his hand away harshly and stared back at him in anger.

Kyuhyun mouth was slightly opened due to the shock. "Nara-ah, what's wrong?"

Nara tried to cook up the proper words to answer him. That evening, she arrived at the practice room early and decided to rehearse by herself while waiting for Kyuhyun. After a while, she got thirsty . So she headed out of the room to grab a drink. That was when she saw kyuhyun hugging Victoria in the middle of the hallway. Her mind couldn't think straight. He wasn't hers anymore, but she couldn't hide the fact that she was jealous.

"We should stop seeing each other. Other people might get the wrong idea," Nara replied bitterly.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and sighed. He felt extremely tired and sad that night. He wanted to be with her, not to fight with her. So he decided to just ignore her last remark and walked to the table at the corner of the room to turn on the music.

Nara hated the fact that he chose to ignore her, she wanted nothing more but to hurt him. She felt tears started to form and her eyes started to sting. "I kissed him," she whispered, her voice was trembling.

Kyuhyun stopped dead in his track. He felt his heart froze and stopped beating after he heard those words rolled out of her tongue. He took a deep breath and turned his body to face her. He approached her slowly and smiled, as if nothing happened. "So, where do you wanna start? Practicing your low notes?" He was hoping that she would just let it go.

Nara felt tears rolled down her cheek. "Didn't you hear me? I kissed Eunhyuk," she started to sob uncotrollably. Her vision was blurred by her tears.

Kyuhyun could feel his heart broke into pieces. He put his hands on his ears, he heard enough. "Stop it," he closed his eyes and whispered.

Nara realized how pathetic she was. He was mad at kyuhyun for being with another girl while in fact she was no better than him. She started to yell at him out of frustration. Her words was difficult to understand cause she was crying so hard.  "What are we doing?! You hugged another girl and I kissed another guy... This isn't right! We should just stop and sepa-"

Kyuhyun couldn't take it anymore. He pulled her into a tight embrace and burried his face on her shoulder. Her words were drowned on his chest. "Stop it. I'm begging you. Just stop..." he trailed as he her hair slowly. A single drop of tear fell from his eye.

Nara felt her knees weakaned and she slumped down to the floor with Kyuhyun still hugging her tightly. They were both sat down on the wooden floor with Nara sitting in between Kyuhyun's laps. "I'm so sorry, oppa," Nara whispered against his chest.

Kyuhyun just kissed her temple lovingly while still her hair gently. He didn't say a single word. Nara felt even guiltier, she didn't deserve his kindness. She knew he must have felt disappointed and crushed at the fact that she kissed another guy. But he didn't say anything and forgive her although he had the choice to be angry with her.

Nara pushed him away as hard as she could and stood straight up from the floor. "Don't be too kind to me," She said as she looked down on him and wiped off the tears that were once again starting to fall. She quickly dashed out of the room and left Kyuhyun sitting down alone on the cold wooden floor.

Kyuhyun laid his body down on the floor and covered his eyes with the back of his hand. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander. If we were meant to be together, why is it so hard to make it happen?

Aaaw, it started out sweet but ended bitterly. This chapter had all the emotions mixed up.

Now now, why are you all so pesimistic about Eunhyuk? See, it's a fair game. As the title said, All is fair in love and war ;)

I don't know why, but I'm glad on how this chapter turned out. I like how their feelings developed for each other. What do you think guys?

Don't forget to comment and subscribe! Loooove reading them. Cheers ;D

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.